#6 An Exchange

February 23, 2016

#6 An Exchange


Patty Wilkinson

As told by Slim Sherman & Jess Harper

(Some violence, strong language and adult themes)

Chapter 1


It was a hot afternoon in early fall and my friend and business partner Jess Harper and I had been working hard all morning bringing some of our cattle down to the lower pastures in preparation for the bad winter weather to come.

It had been a long hot ride and so when we arrived back at the ranch, Jess took off his hat and ran a hand through his unruly black hair and then rubbed his shirt sleeve across his face, the sweat running down his neck, trail dust covering his shirt and denims.

Looking down at myself apart from my blond hair we looked pretty much the same hot dirty and tired.

Mike, the young boy Jess and I had adopted a few years back, ran out to greet us and when he suggested a swim in the lake I guess we couldn’t agree fast enough.

Daisy, housekeeper and surrogate Ma to us all, had also come out to meet us. Now she raised an eyebrow and looking over at Jess said, “So you and Slim can find time to go swimming, but not to mend the lean to roof then?”

“Aw Daisy,” he replied,” we’ll do it later I promise. But right now we’re kinda hot an’ tired after chasing all those no good, ornery steers half way across Wyoming.”

“It’s alright dear,” she cut in quickly,” I’m only teasing you. Off you go and be sure to keep an eye on Mike, it’s really hot today, I don’t want him getting sick like last time you went off swimming, and you all fell asleep in the sun. ”

“Yahoo, “yelled Mike, who had run off to saddle up his pony and now jumping on he called,” race yer there,” and was off in a cloud of dust.

“Sure will, don’t worry,” replied my partner, “that’s iffen we can catch him.”

It was a perfect afternoon for a swim and we were soon stripped down to our cut off long johns and into the blessedly cool waters of the lake.

We had taught Mike to swim a couple of years ago and he was a real strong swimmer now. I had fun telling him how my kid brother, Andy, had taught Jess to swim the first summer he fetched up at the ranch and I had taken him on as a ranch hand.

“It was so funny Mike,” I continued,” I came down to the stream at the back of the ranch and bawled them out for skiving off work. Well Andy was showing Jess how to swim and he practically drowned, funny bit was, when he stood up he was only standing in about 3 foot of water.”

“Oh ha, ha,” said Jess sarcastically, before swimming over and ducking me.

After wrestling and messin’ about in the water and Jess nearly half drowning me we finally swam to the shore and all crashed out to doze in the hot mid-afternoon sun. But biding Daisy’s warning under the shade of a large tree this time.

After a while Mike sat up and turning to me said, “Tell me the story again Slim, the one where you an’ Jess met for the first time.”

So I had to relate the whole tale again, although I reflected Mike must know it off by heart, by now. How I’d found Jess trespassing on Sherman land, right by the lake here with Traveller, his horse, hitched to the no trespassing sign. Then how later I had discovered him back at the ranch showing Andy how to deal from the bottom of the deck and for some crazy reason, I had put him on the pay role as my ranch hand.

Then, as how Jess had struck up a real good friendship with Andy and later with me. That was after he had saved my life by seeing me out of a spot of trouble by use of his fast gun.

“You were a real gunslinger when you came here weren’t you Jess?”  Mike said in open admiration,” fastest gun in the whole state of Texas,” turning to beam at my partner.

“Now, that’s nothin’ to be proud of Mike,” Jess said quickly, giving him a serious look.

“I’ve done a lot of things I ain’t proud of and had to kill a lot of men when they drew on me because of that reputation. That’s why I put my gunslinger weapon up for good when I came here and ol’ Slim offered me a fresh start. “

“I’m sure glad you stayed,” said the little lad grinning up at him,” And that you an’ Slim adopted me and we found Aunt Daisy to care for us an’ all,” he added. Then more quietly   “I guess I’m a real lucky boy.”

“What’s brought this on Tiger?” asked Jess looking over at our young charge quizzically.

“Dunno, I guess it’s my friend, Charlie, at school,” he said, thoughtfully. ”His  Ma died when he was a tiny baby and his Pa was shot in that bank robbery last month and he’s gotta go and live in the state children’s home and he’s real sad.”

“Well, I’m sorry to hear that,” I said and then glancing over at Jess, said “Maybe, if everyone agrees we could have him to stay with us during the school holidays?”

Jess nodded in affirmation and Mike jumped up and threw himself at me, giving me a big bear hug, “Gee thanks Slim that would be great!” he enthused.

We decided it was time for one more dip before heading back to the ranch and the good supper we knew Daisy would have waiting for us. And it sure was a good spread, so I was surprised when Mike didn’t seem too hungry and Daisy gave Jess and I a meaning full look.

“Hey,” I said at once, ”we kept him in the shade today, honest Daisy.”

She gave me a bit of an old fashioned look but said nothing more.

Anyway Mike went off to bed, without the usual fuss of wantin’ just 5 minutes more and then after a couple of hours appeared again saying he couldn’t sleep.

We were all settled around the fireplace, having a final coffee before bed, me with a book and Daisy and Jess talking quietly about this and that.

He wanted Jess, as he always did if he was sick or upset about something, and so my partner pulled the little boy up on his knee, as he sat in his old rocking chair.

“What’s up Tiger?”  he asked gently.

Mike cuddled down with his head on Jess’s shoulder and said very quietly, “You won’t go away will you Jess? Like you used to when you first came here like Slim was telling me today?”

I had told Mike that when Jess first came to live at the ranch he was always taking off for the Big Open, helping friends out of trouble and usually ending knee deep in some himself.

“No I ain’t planning on it,” said Jess now, rubbing Mike’s back gently and talking real softly to him. “It’s OK buddy I guess you’re feelin’ a bit unsettled seein’ as to what’s happened to your friend huh? But it’s alright, you’ll always have a home at the ranch and we’ll always be here for you, you know that don’t you Tiger?”

“Sure I guess so,” whispered the boy, his eyes growing heavy,” Come on partner, let ’s get you back to bed,” Jess said and picking him up gently, headed back to the bedroom with the child in his arms.

I knew Jess really understood young Mike, The death of the boy’s parents in an Indian uprising made him very special in Jess’s eyes, having experienced a similar traumatic loss himself. As a young boy his family homestead was burnt out deliberately by the Banister gang, killing most of Jess’s kin, So I guessed there was a real bond there, both having suffered similar horrific experiences at a young age.

Once they had left the room, Daisy said,” that child is sickening for something, mark my words.”

“I sure hope not,” I said.

Then Daisy turned and smiled at me.

”It’s always Jess he wants when he’s upset or sick isn’t it.”

“Yeah, he sure has a good way with the kid,” I said. “I guess with Jess losing his folks so young too they’ve got a really strong bond. “

“Yes,” agreed Daisy”, Mike is very lucky to have you both…when I think what could have happened after his parents died…”

“Um,” I agreed,” that’s why I figured it would be kind of nice to have Charlie come and visit in the holidays, if it wouldn’t make too much work for you that is.”

“Oh come on Slim, when did I ever complain about hard work? I love looking after you all and one more little boy won’t make any difference at all,” she said smiling over at me.

Just then Jess joined us.

“So who are you calling a little boy then Daisy?” he said grinning over at her.

“Oh Jess behave,” she said laughing,” Anyway you and Slim are far more of a handful than Mike ever is!”

“Is that so,” he laughed, winking across at me,” guess we can’t be trusted to fix that old lean to roof tomorrow then,” he finished.

“Oh my, are you really doing it at last?” she said clasping her hands together a look of delight on her sweet old face.

“I guess we have to keep our beloved housekeeper happy,” I said beaming down at her, and with that she went off to make more coffee with a decided spring in her step.

The following morning when I called Mike for breakfast there was no answer and entering his room I found him lying in bed lookin’ real sick, flushed and tearful and calling for Jess.

Well, my partner isn’t the best first thing in the morning and it’s usually sensible to tip toe around him before he’s outside his first cup of gut rot strong coffee. The exception to that rule is Mike though, and he was there right away, wiping the boy’s fevered forehead with a cool cloth and talking gently to him.

After a while he settled and Jess joined us at the breakfast table.

“Is he OK?” I asked.

He shook his head.

”I guess not Slim, he looks real sick to me. What do you think Daisy?”

“I agree Jess; I think one of you needs to ride for Doc Sam to take a look at him as soon as you’ve finished breakfast.”

Jess opted to go and threw his breakfast down at record speed, even for him, and had Traveller saddled and ready to ride out within 10 minutes.

When our good friend and family Doctor, Sam Baker, arrived later he was in with Mike for quite some time.

When he eventually emerged with Daisy he looked over at Jess and I and said,” It’s OK no need to look so worried, it’s at the early stages, but I guess the young man is in for a nasty dose of Chicken Pox. Have you all had it?”

I hadn’t but Jess with his large number of siblings had had most childhood ailments at some time as had Daisy.

“So unless you want a dose I suggest you keep clear, Slim,” he said and it’s down to you Daisy and Jess, when he’s not working, to look after him. It shouldn’t be a bad illness just uncomfortable. The little fellah will feel a bit sorry for himself for the next few days and then once the spots come out he’ll be itching real badly, so you need to apply lots of this lotion and stop him a scratching…that’s it really.”

We thanked the Doc for comin’ over and Jess went and sat with Mike for a while until he fell asleep and then we headed back out on the range again driving more steers down to the lower pastures for the winter.

I could tell Jess was real worried about the little fellah, as was I. So we landed back sooner than usual and Jess spent the evening and most of the night sitting up with him. I offered, as did Daisy, to do our share, but Mike just wanted Jess to sit with him. So that was the way it was and my buddy really didn’t mind.

It had been over a week now and Daisy had been looking after him during the day, but Jess was still getting up in the night to him as the fever persisted and he was truculent and tearful.

Every day we were busy bringing the steers down from the high ground. We had been caught out the previous year when we had a very early snow fall and lost several head of cattle stranded up in a mountain pass. So this year we weren’t taking any risks and were determined that the same thing would not reoccur.

However, although we were well into fall, it was still as hot as summer on some days, making the tiring work even harder and we were both pretty bushed at the end of the day.

We rode into the ranch at the end of another exhausting day and took our mounts to the barn to settle them for the night. As Jess pulled off his saddle I saw him stagger a little and closing his eyes leaned against Traveller.

“Are you OK pard?” I asked looking over.

He paused for a minute and said, “Yeah, I’m fine, just dizzy for a minute there,” and shaking his head, he started rubbing down his horse.

“All the sleep I’ve lost sitting with Mike has worn me out some, that’s all,” he said lightly.

“Hope it is just that,” I said giving him a concerned look,” you don’t think you’re coming down with it too, do you Jess?”

“Nah,” he said,” I got anything that was going, when I was a young ‘un, being in such a big bunch of kids at home,” he said a sad look in his eyes.

“Do you miss that Jess, being part of a big family?” I asked, knowing he hardly ever spoke of his childhood.

“Sometimes, not the beatings off my Pa though, “he said giving me a bleak look.

“So, you were always in trouble even in those days?” I asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere, but as so often when his past was mentioned he started to clam up.

“No so much.”

“So why did you get all the beatings?”I asked, really wanting to understand this complex best friend of mine.

“Pa was a drunk,” he said gruffly, obviously wanting me to just accept it.

But something drove me on,” So why you?” I asked.

“Was me or Ma, I took the beatings for her mostly, to stop him hurting her. I’d rile him and he’d kick off at me, forget about her.”

There was a long pause and then he turned to me and said quietly, “Slim can we drop it now please.”

“Sure, “I said, at once embarrassed by my curiosity.

” Sorry Jess I didn’t mean to pry, it’s just…”

“I know buddy just trying to work me out ain’t you.”

“I suppose I am, you’re such a good father figure to young Mike, so caring….”

“Well I guess you learn from other people’s mistakes,” he said giving me a sad smile and turned back to tending his horse.

The following day Mike’s illness seemed to turn around and although he was bothered by the constant itching of the spots. At least he didn’t appear to be feeling ill anymore and he was much happier and more his old self, much to the relief of us all.

Jess had been kinda quiet since our chat about his family and I was worried that I had upset him in some way. So that evening as we were sipping our coffee out on the porch before turning in, I looked across at him and said,” Are you OK pard?”

“Sure, why shouldn’t I be?” he asked giving me a quizzical look.

“No reason, you’ve just been a bit quiet of late. I sure didn’t mean to upset you talking about your Pa,” I finished, casting him a worried glance.

“Hell, you didn’t upset me,” he said grinning over at me.”Truth is I’ve just been thinking about Mike, growing up here with us, never really thought about it before. But we’re giving him a real good start in life ain’t we? Somethin’ I never had, just feels real good,” he finished, smiling at me.

Chapter 2


I guess we’d all had a real good afternoon at the lake and Slim an’ I felt bad when Mike was sick the next day. I had a gut feelin’ the night before when he wanted a cuddle and couldn’t sleep, I figured he was goin’ ta get sick. I always seem to know when somethin’ isn’t sitting right with the boy.

We were glad when Sam said it was the Chicken Pox. But even so I was real worried about him as I always am when he is ill and spent as much time as I could with him. Just chatting and holding him when he was up chucking or tearful, and I was real glad once he was on the mend.

One night Slim an’ I got talkin’ about my childhood. He knows I don’t like talkin’ about it, but for once he didn’t seem to want to let it lay, an’ I guess he brought back a few memories I’d really rather forget.

My Pa, now there was an ornery cuss if ever there was one.

Slim thinks I can be ornery and stubborn, but he never met my Pa that’s for sure.

I guess he had reason at times, bein’ a share farmer back in the panhandle in those days, well it sure weren’t easy. Then he had a whole bunch of us kids to feed and clothe.

My poor Ma, old before her time after having us lot, often goin’ hungry to feed us. Well she ended up his punch bag as many a night he’d come home drunk as a skunk on hill whiskey. That’s when he’d want her, and I guess not needing anymore mouths to feed she’d try and dissuade him. That’s when the fists would fly and I’d get between them, rile my Pa real bad so he’d beat me and would leave Ma alone, until the next time…

Anyways it got me to thinking about the job we were all doin’ supporting Mike and I sure felt real humble at bein’ in the position to be able to help bring him up.

Slim an’ Daisy always said Mike and I had a real strong bond, because of our past history I guess. Anyways I am always the one he wants iffen he’s sick or troubled and I’m happy to be there for him.

We all play our part though. It’s Slim he turns to when he needs help with his ciphering or spelling.

Miss Daisy, well I guess she’s Ma to him, to us all truth be known and a real good one too. I miss my Ma sometimes, though I’d never admit it to a living soul… the whole family too. But you know, things happen an’ I guess you can’t change ‘em so you just carry on as best you can and thank God for new friends and family and kinda do right, by them.

Mike was up and about again at last and we had been told by Sam that we had to keep him off school for another week until all the spots had completely gone, but he was fine in himself and eager to help out around the ranch as usual.

Slim and I had moved most of the stock down now and I was concentrating on schooling the green broke mustangs we had worked on during the summer.

This particular day I was up on Lucifer, well named by Mike, as he’d pretty much shortened my life some breaking him. He threw me continuously and stomped on me untold times. Although he was green broke, today he seemed to have forgotten the fact and bucked and threw me yet again.

I wasn’t expecting him to do that and I landed badly, hitting the ground hard, winding myself and I lay still for a minute. Lucifer high tailed it over to the other side of the corral, and Mike climbed under the fence where he had been sitting watching, and ran to me, crying, “Jess are you OK?”

Using all his strength he managed to haul me over onto my back and I grinned up at him, still unable to speak .After a few minutes I was aware that the stallion was still running around lose and pulling myself up by the fence grabbed Mike’s hand and pushed him under and I vaulted over it.

“Thanks pard,” I said grinning down at him,” guess ol’ Lucifer there has forgotten who’s boss! I reckon I’d better get back up there and remind him.”

So with that I caught the mustang and jumped back up again, talking softly to him all the while. This time he was a perfect gentleman and I was real pleased with his progress and after another hours work I was satisfied he was learning the rules and hopping down I removed the saddle and loosed him out in the big corral.

Mike grinned over at me,“State of you Jess, figure you’d better get cleaned up some before the morning Stage arrives.”

I knew I was covered in dust after the fall and had a nasty graze on my cheek. Looking over at Mike I said, “You can talk, guess you’d better get cleaned up too,” as he was in a similar condition having been down in the dust helping me after the fall.

Just then we heard the rattle of the Stage as Mose our old friend hustled the team into the yard. Slim came out of the barn where he’d been grooming his mount and hurried to the corral to collect the replacement team and I went to greet Mose.

“Hi there Jess,” he said grinning down at me,” been tussling with one of them ornery mustangs have you?”

I grinned back at him,” How did ya guess?”

Leaning over I opened the Stage door for the passengers to alight, Mike by my side. I stood back for a tall young, blond man to climb down, my arm flung around Mike’s shoulders. Suddenly I felt him tense and then, “Pa?”

I looked from the man to Mike and back, surprised.

Then Mike gulped and said in a strained whisper, ”No it ain’t it’s Uncle Joe,” and with that did something he hadn’t done for years, put his arms around my waist and buried his head in my shirt hiding his face from the man.

The stranger looked slightly annoyed.

