July 21, 2018
Earth, Wind and Fire
Patty Wilkinson
(Some strong language, adult themes and distressing scenes)
Chapter 1
The noise was deafening as the fire roared through the building…. the timbers cracking violently and falling…. but worse…..much worse than that were the screams of the trapped within…..
Jess had been to hell and back.
He’d been with his partner Slim Sherman rescuing the horses from the barn and he had figured the worst was over….
Sure it had been their worst nightmare…But the critters were out safely and the barn fire almost out…He had sunk to the ground sweating and shaking with exhaustion…. looking at the desolation before him…
Then in true Harper style he had finally rallied again and turned to Slim…
“Why dontcha go back to the house pard…Just check on Miss Daisy and young Mike, I’ll finish off here huh? Check on the horses down in the lower pasture too.”
He’d even given his friend a little push in the chest,”Go ON Slim, I’ll be in shortly, just go see they’re OK?”
His partner had eventually given him a weary nod,”Sure Jess I’ll go check on them,” and he’d mooched off exhaustion weighing him down.
It was when Jess was traipsing back from the home pasture, sometime later, feeling utterly spent that he saw it.
The plume of smoke in the early morning sky….
He stood transfixed for a moment before tearing down the hill and into the yard….
Then he was confronted with the full horror of the situation…
The ranch house was fully ablaze. Flames shooting from the roof and as he raced down into the yard he heard the widows shattering…..and then that dreadful sound that was to haunt him…. the terrified screams of those trapped within the inferno….
He tore towards the remains of the flaming front door, the porch already alight and suddenly he felt strong arms holding him back and half turned to see his good friend Sheriff Mort Cory restraining him.
“It’s no good son, they’re gone,” he yelled above the mayhem of the conflagration…”they all gone, Slim…Daisy…the boy…it’s just no use Jess…we’re too late.”
Jess pulled himself free suddenly having the strength of ten.
“No,” he yelled and tore towards the burning ruins of the ranch. Then as he approached he saw them at the window. Slim and Daisy their faces disappearing in seconds engulfed by the smoke and flames as he watched, but of young Mike there was no sign.
Again Mort tried to restrain him but Jess pulled away and landed a haymaker to the Sheriff’s chin sending him sprawling.
Then he finally ran into the blazing inferno.
He had never felt pain and heat like it in his life. White hot burning agony, the smell of scorching flesh in his nostrils before mercifully everything turned black….
“Jess…..hey Jess pard, wake up will you,” Slim said gently shaking his friend by the shoulders.
Slowly Jess swam up from the depths of a deep, deep sleep, his body gradually jerking awake. His eyelids flickered and his eyes slowly opened as he looked around him in bewilderment. Then a few moments later his gaze focused on Slim.
“Slim? Daisy and Mike, they’re OK?”
”Yes Jess, they’re just fine. They were never in any danger, you remember huh? It was just the barn that went up.”
“They…they weren’t in the fire in the house? “
“No Jess listen up, that’s just a dream buddy. They’re just fine the house is safe. Heck look around you Jess, it was just the barn that the storm took yeah?”
Then Slim saw that Jess was shaking and watched as he stood unsteadily and made his way over to Mike’s room, putting his head around the door to check on the sleeping child.
He raised an eyebrow as Jess mooched back over to the roaring fire, absently rubbing the snowy white bandage that was covering his left forearm, before sitting back down, his face clouded in thought.
“So it was a real vivid dream then Jess?” Slim asked gently as he took the other fireside chair once more.
Jess just nodded.
“Want to tell me?” asked Slim throwing his friend a concerned look.
Jess immediately shook his head, not wanting to relive it. But then he saw the look in Slim’s kind concerned eyes and sighing deeply told him about the terrible dream.
When he related entering the burning ranch house and the heat and pain he suffered Slim looked aghast and then very thoughtful.
“That may have been because you were sitting on top of the fire buddy. I said to you before you nodded off you’d roast and you just said you were freezing cold, remember?”
Jess nodded, “I’ve been out on that dang roof all day in that darned freezing rain and wind haven’t I?”
“Um and I told you we should wait until the weather cleared before we started mending the damn roof too,” said Slim, his voice harsh with worry about his partner. Not to mention the awful mess they were in with the barn half burned down.
“You do remember what happened don’t you pard?” He asked softly, noting Jess’s vague expression as he peered into the fire.
“Huh? Well sure I do I ain’t stupid,” he retaliated sharply, ”It’s just that dream,” he whispered,” it was so dang real reminded me of….you know.“
“Sure, sure, I’m sorry I’m being kinda hard on you,” said Slim reaching across and squeezing his buddy’s shoulder sympathetically.
Hell what Jess had been through as a kid seeing most of his kin burnt alive when their old shack was fired by the Bannister gang. Well it was hardly surprising that his buddy was so badly affected by this recent tragedy, Slim thought sadly.
Jess relaxed back in his chair and thought back to the happenings of what, just two short days ago….
The storm had been rumbling around most of the evening, the air sultry and odd lightning flashes in the distance, but no sign of thunder clouds. It had been a scorching summer and now it looked like they were going to pay for it by fierce storms hitting them hard as the season began drawing to a close.
Jess found it hard to sleep that night and was awake watching the flashes of lightening illuminate the sky through the thread bare drapes when he was suddenly aware of another sound. He heard the horses in the barn stamping and whinnying in fear.
He leapt out of bed and shook Slim awake.