“Some welcome that is Mike after me travelling all this way to find you,” he said.

Then turning to me, ”I heard tell in town as to how you two gentlemen had brought in a lady housekeeper to look after the boy. I guess she’s turned him soft,” he concluded a look of disgust on his face.

“Now just a minute,” I exploded, “who the Hell are you?”

He reached out to shake my hand which I ignored and dropping it to his side again said,” The name is Joe Williams I’m Mike’s Uncle, his late Pa’s brother, Mr. Harper I presume?”

I just stared at him mouth agape and Slim strode over and said,” Hello Mr. Williams, I’m Slim Sherman, what can we do for you?”

“Well get the boy ready to travel, of course! I haven’t come all this way for nothing, I’ll be taking him back East with me today.”

“The Hell you will,” I broke in.

“Easy Jess,” Slim warned.

Turning to Joe Williams he said,” There must be some mistake Mr. Williams, Jess and I are Mike’s legal guardians.”

“So I hear, but that was before I came on the scene, obviously as next of kin I have first rights to the boy.”

“Right’s?” I queried, and then added, “Well it sure took you a long time to claim him,” I yelled, “seeing as how he’s been orphaned for nigh on three years.”

He looked kind of uncomfortable, but ignoring my comment turned back to Slim,” So if you will just prepare the boys stuff I’ll be off,” he said and turning made a grab for Mike’s arm.

He ducked out of the man’s grasp and high tailed it for the barn and I drew my iron and levelling it at Williams chest said furiously, “I’ll tell ya exactly what’s goin’ ta happen Williams. You’re gonna turn tail, climb back on that Stage and go back to where ever you came from savvy?”

I was so Goddamn angry I wanted to just gun him down there, where he stood, and in the old days I might have thought about it, well called him out anyway.

Slim knew how I was feeling and came and stood next to me, my eyes flashing almost black with anger being a sign that I was pretty near the end of my fuse.

“Steady Jess,” he whispered to me.

Then addressing Williams, “My partner is right, you can see Mike doesn’t want to know you. I guess you’re not welcome here Mr. Williams.”

The man had gone real pale when I had turned my gun on him and now he looked over at me and said bitterly, “I’m not having my nephew brought up by a no good gunslinger like you Harper. If I have to go through the courts, so be it, but I think the judge would rather see kin bring up the boy than a saddle tramp like you.”

I leapt forwards the gun pushed hard into his chest, but Slim pulled me back, “No Jess, don’t rise to it, just back off!”

Turning to Slim he said,” I’ll be waiting in town when you come to your senses Mr. Sherman, and I will be engaging a top lawyer. So you can tell young Mike there it is only a matter of time before he is reunited with his real family. Good day.” And with that he turned on heel and climbed back on the Stage.

Chapter 3


We stood together watching the Stage disappear in a cloud of dust, shocked expressions on our faces.

I looked over at Jess and then we both had the same thought…Mike, and ran off towards the barn. Jess found him cowering in Traveller’s stall, sobbing pitifully. He reached down and scooped him up and held him tightly in his arms, tears forming in his own eyes as he looked down at the small boy’s tear stained face.

He swallowed and said gently,”It’s OK Tiger, take it easy.”

I leaned over and ruffled his hair and then Jess looked up behind me and turning I saw an ashen faced Daisy enter the barn. It was obvious that she had witnessed the whole scene and was as upset as Jess and I were.

“Bring him in the house,” she whispered and Jess carried him in and sat in his rocker, Mike on his knee, cuddling him until the sobs finally lessened and stopped.

Looking up wide eyed into Jess’s face he said,” Don’t let him take me Jess please don’t let him.”

“Are you frightened of him Mike?” he asked softly.

“I guess, and Pa wouldn’t want me with him, said he was a bad…inf …influ”

“Influence?” asked Jess.

“Yeah that’s it, he was a bad influence.”

“How so?”Jess asked.

“Pa said he got in with a bad crowd, drinking and the like an’ then he did some real bad stuff and ended up in jail for a spell.”

“And he says I’m a no good saddle tramp,“ Jess muttered darkly.

I can’t remember seeing Jess as angry for a long while, as he was with Joe Williams and I was pretty worried as to how he would cope if the worst came to fruition and Williams had his way.

“What else?”Jess asked.

“He beat me once, when he’d had too much liquor. Said I was a little pest ‘cos I fell down and hurt myself real bad an’ I cried. After that Pa sent him away an’ we didn’t see him again.”

I glanced over at my partner and he was frighteningly calm.

“How old were you Mike?” he asked.

“Four years old, maybe five…afore I started school anyway,” he replied.

I saw Jess turn pale and waited for the storm to erupt. He swallowed hard and with admirable control, for Jess, said nothing. But I knew he would not rest until he had seen Williams again and knocked him into next week.

I wasn’t wrong.

Once Mike had settled down and gone with Daisy to the kitchen in search of apple pie, he rose and marched off to the barn and started saddling Traveller.

I followed him in.

“Where are you going Jess?” I asked

“You know damn well where I’m goin’” he spat.

I leaned forwards and grabbed his shoulder spinning him round.

“Oh no…… you’re not, not like this Jess.”

His eyes flashed deep navy blue in anger,” get off me Slim or by God I’ll…..”

“You’ll what Jess, knock me out, ‘cos that’s what it’s gonna take.”

He looked at me fury in his eyes and his stance, his hands balled into fists and a nerve twitching in his cheek. For an awful moment I thought he was going to punch me or even draw his gun. We stood for a full minute eyes locked, before he backed down and moving over to a bale of straw slumped down on it, the picture of dejection.

I went and sat beside him and after a few minutes slung my arm across his shoulders.

“It ain’t the way pard,” I said quietly.” Men like Williams, they know how to play the system, you going and punching his lights out is just what he wants. A good lawyer could make a case out of it Jess, prove you’re an unsuitable guardian; you don’t want that do you?”

He shook his head slightly, ”I guess not,” he said, looking over at me,” but I sure as Hell want to.”

“I know Jess, I know,” I said, “we just have to outsmart him that’s all.”

The following day Mike was predictably upset and all he wanted was to be with Jess so I took the opportunity of taking off for town to have a quiet word with Mort Cory, Sheriff and a good friend of us all at the ranch. He was real upset by my news as he has a real soft spot for Mike.

“Poor little tyke, “he muttered grimly.” So how’s Jess takin’ it?”

“As you’d expect,” I said gloomily,” kept him out of town so far, but don’t know how long I can keep a rein on him Mort, he sure is mad. Wouldn’t want to be in Williams’ shoes if he catches up with him, that’s for sure,” I finished.

“No,” sighed Mort,” I guess not. “

“So how do we stand in the law?” I asked him.

“Well as far as I know you are the legal guardians and unless you are proven unfit, I don’t think Williams can claim him. But he may be granted reasonable access. Figure you need to get your lawyer involved, sounds like this Williams knows a few tricks.”

“What about the circuit judge that granted the adoption, could he help?” I asked.

“Guess so, but he’s real sick at present Slim. They’ve got a fellah from back East covering for him and off the record I hear tell he has his price.”

I must have looked pretty shocked, “What you mean he’s open to bribery?” I asked.

“I’ve heard tell.”

“Well that’s just the sort of low down trick this guy would pull,” I replied.

“Like I said, get your lawyer involved Slim and for God’s sake try an’ keep Jess out of town! All Williams needs to make his case is a black eye or worse at the hands of Mr. Harper,” he said giving me a rueful look.

True to his word Williams got a real expensive lawyer and within a week the circuit judge, of questionable reputation, was due to visit the town. I had engaged our old family lawyer and he did the best he could to alleviate our fears. But like Mort, he figured that Williams might well be allowed reasonable access.

On the day of the Hearing Mike went to visit with a friend and Jess, Daisy and I attended in our Sunday best. I’d, had a long discussion with Jess the night before spelling it out for him as to where any of the Harper temper would lead us and he grudgingly promised to behave…But I had my doubts.

The meeting was not looking too good as the circuit judge seemed very rushed and wanting to settle matters as soon as possible. He was very terse and asked for information from William’s lawyer first. He started off by saying he was surprised that Mike had been at home on a school day when Williams first visited. Then went on to say he looked in a filthy state and had obviously been used as cheap labour on the ranch.

At this Jess jumped to his feet and yelled,” The boy was off school recovering from Chicken Pox and the only ‘work’ he had done was to help me up after a fall from a mustang I was breaking, that’s how he got dirty. He ran over to help me, reason bein’ he cares about me Williams,” he spat.

At that I pulled him back down into his seat and he sank down again looking furious.

The circuit judge said,” Order there, Mr. Harper, I have heard tell from Mr. Williams about your violent temper, I do not wish to experience it in my court!”

Jess rose again and apologized, although I could tell his heart wasn’t in it.

“I also have notes here,” continued the judge,” of your, shall we say, less than savoury past, Mr. Harper. To be honest with you, I am amazed that my learned colleague actually granted you legal guardianship. But that’s by the by and I won’t be disputing it at this current Hearing,” he said giving Jess a hard look over his spectacles.

Jess just grunted, but said nothing.

The meeting carried on and finally the judge stood to give his concluding address,” I hereby grant Mr. Joseph Williams reasonable access to his nephew, Michael Williams. This to include a road trip via Stage Coach to Cheyenne to meet Mr. Williams’ spouse, with the understanding that when this Hearing re sits in three months Mr. Williams may apply for sole guardianship of the afore mentioned child, being the only remaining family of said child.”

Jess sprang to his feet again,” What the Hell do ya mean apply for sole guardianship? Me an’ Slim are his legal guardians signed and sealed you can’t change that.”

“Oh yes I can young man and I can have you thrown in jail too for contempt of court if you aren’t careful. Court adjourned,” he concluded, and with that he marched from the court room and left town almost at once, before we could say or do anything.

To be honest that was probably a blessing considering the look in ol’ Jess’s eye though. Once the judge was out of sight he really let rip with his temper and I was sorry for anyone in his path and tried to get him back to the ranch as soon as I could.

If it had been left to him I guess he’d have ended up having a session in the saloon, but Daisy managed to dissuade him and we headed for home and the sad task of having to explain the latest news to Mike.

He had been playing over at a nearby ranch with his best friend and we had not told him about the meeting with the judge.

During supper I could tell Jess was getting more and more upset and he just pushed his food around his plate.

Truth was, Daisy and I were feeling pretty much the same, but I guess we all figured it was probably up to Jess to break the news to Mike about his impending trip.

As soon as the meal was over Jess looked over at me and with an almost imperceptible nod, looked over at Mike and said,” I need to talk to you Tiger, Slim an’ me got a bit of news.”

“Oh?” the boy said, looking up at Jess with trusting brown eyes.

“Yeah…err …see it’s like this Mike, the judge met with us an’ you’re Uncle Joe today. Well, the outcome is you’re to have a little trip to Cheyenne with him to meet his new wife and her parents.

Mike looked horror stricken,” No…no Jess I ain’t, please say I don’t have to…please.”

“Look buddy, it’s just for a week and you’ll meet a whole lot of new kin, might have a real good time,” Jess said trying to sound convincing.

Mike was understandably upset and it took us all the best part of an hour to calm him down.

We finally put him to bed and he fell into an exhausted sleep. Daisy was obviously worn out too after all the turmoil of the day and took herself off to bed pretty soon after. Leaving Jess and I with a last cup of coffee, sitting out on the porch, feet up on the rail as usual after the day’s work.

Jess sighed deeply and looking over at me said,” I sure as Hell don’t want to go through another day like this Slim. It near broke my heart having to tell him he had to go with that bastard.”

“Yeah, me too,” I agreed.

“So what are we gonna do in three months’ time iffen they turn around and say he can’t stay here ‘cos I’m an unfit guardian?” he asked bitterly

“It won’t come to that Jess,” I said.

“Yeah, but what if it did?” he persisted.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know.”

“Well I do. Iffen it’s me that ain’t good enough, then I’ll move out. I guess you and Daisy should pass muster with the ol’ judge.”

“That’s crazy Jess, I wouldn’t hear of it…it won’t come to that you’ll see,” I finished firmly.

He just shook his head sadly and looked out to the horizon, his eyes suspiciously bright, but said no more.

A week later we had Mike all packed and ready to go when the early morning Stage rumbled in carrying Joe Williams, bound for Cheyenne.

Mike was resigned to the trip now and although still a little tearful, faced up to the ordeal well and greeted his Uncle politely. When it came to our goodbyes, he hugged us all in turn, reaching up to Jess last, tears in his eyes once more as he held tightly to my partner, not wanting to let go.

“It’s OK Tiger, remember what we said, you’ll be back in a week and Slim and I will take you fishing.”

With that he gently pushed the boy from him and Williams took his hand and led him firmly up onto the Stage. Then Mose rushed the team out of the yard so as not to prolong the parting and soon all that was to be seen was a cloud of dust on the horizon.

Head down Jess marched off to the barn and I went to follow him, but Daisy caught my arm and stopped me.

” Leave him Slim , I think he needs some time,” she said softly and looking after him and back at her I nodded and followed her back into the ranch, feeling bereft.

It was late afternoon when Mort Cory along with a small posse of local men rode hell for leather into the yard.

Jess and I dashed out to greet him as he jumped down from his mount a very serious expression on his face and looking at us in turn said, ” I’ve some real bad news. It’s the Stage, it’s been held up and Mike and his Uncle taken hostage!”

I looked across at Jess, the horror I felt mirrored in his eyes.”

He muttered an expletive, before running to the barn to saddle the horses, while I ran into the house to tell Daisy where we were heading.

We searched until it was dark, but there were three sets of tracks running from where the Stage had been held up, all of which seemed to end nowhere and as we set off on yet another wild goose chase I could see the look of despair on Jess’s face.

Finally Mort had to call time and suggest we meet again at first light.

Jess was furious, yelling and swearing, but Mort was adamant,

“Jess, I know how you’re hurting,” he said quietly,” But I can’t risk these men and horses wandering around in the pitch dark. There is no way we can see to track and you know it,” he finished sadly.

Jess turned away, heart sick, but argued no more and we made our way back to the ranch in silence, to a tearful Daisy waiting for us at the window.

I went over and just took her in my arms and held her as she started to cry in earnest and Jess turned away, unable to cope anymore, he walked out to the barn to bed down the horses.

The following morning we were up and back on the trail at first light, but the search was fruitless. There had been a heavy rainfall in the night washing away the remains of any tracks left and eventually we had to admit defeat and Jess and I returned to Laramie with Mort with the idea of catching up with Mose on his return trip and hopefully finding out some more information.

We found him in the saloon, a glass of Rye in his hand.

Gesturing to it he muttered “Medicinal.”

We joined him at the bar and I bought another round of drinks.

Jess looked over at Mose,”So what happened then?” he said very quietly.

Mose looked real worried, taking in Jess’s quiet voice and knowing that it was a sure sign he was real angry,

” Now Jess, I couldn’t have done anything to stop it I swear,” he said, looking anxiously at my partner.

“I never said you could,” snapped Jess angrily. Then calming himself said, “It’s OK Mose, I ain’t mad at you, just tell us what happened,“ he repeated patiently.

“‘Twas a Gang,” said Mose,” six of ‘em. Put a branch on the road, I pulled up, then next thing I’d got a rifle barrel pointing at my belly. Then Williams and Mike were out of the Stage and onto a couple of horses before I could do a thing. Williams, he didn’t put up a struggle at all, went off like a new born lamb, but Mike there, well…”

“What?” asked Jess his face turned ashen his eyes dark and brooding.

“Well he yelled, kicked did all he could. But hell, he’s a little kid, didn’t stand a chance.”

At that Jess leapt up and walked the length of the bar pounding his fist on it, his back to us and I could see he was breathing real deep and trying to get control.

After a minute he came back,” Then what?” he asked.

“Rode off heading East… that’s it Jess, Slim I’m just so dadgum sorry,” he finished.

I patted him on the back,” It’s OK Mose you did all you could,” I reassured him.

“One more thing, the gang leader, said his name was Wes Hardy, said he’d be in touch, might be a ransom to pay and you’ll get Mike back,” he said hopefully.

Jess had gone very, very quiet. I looked across at him.

“You know him don’t you Jess, Wes Hardy?” I asked.

There was a long silence before he finally replied.

”Yeah, I know him alright. When I was a kid I rode with him Slim, I was a member of the Hardy Gang,” and with that he stood up and marched out of the bar leaving Mort, Mose and I staring after him utterly shocked at this latest revelation.

I caught up with him about a mile down the road out of town.

” Hey, where’s the fire?” I yelled as I came level with him.

He slowed his mount down to a brisk trot and looking across said, “You heard Mose, Wes said he’d be in touch and he’ll be lookin’ for us at the ranch, not in Laramie.”

“Guess so,” I said and we rode on in silence for the next few miles.

We were nearing the ranch and riding up the hill just by the turn off when Jess reined in Traveller and said,” Slim I need to talk to you before we get home, stuff I need to say that I don’t want Daisy hearing.”

“OK,” I said, and we dismounted and leaving the horses to graze together, we walked over to a rocky out crop overlooking the ranch and yard.

“We’ll see from here if anyone comes,” he said, slumping down with his back to the rock.