“Wha….what’s up?” he muttered rubbing his eyes and peering around the semi darkened room. And then there was another lightning flash illuminating the room for a brief moment. But there was more, something was very wrong. Jess tore across the room and pulled the drapes back to reveal a dull glow emanating from the barn roof and then the flicker of a flame and a curl of smoke spiraling up into the night sky.
“The barn, Goddamn it Slim the barn’s afire,” he yelled,”lightning’ strike!”
Pausing only to pull on their pants and boots they were out and in the yard filling buckets from the kitchen door within seconds. But it was well alight and it was obvious they were on a hiding to nothing….
Daisy and Mike joined them, but Slim pushed them back towards the house,”Keep back,” he roared, “there’s nothing you can do here, save fill up the buckets, but don’t get too close OK? “
Meanwhile Jess had soaked his bandana and tying it around his face disappeared inside the now burning barn. Moments later the Relay horses swiftly followed by Traveller and Alamo galloped out. The whites of their eyes showing in terror, as they jostled each other and pounded out making for the rise and freedom. However Slim had anticipated his partner’s move and headed them off, yelling and waving his arms to usher them into the large corral on the far side of the yard.
After a few minutes Jess ran out coughing and retching and stood leaning against the house wall for a moment as Daisy ran over to him, dropping her bucket in her rush.
“Oh Jess dear are you alright?”
He continued to gasp for breath, just able to nod and give her arm a reassuring little squeeze.
Then Slim and Mike dashed over, the youngster looking sorely troubled.
“Jess, where’s Sunny?” he asked referring to his little Palomino mare.
“With the others ain’t she?” Jess gasped.
“No sir, she didn’t come out,” the boy said turning and running towards the blazing barn.
“No!” cried Slim and Jess as one and whilst Slim tore over and restrained the child, Jess took the opportunity to dodge past them both and tear back into the now fully alight barn.
It was pitch black and the acrid smoke made him cough afresh, his eyes watering as he staggered on down to the end stall where Sunny was kept. Jess had opened the stall doors and then started leading the horses out and as he did so the rest had followed him all save for Sunny.
He staggered forwards and entered the stall and could hear the little mare stamping about in terror as she turned and turned in the confined space of her stall completely disorientated.
As Jess lunged forwards to try and grab her bridle a burning roof timber fell on him jolting him from a glancing blow. It knocked him off his feet and it was a few moments before he could stagger up again, cussing as an agonizing pain shot down his left arm, where the beam had struck him.
Then the frantic whinnying of Sunny galvanized him into action again and he made a grab for the bridle once more. Somehow he managed to mount the frantic young horse and guide her out of the stall and towards the cool night air rushing in from the open barn door.
He narrowly missed Slim and Mike as he galloped out and over to the far corral, loosing Sunny off with the other horses, now looking no worse for their near brush with death.
On his return they continued to form a chain with Daisy and Mike filling up the buckets but staying way back from the actual fire on Slim’s strict instructions.
They carried on working feverishly, although both men could see it was an impossible task as the fire had really taken hold….until a miracle happened.
The wind got up and there was another much louder rumble of thunder and then suddenly the heavens opened and there was a deluge of rain soaking them all in seconds but also mercifully dowsing the flames. In just a few minutes there was a hissing and creaking as timbers finally gave way at one end of the barn but the flames lessened until there was just a smoking blackened hulk framed against the night sky..
Both men had sunk to their knees as it became obvious that the battle was over and the fire contained. As Daisy looked on shaking with fear and exhaustion she wondered if her boys were just plumb worn out or kneeling in prayer.
Then she saw Jess lips moving silently and knew it was the latter. She reached out and pulled Mike to her and also bent her head in silent prayer. At least the stock were safe and nobody badly hurt and a barn could be replaced.
Chapter 2
That was where the reality of the situation and Jess’ fearful dream parted company. The ranch house was not afire when he turned back from attending to the horses and nobody perished he had merely made his weary way back inside where Daisy fussed and fretted around him, insisting he change his soaking clothes as she went off to attend to Mike.
It had been the following evening after laboring all day on the barn roof that Jess had finally fallen into an exhausted slumber in front of the fire and experienced the terrifying nightmare that was to haunt him for many a day.
“So you want to tell me about it?” Slim asked with a friendly glance and raising a questioning eyebrow.
Jess shook his head, “Nothin’ to tell, I just had a real bad dream,” he said flicking an anguished glance over to his pard. Then continuing more quietly said, ”I…I thought you’d all perished in the fire Slim….you Daisy, young Mike, hell it seemed so doggone real, you know?”
Slim just nodded looking deeply saddened, “Sure I do buddy and this is just as much about last time as it is about us here. I figure this has just brought it all back to you, losing your kin and all?”
Jess just nodded looking too upset to reply, ”Well I guess you’re all kin now ain’t ya,” he said softly, ”all I’ve got anyways.”
Slim grinned at him then and trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere said, “Well you can’t choose yer birth kin, but friends you sure can.”
“Ain’ that the truth,” Jess said giving his buddy a gentle punch to the arm, ”And I chose real well,” he said softly before getting up, stretching and heading off to bed.
The following morning the relentless heat of an Indian summer had returned and the men were hot, tired and more than a little bad tempered after a grueling day tearing away the rotten burnt timbers of the barn and trying to see which could be kept and which needed to be replaced. They were at least relieved to find that the damage hadn’t been quite as extensive as they first thought.
Now they were slumped around the dining table, Jess looking moody and Slim making a valiant effort to engage with young Mike.
Daisy looked over to Jess where he had barely touched his apple pie and was holding his bandaged left arm that had been burnt as though it was hurting.
“Is that burn bothering you dear, I do hope it isn’t getting infected,” she said looking concerned.