I joined him, sitting down next to him and we looked down at the ranch for a while and then I broke the silence, “Well, do you want to tell me about it Jess?”

“I have to,” he replied after a few minutes and then turning to look me in the eye said, “This is real hard for me Slim…I was a kid, just 16 when I first met Wes. I’d spent the best part of a year trying to track down the Banisters after they’d burnt out my family. I was so dadgum crazy Slim. I guess I’d have tried to down the whole gang. I was a fast gun even at that age, but Hell, not as fast as I thought I was. If I’d found them I’d have been gunned down in a New York minute. Anyways, I didn’t find them, but I came across Wes and he was gunning for the Banisters too, so I reckoned it made sense to join forces.”

He shook his head and sighed deeply.

“Go on,” I said softly.

“He knew my reputation even at that age as bein’ good with a gun, so that’s why he wanted me around.”

He looked over at me his eyes almost pleading.

“We weren’t that bad to start with, honest Slim. Young kids messing about, getting drunk, and shooting up the town a bit, nothing more. Then Wes got a real taste for the liquor and the stuff we did started to get more serious. He wanted to start robbing…stores, Stages. Hell, it was still small stuff. Half the time we didn’t even have live cartridges in our guns, it was all still a laugh. But then it got more serious, real bad things started to happen and I got kinda scared.”

He looked out to the ranch again with unseeing eyes, remembering a past I could only imagine.

“So…so why didn’t you get out Jess?” I asked gently.

He turned sad eyes on me and after a pause said, “It was Becky, Wes’s little sister. I was in love with her…well thought I was, a 16 year old boy, what does he know about love? She was only 14…but still…”

Again he looked off into the distance, before shaking his head and coming back to the here and now.

“So I stayed because of Becky, we were real close, and she was so damn beautiful Slim. Long blond hair, blue eyes, guess the Yellow Rose of Texas could have been written for her,” he said smiling sadly at me. “But…”

“But… what pard?” I asked softly.

“But we did another Stage job. This time we were all fully armed. Wes had been drinking all day and he was pretty far gone. We got the passengers out and he was telling them to give up their money. This sweet lookin’ old man put his hand in his suit pocket…well, Wes thought he was goin’ for a gun, but turns out it was just his wallet. Wes shot him through the heart…”

He closed his eyes tight, head bowed and then quietly,” I can see him still Slim. The look of surprise in his eyes and then he grabbed his chest and fell dead at my feet.”

He shook his head as if trying to rid it of the vision.

“What happened then?” I asked softly.

“I lit out, couldn’t do that Slim. God knows I’ve had my moments, done things I’ve regretted. But I never gunned down anyone in cold blood like that…never would,” he finished softly, turning to look at me again.

“What about Becky?”

He paused for a long time before he finally answered..

”She took it real bad, I heard. I knew a friend of hers, saw her a few weeks later and she said she was real upset about me leaving her. I felt bad. But…well it was just too much Slim. I know I’ve got a bad reputation, gunslinger an’ all. But I’ve still got some decency, some principles I hold to… an’ I just couldn’t live the way Wes did. I got on Traveller and headed west. Next thing I knew I was in the middle of the War, enlisted and never saw Wes or Becky since,” he finished quietly.

Chapter 4


I turned back to Slim, it was real important to me that he would understand, wouldn’t judge me. I waited for him to speak.

After a long pause he looked into my eyes.

“It’s OK Jess I guess I know you well enough now to understand how it was back then. As to your decency and morals, I guess you’re a far better father to Mike than Joe could ever be.”

“Thanks Slim,” I said gruffly, relief washing over me.

“So do ya think Mose is right, they’ve taken Mike for a ransom deal?”

I looked across at my partner, then thoughtfully,” No I don’t Slim, I think he’s taken him to get back at me in some way. For the way I ran out on Becky maybe, he was always so damn protective of her.”

“Yeah I know,” he said quietly.

“How so?” I asked surprised.

“After you lit out just now Mort told me there is a price on Wes’s head for murder, back in Texas. Apparently some drunk in a bar hurt his sister and he upped and shot the man in cold blood.”

“Sounds about right,” I muttered.

“So why now?” asked Slim, ”All this between you and Becky must have been what over10 years ago?”

“I don’t know Slim, maybe he’s just found out where I live? He’s been down in Texas all these years, maybe he lit out after the murder and moving West just found me …I dunno. I do know he can sure hold a grudge though, “I finished.

Just then we heard a rider coming hell for leather down the Laramie road and leaping up we ran across to see who it was. The rider reined in his mount as soon as he saw us and jumped down running over the road to join us, it was Joe Williams.

“Where is he?” I yelled.

He was panting, out of breath, but I couldn’t wait for an answer and grabbing the front of his shirt, blind fury flooding through my veins I yelled in his face.

“Where the Hell is he Williams? Is he OK?”

Slim came and dragged me off and after a few minutes Williams finally replied.

“He’s…he’s OK, for the moment. The gang leader…Hardy, he said he wants you Harper, you’re to go with me right away, or he’ll kill the boy.”

Then turning panic stricken eyes on me he said,” He means it Harper, you gotta come now!”

I ran over to Traveller and Slim followed me, grabbing my shoulder and turning me around.

“Jess this is crazy, let’s ride for Mort, we’ll get this sorted out with the Law.”

“Ain’t time,” I replied.

Turning to Williams he said, “So what’s to happen to Mike, how do we know he won’t kill him anyway?”

“Hardy said he just wanted Harper, said it was an exchange, Harper for the boy,” said Williams.

“See I have to go Slim,” I said turning to my partner seeing the anguish in his eyes.

“Jess…he’ll kill you, shoot you down, you said yourself he holds a grudge.”

I knew the truth of it, but there was nothing I could do, I had to save Mike.

He knew that too and I saw the look in his eyes change to resignation, as he accepted I had to go.

I put my hand out and we shook hands, then he grabbed me in a big bear hug.

”Watch your back pard,” he said gruffly, I held him close and then gently pulling away our eyes locked for a brief moment, understanding passing between us. He knew I loved him like one of my own brothers, it was real difficult goin’ and I figured I might never see him again. But there was simply no choice. I closed my eyes and swallowed hard and turning I pulled my hat down firmly over my eyes and hopping up on Traveller took off down the road with Williams, without looking back, feeling just about as bad as I could ever remember.

We’d been riding for several hours, heading west when Williams reined in and gestured to an old miners track heading into the foothills.

“Up there about another couple of miles,” he said, turning his horse up the track.

I followed him, but we’d only ridden about a mile when a couple of riders suddenly came from behind a rocky outcrop, rifles pointed directly at my chest.

I reined in Traveller and looked across.

” Stu, Billy,” I said nodding in recognition.

They both had broad grins on their faces.

“Well, if it ain’t little Jessie Harper come to pay us a visit,” drawled Stu.

“Not so damn little anymore,” I growled, “where’s the boy, Stu?” I asked giving him a hard look.

“All in good time Jessie boy,” he replied and with Billy riding back to cover our tracks, we headed up along the path some.

Finally we came to a clearing with a large cabin and bunkhouse attached and sitting out on the porch was Wes Hardy. He stood up as we rode in and coming over to me grabbed Traveller’s reins and looking up said quietly, “Jess, long time no see, how are you?”

He looked older than I remembered, his hair turned grey, although he couldn’t be much over 40, and had the flushed bleary eyed look of a perpetual drunk.

“How am I?”I yelled, suddenly all the fury and frustration of the last few hours coming to the surface.

” I’ll tell ya how I am Wes, I’m so Goddamn mad I could happily kill you right there were you’re standing. Now what the Hell have you done with my boy?”

He looked up at me a broad grin on his face.

“I see the old Harper temper ain’t improved much over the years then,” he drawled.

Just then a little blond figure hurtled out of the cabin door, closely followed by Chas and Pete and charged into my arms.

I held Mike close and falling to my knees I hugged him so damn hard, like I’d never let him go, tears springing to my eyes. Closing them tightly I swallowed hard finally getting control again. I pushed the boy gently from me and looked deep into his troubled eyes. His face was filthy and had clean tram lines running down it where the tears had flowed down.

“Jess, Jess, oh Jess,” he cried as fresh tears coursed down his little face.

“It’s OK buddy,” I whispered, brushing his blond fringe back with a gentle hand. He winced and I saw a large vivid blue bruise on his forehead.

“What the Hell…who did this?” I yelled looking up at the assorted company.

Chas' eyes looked shifty and eventually he said,” The little bastard tried to run off, guess he fell when I went after him.”

I launched myself at Chas, felling him with the first punch before dragging him up by his shirt front and laying into him a second time sending him sprawling a good 6 feet away.

I went to grab him again but three pairs of strong arms came to restrain me and then there was a rifle aimed at my belly and I had to stop in my tracks.

Turning to Wes I said,” So is this what it’s come to Wes? Knocking about a 9 year old boy?”

Then looking back at the others,” I hope you’re real proud of your selves.”

I shrugged free of their restraining hold and returned to Mike, kneeling down by him again and holding him close his head resting on my shoulder, his little body trembling.

“Yeah, very touching I’m sure,” said Wes sarcastically,” but guess it’s time to say your goodbyes now Jess, the kid is goin’ home.”

Mike pulled away and said, ”Not without you I ain’t Jess,” shaking his head adamantly.

“Yeah, you are so Tiger,” I said firmly, “I have to stay, do a bit of business here with Wes, an’ I’ll be along home later,” I finished, gently pushing him towards Joe Williams.


“No Mike, you have to go,” I said firmly,” Tell Slim not to wait up,” and with that I turned away as the boy was led off to a pony by Williams and after a minute I heard them ride out.

Wes looked over at me a quizzical expression on his face.

”Don’t tell me the great Jess Harper, fast gun, has gone soft,” he said.

I looked down, but said nothing. I had a huge lump in my throat and couldn’t have replied if I had wanted to. I just hoped Mike would pass on the message to Slim, and I knew he would get the coded message,” Don’t wait up…ever, ‘cos I won’t be back.”

Wes went and sat back on the porch and gestured for me to join him. I slumped down on an old rocker next to him. He uncorked a bottle of Red Eye, poured two generous measures and passing one over to me tossed his back. Then sat there looking across at me a speculative look in his eyes.

I tossed back the drink feeling it burning as it went down a welcome warmth taking the edge off the pain I was feeling seeing Mike ride away.

Turning to look at him I said, “Well, what do ya want of me Wes?”

“I want for you to join the gang again,” he said without hesitation.

I was shocked to the core.

”Now why would I want to do a damn fool thing like that?” I replied.

“For one, you were the best darn gunfighter I ever worked with and I need you now Jess. I guess I’m slowing down a bit, need someone I can trust at my back.”

“And the other reason?” I asked.

“Well, I guess you owe it to me, to Becky anyways, for running out the way you did. Damn near broke her heart that did Jess. By God I’d have finished you iffen I’d caught up with you at the time, that’s for sure. “

“So you ain’t about to do it now?” I inquired a weak grin on my face.

“Guess not, its Becky ya see. She’s still real stuck on you Jess, waited all this time for ya. I figure if you make an honest woman of her then we’ll let bygones be bygones,” he concluded.

“Now hold on there,” I yelled, sitting up and turning on him, that was all a hell of a long time ago. We were just kids, puppy love, I only ever held her hand and kissed her Wes, and we’ve changed, grown up, moved on…” I finished lamely.

“You may have done Jess but she ain’t…besides…”

“Besides what?” I asked looking alarmed.

“Well, way she is now I guess nobody else would have her…”

“What the hell are you talkin’ about Wes?” I asked.

“You’ll see for yourself all in good time, she’s here with me, just out walking.”

“No I won’t” I said,” I’m out of here, thanks for the offer Wes, but no thanks. I gave up that sort of life way back. May have escaped your notice but I’ve been operating on the right side of the law these last few years, and I aim to keep it that way.”

“Sorry Jess, guess it’s not quite as easy as that.”

“What do ya mean?” I asked.

“Well, did you ever wonder as to how I found you, knew to take the boy?” he asked.

“Guess I did yeah,” I replied.

“Joe Williams. I met him in jail a few months back. We got talkin’ and he was saying he had a nephew he was thinkin’ of hooking’ up with, needed some help on his spread, and so he reckoned he’d lay claim to the boy thought now he was 9 or10 he could be a real help. Then he mentioned you and Slim had adopted him, told me where you lived. Said as how he was real important to you, so…I figured he’d be a good bargaining tool.”

“What!” I exploded,” You mean he knew about Mike all along and never said anything?”

“Yeah, seems so, he knew all about the adoption, didn’t give a damn. So anyways he’d already bribed that bent judge to give him access to the boy. So all I needed to do was give him a little cash incentive to get the boy away from you and bring him out here.”

I rose and made to walk off, but he was too fast for me and grabbing my arm hauled me back down again.

“Where in hell are you off to in such an all fired hurry?” he yelled.

“Where do ya think, to catch up with that bastard Williams!” I spat.

“Oh no, you ain’t Jess boy and I’ll tell you why you ain’t. See it’s this way, Williams there is on my pay role now. The deal is he stays in Laramie and visits with the boy out at your ranch, regularly for the next few months, so as to ‘bond ‘with the kid. Real reason is he’s waiting to hear from me. If you are behaving’# and courting my Becky and being my right hand man on any jobs I pull, the kid is safe. Soon as you step out of line boy, well the kid will be disappearing. You, Slim and that Miss Daisy of yours will never see him again, not alive anyways, now then do you get my drift Jess? “

“Sure I get your drift,” I said bitterly.

Leaning forwards he refilled our glasses.

“Welcome back to the gang Jess,” he said raising his glass. But I just stared at him a feeling of bleak despair overwhelming me.

Sometime later he showed me to my room in the large cabin. It had 3 bedrooms and I was to stay in there with Wes and Becky and the other gang members out in the adjoining bunkhouse. I figured Wes wanted to keep me close to keep an eye on me. I lay down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling a wave of misery and homesickness enveloping me and I must have finally fallen asleep, made drowsy by the couple of shots of Red Eye.

When I woke up it was early evening and I could hear somebody moving about in the kitchen next door, so getting up I went to investigate. Standing in the doorway I could see Becky working at the stove, her back to me.

I watched her for a few minutes and then said, “Hi Becky.”

I saw he stiffen and then very slowly she turned to face me.

I drew in a sharp breath as I saw her beautiful face now marred by a livid scar running from her eye down as far as her mouth. I glanced away quickly and then back at her again and pinning a smile on my face said,” It’s good to see you again sweetheart.”

Her hand instinctively shot to her face and then she looked me in the eye and said,” Jess, I didn’t know you had arrived, Wes never said. What…what are you doing here anyway?”

“I’m back on the pay role,” I said quietly.

“What?” she whispered,” I’d heard you had gone straight, had a family, friends, that sweet little boy, he is yours isn’t he? Where has he gone Jess?”

“It’s a long story,” I said quietly,” back to the ranch, to stay with my partner while I help Wes out for a while.”

“I just don’t understand why you would want to do that Jess?” she said giving me a questioning look.

“Well it’s kinda complicated,” I muttered.

How could I tell her the truth, I was being held here against my wishes and part of the reason was I was supposed to renew our relationship, because no one else would want her. I understood at last what Wes meant and felt desperately sorry for her.

Suddenly she turned on me.

“No…don’t look at me like that Jess, I don’t need…don’t want your pity!” and with that fled from the room.

I felt terrible and realized my eyes had betrayed the feeling of pity I had for her. Running after her I caught her arm and turned her around to face me.

“I’m sorry,” I said,” real sorry, it was just a shock.”

I walked her back to the porch and we sat down together.

“Do you want to tell me about it?” I asked softly.

For a moment I thought she would run off again, but she swallowed deeply and seemed to control herself and then finally looking into my eyes she started to explain.

“See it was like this Jess. Wes had gone on one of his benders and I went to the saloon looking for him. I couldn’t see him and then this rough looking man at the bar caught hold of my arm, made me sit with him and bought me a drink.”

She paused looking fearful at the memory.

“Go on,” I said softly.

“I tried to say no, I wasn’t interested, but he just kept going on and I thought it safer to just go along with it, all the time looking around for Wes. Anyways he must have been quite drunk and after a while he tried to kiss me, mauled me about, Jess it was awful,” she said her eyes wide in fear again at the memory.”

I gave her an encouraging look and she finally continued.

“I tried to get away and then he called me a ‘teasing whore’ and pulled out his knife…did this,” she said quietly her hand touching her cheek.

I took in a deep breath,” you poor baby,” I said, looking at her, anger welling up inside me.

“What happened then?” I asked quietly.

“Suddenly Wes was there. He seemed to come from nowhere and just shot him dead on the spot…The man wasn’t even wearing a gun Jess,” she whispered.

“So we had to leave Texas and now he is wanted for murder, if he’s caught, they will hang him for sure… Do you see what you’ve got yourself into Jess?” she finished looking tearfully over at me.

“I know you could use a friend right now that’s for sure,” I said, reaching over and taking her hand, and for the first time she smiled at me and she was truly beautiful again, to me anyways.

The following day Wes came to me and said he’d got a job in mind. Said as how he wanted it known throughout Wyoming that Jess Harper was running with the Hardy gang again.

I just stood there shaking my head,” Goddamn it why Wes?” I asked.

“Because as long as you get a reputation, it’s known to all your law abiding friends that you’ve gone feral again Jess, well it will be just that much harder for you escape back to your old life won’t it. Yes sir, before long I’ll have the likes of your good friend Mort Cory gunning for you. Even your best buddy Slim, figure he’ll disown you too.“

I must have looked totally devastated as he said,” Yeah, feels real bad don’t it boy.Maybe I want you to suffer some, same as my Becky did when you lit out. Guess I’ll get my revenge on you one way or the other,” and he laughed bitterly.

A few days later we took off and stopped the Overland Stage and robbed all the passengers. Thank God it wasn’t Mose up driving, but I recognized the driver and he me and it sure didn’t help when Wes shouted,” come on Jess,” as we rode off.

When we got back I was shaking and felt sick to my stomach. Wes poured himself a large glass of whiskey and passed me one.

”Get this down you boy! Don’t worry Jess it will all come back to you before too long. Guess we’ll be seeing you on a Wanted Poster any time now,” he continued laughing and pouring another drink.

That night I couldn’t sleep and lay awake reliving the God awful day I had just experienced. How had it come to this, riding with a gang again, terrifying innocent citizens, possibly even killing them another day. I figured it was only a matter of time before Mort, Slim and all my friends in Laramie heard the news. Would any of them stand by me I wondered? Or would they simply right me off, once a no good saddle tramp then always one.

What would Slim think I wondered? Would he stand by me, believe in me against all odds? He didn’t know about the part Joe Williams was playing, the fact that he was on Wes' pay role. He had sure been a good actor when he rode up on the Laramie road pretending to be so worried about Mike. I figured he would be able to convince everyone he was the concerned Uncle and I had simply reverted to type, gone bad again. Would Slim buy that? I really couldn’t blame him if he did. Now Mike was home and apparently safe, well there was no good reason for me to stay with the gang was there? I’d told Slim all about Becky too, maybe he’d think she was the reason I was staying away.

I had worked, no fought, so Goddamn hard to pull myself out of this way of life. I had been a no good saddle tramp when I fetched up at the Sherman Ranch, But gradually with the help of Slim and Andy and all my other friends, I had turned my life around, Become a respected citizen , even deputized for the Sheriff for goodness sake. And now look at me back to square one and I was even beginning to lose faith in myself. Maybe the past 5 or 6 years I had been living a lie and the here and now was the real Jess Harper… I just didn’t know anymore.

As to Becky, I had been so shocked at her appearance at first, but once that wore off I hardly noticed the scar anymore and I figured the old spark was still there between us. I knew she had waited for me all these years, kept herself pure, never even looked at another man, so Wes said. I figured the responsibility of starting anything up with her was huge and I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that kind of commitment. There again it didn’t look like I had much choice the way Wes was thinking. I figured iffen I didn’t do exactly as he wanted and start a relationship up with Becky again, then it would be Mike paying the price and I sure wasn’t gonna allow that to happen.

I just couldn’t see any way out. I figured Mort would be getting a posse together at first light and I wondered if Slim would be riding with them. I knew it was only a matter of time before the law caught up with us, especially the erratic way Wes was running the gang now. He seemed to have no fear and I figured that was largely to do with his excessive intake of hard liquor. He was talking of doing another job the following week instead of lying low and waiting for things to settle down and I couldn’t help but think he was on some sort of suicide mission. Then I had a thought, if it came to a shoot-out with the posse then I’d get myself in the line of fire and finish it for once and all. How ironic if I fell from a bullet from Slim or Mort I thought, as I finally drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

Chapter 5


As I watched Jess ride away with Williams I had a real bad feeling. Our parting had seemed so final somehow and I was worried sick about what was about to happen to my partner and best friend. I could see from the look he gave me before he turned and rode out that he was real worried too and not just about Mike, although he was our paramount concern.

I had chatted to Mort for a few minutes about Wes Hardy and I didn’t like what I heard one little bit. Apparently he had shot down a man in a saloon in cold blood for assaulting his sister, how badly we didn’t know, but even so the man wasn’t armed. Hardy had a growing reputation as a violent drunk and was particularly unpleasant if anyone should upset his little sister. Judging by what Jess had told me about running out on their relationship, well it sure didn’t look like he would be any too popular in the Hardy camp. That was why I had wanted to ride along with them, but Williams insisted that the boy would only be released in exchange for Jess and nobody else should be present or the deal wouldn’t go ahead.

It was just getting dark when Daisy and I heard riders entering the yard and running out we were relieved to see Mike and Joe Williams reining in their mounts. I ran over and pulled Mike from the pony and held him tight.

“Thank God,” I whispered, before passing him over to Daisy who helped him into the house.

Williams looked very emotional and exhausted and I shook his hand. “Thanks for helping to get him back,” I said. ”Is there any news of Jess?” I then asked.

“No”, he said, “but I shouldn’t worry too much, Hardy seemed real pleased to see him. I shouldn’t be surprised if he offered him his old job back with the gang,” he smirked.

I was furious,” Well you don’t know Jess then.” I said, “I appreciate what you’ve done for the boy, Williams, but please don’t talk about my partner like that.”

“OK, OK,” he said backing off, “I’m sorry I’m sure. I was wondering,” he continued, “ I reckon I won’t make the trip to Cheyenne with the boy for a while. Would it be alright for me to visit him, say once a week, and get to know him better?”

What could I say, I didn’t trust the guy, but at least he had helped bring Mike back in one piece.

“Sure,” I agreed, ”that will be fine.”

After he had gone back to Laramie on the understanding that he would visit the boy later in the week I entered the ranch.

Mike was sitting up in bed with milk and cookies and Daisy was putting some of her special ointment on a nasty bruise on the boy’s forehead.

“How’d ya get that Tiger?” I asked gently.

“A big bully called Chas chased me and I fell. Then Jess saw it and he started punching Chas and he would have won too, but all the others held him back…Then Jess said I was to come on home and he couldn’t come right then as he had business with Wes,” he said without pausing for breath.

“Then what happened?” I asked.

“He said to tell you not to wait up, and then I rode out, Jess looked kind of sad,” he finished thoughtfully,” He will be home soon won’t he Slim?” his big brown eyes looking up trustingly at me.

What could I say, I knew the truth Jess had sent within the simple message.

’ Don’t wait up,’ had been a euphemism we had used in the war if we were going on a suicide mission and didn’t expect to come back. I knew that and so did Jess, my heart ached and I turned away from Mike at a loss as to what to say.

It was a week or so later when Mose rushed the early morning Stage into the yard at a tremendous pace scattering the chickens and raising the dust.

I ran over and glaring up at him said, ”Steady Mose, where’s the fire?”

Jumping down he gave me a baleful look,” I’ve some real bad news Slim, about Jess.”

My heart stood still for a minute, of God No I thought, that bastard Hardy has killed him.

I must have turned real pale because Mose said, “You OK Slim?”

“Sure, sure just tell me will you Mose? “

“You won’t like it,” he said

“Mose!” I yelled my patience running out.

“OK, well I have to tell ya, the South bound Stage was robbed yesterday, by the Hardy gang and Jess was riding with them.”

“No,” I said “I don’t believe it.”

“Gotta, Pete Miles saw him with his own eyes, Hardy even called Jess by name.”

“So how did he look Mose? “I asked very quietly.

“Rough, real sick. Pete said, looked like he’d been fighting and real pale. What in tarnation has got into him Slim; Jess wouldn’t turn feral again …would he?”

I turned away sick to my stomach, no he wouldn’t of course he wouldn’t I thought. I turned back to Mose.

”There must be some mistake, he’ll be home soon, clear it all up,” I said and with that, tight lipped I went to change the teams.

As soon as the Stage had left I saddled up Alamo and headed for town. I went straight to Mort’s office and he was sitting at his desk frowning down at some wanted posters on his desk. He looked up and greeted me and then gestured to the chair opposite him and I sat.

“ I thought you’d be in today,” he said giving me a worried look and then pushed one of the posters over towards me.

My best buddy’s face glared back at me from the poster and I gave a low whistle.

“You sure as Hell didn’t hang around,” I spat.

“Now calm down Slim, I’m only doing my job, you know that. I sure hope there is a good reason as to why Jess is mixed up with this gang and as far as I’m concerned the sooner we can exonerate him…well the better. In the meantime I’ve had my orders from the Federal Marshall and he wants a clamp down on the Hardy gang’s activities. Gee Slim they’re completely out of control. I figure Wes Hardy has lost it. He’s shooting up towns, robbing Stages, killing folk randomly, and it’s just got to stop!”

I fell into silence, this was worse than I ever thought.

“He went in to save Mike,” I said after a few minutes.” Hardy asked for Jess in exchange for Mike when he was taken hostage .He thought Wes wanted revenge because of stuff between his sister and Jess apparently. Hell Mort he went off thinking Wes was gonna gun him down…..Now this?” I finished sadly.

I looked over at our good friend.

“Surely you don’t believe he would be doing this willingly do you Mort?” I said pleadingly.

“I don’t know,” he said shaking his head sadly. “I just don’t know Slim. Tell me about this business of the adoption being challenged by Williams, Jess took it kinda bad didn’t he?”

“Yeah, I guess, the judge reckoned Jess should never have been allowed the guardianship in the first place and said he would try and make sure he was excluded at the next Hearing, his guardianship rescinded. “

“How did he take that?” asked Mort.

“Real bad, said if it came to that he’d leave so that Mike could stay at the ranch with me and Daisy…”

I suddenly stopped and looked over at Mort comprehension and fear in my eyes.

“Well, maybe that’s what he’s done?” said Mort quietly.

I rode home with a heavy heart and after Mike had gone to bed that night I settled down by the fire with Daisy sipping my coffee and looking into the flames.

“Do you want to talk about it Slim?” she asked.

I looked over and shook my head sadly. We had discussed Mose’s news earlier and she felt the same as me. There must be some terrible mistake. Now after my conversation with Mort, well I just didn’t know what to think anymore.

I finally shared my thoughts with Daisy and she was very quiet and thoughtful for a little while before looking over at me, with concerned eyes.

“No Slim I can’t believe it of him. He wouldn’t just up and leave like that without telling us. And he wouldn’t give up on his guardianship so easily either. Jess is no quitter, we both know that.”

“What then?”I asked looking miserably across at her.

“I don’t know maybe this Wes Hardy has some hold over him? Didn’t you say his sister had been hurt and Wes gunned the man down, well maybe Jess is helping her in some way, if they were close once?”

“Yeah, maybe,” I said,” but that doesn’t account for him riding with the gang does it Daisy?”

She gave me her stubborn look at that.

” I don’t care,“ she finished firmly, “there will be a good reason for the way he is acting Slim, just mark my words.”

“I hope so Daisy,” I replied,” I sure hope so, because the way the Law is going after the gang, well he’s going to be in big trouble and for once I don’t see as how I can help him,” I finished sadly.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Well Mort has the Federal Marshall on his back. So he’s pulling out all the stops to try and nail the gang, got wanted posters of Jess up already.”

Her hand flew to her mouth,” Oh Slim no,” she whispered, “What will we do if Mike sees one?”

“I guess we’d better try and explain it to him before that happens,” I replied, and then quietly almost to myself,” I don’t see as how that will be easy seeing as how I don’t understand it myself.”

She gave me one of her wonderful motherly smiles,” Oh you’ll find a way and in the meantime we must just keep Jess in our prayers and hope he can somehow find his way out of this terrible mess.”

“Guess you’re right,” I said smiling across at her and then taking her hand and squeezing it, “thanks Daisy….”

The following morning I caught Mike before school.

”I need to talk to you,” I said as he waited for the morning Stage.

He grinned up at me,” is this about Jess being on a poster? “ he asked.

“Well yes I guess it is,” I replied.

“Oh my friend Billy saw it yesterday,” he said as a matter of fact.

“And so what do you think?” I asked.

“Well it’s just not true,” he replied stoutly, “Jess, would never do anything like that …you know that Slim.”

“Sure, Mike,” I said , marvelling at the child’s faith and giving thanks for it too.

Chapter 6


The following morning I was exhausted after I’d spent the night worrying about what to do about everything. From the next planned job, to my relationship with Becky. Then Wes came to me and said he was postponing the next Stage robbery as he had some urgent business to attend to. I gave an inward sigh of relief, figuring that would buy me some time to try and see some way out of this sorry mess.

Then he hit me with another bomb shell.

“I’m heading off to visit with some friends up on the mountain,” he drawled.” My supplies of hill whiskey getting a mite low and those mountain men sure make a good drop,” he said grinning at me. “Reckon I’ll take the ol’ pack mule and do a deal with ‘em, be gone a few days. “

Then turning a fierce eye on me he continued, ”You and Becky will have the cabin to yourselves, so I expect you’ll be getting ta know her a bit better then Jess, if you get my meaning.”

I looked over and gave him a hard look.

”Oh yeah, I get your meaning alright Wes. But like I said before, all that was a long time ago, we’re different people now.”

“And like I said, she’s gone and waited for you all these years Jess and Goddamn it I expect you to do the right thing by her! Or you know what will happen to that precious little kid of yours.”

I launched myself at him in fury, but quicker than the eye could see he had a lethal looking knife in his hand inches from my belly.

“Don’t you ever think you can get one over on me boy,” he spat.

I’d forgotten Wes’s lightening way with a knife and I backed off some, turning away and breathing deep to try and calm myself.

He stared at me flushed with anger.

”That’s it boy, you calm yourself down and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll just settle down and do as your told, or by God you’ll live to regret it, Savvy? “

I gave him a brief nod, refusing to look at him.

Then as quickly as the anger had flared it was gone.

“So you have a good time romancing my little sister then Jessie boy and I’ll look forward to her telling me all about it when I get back,” he said and laughing headed off to saddle up.

After a minute he returned and putting his head around the door said,” Oh and if your thinkin’ of high tailing it while I’m away, forget it. All the boys have strict orders to shoot you if you try anything. Oh yeah and Big Cal should be back soon too. You ain’t had the pleasure of meeting him yet Jess. He’s a real interestin’ guy, latest member of the gang.” And with that he left, chuckling away to himself.

I sat down on the rocker in front of the fire place and sank my head in my hands feeling utter despair. It looked like any choices had been taken away from me and I had to try and make a go of things with Becky. I knew that in different circumstances that wouldn’t have been a problem. I felt real attracted to her and all my old feelings from so long ago were resurfacing. But by making a commitment to her I was signing up to a life of crime and could end up as morally corrupt as her brother.

I knew even if I tried to leave with her and start a new life, Wes wouldn’t hear of it. He had an incredibly strong bond with her, almost like a father rather than a brother as there was a large age gap between them. Their mother already a new widow, had died in childbirth with Becky and Wes had brought her up along with her two older sisters. The older girls had married respectable men and moved away, However Wes never seemed to relinquish his hold over Becky and I suspected it was his influence that had stopped her seeking other relationships rather than just her puppy love for me.

I was still sitting with my head in my hands a few minutes later when I felt a touch on my shoulder and looking up I saw Becky standing there looking at me with sympathy in her eyes.

“What’s the matter Jess?” she asked softly, “You look awful.”

How could I tell her about the conversation I had just had with her brother, she would be devastated.

Instead I just smiled at her, “Bad head,” I said quietly,” guess I sank a mite too much of your brother’s Red Eye last night.” She gave me a disbelieving look but said nothing, merely went into the kitchen and made me some coffee.

We sat together sipping our coffee , and after a while she said,” Feeling better now?”

“Yeah, thanks” I said, gesturing to the empty cup.

“Feel up to a walk?” she asked,” I usually go for one about this time, down to the stream.”

“OK,” I agreed and as we set off I saw Stu notice and figured he would be keeping a close eye on the only pass out of the camp. We wandered off and after half an hour or so came to a deep ravine with a stream running through and we settled in the sunshine, backs to a large boulder, looking out at the stream and the high mountains beyond.

It was a beautiful warm afternoon and again I couldn’t help but contrast it with last year when we had lost some stock through early snows. Thinking about the ranch made me feel real bad again and Becky tuned into my feelings just like she used to years ago.

“What is it Jess, please, you have to be straight with me. Why have you left your home and all you hold dear to join up with Wes again”?

Looking over at her I knew I had to be honest and taking a deep breath I said,” Wes took my adopted son, Mike hostage to bargain for me comin’ back to join the gang. He says he’s slowing down some, wanted me to watch his back. “

She looked upset,” Yes he is,” she said,” he’s sick you know Jess. We saw a doctor last year , says he’s only got a couple of years left, if that.”

“How so?” I asked, shocked.

“He’s real sick, caused by the heavy drinking. Even if he stopped he wouldn’t get better, that’s why he’s the way he is Jess. Killing, shooting robbing, like he don’t care, because he don’t,” she finished sadly. “I figure there is another reason, he forced you to come here though isn’t there?” she added giving me a sideways glance.

I felt myself blushing, I wanted to deny it, but knew I couldn’t.

” I reckon he was thinking of your future too,” I said eventually,” and I figure he sees it’s with me.”

She looked really upset and turning to me, said quite sharply,” And so do you Jess?”

“Not at first no.” I said, honestly. ”But now, we’re getting to know each other again… well I guess the love I felt for you could still be there Becky.”