“No I’m fine,” he said gruffly.
Then a moment later, “Sorry, sorry Daisy, I’m kinda beat,” and getting up quickly marched off to his room shutting the door firmly behind him.
Daisy turned to Mike, “And I don’t think an early night would do you any harm either young man.”
“Aw Aunt Daisy, ”the child protested.
“Shoo, go along young man and I’ll be in to tuck you up in a few minutes.”
Then once he and wandered off, she turned anxious eyes on Slim.
“What’s wrong with him dear? Is that burn bothering him? It was rather nasty.”
“Nope I reckon it’s just the whole darned business Daisy, brought back real bad memories, you know?”
She gave a little gasp, her hand flying to her mouth, ”Oh but of course the poor boy.“
“Well he’ll get over it,” Slim said softly, leaning over and squeezing her hand, “don’t you fret Daisy.”
But he didn’t… he really didn’t.
The terrible nightmares continued to bother him and he was frustrated and angry that he couldn’t pull his weight with the barn repairs either.
Just the following day he had become feverish, but in true Harper fashion refused to quit working on the barn. But when he lost his grip and nearly fell from the roof Slim insisted on him calling it a day.
“Goddamn it Slim, you can’t do this work alone and have you forgotten it will be fall before you know it with darned rain and snow. Then what’ll the critters do for shelter? They may be OK in the coral now, but you know as well as I do that this dry spell could break any day.”
He paused for breath and swayed a little again and that was enough to galvanize Slim into action.
He grabbed his partner firmly by his good arm and literally frogmarched him off the barn roof.
“Hey what’ re ya playin’ at?” Jess said gruffly when he reached ground level again.
“I’m not playing Jess I’m dead serious. You’re sick, need to see Doc Baker. I figure that burn’s infected and needs looking at or you could get sick, real sick. I mean it Jess. Now just be sensible will you.”
“Or what?” he said belligerently.
“Or I figure I’ll end up mending this dang barn all on my lonesome because you’ll be in your bed.”
“Aww Slim I ain’t that bad, just feelin’ kinda sick and dizzy, but it’ll pass.”
“Doc Sam had arranged to come over tomorrow, to see how the fish were biting if you remember before all this,” he said nodding towards the charred barn, “At least let him take a look at it huh?”
Jess merely shrugged… “I guess.”
It wasn’t until Daisy insisted on inspecting the burn later that evening that she gave a little cry of shock, ”Oh my goodness Jess, this must be so painful,” she lamented as she looked at the swollen arm the flesh an angry reddy purple, obviously infected.
“It’s OK Daisy quit fussin’,” came the stock reply and moments later he was shocked to see tears in the elderly housekeeper’s eyes.
“Heck Daisy I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be so harsh with ya,” he said quickly.
“No it’s not that dear. I just feel so bad. I didn’t even realise you were hurt until the following day and maybe putting that egg white on the wound was wrong, but we swore by it in the war.“
“Look you did the best for me I know that and OK I figure maybe I’ll let Sam take a look tomorrow, iffen it’ll make you happy huh?” He said a twinkle in his blue eyes.
The following morning Sam rode in as planned and jumping down from his horse looked over at the barn.
“They were saying in town as to how you’d had a spot of bother,” he said with a shocked look in his deep brown eyes, “but I sure didn’t think it was this bad, so anyone hurt?”
Slim nodded towards Jess. “My pard here although he wouldn’t tell you,” he said winking at the doc. “He’s got a real nasty burn to his left arm. It’s gotten some infection Daisy reckons, he sure isn’t himself anyways.“
“I can speak for myself you know,” Jess said irritably.
“Ok buddy,” the doc said knowing Jess of old,” how’s about we mosey on inside and check it out huh?”
Jess rolled his eyes but followed the doc inside as requested.
Sometime later Sam sat back from where he’s been dressing Jess’s arm again.
“Definitely not Daisy,” he said addressing the elderly housekeeper. “None of this is your fault. I still believe that egg white spread on a clean wound with a fresh dressing is the best we can do. But in this case our rather…err challenging patient,” he said flicking a wink at her,” hasn’t helped himself any.“
Then he turned his attention to Jess, “Looks like this blistered and you knocked it when you were up on the barn roof. You got that old bandage dirty too. Well once a blister is broken that infection sets in and starts a festering and that can make you feel real sick Jess.”
“Yeah well I had a job to do didn’t I?” he said gruffly.
Sam raised his eyebrows at Daisy and they exchanged a smile.
“OK Daisy, I think the way ahead is a honey dressing, very good for infected burns. I know old Lone Wolf swore by it,” he said with a smile remembering the old Indian healer who had been a friend to all at the Sherman Ranch.
“You think so?” she asked.
“Yes I believe so my dear, as good as any of the modern remedies I have. Change the dressings regularly and reapply liberally and that should help the skin to recover. As to the pain and fever I’ll leave some of my pain elixir. Then rest and peace and quiet for a day or two should do the trick,” he finished smiling down at Jess’s scowling features.
“Well that’s alright for you do say Sam, but you don’t have a dang barn to practically rebuild before fall,” he said with feeling.
“And neither do you,” Sam said quietly.
“Huh, what are ya talkin’ about Doc?”
“Never you mind about that right now Jess. So how about you show me where the fish are biting huh. That shouldn’t over tax you any.”
It was early the following morning before the ranchers fully understood Sam’s cryptic words of the day before.
When they had enjoyed a few hours fishing and were waving the doctor off later that evening Slim turned to his pard and said, “So what do you think Sam meant about we didn’t have to rebuild the barn?”