Reaching over I took her hand and turning it over kissed the palm, it was the first intimate gesture I had ever made towards her all those years ago and by the look in her eyes I could tell she remembered.

I reached up and putting my hand under her chin tipped her head back a little and leaning over kissed her very gently. I felt her tremble and then begin to respond kissing me back. I moved my hand round to her back pulling her towards me in a close embrace kissing her more firmly, then I felt her body tense and she pulled away from me. I stopped immediately and looking down into her troubled eyes said, “What’s wrong sweetheart, I thought you wanted me.”

“I did, I do…oh Jess I don’t know… you’re different.”

“Well sure I am Honey,” I said softly,” I’m not that shy, 16 year old boy anymore, I’m a grown man, I’m bound to have changed some.“

“I know, I can feel it in the way you kiss. You’re experienced aren’t you Jess, real experienced?”

I looked down saying nothing.

“Do you remember my friend Ginny, I think you met her not long after you left me, she told me how upset you were and you were asking after me.”

“Yeah, I remember her,” I said. ”Becky, I’m just so sorry about that. You know why I had to go don’t you?”

“Yes, yes I do Jess and I don’t really blame you. Your life would have been so different if you had stayed. As it is, you’ve done well, made a good life for yourself, a partner in the ranch and all.”

“Hey, how do ya know all this?” I asked looking at her quizzically.

“I was just going to tell you,” she replied, “it’s all from Ginny. She married a man from these parts about six years ago and they have a spread about 10 miles north of Laramie, we write regularly,” she finished.

I looked over at her, “Is that how Wes found me?” I asked

“Oh no,” she said quickly,” honestly no, that was just a lucky coincidence. He was held in the same jail cell as Williams and they got talking that’s the truth.”

“So what has Ginny been telling you about me?”I asked with a lazy smile.

“How you got yourself engaged to a beautiful Irish girl and she was shot down and died in your arms,” she said looking at me, pity in her beautiful eyes.

I sucked in a sharp breath, as the pain of losing Maria hit me again. I looked down and closed my eyes struggling for control. After a few seconds she reached out and ran a finger down my cheek.

” Oh Jess I’m so sorry I’ve hurt you, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

I opened my eyes and giving her a hard look,” No you shouldn’t.”

Then seeing the pain in her eyes, I said, “Sorry Becky, I just don’t like talkin’ about it. It still hurts like Hell.”

Changing the subject I smiled weakly at her,” And so what else has Ginny told you?”

Sensing that I had forgiven her she smiled back.

“Oh just that you’re very much liked and respected in town. That you are part of a lovely adopted family with a cute little son. And that you run the Relay Station with your best buddy…” she looked over at me and stopped in mid-sentence.

I had turned pale and was looking out to the distant mountains and it must have been the look in my eyes that stopped her

“You miss it all so much don’t you Jess?” she finished sadly.

I turned slowly back to her and without answering, bent my head and kissed her again and this time she didn’t pull away.

We lay in the warm sunlight by the stream our bodies entwined fast asleep. I finally woke up and looked down at her sleeping in the crook of my arm. As I watched she awoke and looking up into my eyes gave a lazy smile and reaching up kissed me gently. “Oh Jess,” she whispered,” I never knew it was like that, I love you so much.”

I couldn’t return those special words, the ones I had reserved for Maria alone. Not yet anyway, so leaning down I kissed her, whispering her name and started to make love all over again.

Much later we returned to the cabin hand in hand and were greeted by Stu lounging on the cabin porch. He gave me a lecherous wink.

” Had a nice ’walk’ you two?” he drawled.

I tensed and glared at him, but Becky just whispered,” Ignore it,” and being satisfied with another hard look I entered the cabin with her, closing the door firmly behind us.

I spent the next couple of days while Wes was still away in her company, getting to know everything about her. On the last evening before his return we were sitting together on the sofa in front of the fire and Becky turned to me and gently unbuttoned the first couple of buttons on my shirt. Then bending across started kissing my chest, working her way up to my lips and then pulling back to give me a knowing look.

I grinned down at her, ”For someone who said I was the experienced one just a few days ago; you’re sure catching up fast,” I said.

She gave me a wicked grin and I found her actions to be an incredible turn on and I pushed her down on the sofa and started kissing her passionately, suddenly wanting her urgently.

I was so preoccupied that I didn’t hear the cabin door open and then a large hand grasped the back of my shirt and dragging me off Becky, turned me around and landed an almighty punch to my chin.

It sent me reeling across the cabin and I hit the wall hard cracking my head. I crumpled to the ground and looked up just in time to see a giant of a man bearing down on me. Before I had a chance to get to my feet he dragged me up by my shirt and landed another crashing blow to my belly which hurled me back against the wall.

This time I was completely winded and as I lay there on my side he kicked me hard, first in my chest, then my belly and finally a viscous kick to the groin which sent such a searing pain through me that I lay there, groaning and retching, in agony.

Through the mist of pain I saw Becky run over and drag the man away shouting, “No, Cal, leave him, it’s Jess, he’s my friend, he’s in the gang, leave him please leave him!”

He looked across at her, then back down at me and without a word turned and marched out.

She knelt down beside me tears streaming down her face,” Oh Jess, I am so sorry,” she said. But I couldn’t respond, the pain was just too much and I passed out. The last thing I remembered her tear stained face and troubled eyes peering into mine, looking absolutely devastated.

I was out of action for the next three days and Becky never left my side, caring for me in a very loving way.

It turned out some ribs were cracked and she bound me up real good and the rest was just down to bad bruising. I coughed up some blood the first couple of days and then that seemed to settle so I figured there wasn’t too much lasting damage done.

Wes returned and was real mad at Cal and they had a set to and a little later that day Cal entered my room and stood looking down at me a huge bear of a man.

I was in no mood for round two and glared up at him. So I was pleasantly surprised when he gave me a friendly lopsided grin and said, “I’m real sorry for what I did to ya Jess, can you forgive me? “

Well I sure as hell didn’t feel like forgiving him seein’ as I was still feelin’ shit awful. But there again he had apologized and it seemed kinda easier right then to not rock the boat, so I gave him a brief nod.

“I guess,” I said gruffly.

“I suppose it was just seeing you two together that way Jess,” he said, suddenly opening up and taking a seat on the edge of my bed.” See it’s this way. I guess I fell in love with Miss Becky moment I clapped eyes on her. But Hell I didn’t stand a chance, I guess it’s always been you,” he said, giving me a mournful look.

I didn’t know what to say. I felt real sorry for the guy now.

“Does she know?” I asked.

“I reckon she must. She’s always been right kind to me, I had hoped… But then you showed up and I guess that’s the end of it….” And with that he stood up to leave.

At the door he turned and gave me a real sad smile,” Sorry again Jess,” he said and left closing the door quietly behind him.

By the third day I felt well enough to sit out on the porch, my ribs seemed to be healing well, but I was in a lot of pain from the bruising lower down. I still felt pretty bad, certainly wouldn’t be makin’ love anytime soon and I didn’t relish the idea of sitting a horse either.

Wes came and plonked himself down beside me in the other rocker and I figured he could read my thoughts as he said, “Figure you’ll be well enough to sit a horse by the end of the week Jess?”

That was in just a couple of days’ time and I thought I might be able to get out of whatever he had in mind for me.

I shook my head gravely.

”I sure doubt it Wes,” I said, “I got knocked about pretty good, by ol’ Cal there.”

“Come on Jess,” he said grinning over at me,” You forget I know you of old. It takes more than a bit of a kicking to keep you down and we both know it”.

I looked back at him resignation clearly in my eyes, “What’s the plan then Wes?” I asked.

“Stage job, were doin’ the Laramie run, hear tell there is a big wages delivery on board, guess we’ll just relieve them of it.”

My heart sank, I knew this run, and I knew Mose would be driving too.

“Come on Jess,” he said cheerfully and pouring a glass of his hill whiskey for me said,” get this down your neck…ain’t the end of the world ya know.”

It might as well be I thought bitterly as I sank the rough liquid, looking over at Wes, a sad smile on his face. Guess it will be the end of yours sometime soon I thought and felt something akin to pity for him.

I kissed Becky briefly before we rode out and she patted my arm,” Keep safe,” she whispered.

As we neared the spot where the robbery was to take place Wes reined in his horse and said, “This one is down to you Jess; want to see some commitment from you. Guess you know Mose will be driving, just you make sure you get the money. Stu, Billy and the rest of us will be right behind you, so don’t even think about making a wrong move…savvy?”

I nodded, despair in my heart, I knew now if the chance arose I would do what I had thought of on that first night when I couldn’t sleep. I’d simply get myself shot and the whole sorry business would be over for me. Better that than take an innocent life, particularly a friend, and I felt sick at the thought.

After a while we heard the rumbling of the approaching Stage and I hid behind a boulder waiting for Mose to rein the team in as he saw the log we had dragged partially across the road. Then I pulled Traveller out in front of him and yelled,” Throw the strong box down Mose.”

He looked bewildered, “Jess? That you?”

“Sure it’s me,” I yelled “will you just throw the money down Mose?”

He looked stubborn, “Well I can’t do that Jess boy,” he said.

“For God’s sake, Mose this is no time to be a hero! Will ya just throw the Goddamn money down,” I yelled.

“You’ll have to shoot me first,” he said and our eyes locked and I shook my head slowly, “Please Mose,” I said quietly.

“What the Hell’s the hold up?” yelled Wes from the rocks behind me. I turned to look at him then back at Mose. Suddenly we heard riders galloping in and the sound of gun shots and looking down the road I could see a small posse of men lead by Mort and Slim, advancing at speed.

Quick as a flash I grabbed hold of the lead horses reins and guided them around the obstacle in the road and then looking up at Mose I said urgently,” Tell Slim I’m doin’ this for Mike. That bastard Williams will take him off… kill him even, if I don’t do exactly as Wes wants. Make sure he keeps Williams away from Mike, please Mose, make sure he knows that.“

He nodded emphatically,” Sure, Jess, sure I will.”

“Now get out of here,” I yelled and slapping the lead horse firmly on the rump I fired a couple of shots in the air for good measure and the team took off like the Devil himself where after them, towards Laramie and safety.

Wes and the gang had holed up in the boulders behind me and Mort and Slim, and the posse had dismounted and a free for all shoot out was going on. Deliberately steering Traveller towards the gun fire I rode right through the crossfire and just prayed somebody would get a clean shot at me and I would die instantly.

My prayers were not answered however. I felt a searing pain in my shoulder and I slumped forwards across Traveller’s neck. That stupid ol ’horse did what he had always done, got me out of trouble pronto and bolted for the blue yonder taking me away from the gun fighting. I was halfway back to the cabin before the other gang members eventually caught up with me. Apparently they had hit a member of the posse and they had backed down, I just prayed that Slim and Mort were OK at least.

Wes had a face like thunder, ”What in Hell do ya think you’re playing at Jess?” he yelled.

“First you help that old fool on the Stage to escape and then you try and get yourself killed, plumb loco you’ve gone boy, plumb loco boy,” and he rode off angrily.

It was Cal who came to my rescue and seeing I was almost out of it, took me on his massive stallion to ride double. He held me firmly and got me safely back to the camp and then helped Becky tend the gunshot wound.

I was out of it for the best part of a week and Becky, with the help of Cal, tended me. Helped me through the sickness and fever that followed the removal of the bullet too.

Once I was on the mend some, I spent long hours talking to Cal. He seemed fascinated by my life, and the way I had turned things around. He was  also disgusted by the way Wes had used my relationship with Mike to his advantage.

“Don’t hardly seem right, using your feelings for your boy like that,” he said thoughtfully.

Then turning sadly to Becky,” I guess I’m gonna be out of here soon Becky. I can’t stomach the way they’ve treated Jess and I never really had my heart in this whole set up, you know that.”

“So why did you get involved Cal?” I asked, really wanting to understand this giant of a man who was fast becoming a friend.

“I got myself into some trouble back in Texas. Just silly stuff, then I met up with Wes, He said he could make me rich real quick …and I guess I was just greedy Jess. I needed a stake quick and took the easy way out”

“A stake for what?” I asked.

“Wagon Train going out West and a piece of land to farm included. I guess I’ve just about got enough now.”

Turning to Becky he gave her a sad look and then back at me,” So maybe I’ll be off soon.”

I could see Becky was upset, but she said nothing and then the subject was changed as Wes barged in wanting to know how I was… as there was another job planned.

The following week as I was recuperating out on the porch I spent a lot of time with Wes. He looked terrible, real sick with a ghostly pallor tinged with yellow and the whites of his tired sunken eyes looked yellow too. He was hardly sober day or night for the whole week and I really thought he wouldn’t be well enough for the planned raid on the Laramie Bank the following Saturday. Truth be told I sure didn’t feel well enough myself, with the pain I was still getting from the shoulder wound.

The night before he seemed to rally though and looked sober enough, but his mood was sombre.

“I’m on the way out you know Jess,” he said turning to me a sad smile on his face. “Still holds true though, I want you and Becky to make a go of it.”

I said nothing and then looking over at me again he said, ”It’ll  be a real bad death for me, you know boy, the Doc said, real painful. I guess when the time comes well I just hope a bullet finds its target…maybe on a job. Go out fighting eh Jess?”

I was really moved couldn’t say anything. I knew what a bad lot Wes was, but he had helped that poor, bitter young boy I was at 16 and I couldn’t forget that. No matter what he had put me through since then. When I joined the gang all those years back I was still grieving for the family I had lost and had a deep anger that had taken me over body and soul. All I could think of was getting my revenge on the Banisters. Wes helped me through that time, bringing a bit of fun back into my life with his wild mad cap ways. Until that is, the drink took him over and the fun turned to danger and dark evil deeds I wanted no part of  that anymore and I had to leave.

Shortly after our chat that night that he retired to bed with a bottle and much later when I checked on him and he was out for the count. I turned him on his side in case he chucked up the whiskey and choked and covering him over with a blanket left him to sleep.

As I left his room Becky was standing there waiting for me. We hadn’t made love since I had suffered the attack by Cal and the following gunshot wound.

Now she stood in front of me in her revealing nightdress, and I felt my stomach flip and reaching out gently pulled her towards me and softly kissed her lips.

”Pulling back she said,” how are you feeling Jess?” raising a quizzical eye brow,” are you still feelin’ sick?”

“I guess I’m feelin’ better, much better,” and reaching out I pulled her towards me again, and kissing her deeply picked her up and carried her to my bed.

The love making was very special and I sort of had the feeling it would be the last time I would see her and I guess that added to the passion we both felt.

I knew that whatever happened in Laramie the following day it would be the end for me. I would either be shot, or arrested and hung, it made no difference. I wouldn’t be coming back to Becky I figured, I just couldn’t.

Like last time I just couldn’t handle the lifestyle, I knew sooner or later an innocent person would die from my gun and I refused to be a party to that. Better sacrifice my own life I thought than that, it just seemed the only way out.

As ever she was tuned into my feelings. We had made love and she was lying in my arms when she turned and looked up at me.

”This is the end isn’t it Jess,” she said,” It’s too risky; you’ll not be coming back again will you?”

I couldn’t answer just looked deep into her eyes and she saw the truth there and wept. I held her close all night long and knew that come dawn everything would be ended and I felt like weeping myself, but kept strong for Becky.

I think she knew in her heart that the raid had failed before it began. She, like me, had tried long and hard to talk Wes out of it to no avail. She knew the likelihood of any of us coming back was practically nil and she was sick with fear and worry.

All I could wish for was, come the end, Slim, Daisy and Mike would learn the truth. I only did what I did to keep Mike safe and I never lost my commitment to, and love for, my adopted family…not for one minute.

I was still worried sick about Mike even though I had given that message to Mose.

Supposing Slim didn’t believe me I thought. Williams sure was a good actor, maybe they would all think I was just using it as an excuse. What ever happened I couldn’t risk Mike’s life and I figured with me out of the picture, then Wes would lose interest in the boy.

The following day Wes was up early and looked surprisingly fit, and we got ready to set out on the mission at first light. Before we left Wes came to me and said,” I’m really relying on you today Jess, we are a man down as Cal’s sick.”

He gave me a hard look,” You are gonna behave today aren’t you Jess?” he asked.

“I guess I’ll be behaving as you want me to,” I replied, hoping that would be what he wanted to hear.

“Umm…” he replied, “OK see you do,” and with that he went to saddle up.

I stood looking after him shaking my head slightly and Becky came over,

”I guess this will be his last job,” she said quietly,” I don’t think he’s got long now.”

Then looking up into my face she whispered,” Please try and look after him today, for me Jess.”

I said nothing but just nodded and leaning down I kissed her one last time before striding away without looking back.

Chapter 7


As the days turned into weeks after Jess’s leaving and joining the Hardy Gang I became more and more morose.

I had got into another fight in town in the saloon as some stupid drunk started taunting me about Jess being a no good saddle tramp turned killer again. Well I just let loose and flattened him. Mort was called for and he took me to his office and had a quiet word with me.

” Slim, this ain’t the first time you’ve been in a bit of a ruckus these last few weeks,” he said

“And by God it won’t be the last,” I butted in,” as long as stupid idiots like that bad mouth Jess.”