Jess shrugged, “I dunno beats me. But it sure in hell ain’t gonna rebuild itself Slim so we’d better get us an early night and just hope this weather holds,” he finished casting a wary eye up to the cloudy sunset.
“You’re right but I feel better after a rest. Sam was right to make us take a few hours off.”
“Um…maybe, but it ain’t him as will have all the dang troubles of sick livestock and wet hay iffen we don’t get the job done pretty damn quick Slim, “ he said darkly, before marching off, looking like the troubles of the world were on his shoulders.
They were just finishing their coffee at the breakfast table the following morning when they heard the sound of a posse of riders heading into the yard at speed.
“What the hell,” said Jess as the two men rose as one from the table making for their gun belts by the front door.
Slim grabbed his hand gun from the holster and Jess snagged his rifle as the two men made it onto the porch, calling behind them for Mike and Daisy to stay inside.
The sight that greeted them was far from the trouble they had been expecting, but a large group of friends and neighbours headed by the Sheriff, Mort Cory.
Jess moved forwards to meet Mort as he dismounted, “Hell Mort this is sure some posse you got here, what happened has the bank been robbed again?”
Mort grinned from ear to ear and then nodded over to where Jed Patterson, Mr Benson and Lenny Scott were all hitching their mounts to the corral fence.
Then before they could say anything, Davy and Pete Jackson arrived driving their Pa’s wagon laden with timber.
Slim’s eyes swivelled back to Mort, “What in heck’s going on?” he asked abruptly.
Mort grinned at the amassed company of nigh on a dozen ranchers and then turned back to where Slim and Jess were now looking decidedly puzzled.
“So what’s wrong with you boys, never heard of a barn raisin’ party before huh? “
Slim shook his head in wonder and then looked stubborn, ”Well I dunno Mort, I mean all these good folks are hard pressed themselves after all the damage that storm did.”
It was old man Benson that spoke next.
He lumbered over and threw Slim his forthright glance, ”Now you listen to me young Matt Sherman, are you going to tell me that you and your Pa before you never helped at a barn raising? Hell you and your pard here,” he said nodding over to Jess,” helped me out not twelve months ago.”
“Well I guess,” said Slim floundering some now, then he caught Jess’s eye and wandered over.
“What do you say Jess, huh?” He asked softly.
“I say don’t look a dang gift horse in the mouth,” he muttered, ”you know the way I’m fixed with this darned arm Slim, the work would be real slow with just us doin’ it.”
Slim nodded and then turned to where the men where now standing waiting to get started.
“Thank you,” he said sincerely,”thank you one and all.”
As with all barn raising parties the work had been meticulously planned before the men rode out. The skilled men, joiners and carpenters taking on the difficult jobs and the less able laboring for them and the work progressed quickly and efficiently. The rest of the burned timbers were removed and the work continued apace until just before noon when a large wagon rolled into the yard. It belonged to the Patterson family with Ma Paterson and a group of ladies from the women’s group all aboard, nursing flagons of beer and a wealth of delicious food from fried chicken to large succulent apple pies.
Daisy, who had been dispensing coffee throughout the morning, gave a gasp of pleasure and relief as she saw her friends arriving.
“Oh my, she said clasping her hands together in delight, “what a sight for sore eyes my dears. I was really beginning to wonder how I would feed all these hungry men.”
Jess who had been repairing the barn door when the wagon pulled up in the yard, threw his hammer down and strode over a welcoming smile on his face. That suddenly turned to elation when he saw his girl Millie emerge from the huddle of women now carefully unloading the wagon.
He marched straight up to her and taking her in his arms swung her around before placing her firmly back on her feet and kissing her soundly, much to the delight of the women folk around them.
As soon as he became aware of their scrutiny and laughter he pulled back throwing Millie an apologetic little smile, ”Sorry sweetheart,” he whispered, “ I’m just kinda pleased to see ya weren’t expectin’ you. Any of you,” he said turning to encompass all the women in his broad grin.
“Well you know what they say son, an army marches on its stomach and I imagine barn raisers are pretty similar,” said Ma Patterson with a chuckle.
Later as they were taking their ease, enjoying the fruits of the women’s labour in the shade of the trees in the home pasture. Slim was to learn more of the regard in which he and all at the ranch were held.
He was seated with Jed Patterson and Lenny Scott.
Lenny swigged his beer and looked out to the distant hills, a thoughtful look in his eyes as he turned back to Slim, “You know it’s real good for me to be able to help you and the others out some,” he said sincerely.
Slim looked a little puzzled, “Well we really appreciate it you know. “
But Lenny seemed not to hear and continued, ”I’ll never forget the kindness you showed our family after young Davy died in the Measles epidemic. The boy, young Mike especially, he said turning to smile over at where Mike and Lenny’s daughter Jenny were laughing together.”
Slim just nodded,” We were all glad to help,” he said quietly. See #52 Memories.
Then it was Jed Patterson’s turn to speak, ”I really don’t know how I’d have coped over the years without Miss Daisy there actin’ Midwife so darned often and you and Jess helpin’ me out when things got on top of me that time. You’re real good neighbours…real good,” he said looking down, his voice quite emotional.
Jess had managed to sneak off to the far edge of the pasture with Millie and now, out of sight of the others they lay on their backs in the long grass, just holding hands and squinting up into the hot noontide sunshine…
Millie lazily rolled her head and looked at Jess so relaxed, chewing on a piece of straw and after a moment said softly, ”It’s wonderful isn’t it the way everyone’s pitched in to help?”
He turned to look at her and squeezed her hand, ”You bet, I’m real proud that folk feel they wanna help us out this way…kinda surprised too.”
“Why so, you’re real popular you must know that?”
He just shrugged, but said nothing.
She smiled inwardly liking the way that he was so unaware of the high esteem in which he was held by all the local ranchers.
“I heard Mort and old man Benson talking before,” she continued,” Mort was saying as to how you’re his top man when it comes to calling for a deputy. Says the town’s always safe in your hands and you and Slim are two of the folk that he knows he can always rely upon to have his back.”
Jess sat up looking real pleased, ”He said that?”
“Yup….and there’s something else you’re real good at too cowboy. “
He leaned on his elbow, looking down into her beautiful brown eyes, “So what would that be then sweetheart?” he asked his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Kissing,” she replied softly, ”so how about it….huh.”
He leaned over and obliged, so old Mort said that, he thought and then all thought of deputies and Sheriffs fled from his mind as he took his girl in his arms once more.
Jess was to wonder later if that’s why he said yes to Mort’s proposition when he really, really wanted to say no…..
It was that night that everyone finally relaxed and really celebrated the barn raising.
The final plank had been put in place at sundown, the horses returned to their stalls and all the salvaged hay returned to the loft and one and all breathed a mighty sigh of relief before the celebrations proper began.
More friends arrived as the sun went down bringing further vittals and drink, including Doc Sam Baker and his pretty daughter Carrie.
“This was all your doing wasn’t it Sam?” Slim said as he welcomed his good friend to the huge fire that had been lit across the yard from the house where folks were now sitting around making merry after all their hard work.
“ I may have mentioned your dilemma to a couple of patients. As to how you and Jess were having a bit of a rough trot right now, they sure didn’t need any persuading. “
When Slim looked unconvinced Sam just chuckled,” I figure you guys just don’t realise how much you’re respected in town. And I don’t just mean because you’re an established family either Slim.”
“Oh yes I know your Pa was a force to be reckoned with back in the day. Heck it was him and the early settlers that made this place what it is today. But no, it’s what you and yes, Jess here too, have contributed to the community between you over the last few years. That’s why folk flocked here to help you out some.”
Before Slim could respond a great cheers went up as a young rancher downed a jug of beer in one and from then on the celebrations took over and sensible conversation was ended for the time being at least.
Millie left on the last stage of the day along with several others from the Women’s Group and Jess kissed her soundly one last time before she departed, promising to see her the following Saturday night.
Old Mose Shell, the stage driver, looked over towards the new barn and grinned at Slim and Jess.
”That’s fine, mighty fine and let’s just hope we don’t have another Act of God comin’ along too soon,” he said thoughtfully.
“Huh?” queried Jess raising a dark eyebrow, “What do ya mean Mose?”
“Oh just old timers talk. They do say that these things come in threes, you know Acts of God like lightning strikes, floods, mighty storms and the like,” he said with his toothless grin.
“Oh right, look on the bright side why dontcha,” Jess said throwing him a dark look, ”So you’re sayin’ we’re gonna get flooded out and have a twister land next huh?”
“Well no of course not, was just sayin’…”
“Well don’t tempt providence,” said Slim,” just drive the darned coach Mose. You’ve got a whole gaggle of women folk here wantin’ their beds.”
“OK, OK I’m a comin’ quit frettin’ Slim and I ain’t bein’ fanciful anyway. I’ll tell you now another good storm will see the Laramie to Cheyenne road with a landslide, yes siree. It won’t take much I’m a tellin’ you and that’s another Act of God…landslide, everyone knows that.”
“Huh what Jess?”
“Just drive this ol’ crate will ya!”
The men finally waved all their visitors off and settled down for a last nightcap before the dying embers of the yard fire.
“That was a mighty fine thing they did,” said Jess reflectively, “I never knew folk felt as highly of you Slim. I should have realised though.”
“Heck not just me Jess, you too and Daisy and the boy, sure was an eye opener to me too. It makes you feel kinda humble doesn’t it?”
Jess nodded, “It sure does,” he said softly and the men looked out to the Snowy Mountains beyond the ranch, both tired but happy and mighty relieved that all their worries were over, for the time being at least.
“So you don’t think there was anything in what that ol fool Mose was saying?” asked Jess after a while, turning to his friend, ” About these Acts of God an’ all?”
“Hell no….no, of course not,” replied Slim sipping his drink. But a decidedly thoughtful look came into his eyes as the moon came up above the mountains and he gave a little shiver.
“Come on pard lets go in,” he said, “it’s turning kinda chilly,” and downing their drinks they headed off inside.
Chapter 3
The evening of the barn raising had proved a great success for all present .The community coming together with the men working and the women folk ministering to their needs was as old as the surrounding hills, and everyone drew strength and purpose from it.
The work had been done just in the nick of time too as Jess was to proclaim later as the heavens opened the following day and there was a deluge of rain that lasted for the rest of the week.
The men spent a miserable time doing the yard chores and caring for the livestock during the inclement weather.
“Days like this make me think movin’ back to Texas would be kinda a good proposition,” Jess said morosely one chilly dark morning, ”Heck Slim it ain’t even fall proper yet and it looks like we should start building’ a darned Ark.”
“It won’t last, we’re still in for some good weather before summers finally over,” Slim said with more assurance than he felt.
“Yeah sure,” muttered Jess as he tipped his hat back and looked up into the dark wet sky once more, ”if you say so….”
“I do and anyway, have you forgotten, its Saturday tomorrow and we’ve both got hot dates with our best girls… so still thinking of going back south huh?”