“Hold it right there,” he replied, “I‘ve been real understanding so far Slim. If it were anyone else, well they’d have spent the night in my cell. You’ve just got to get control and until you can do that …well I guess you had better stay out of town for a while.”

I turned angry eyes on him at that.

“You’re just like the rest aren’t you Mort? You believe Jess’s turned bad don’t you?”

“No, I told you, I just don’t know either way. But after the evidence from Pete saying as how Jess was there when the Stage was robbed…well what am I supposed ta think?”

“You’re supposed to think Jess’s is one of the best damn friends you’ve got and be asking yourself how you can get him out of this mess he’s gotten into,” I replied angrily.

He looked over at me thoughtfully and finally said,” I guess you are right Slim. Look I could use your help. I wasn’t going to ask you this, seeing as how personally involved you are, but well I guess Jess could do with some support.”

“What are you talking about Mort?” I replied

“There is the usual wages delivery due day after tomorrow and there is a possibility that the Hardy Gang will make a play for it. I intend to have a small posse ready in town, we figure they’ll hit just outside town like last time. We’ll be riding out to escort it in and hopefully catch the gang red handed in the process. If Jess sees you then maybe he’ll come to his senses and remember which side of the Law he wants to be on,” he finished quietly.

As it turned out the posse was real small, Mort just couldn’t get any takers. The Hardy gang had sure gotten everyone in town spooked. Wes' reputation as being an out of control killer had travelled far and wide and nobody wanted to take him on. In the end it was just a neighbour of mine Pete Jackson, Lon, Mort’s deputy and me ready to ride.

We rode out as planned to meet the, Stage and as we turned a bend in the Laramie road we suddenly saw it at a standstill a large log partially blocking its passage. Then I saw Jess mounted on Traveller obviously deep in conversation with Mose. Mort gave a warning shot, but Jess still continued his conversation with Mose before suddenly taking the lead rein and negotiating the team around the log in the road. He then slapped the lead horse and fired some shots and Mose took off at speed.

It was so damn good to see Jess after all this time I just wanted to run over and grab him, but by this time the rest of the gang had opened fire on us so I was kept pretty busy returning their fire. Then Jess did a crazy thing, he deliberately spurred Traveller into the cross fire.

“You stupid fool, ”I yelled, ”what the Hell are you doing?”

He obviously couldn’t hear me over the gun fire which was continuous. Then as he came closer and I had a good view of him and I was shocked by his appearance.

He looked real pale and sick and he had obviously lost a lot of weight and there was something in his expression, sort of grim determination as he kicked his horse on in front of the flying bullets.

Suddenly one found its mark and I saw him lurch forwards in the saddle, clinging onto Traveller’s neck to stop himself from falling. Then good old Trav got him out of trouble as he high tailed it away from the shooting and off down the road.

Shortly after that Lon was wounded and Mort called a halt and the gang disappeared after Jess. I longed to follow them, try and help my buddy. But Mort wouldn’t hear of it said I’d be shot down before I could get anywhere near him and sadly I had to agree with him.

We got Lon off to Doc Baker’s place and then we went back to Mort’s office. He poured me a coffee, one for himself, then went and sat at his desk looking into the cup, a real troubled expression on his face.

I slumped down in the chair opposite and taking my hat off ran my hand through my hair in exasperation.

“Why…why did he do that dadgum stupid thing?” I asked, looking over at Mort.

“It was almost as if he wanted to be killed,” I said, and then the realization hit me.

“Oh God, he did… didn’t he Mort? He was trying to end it all, “I finished in a hushed voice.


He’d turned ashen and he looked up at me with a haunted expression on his face, “It was me Slim,” he said quietly.


“It was me that hit Jess. I wasn’t aiming at him, you know I wouldn’t, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, caught the crossfire. Hell, I’m so sorry, “he finished quietly, looking over at me.

I looked back at him in disbelief then gathering myself said, “It’s OK Mort, it could have been anyone of us…such a dang stupid thing to do, surely he can’t be that desperate, can he?”

“I guess so,” he replied. “You know Jess, he’s worked so damn hard to get where he is today, a partnership in the ranch, my deputy often as not, respected by everyone, to have all that taken away…or to have thrown it away, then sure he’d feel that bad I guess,” he finished sadly.

“If only I knew why, maybe I could help,” I said almost to myself.

“No idea at all as to what could be keeping him there?” he asked.

“No, none…although there was a girl…”

He gave a faint grin,” There usually is where Jess is concerned,” he said. “But I thought he was more the love ‘em and leave ‘em sort …since Maria anyway,” he continued.

“Yeah, well this one was sort of special,” I replied, “first love and all that.”

“Ah,” said Mort reflectively and we both looked into space with silly smiles on our faces, remembering the girls we had first loved.

Suddenly the door crashed open dragging us out of our revere and Mose dashed in.

“Where in tarnation have you two been?” he asked,” I’ve been looking for you for ages.”

“We got a little tied up back there keeping the Hardy Gang busy while you made a timely escape,” said Mort somewhat sarcastically

“Yeah, and it was thanks to Jess that I got away too!” he said, “I got the team up and moving again and got us safely out of there. Where is he, did he come back with you?” he asked, looking over at me.

I looked down and biting my lip looked over at Mose, “ He got shot, stupid idiot rode into the crossfire,” I said.

“Is he…”

“No, he was OK last I saw of him,” I said softly, “just wounded, shoulder I think.”

Mose took this in, then,” I’ve got a message from him for you Slim. He said, all this…riding with Wes again is because of young Mike.“

“Mike? “

“Yeah, Jess said to tell ya that Wes has got a deal going with Williams. Iffen Jess doesn’t do Wes' biding  then young Mike will be hurt bad…or worse. Jess just couldn’t take that risk so he’s been going along with what Wes wants. He said especially to tell you Slim, keep Williams away from the boy, says he’s real bad news.”

“I knew it,” I said leaping out of my chair,” I knew there had to be a reason Mort!”

“Thank goodness for that,” he said, breathing a sigh of relief.” Guess we’ll go over to Mr. Williams’ hotel room, pay him a little visit eh Slim? ” he suggested raising a quizzical eyebrow.

“You bet,” I said grinning back at him and we left, hurrying across the street to the Laramie Hotel.

We ran up the stairs and wrapping on the door I burst in, closely followed my Mort.

“What the…”muttered Williams, getting up from the bed where he had been playing Solitaire.

Then realizing who it was he pinned an insincere smile on his face and said, ” Ah, Sherman I was just thinking of riding over to your place. I thought I’d take the boy fishing this afternoon if that is OK with you?”

Striding across the room and grabbing him by his shirt front I threw him across the room and he fell against the wall.

“No it isn’t alright with me,” I yelled,” this afternoon or any other, you’re not going anywhere near Mike again…ever!” I leaned forwards and grabbed his shirt again, “Now start talking Williams. I want to know all about this deal you’ve got going with Wes Hardy!”

He blinked furiously, looking terrified but said nothing.

I balled my fist under his chin.

“Are you going to tell me or do I have to knock all your teeth down your throat?” I snarled. “My best buddy is out there more dead than alive, his whole life in tatters because of you, you bastard,” I shouted.

“Sheriff, this man is assaulting me do something,” he yelled hysterically.

Mort whistled and looked up at the ceiling, “I can’t see any assault,” he said.

“Get your hands off me Sherman. I’ve nothing to say, you’re talking gibberish.”

Suddenly Mort was there and he pushed me gently to one side and taking a firm hold on Williams shirt himself, he started talking in a low menacing voice and I had never seen him so angry.

“Now this is how it’s gonna be Williams,” he said,” you’re going to tell us every last detail of this whole sorry mess and if I’m satisfied with what you say, then I may just put you in my jail to keep you safe until your trial. But if I don’t think we’ve had the full truth, well then I’m just going to walk out of the room and leave you to Slim for an hour or so. Now Jess and Slim are two of my best buddies and I don’t appreciate what you’ve done to them. So you ‘d better get talking real quick before I run out of patience…you understand?”

“Yes, yes I understand Sheriff; of course I’ll tell you everything,” he said turning ashen,” just keep me safe please I hate violence.”

“Ha,” I spat that’s good coming from someone who’s just done a deal with one of the most violent men in the territory.

“Come on then, out with it,” drawled Mort.

Then the whole miserable tale came out. How Williams had met Wes in jail and told him of the whereabouts of Jess and the devotion he had to his adopted son. Then how Williams intended to get the boy to use as free labour on his own ranch. But then how he was offered a better deal, trading Mike for Jess and then staying on the pay role to ‘take care ‘ of the boy should Jess not do as Wes wanted.

“What do you mean ‘take care off?’” I asked furious again.

“Take him off somewhere, make Harper think he was dead that’s all,” he replied

“…That’s all,” I yelled,” have you any idea what that would do to him?  No you really haven’t, have you.” I concluded sadly.” Guess you don’t care for anyone except yourself do you huh?”

He ignored my comments and continued telling Mort everything he needed to know. Even a how he had bribed the judge, regarding obtaining custody of the child .He finally agreed to make a statement saying everything he had told us.

I turned to him before Mort led him away.

”Do you know why Wes wanted Jess back?” I asked. “He’s dying and said he wanted Jess to look after the gang, help him out some. Then to take on his little sister after he died, said she was real sweet on Harper, Wes reckoned he’d see them Wed before he died.”

I took a deep breath, this was worse than I thought. Knowing my partner I wondered if he would feel morally obliged to do just that.

“Do you know where they’re holed up?” I asked exasperated, wanting to talk everything through with Jess, help him see sense.

“No, no I don’t,” he said belligerently.

I went to grab him again but he pulled away and moved towards Mort,” Really Sheriff, I don’t they blindfolded me on the way to camp and back, I promise you.”

Mort gave him a speculative look,”If I find out you have lied….”

“Really it’s the truth…please Sheriff take me to your office,” he said cowering back as I walked past him. I figured my partner was in real deep and I just didn’t know how to help him. I didn’t know how to get in touch and until I did, he would still assume Mike was in danger as he couldn’t be sure the message was delivered by Mose and I knew he wouldn’t take any chances where Mike was concerned. He might even think I didn’t believe him.

Later on I sat in Mort’s office drinking more coffee and talking real low so Williams, who was now ensconced in a cell, couldn’t hear us.

“It’s worse than I thought Mort,” I said, “you heard what that bastard said Wes wants. Jess to marry Becky and with his misguided sense of loyalty he might just do it. Think what people would make of that. Jess and Wes Hardy’s little sister, sure wouldn’t do his reputation any good.”

“Umm,” he said, ” to be honest Slim I’m more worried as to what will happen short term. Wes is still very much alive and I figure he’ll go on Hell Raising until he drops. If Jess is involved in any of that, well he’s in real danger. He nearly died today… next time he may not be so lucky.”

“But what can I do?” I said turning anguished eyes on my friend, “we have no idea where he is and even if we did, odds of us making it into camp in one piece are pretty low.”

“Yeah, I know,” he said,” guess we’ll just have to lay low and wait for them to make another move.”

“You think they will?” I asked looking aghast.

“Sure, I figure Wes is pretty damn annoyed at losing that wages snatch; guess he’ll be pulling something else real soon.”

Then he looked at me seriously,” Slim, could I ask you to be deputy for me, just until Lon is back on his feet? I know it’s a lot to ask, but with the Hardy gang at large, well I’d really appreciate your support. “

“Sure Mort,” I said grinning back at him,” I’ll move into the Hotel tomorrow.”

Little did I know then that I would be helping Mort out for the best part of a couple of weeks, as Lon had complications with his injury. I had to hire neighbour’s sons in to run the Relay for me, but knew I couldn’t let Mort down…or Jess.

Anyway, if anything else kicked off involving Jess I wanted to be around and it was at the end of the month that exactly that thing happened and afterwards I was sure glad I was there for him.

Chapter 8


As we rode out together I looked across at Wes and saw he had lost the healthy look he had fleeting had previously, and figured it was the shot of spirits he had imbibed before we left that had given him a sparkle in the eye. Now a few miles down the line he had reverted to his usual sick look, in fact he looked worse than usual on closer inspection.

“You OK, Wes?” I asked giving him a concerned look.

“Sure boy, why shouldn’t I be?” he asked.

“No reason, I just thought you were maybe a bit tired. You hit the old bottle something fierce last night,” I said, trying to make light of it.

“Maybe I did,” he responded,” but guess we’ve only got our allotted span Jess I figure I need to make the most of mine now, my days are numbered boy,” he said and with a sad look at me spurred his mount on to ride alone.

The nearer we got to the town of Laramie the more my spirits sank, I kept wracking my brain for a way out and I just couldn’t see one. Wes was all set to rob the bank and there was no changing his mind. He seemed to be completely closed to any rational argument; God knows I had tried a few.

Riding into town on a Saturday morning to rob the bank was a complete suicide mission and he surely could see it. He was so damn proud of his reputation he figured everyone would be shivering in their boots and offer no opposition, But he hadn’t taken into account Mort Cory and I knew, sure as Hell, he wouldn’t let any gang raid his town and that we were in for trouble.

We rode in fast and we rode in hard and were inside the bank before anyone could do anything. The Manager was out having coffee, at least Wes had done some research. But that still left two bank Tellers, a new young man I didn’t know and Jenny, who I did.

Looking up at me she seemed surprised and then shocked as Wes pushed me roughly aside and said to the male Teller, “Open the safe boy and make in damn quick,” pushing his colt .45 at the Tellers belly.

The man froze and then tried to make a dash for the door and Wes shot him down in an instant, a bullet in the leg making him yelp in pain.

Jenny screamed and looked over at me fear etched onto her face.

“It’s down to you now Honey,” Wes drawled,” get that safe open pronto.”

“I don’t know the combination, ”she said and turning to me repeated,” Jess I don’t know it really I don’t.”

Quick as a flash I vaulted over the counter and placed myself between Wes and Jenny, and shielding her, said, “The lady says, she doesn’t know it Wes. Now let’s just get out of here while we still can huh?”

Billy and Stu were exchanging worried glances.

“He’s right,” said Stu, “let’s just get going Wes.”

Suddenly we heard a commotion and gunshots coming from outside and as one Billy and Stu ran out of the door, to where Chas and Pete were standing guard, leaving Wes and I facing each other, our eyes locked neither of us willing to back down.

The rapid fire continued outside and then there was complete silence and out of the corner of my eye I could see Slim and Mort standing in the shadows by the door.

“Wes, will ya go…out the back,” I said urgently.

“Sorry can’t do that,” he said backing away from me a gleam in his eye. “Reckon I can’t let you go either Jess, figure it ends here boy. I guess you’ve just decided which side of the Law you stand on …and it ain’t my side.”

He slowly holstered his gun, and gesturing at me it was obvious he expected me to do the same.

“Guess we’ll make a fair fight of it,” he said, “draw when you’re ready Jess.”

“I ain’t drawing on you,” I said, knowing damn well I could out draw him easy.

He flushed with anger,” Goddamn it Jess, you said you would behave today…Do as your told and I’m telling you I want to finish it now.”

There was suddenly a look of pleading in his eyes and I remembered what he had said about not wanting the long painful death awaiting him.

’I’d like to go out fighting’ he had said.

He glanced to the side and saw Slim.

”I guess it has to be now boy,” he said.

I pushed Jenny hard out of the line of fire and she ran sobbing to Mort, who was still by the door watching our every move.

I looked back at Wes and saw he was going to draw on me and instinctively I had my colt in my hand and shot him through the heart before he had even levelled his gun at me. He dropped like a stone, dead before he hit the floor, his eyes still open wide in shock.

I stood still, head bowed and a wave of nausea swept over me and I felt real dizzy. I went and stood beside him and then fell to my knees, leaning over to check the pulse in his neck, although I knew he had gone.

Behind me I could hear Jenny sobbing and then suddenly Slim was there kneeling beside me a comforting arm thrown around my shoulders.

I dragged my gaze away from Wes and looked into Slim’s kind, concerned eyes.

”Hey, you OK pard?” he asked.

I shook my head slightly and as another wave of nausea struck me I closed my eyes tightly and swallowed hard, feeling sick to my stomach.

“Easy buddy,” he said softly and suddenly his strong arms were around me and he pulled me to my feet and helped me over to a chair where I collapsed, head in hands, shaking and sweating.

Sometime later I could hear Mort and Slim talking softly and then Doc Sam came back from tending the wounded bank teller and crouched down by me.

“How are you feeling Jess?” he asked kindly.

“Felt better,” I muttered.

“I think I need to look you over before Mort talks to you,” he said quietly and with that Slim and Mort helped me over to the Doc’s office.

Firstly he checked out the gunshot wound and said there was still some infection there and he cleaned and re bound it. But it seemed he was more concerned with my pallor and weight loss and the injuries I had received at the hands of Cal. He was mostly concerned about the kicks I had received to my stomach. The ribs and other bruising had healed OK  but then he asked me about coughing up blood after the attack.

“Have you had anymore bleeding?” he asked.

I nodded, ”Been sick a couple of times, brought up blood then,” I said.

He looked very concerned.

“Have you been drinking quite heavily too?” he asked.

I thought about that.

”Well, more than normal, that’s for sure,” I agreed, ”I guess you can’t go around with Wes and not have a few drinks with him…He takes it as a personal insult if you don’t,” I said with the glimmer of a smile, then corrected myself…..”took it as one,” I whispered.