Jess grinned, ”Nope I reckon not come on pard let’s get these ornery critters locked up for the night,” he said referring to the scraggly bunch of miserable looking chickens.
By Saturday night the rain had eased a little and they were able to dress up in their finery of Sunday best boots, pants and Stetsons, set off with snowy white shirts topped my smart dark frock coats ready to go to the town dance.
“My oh my,” Daisy smiled as she saw them off, ”you two look so handsome every girl at the dance will be after you.”
Jess and Slim exchanged a look of mock horror at being at the mercies of the good ladies of Laramie en mass and proclaimed that one woman at a time was quite enough to cope with thank you very much, amongst much chuckling from Daisy.
“Get along with you,” she laughed, ”have fun boys.”
Once they arrived in town they left their mounts at the livery for the night and then made their way down Main Street towards the saloon to pick up their girls. But halfway along Slim was waylaid by a young messenger boy from the telegraph office.
“Message for you Mister Sherman sir, in the office,” the youngster said respectfully.
Slim sighed, “Sounds like Overland business, you go and tell the girls I’ll be along in a minute Jess,” he said as he strode off after the boy.
Jess entered the crowded saloon and saw Lily and Millie all dressed up in their finery and ready to go, but still waiting on at the bar.
“I’m sorry honey,” Millie said when Jess made his way over “the help is running late, that Jenny, she always arrives a little late. I’ll be with you as soon as she’s here. We can’t leave old Tom with this rush, ” she said nodding to the busy bar.
“Sure that’s OK sweetheart,” he replied accepting a foaming beer from her and turning to see who else was around.
A moment later, Sheriff Mort Cory tapped him on the shoulder and gestured to follow him to a quiet table in the corner of the room.
“Can you spare me a minute Jess I’m in a bit of a spot. “
“Sure what’s up Mort?” Jess asked looking concerned and taking the chair the Sheriff had pulled out for him.
Mort eyed him warily, “I figure you’ve heard my cells are kinda full right now? The Peters brothers, drunk and disorderly and I’ve got that bastard Marty Snape in too. He’s due over in Cheyenne early next week to stand trial for killing Norrie Walters after that shootout at the livery last month.
“Yeah I heard about that, poor old Norrie didn’t stand a chance so folk are tellin’ it.”
“You heard right it was murder in my book poor old Norrie was half blind everyone says it’s an open and shut case, so Snape will hang for sure.”
“Good riddance,” Jess said quietly after taking a pull of his beer.
Then more thoughtfully, “So what’s this got to do with me then Mort. I take it you or Lon will be taking him for trial?”
“That’s the point Jess Lon is sick. He’s got this flu bug that’s doing the rounds. And I’ve just come back from a meeting with the mayor and town council, ”he continued sighing.
“I thought you looked like a man in need of a drink,” Jess said winking at him.
“Well you got that right,” Mort agreed, taking a sip of his whiskey and grimacing as the burning liquid ran down his throat.
“The thing is, well they’re not too happy about me leaving the town right now. There’s been one or two nasty incidents of late. They’re saying they don’t want a deputy left in charge, even if Lon was fit but he ain’t anyway so.”
Jess was beginning to get restless. He’d just seen Slim enter the bar along with young Jenny the replacement bar staff and so knew his date would be ready to go.
“Well that’s too bad Mort,” he said draining his glass,” I won’t be needed to deputize for you then,” and started to get up.
However Mort made a grab for his arm and pulled him back down again, ”That’s not what I’m askin’ Jess. I wondered if you’d be able to ride shotgun on Marty Snape, deliver him over to Doug Masters in Cheyenne for me?”
When Jess looked less than enthusiastic, Mort was apologetic, ”I know it’s a big ask what with all that trouble you’ve had with the fire and all.”
Jess didn’t want to go, he really didn’t. He had a bad feeling about it. And if he was completely honest he really didn’t want to leave the ranch right now. The fire and that goddamn awful nightmare that he’d suffered several times since had really shaken him up some. But how could he say he didn’t want to leave the folk back home as he feared for their safety it was a crazy notion and he knew it.
“Well I dunno Mort, we’re kinda busy right now, gotta be thinking about bringing the stock down in a another few weeks,” he said playing for time but even to his own ears it sounded pretty pathetic.
“Please,” Mort said fixing him with his engaging smile, “I really wouldn’t ask you unless I had been backed into a corner this way unless, ” and he eyed Slim as he wandered over.
He quickly explained the predicament to the tall blond rancher, but Slim’s face fell once he understood what was being asked of him.
“I’m real sorry Mort, but I’ve just had a wire from the boss of the Overland. He’s visiting early next week. Some clown told him about the fire and he wants to see me and check out the new barn’s up to the job and all the horses are safe and accounted for.”
Then his gaze swivelled to Jess. “Hotshot here will oblige won’t you Jess? Nice little ride out to Cheyenne and a few drinks with your buddy Sheriff Masters job done Mort, ”he said turning to wink at his old friend.
Then dragging his pard up by his arm said, “Come on then Jess shake a leg our girls are waiting!“
“Well gee thanks,” Jess said once they were out of earshot of the Sheriff.
“Hey what’s up pard you ain’t bothered about taking Snape in are ya? Heck Jess you’ve dealt with more desperate killers than Snape he’s just a drunk and a no good chancer so what’s your problem…huh?”
Jess just shrugged, “Nuthin’.”
They had a good evening and as Daisy had suggested, both Slim and Jess cut quite a dash with the ladies and had more than their fair share of partners for the ladies excuse me.
Finally the last dance of the evening began playing. The orchestra striking up with a dreamy romantic number and Jess held Millie close, softly kissing the top of her head, one hand caressing her back as he whispered endearments.
She became aware of his firm muscular body pressing close and giggled a little as he said, “So how’s about we skip coffee with the others tonight, I’m kinda beat.”
“Really, you’re tired?” She asked peering up at his deep blue twinkling eyes.
He chuckled then, ”No not tired exactly….just in need of a lay down.”
She giggled again and batted at his arm, ”You’re naughty,” she whispered.
It was their usual habit to invite Slim and Lily back to Millie’s room for coffee and chatter after a dance….but tonight, well Millie and Jess were of a mind, they just wanted to be together, alone together.
They all left the dance hall sometime later and made their way laughing and joking back to the saloon, entering by the fire escape steps around the back and stopping at Millie’s door as she searched for her key.
Jess suddenly made a great display of yawning and then turning to Slim said, “Err…I’m kinda beat Slim, do you guys mind if we skip coffee tonight?” he asked encompassing Lily in his charming grin.
“Really,” asked Slim raising a surprised eyebrow,”you’re tired Jess?”
“Yes,” he said throwing his buddy a hard look, “real wore-out all that dancin’ you know?”
Slim stared at him for a moment and then a huge grin spread across his handsome features.
“Oh yeah, tired,” he repeated like it was a new concept to him, “I get ya. Umm…kinda tired myself come to that….early night huh Lily?” he asked pulling her close.
The young couple finally mooched off down the corridor to Lily’s room and Jess and Millie entered her cosy abode.
Jess pulled her into an intimate embrace as soon as the door was closed behind them and smiled down into her eyes.
“I thought they’d never go,” he whispered, ”Slim can be so dumb sometimes” and he rolled his eyes.
“Never mind about them, come on,” she whispered as she removed her shawl and taking him by the hand led him over to the huge soft bed.
It was sometime later when their passion was spent and Millie was lying in Jess’s warm embrace that she broached the subject of him deputizing for Mort, delivering the murderer for his trial over in Cheyenne.
“So will you stay over at Ma’s boarding house?” she asked referring to her Ma, Peggy Johnson’s thriving little business.
“Uh, oh yeah I reckon so,” he said gently kissing the top of her head which was nestled against his naked chest.
“You really don’t want to do this job do you?” she said thoughtfully.
He didn’t answer for a moment, but she felt him tense and then a soft,” No, I reckon not.”
She lifted her head so she could look him in the eye, in the dim light from the lamp on the night stand.
“What’s up Jess, is it this fire that’s bugging you? Mike and Daisy will be just fine. Anyway you know what they say lightning never strikes twice in the same place.”
“I know,” he sighed, “you’re right.”
“And Slim will be around if anything happens whilst you’re away anyway. “
“Um, but I reckon even old Hardrock ain’t no match for an Act of God. “
She gave him the ghost of a smile…”You’ve been listening to Mose and his old timer legends haven’t you?”
He just shrugged, “Maybe…”
“Jess this isn’t like you,” and she reached up and kissed him tenderly on the lips and soon all his worries were forgotten.
If Millie hadn’t been thoroughly aware of how much the recent fire had upset Jess earlier, she was certainly left in no doubt after what happened later that night.
It was the small hours of the morning when she was awoken from a deep slumber by Jess thrashing about in the bed and muttering, his face pale and the perspiration running down his temples.
“Jess,” she whispered,” Jess…it’s OK….take it easy honey.”
He was so deeply asleep that he didn’t hear her and moments later he was crying out in torment, ”No….God no!” he screamed suddenly sitting bolt upright his eyes wide open in horror.
It was several minutes before he started to look around him in a dazed fashion, like he didn’t know where he was.
She turned up the lamp and then poured him some water, which he finally accepted, but spilled some of it down his naked torso shaking as he was.
“Jess darling, tell me,” she whispered.
It was sometime later that he was able to pull himself together enough to recount the recurring nightmare in all its shocking detail.
Once he had finished she was crying softly and could only hold him gently rubbing his back.
“I’m so sorry,” she said eventually, ”I’d no idea that you’d taken all this business of the barn fire so badly .But well, after losing your kin and all in that other fire it’s hardly surprising really.”
He just held her close and took a huge calming breath but said nothing.
Then she continued softly, “Slim was telling Lily and I how you went back into the barn to fetch young Mike’s mount out that must have been terrifying.”
He pulled back and looked her in the eyes then, ”Heck would have been worse iffen I hadn’t gotten Sunny out. I would never have heard the last of it from young Mike,” he said with the ghost of a smile.
She returned the smile wearily, “That’s so typical of you, making light of things when really you’re hurting something fierce.”
He shrugged, “Only way and I’m just bein’ silly, about helpin’ Mort out that is. I’ve just gotten one of my bad feelings I reckon.”
“You and your bad feelings,” she said with a genuine smile now, ”Oh Jess I do love you so.”
He looked slightly surprised at her sudden declaration, knowing full well the truth of it, but wondering absently as to why she had said it just then.
“And I love you too sweetheart,” he whispered, before taking her in his loving arms one more time.
Chapter 4
The following Monday found Jess in Mort’s office waiting to collect the prisoner.
Mort was looking less than happy about the whole business.
“ I really am sorry having to call on you this way Jess. I know you’re kinda hard against it yourself, what with all the ranch work piling up and all I really appreciate it you know?”
“Sure, sure Mort, it’s OK. So where is the bastard huh?”
Mort disappeared and moments later returned leading a tall, rangy red faced man out from the cells his eyes black with anger.
“Come on then Snape, let’s be havin’ ya, sooner we get goin’ sooner I’ll be home, ” muttered Jess.