Slim was sitting in the Doc’s office and they exchanged a glance. “You’ve taken this whole business really badly haven’t you Jess?”Sam said quietly.

Suddenly I lost my temper.

”What, having Mike abducted and then not knowing if he was dead or alive. Then keeping him safe being down to me. Joining a no good gang of violent thugs, and throwing every last thing I value away? Losing my friends, my family and damn near ending it all because I couldn’t see any other way out?”

I paused for breath, then,” Yeah I guess you could say I’ve taken this business pretty badly,” I concluded sarcastically.

He looked down at me and flushed slightly…

”I’m sorry Jess, that was really insensitive of me…“

After a few minutes I replied.

“No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have sounded off at you like that Sam. I just feel pretty much done in right now.”

“Yes,” he said gravely,” looks to me like you’ve had some internal bleeding from that kicking you got. Then the heavy drinking of that rough hill whiskey, well that’s stopped the lesions from healing.”

“Will he be OK?” asked Slim looking anxiously down at me.

“Sure… in time. Given rest and quiet, a light healthy diet and no fighting,” he said giving me a firm look “and he should heal up completely.”

Then he turned to address me.

“But lay off the drink Jess for at least a month. Just take it real easy, no riding or work for at least a week or two, otherwise the bleeding could continue and cause you to be really very sick. Are you listening Jess?”

I smiled up at him,” I don’t have a problem with that Doc,” I said,”I just want some peace and quiet and no bank robbing that’s for sure.”

“Speaking of which I think Mort needs to see you before I get you home,” Slim said and thanking the Doc we went over to Mort’s office right away.

I had expected to see some of the gang in the jail. Ha… expected to be joining them to be honest. So I was surprised when I entered the office to find it empty except for Mort who, seated at his desk, beamed up at me in greeting, gesturing to a seat in front of him.

“You OK now Jess?” he asked.

“Sure…look I need to explain a few things Mort.”

He leaned forwards and clapped me on the shoulder.

” No you don’t son, it’s all sorted out. We apprehended Williams and he sang like a birdie …after Slim and I had put a little pressure to bear,” he smirked exchanging a look with my partner.

“You are completely exonerated Jess and I will be writing an article in the Laramie Sentinel saying exactly that,” he finished.

“Thanks Mort,” I said softly.

“ And there is something else,” he said again looking at Slim and then back to me, a real worried look in his eyes,“ that gunshot wound…well I’m real sorry Jess, but guess that was down to me. I’m so sorry son; you just rode straight across my line of fire…nothing I could do.”

“What the Hell were you playing at?” said Slim  suddenly looking at me angrily, ” you could have got yourself killed.”

“Yeah,” I said quietly looking down,” I figured something like that might have happened Slim.”

He gave a low whistle, ”You did…didn't you, you did it deliberately. Why Jess, nothing can be that bad.”

“Nothing else I could think to do Slim. I figured with me out of the picture Mike would be safe and I sure as Hell couldn’t see my way back. Not after my reputation had been shot to bits that way and couldn’t see a life with the Hardy gang either,” I finished. Closing my eyes for a moment and swallowing to try and keep the emotions at bay.

“Oh pard,” he whispered and squeezed my shoulder gently, giving me a concerned look.

Mort lightened the moment by offering us a coffee.

“He can’t have any of your gut rot stuff,” said Slim,” He’s got a bad stomach; Doc says he’s to have a healthy diet.”

“Aw Slim,” I said.

Mort grinned over at us,” Just a small one then,” he said winking at me and pouring one out.

Later as we were leaving I suddenly asked innocently, “So where are the rest of the gang Mort?”

Mort looked down and then up at me.

”I’m sorry Jess, but they were all shot down as they tried to escape, killed all of them, they didn’t give us any choice. They came out of that bank shooting indiscriminately, had to just down ‘em as fast as we could. Four of them, that is the whole gang isn’t it?”

I looked down quickly and then back at Mort.

“Yeah that’s right,” I said, “that’s the whole gang wiped out now.”

I thought of Cal back at the cabin, too sick to ride with us. I had got to know, and like him, considered him a friend and I knew he had only been involved in a couple of raids. Had only been in the gang a few weeks and had never in that time gunned anyone down. I figured his one mistake had been signing up with Hardy and he freely admitted that. Hell we’re all allowed one mistake I thought and kept quiet.

When we got back to the ranch Daisy made a big fuss of me and started responding to Sam’s orders right away by giving me a diet of scrambled eggs and just milk to drink.

“Aw Daisy,” I said, ”a man could starve to death on these rations.”

“Looks like you’ve done a pretty good job of starving yourself to death already,” she replied tartly.

And then smiling over at me,”Finish that milk and you can have some apple pie. I guess that won’t hurt you.”

Mike grinned over at me, “Sure is good having you back Jess, meal times have been no fun without you.”

“How so Tiger?” I asked smiling across at him.”

“Well nobody shouts or yells or knocks things over…real quiet it’s been,” he said giggling.

“Think it’s time you were in bed Mr.” Slim said, clipping him gently around the ear.

“Aw Slim can’t I stay up with Jess a little longer?” he asked.

“Off you go Tiger,” I said,” I’ll be going to bed myself soon.”

The boy went off to bed and Slim and I took our coffee out onto the porch so we could chat together as we usually did at the end of the day.

I knew I had to ride out at first light to warn Cal and to tell Becky about her brother and the rest of the gang dying. Mort had asked me to show him where the camp was in a week or so, when I was fit to ride, just in case there were any proceeds from previous raids hidden there.

I sat with my milky coffee looking out at the distant horizon, wondering how I was going to broach it with Slim, that I was about to go off again so soon. I knew he would be real mad and try and prevent it, especially as I was feeling, and I knew looking, pretty ill.

Glancing over at me with a troubled look on his face he said,”Why did you lie to Mort, Jess?”

I looked at him innocently,” Lie?” I asked.

“Come on Jess, I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re lying,” he said impatiently.

I looked down into my cup, “Maybe I was, but for a good reason,” I said giving him a challenging look.

“Who are you protecting?” he asked.

“Cal” I said.

“What!” he exploded,” That hoodlum that nearly sent you to your Maker half kicking you to death? Hell, Jess you’re still in pain now from the beating he gave you, why on earth would you want to help him?” he asked , looking astounded.

“Because he’s basically a good man who made a bad mistake, signing up with Wes. But the way I see it I guess we’re all allowed one mistake ain’t we?” I asked looking at my friend quizzically.

“Doesn’t sound like he’s that good he nearly beat you to a pulp, what was that all about anyway Jess?” He asked.

“Jealousy I guess,” I replied, “he’s sweet on Becky.”

“Oh yeah,” he said,” So how did it go with you and Becky?”

“About as well as it can go between a man and a woman,” I said, giving him a cheeky grin.

“How did that happen?” he asked, looking shocked.

“Well, I guess I explained all that bit about the birds and bees to you years ago,” I said laughing.

“I don’t mean how,” he said in exasperation,” I mean why did you rake up all those feelings with Becky when you weren’t planning on staying around?”

“Well if you remember rightly,” I replied,” I didn’t have a lot of choice. Wes expected me to be romancin’ his sister or, well…something bad was gonna happen to Mike and maybe, just for a while there, I did figure on staying around.”

“What?” he said in a hushed voice clearly shocked.

“I guess I lost my way for a while there,” I said softly,” figured once I got my face on a wanted poster there was no way back. And I kinda felt I owed Wes something, commitment to Becky at least. Wes looked out for me when I was a young boy. I was so damn hurt and lost back then I didn’t know where to turn Slim. Just sixteen and all my family gone, Wes kinda took their place for a while. I guess that’s why I found it so hard having to kill him at the end, I knew he was a bad lot, but still…”

I paused looking out to the horizon for a few minutes before continuing.

“Then the whole thing with Becky. I guess all the old feelings came back, she was so beautiful and she wanted me, had waited all those years for me, Hell what else could I have done? We were thrown together by Wes. All he wanted was for me to make a move on her and then make an honest woman of her… and well I guess I could have made a go of it with her if things had been different. Now Wes is gone I figure maybe I should,” I finished quietly.

“Do you love her?” Slim asked.

I looked at him then away to the horizon, “Just three little words Slim,” I said after a while, “but I just couldn’t say them to her.”

“Maria?” Slim asked gently.

“I guess so; guess it will always be Maria… God, Slim will I never get over that?” I asked turning anguished eyes on my partner.

“Reckon it will take a bit longer,” he said quietly,” maybe when the right person comes along.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I said softly.

“Anyways, things went well between us, we got real close…..…and then….”

“And then? Slim asked.

“And then, I went on the first raid, held up the Stage robbed all the passengers. Hell this wasn’t a game Slim, this was real and I remembered why I had left before. That’s when I decided I just couldn’t live like that. Figured everyone here would have given up on me and I just couldn’t see a way out,” I finished sadly.

“Well you did find your way out,” he said lightly. “Come on now, guess you should be hitting the sack, and get some of that rest the Doc was talking about.”

I took a deep breath ready for the explosion which would doubtless erupt from Slim when I hit him with my latest plan.

“Yeah,” I said quietly,” better get some shut eye, got an early start tomorrow.”

He reacted exactly as I had predicted.

” What!” he yelled,” and where in Hell do you think you’re takin’ off to this time?”

“I’ve got to go and tell Becky about Wes and the others,” I said firmly. Then more softly, “and to warn Cal the Law will be visiting, make sure he gets away.”

“Goddamn it Jess you can’t do that, aiding and abetting an outlaw, even Mort would have to lock you up for that. For God’s sake do you never learn? The number of times I’ve had to haul you out of trouble because of your damn misplaced sense of loyalty. Helping some stray, no good saddle tramp, are you mad Jess?” he finished angrily.

“Seem to remember you helping some stray no good saddle tramp a few years back,” I said giving him an intense look,” figure you made the right choice then didn’t you?”

He shook his head slowly and then looked over at me a faint smile on his face…”Yeah I guess so,” he said. “So what time do we head off?”

“No…oh no,” I said firmly,” you ain’t coming I sure as Hell aren’t dragging you into this sorry mess Slim. If anyone’s head is going in the noose it’s mine not yours.”

“Well that’s just where you’re wrong,” he said,” because either I ride out with you tomorrow or I ride to town and tell Mort exactly what you’re up to…choice is all yours partner.”

My head shot up and I gave him a hard look,” You wouldn’t,” I said.

“Try me,” he answered, “you aren’t the only one that can be stubborn Jess,” and with that he stood up stretching and made for the door, before turning, “Well come on then,” he said, “early start remember?” and went off chuckling to himself.

We set off at first light and both decided to take the cowardly way out and leave a note for Daisy knowing she would be furious at me taking off, as I was far from well. And even madder at Slim for not stopping me. We told a bit of a white lie saying that I had asked to camp out and go fishing for a few days to aid my recovery, just in case Mort visited .We both felt real bad at lying to her. But couldn’t really see any other way and we convinced ourselves we would make it up to her on our return.

“Guess we’d better get the paint brushes out when we get back,” I said mournfully, Slim turned and gave me a faint grin.

“Yeah,” he said, “guess that should do it….Just the house though I’m not doing the barn roof again.”

“Hell no,” I agreed and we rode on in a companionable silence.


We arrived at the cabin by mid-morning and as we reined in our mounts Becky came running out.

I dismounted and she ran into my arms, holding me tightly without speaking then after a few minutes she looked up at me.

“Thank God you are alright Jess…where are the others?”

I saw Cal walk out behind her and look at me enquiringly and from my expression he knew the news wasn’t good.

Looking down at Becky again I whispered,” I’m so sorry sweetheart, none of the others made it back.”

“Dead?” she whispered.

I nodded.

“Wes too?”

“Yeah, Wes too…”

I felt her tremble and she buried her face in my shirt as the tears began to fall.

I held her closely and waited for her to finish.

After a little while she pulled back and gave me a weak smile and then looking across to Slim who had been standing holding the horses.

” I’m so sorry,” she said , you must think me really rude, you must be Slim , I have heard so much about you,” and leaning across shook his offered hand.

Looking behind her she said,” And this is Cal.”

The big man came forwards and pumped Slim’s hand enthusiastically.

“A real pleasure to meet you Mr. Sherman” he said,” ol’ Jess here puts a lot of store in your friendship, it’s a real honour to meet you sir.”

Slim looked a bit surprised, but grinning across at Cal said,  ”Well I’m real pleased to meet you too Cal.”

“I’ll make some coffee,” said Becky turning to go in, but Cal stopped her.

”No Honey, guess you’ve got things to discuss with Jess. I’ll make some coffee for me and Mr. Sherman here.”

Then turning to Slim said, “I’d like a little chat with you if that’s OK”

“Sure,” said Slim and looking across at me and giving me a sly wink said” See you later partner,” and disappeared into the cabin with Cal.

Becky turned to look at me again.

“Shall we go a little walk?” she suggested and we wandered off to a small clearing in the woodland about 10 minutes from the cabin, but a quiet private place.

We sat with our backs against a fallen log and surveyed the view of woodland and distant mountains in silence for a few minutes. Then turning to me she asked,” How did it happen Jess?”

I had been dreading her asking me that, but I knew I couldn’t lie to her.

“It all went wrong from the start,” I said. “One teller wouldn’t open the safe, he tried to escape, so Wes shot him and then he was about to shoot the other one.”

I turned to look into her sad eyes, “She was just a kid Becky, panicked, didn’t know the combination, I jumped the counter, shielded her from Wes. I told him to make a run for it, but he was so dang stubborn, wouldn’t back down…he called me out instead. “

She sucked in a breath a hand shooting to her mouth…”Oh God it was you wasn’t it…you shot him.”

I looked down and nodded.

She was silent for a long while and then said,” I’m glad it was you Jess.”

“What?” I asked amazed.

“The other evening he was watching you groom Traveller as we sat on the porch together, he was a little drunk, as usual and he was saying how he wanted to go down fighting…He was so scared at the thought of the pain of dying from that illness Jess,” she said turning troubled eyes on me.

I just nodded again, “Go on,” I said softly.

“He said if he ever got into a shoot-out he hoped it would be with you, said you were the best damn shot he’d ever seen and it would be a good clean shot through the heart….Was it Jess?”

“Yes, it was,” I answered……”he knew he couldn’t out draw me you know,” I said quietly.

“Yes I know,” she said and with her head on my shoulder quietly started weeping again.

After a while I turned to her and gently kissed the tears away.

“I’m so, so sorry sweetheart,” I said, “I sure as Hell didn’t want to do it. He was good to me all those years ago, looked after me, if only he hadn’t let the drink win and turned into the killer he was… then I guess we could have stayed friends.”

Then turning to look at her I said,” Why Becky, why did he go that way?”

“It was a woman,” she said. “Wes fell for this beautiful girl, he had brought me up and my sisters after Ma died and I figured it was his turn for some fun. She was lovely and they were so in love and then she was killed, shot in the cross fire of a Banister raid. You especially, must understand what it is like to lose someone in a violent way like that,” she said looking over at me.

I gave a brief nod but said nothing.

” When she died that did something to him Jess. He was never the same again, all that anger….. And then he started drinking and his whole life went out of control. That was just before you met him Jess, that’s why he was gunning for the Banister gang just like you.”

I shook my head looking into the distance,” I never knew,” I said.

“He never spoke of it,” she answered.” I guess he felt a real bond with you because of that though. He was real cut up when you left you know and not just because of you and me.”

I turned and leaning down kissed her very tenderly, then pulling back I looked deeply into her eyes, ”What about you and me… now?” I asked.

“That’s what Cal meant when he said I wanted to talk to you,” she said calmly, “I’m marrying Cal, were leaving tomorrow,” she finished.

I was absolutely amazed, ”Why… don’t you love me?”

She looked into my eyes and I could see the tears welling up again.

”I love you more than life itself,” she said, “but I can’t be second best.”

I gave her a puzzled look but said nothing.

“That first time we made love, I told you I loved you…but you couldn’t say it back could you Jess?”

I looked down ready to deny it, but then looking into her kind honest eyes I couldn’t do that, so I just looked out to the horizon and gently shook my head.

“You are still in love with Maria aren’t you?” she whispered.

“I guess,” I said,” I’m so sorry sweetheart, I tried, thought maybe we could make a go of it…”

“No,” she said more firmly, “I have made a commitment to Cal and I couldn’t do that to you Jess, you would be miserable, it couldn’t work I see that now.”

Then looking lovingly at me said softly, “Kiss me one last time Jess.”

I leaned over and kissed her gently, meaning to pull away, heck she was committed to Cal and I liked the guy, but something in her kiss made me carry on and we were suddenly in a real passionate embrace and she was making all the running. I knew I should stop and was just about to pull back before the point of no return, when I suddenly felt a hand grabbing the neck of my shirt and was forcibly dragged off Becky, before I could turn I said,” Cal, I’m real sorry, we were just…” and then I was spun around and a fist hit me full in the face sending me flying. I lay on the ground for a minute getting my second wind and then looking up, looked into the eyes of a strange ugly man… Surprised I looked around for Cal, but there was no sign of him, my attacker was a complete stranger .He looked real rough and was dressed in traditional Mountain Men clothes of ragged furs and a tall hat and a rifle in his hand.. He glared down at me and then across at Becky.

“Who the Hell is this Becky?” he growled.

“It’s none of your business Denny,” she replied,” and you’ve no need to call here anymore Wes is dead.”

“Yeah that’s why I’m here,” he drawled,” me and Wes talked some; guess he would want you to move up the mountain with me Becky.”

“I’ll do no such thing,” she replied and started to turn away.

He marched over to her and grabbing her arm, began pulling her away to his waiting horse.

All this time my addled brain was trying to take in what was happening. First the unexpected passion with Becky, then I assumed we’d been caught by Cal and now this confrontation with a perfect stranger and I lay there dizzy from the hay maker he had laid on me.

As soon as he started manhandling Becky though I instinctively sprang into action and hurling myself at him brought him to the ground and we rolled over wrestling and punching. I hit him hard in the stomach winding him and then dragged him up and landed another couple of punches and he went down hard. I figured he was out of it and turned to comfort Becky who was shaking and crying.

That was a big mistake because he came around and attacked me from behind sending me sprawling, I got up again and landed another couple of punches, but I was tiring and then he suddenly launched himself at me and landed a violent blow to my stomach. The white hot agony seared through me as I fell to my knees clutching by belly and groaning. Quick as a flash Becky grabbed the Mountain Man’s rifle from where it had fallen when I attacked him, and aimed it at his chest,” get out of here now Denny, or by God I’ll shoot you where you stand!” she screamed.

He turned pale,” Now come on Miss Becky that was all just a bit of a misunderstanding,” he said, “no need to get yourself all riled.”

“Just go,” she spat and with that he turned and mounted his horse, “guess I’ll be calling again when you don’t have company,“ was his parting shot as he spurred his horse off in the direction of the mountain range.

Becky ran over to me and said “Jess you’re hurt…real bad aren’t you?”

I shook my head,”Nah, just winded some,” I said with a weak smile.

“I’m real impressed Becky, guess you can look after yourself,”I said smiling at her in admiration.

“Oh that was just ol’ Denny one of Wes’s drinking buddies, harmless enough,” she said grinning at me.

“Sure he is,” I said faintly holding my belly and breathing deeply.

“Oh Jess let’s get you back to the cabin and I can tend to you,” she said looking worried.

“No,” I said quickly,” I’m fine really, Slim and I need to head off and Becky don’t say anything to him… he tends to fuss you know,” I finished lamely.

I knew what the Doc had said about fighting and the last thing I wanted was Slim fussing and taking me off to the Doc in Laramie. Then the fact that we’d been up to the cabin coming out and Mort finding everything out. I figured I wasn’t hurt too bad and I could hide it from Slim. Becky looked a bit surprised at that, but agreed.

“ Do you have to go so soon?” she asked looking deep into my eyes,” I’d sort of hoped we could spend a little more time together, before I have to go with Cal?”

I gave her a sad look, “Doing what Becky…what we’ve been doin’ just now? We can’t do that to Cal. It wouldn’t be right.”

Then seeing the hurt in her eyes, I said, ”Look  sweetheart, this is real hard for me too, I want you, God knows I do. But it ain’t right and it’ll be easier for us both if I head out now. You’ve made your choice, to go with Cal, and so that’s the end of it. You understand don’t you?”

“Yes,” she said,” of course you’re right,” and we walked back to the cabin hand in hand.

As we approached it I removed my hand gently from her grasp and said,”You will be happy with Cal won’t you?”

She turned and gave me a solemn look.

”Yes, he’s a good, kind man and I know he loves me and….in time I will get to love him too,” she finished quietly.” But…I will never forget you Jess,” she finished and with that ran ahead of me and entered the cabin.



Chapter 9


We said our farewells to Becky and Cal as they stood by the cabin door Cal’s arm slung possessively around Becky’s shoulders. But he didn’t see the look of adoration she shot Jess as he said goodbye, grinning and giving her a cheeky wink before touching his hat and riding off.

Once we were out of sight of the cabin I turned to my partner and said, ”How do you do it Jess, get all these women falling for you?”

He shrugged,” Dunno,” he said modestly.

“Well is it your amazing wit and repartee?” I asked


I smiled inwardly, Jess always got a bit confused when I started spouting the dictionary at him.

“Is it because you’re good at sweet talkin’ them?” I asked, rephrasing my question.

He considered for a moment and then said,” Nah… I’m just good at kissin’,” and with that spurred Traveller on to a brisk trot heading for the lake.

We had decided to add a bit of authenticity to our trip by actually camping out at the lake and doing some fishing on the way back home.

I spurred Alamo on and caught up with him.

“We lit out of there a bit quickly,” I said conversationally,” I thought you’d want to stay a while and catch up with Cal…..and err… Becky?” I said giving him a speculative look.

“Think I caught up quite enough with Becky,” he said gruffly, “figured it was time to get goin’.”

“What happened?” I asked inquisitively.

“She just told me she was marrying Cal,” he replied.

Yeah, I know that,” I said, “Cal told me, he’s real happy…and a nice guy,” I finished.

“Yeah, that’s why I needed to get out,” he said quietly.

Suddenly I put two and two together.

”I guess you did a bit more than talk about her up and coming nuptials,” I said giving him a cheeky grin.

He just gave a brief nod but said nothing.

I shook my head slowly,” Beats me,” I said in wonder…”beats me how you do it.”

We rode on towards the lake and he was a little ahead of me and I figured there was something wrong. Jess sits a horse with skill and grace, like he was born in the saddle. But today he was leaning crouched forwards and as I rode parallel with him I saw he had got a couple of his shirt buttons undone and his hand was inside holding his belly like he was in pain.

“Jess,” I said and he immediately moved his hand and sat up straighter in the saddle.


“You OK?” I asked

He looked over and just nodded, but I could see how pale and drawn he looked, his eyes glittering a little as if he had a fever.

“You aren’t,” I said, “Do you want to stop for a while?”

“I’m fine,” he said “stop your fussin’ Slim  you’re getting’ worse than Daisy,” he finished giving a little grin to take the sting out of the words.

“Maybe I am,” I said, “but I know when you’re sick Jess and you sure in Hell don’t look too good right now.”

He insisted he was fine though so we rode on and arrived at the lake in the early evening.

I figured we were getting to the end of the Indian summer we had been enjoying and the nights were drawing in chilly so we opted to sleep up in the cave, just a little way from the lake up a short stony track. We took our bed rolls up and set a small fire. Then went back down for our saddles and to settle the horses for the night intending to hobble them by the lake where there was ample grazing. I went to tend to Alamo and glancing across at Jess saw him reach up and begin to pull his saddle off Traveller and then he let out a loud groan and clutching his stomach fell to his knees.

I raced over, but he fell on his side coughing and retching before I could reach him. He was curled and obviously in great pain. I knelt beside him and gently turned him onto his back and reeled back in horror at the bright red blood splattered across his blue shirt. As I watched he began to cough up more blood and I could only hold him and gently rub his back until the spasm passed.

I guess I panicked some, seeing the blood and swore.

” Goddamn it Jess don’t you go an’ die on me now!”

After a few minutes he squeezed his eyes open and through the slits I could just see the deep blue as he peered up at me, ”Quit fussin’,” he said in a weak voice” I’ll be OK in a minute, I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

“Sure pard, sure, ”I said and after a few minutes he seemed to rally and tried to sit up. I gave him a hand and got him to his feet and we made it slowly up to the cave, where he slumped down by the fire his pallor shocking and he began to sweat and shake.

I looked down at him feeling worried sick. “I’m going to have to ride for Doc Sam,” I said, “you need some help Jess.”

He sat up straight and got real agitated, “No Slim, no you can’t …”

I knelt down beside him again and squeezing his shoulder said,” Hey buddy calm down, what’s the matter?”

He sank back down exhausted.

“If you go to town ,Mort will get to hear of it, he’ll go over to the cabin early and catch Cal and Becky,” he said urgently…”can’t let that happen Slim…can’t let them down.”

“Jess will you behave and see sense, Mort needn’t know .You’ve got to have something for that pain and to stop the bleeding.”

“Have you ever known Mort not know what’s going on in the town?” he said weakly,” He’ll insist in riding over here with you and then he’ll want to know how I got this way, where we’ve been.”

He’ll want to know how you got that way,” I said,” I sure want to know too.”

Then looking down at his ghostly white face I could see a shadow across his cheek and then I realized it wasn’t a shadow but a fast forming bruise. I leaned over and started unbuttoning his shirt and he tried to stop me.

“Hey what ya doin’?”

But I was too fast for him and I knelt back on my heels in shock as I pulled his shirt open and saw his whole chest and stomach were covered in new black and blue bruises.

“What the Hell…” I said,” I thought Sam said no fighting.”

“Didn’t have much choice,” he said,” when I was out with Becky this guy jumped me, never saw him until he was laying into me.”

” So why didn’t you see him?” I asked, ”It’s not like you to get caught out that way.”

“I was kinda busy at the time, with Becky,” he said looking a bit embarrassed.

“Doing what exactly?”I asked.

“Damn it Slim what do ya want me to do, paint you a picture?”

“Sorry I said quickly…wasn’t thinking straight. So what did this hombre want?”

“Becky. He figured now Wes was dead he had first claim on her. He was a Mountain Man, drinking buddy of Wes' reckon he thought he’d found himself a wife,” he finished dryly.

“I still think you need a Doc,” I said.

“Slim, please will you leave it. I’ll be fine in a day or two, this ain’t no worse than I’ve been before,” he insisted.

That night he was real sick, had a high fever and every time I tried to get some water down him he threw it back up with more blood and I was getting that I didn’t know what to do anymore.

I knew he needed the Doc that was for sure. But he got so darned upset when I mentioned it and I kind of felt I didn’t want to leave him either, the state he was in.

The following morning he seemed little better and he slept most of the day away, with me tending to his fever, washing him down with cool water from the lake and trying to get him to drink some too.

By the day after he was more his old self and although he still didn’t want to eat he felt well enough to come down to the lake while I did a bit of fishing and he sat with his back to an old log, in the sun dozing. I figured he was right and it was only a matter of time before his stomach started to heal and I thought probably just sitting around quietly was the best medicine. He still looked pretty bad and was in some pain I could tell, but as usual he made light of it.

I was sitting at the edge of the lake, fishing, and I glanced back at Jess who was propped up against a fallen log and I saw him suddenly sit up straight shading his eyes and focusing on something in the distance and as he did so I heard him let go an angry expletive.

“What’s up pard?” I asked, turning to look in the same direction.

Then I saw who it was…Mort Cory advancing on us at a fast trot.

At least Cal and Becky would be well on their way by now I thought, but I was worried that Mort would find out the part we had played in warning them.

Jess must have read my mind as he said,”It’s OK Slim, don’t forget he doesn’t know Cal exists, just leave any awkward questions to me.”

A few minutes later Mort reined in his mount and hopped down grinning at us both.

“Miss Daisy said you’d skipped jail and gone fishing, so thought I’d find you here,” he said.

“Yes,” I replied,” Jess here was getting a bit stir crazy with all Daisy’s fussing  and fretting so we thought we’d take off for a few days.”

Mort looked over at my partner and gave a low whistle.

“Gee Jess, can’t say it’s done you much good you look real sick boy.”

“Oh I’m fine,” he said jumping up and clapping Mort on the shoulder,” just a mite tired, Slim here snores something awful when we’re in the Big Open,” he finished laughing.

I was amazed at his acting ability and he sure seemed to convince Mort, who sat down with us. I poured him a coffee from the brew we had going on the camp fire and he accepted it gratefully.

“So what brings you over here?” asked Jess smiling across at him.

“Well it’s like this Jess, don’t, worry but young Mike is kinda sick again and he’s asking for you and Miss Daisy wondered iffen you could cut your trip short.”

Immediately we both looked at each other and were about to stand up and start to clear the camp, when Mort spoke up.

“Hey easy there,” he drawled, “I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Sam’s had a look at him said it’s just a real bad summer cold or dose of the flu. But he’s real unsettled and wants you guys around I guess,” he finished smiling at us.

We relaxed some after that and finished our coffee and chatted with Mort.

As he stood up to go he turned to Jess and said, ”Seein’ as I’ve come this far out figured I’d ride on and take a look at that outlaw camp, if you could give me directions Jess.”

Jess went a shade paler, but figuring it was probably safe now so he directed Mort as to how to find the cabin. He took off shortly after  promising to call in on us on his return.

As he rode off Jess sank back against the log giving a deep sigh and closing his eyes.

“That was some acting,” I said,” had Mort convinced.”

He opened his eyes to slits and looked across at me, ”What acting?” he said

“Come on Jess you can’t fool me,” I said,” I’m the one that’s been nursing you these last few days remember?”

He ignored my comment and sat up opening his eyes properly,” We’d better break camp and get home,” he said.

“You aren’t well enough to ride,” I growled.” Hell Jess you’re weak as a kitten, you couldn’t even get in the saddle unless I gave you a leg up.”

He looked down considering what I’d just said and then he nodded in agreement, ”I guess you’re right” he said,” I’ll need a hand up.”

“Jess,” I said in exasperation, “you’ll kill yourself trying to ride, state you are in.”

“I’ll be OK, stop yer frettin’” he muttered.

I went off shaking my head……”OK, you win, but you sit there and don’t move. I’ll break camp and saddle the horses,” and turning to glare at him I saw him back down.

“OK call me when you’re ready,” he said with a cheeky grin, pulling his hat down over his eyes and lying back against the log.

The usual half hour journey back to the ranch took a good two hours as we had to go so slowly and a couple of times I had to reach over and stop him falling from the saddle although he point blank refused to ride double saying he was fine.

When we arrived back Daisy came running out and Jess tried his acting skills out again, but got nowhere with Daisy and he backed down and let me help him from the saddle and supported him as we walked inside. As soon as we were in he asked, how Mike was.

Daisy’s face clouded,” not too good,” she said,” Sam has been today and it is just a bad cold he thinks but the he seems really poorly to me.”

“I‘ll go and see him,” said Jess and went quietly into the boy’s room.

After a while I went and joined them.

“How are you doing Mike?” I asked

“Feelin’ a whole lot better now,” he said grinning up at me before letting rip with a huge sneeze and blowing his nose loudly.

Once he had recovered he looked over at me and Jess.

”It sure is good having you both back,” he grinned, “Aunt Daisy is great and I really love her…but she can’t do stuff like us men folk, wrestling and ridin’ bare back and spittin’ and stuff,” he finished.

I turned to Jess,” like you said pard…good to see we’re giving him a good start in life.”

Jess beamed back at me, ”Sure is,” he agreed.



It was a while since all the business with Joe Williams and Mike and the Hardy Gang and things had settled back to normal.

My stomach healed up pretty quick with Daisy takin’ charge of me and Slim and I painted the house as we had promised.

The corrupt Circuit Judge was imprisoned for gross misconduct and the judge that had signed our original adoption papers was fit and healthy again. When he visited Laramie he asked especially to see Slim and I to confirm that we were the legal guardians and always would be. He also endorsed his commitment that I was indeed a suitable person for the role, which made me feel a whole lot better.

Williams was also given a prison sentence and was told he would never have access to Mike again without consent from Mike himself.

A few weeks after Cal and Becky had headed off I received a letter containing nearly 800 bucks. It was Cal’s proceeds from the two robberies he had taken part in. He said he just couldn’t keep it and would I see it went to the charity that had been set up for robbery victims .I was pretty shocked I must admit as I knew it was his stake on a Wagon Train heading West and knew he and Becky had their hearts set on a new life out there.

Later that day Slim and I were sitting out on the porch talking about it all.

“Guess it was the chat we had, while you and Becky were out uh…walking,” said Slim.

I shot him a dirty look at that but said nothing.

“Yes,” he said,” Cal was really impressed with our friendship how you said I’d helped you make a fresh start. That it was possible to turn a life around even when you are at rock bottom.”

I turned and looked at my partner,” Yes guess that’s true,” I said, ”you know how much I appreciate all you have done for me Slim.”

“Yeah, but that’s not what I’m getting at,” he said,” what Cal said was that you showed a similar trust in him and that’s what made him go for a fresh start. And I figure that’s why he has returned the money too. You also gave him confidence to tell Becky how he felt as well, he said.”

“That was sure a wrong move then, lost her to him, and all my own fault. I guess I’m losin’ my touch pard,” I said grinning across at him.

“Oh…. I very much doubt that,” Slim said laughing,” Anyway I thought you said you didn’t love Becky?”

As we sat on the porch I looked out at the horizon, and said thoughtfully, “What I said was I couldn’t say those words to her.” Then quietly,” Maybe I did love her Slim, I was just too scared to admit it. I guess I was in such a bad state after Maria, maybe I just don’t dare risk it all again…”

We sat in silence for a while and then he looked over at me smiling.

“No I don’t think that’s so buddy, I guess you’ll know when the right girl comes along and knowing you, you’re so damn stubborn nothin’ will put you off!”

I smiled back at him.

”Maybe you’re right there, sure hope so anyway, “I said.

Then Daisy called us in for supper and Mike was begging to go fishing the next day and life went back to normal…but a little part of me still thought…what if…


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