Marty Snape threw him a dark look and then turned to the Sheriff.
“What’s this Cory, I don’t even get me a proper escort? I thought young Lon would be takin’ me.”
“Well you thought wrong.” growled Mort,” Jess has agreed to deputize for me. You should be mighty grateful too, seeing as how most folk around here would like to string you up without the need of a trial.”
“Well I don’t want a damn gunslinger takin’ me in,” replied an equally fired up Snape.
“Well yer gettin’ one!” barked Jess.
“Ex-gunslinger that is,” he said swiveling his eyes over to Mort and exchanging a brief grin.
“Now git movin’ before I let the good folk of Laramie have their way.”
He frogmarched Snape down to the waiting Stage with Mort in attendance and was surprised to see two women waiting to get on too.
“Hey Mort I thought this was a special run just to escort the prisoner.”
“Me too buddy but it seems the stage superintendent has other ideas. He’s sold the tickets to these womenfolk and wasn’t about to change his mind. It seems these ladies both have urgent business in Cheyenne and seeing the way the weather’s been of late he said all who wanted to travel were travelling while they still could.”
“He did?” asked Jess looking angry.
“Way it’s been coming down he said he couldn’t guarantee how long the road would hold out,” Mort finished casting an eye to the leaden sky above.
Jess looked up too and frowned.
“He’s got a point. Just watch the prisoner will you Mort,” and he wandered over to where the two women were seated on a side walk bench with their backs to him.
As he approached there was something familiar about one of them.
He touched her gently on the shoulder, “Mil, that you?”
Millie turned at once and gave him a watery smile, ”Oh Jess thank goodness you’re here are we going soon?”
The other woman, dressed all in black with a veil covering her face got up and moved away so Jess slid into the vacated place.
“Hell Millie, I really don’t want ya to travel today not with this hoodlum on board. Anyone could try and take him you know how high the feelings in town are running. Everyone’s just itching for a good ol’ necktie party.”
“Jess I have to go today, its aunt Betty, she’s really ill. I got a wire this morning. Ma’s so worried… She’s just waiting on me to arrive to look after the business while she spends time in the hospital with auntie, I can’t let her down, really I can’t,” and a tear escaped and ran down her cheek…
“I’m real sorry to hear that sweetheart,” he said quickly pulling her close, his eyes full of compassion.
“What about her?” asked Jess after a minute, jerking his head towards where the woman in black was now pacing up and down the sidewalk.
“She’s going to a funeral, her brother I think. She was way too upset to explain much.”
Jess was just about to try again to persuade Millie to take a Stage later in the week when Mort strolled over.
“Err I think you should get movin’ buddy ,” he said quietly, nodding over to where a small crowd of onlookers were beginning to look kind of edgy.
“That’s Bert Scott and his cronies. They’d like nothing better than to see the prisoner hung high from the nearest tree after what he did to poor old Norrie Walters.”
Jess sighed deeply and taking Millie’s arm helped her aboard before turning to help the lady in mourning.. Then he grabbed hold of Snape’ s arm and pushed him none too gently onto the coach before jumping in and taking the seat next to him.
Mort called out for Mose to head out and moments later they sped down Main Street and were soon a mere dust cloud as the onlookers muttered darkly and turned away.
Jess sat back, shot gun in his lap and glanced at his prisoner. He was sitting with a resigned look in his eyes, occasionally rubbing his wrists where the cuffs dug in, but otherwise behaving. However Jess was not relaxing. Not for one minute. He still had his bad feeling and it seemed to have increased tenfold since the advent of the two women on board. He sat brooding, a muscle working in his cheek and his mouth set in a hard firm line.
Millie knew that look all too well, Jess was expecting trouble and she just wished she could allay his fears, but she knew as well as he did the danger they could all be facing. Jess felt her scrutinizing him and flashed a tiny grin, his eyes warm with compassion and love. Gee he wished they were alone and he could take her in his arms, tell her not to worry about her beloved aunt, everything would be just fine.
Then suddenly his attention was wrenched away from his girl as he became aware of two things, the usual bumpy ride had just become one hell of a lot rougher and the heavens had opened and rain was drumming down on the coach roof, the noise almost deafening.
It was just moments later that Mose brought the Stage to a shuddering standstill, the occupants being thrown forwards. Jess was the first to regain his balance and forced Snape, beside him, back into the seat hard before glancing across at the ladies and what he saw made his blood run cold…
They had quickly righted themselves, but in the commotion the woman in black had pulled a derringer out from her bag and now held it to Millie’s temple.
“What in hell?” Jess gasped.
“Simple Mister Harper,” the woman sneered, jabbing the gun harder towards Millie’s head, “Release my husband or I shoot and make no mistake Mister Harper I will if that’s what it takes.”
There was a loud guffaw from Snape, ”Ha! That’s my girl, well done Aggie, I knew you were up to it.”
Jess was just deciding how to make his move when the decision was made for him.
Mose who had drawn the team in as soon as he’d seen the landslide in the road ahead now abruptly pulled the coach door open, “Sorry folks this is as far as we’re goin’ roads up!”
In that split second when Ma Snape’ s attention lapsed Jess moved like lighting and had wrestled the gun off the older woman in seconds.
He thrust the offending weapon in his belt before looking over at Mille, ”You OK sweetheart?” he asked and was rewarded with a brave nod.
Then he glared at Aggie Snape, ”That really wasn’t clever,” he spat, ”I figure it won’t be just your husband seeing the judge when we land in Cheyenne.”
Mose looked from the woman in black to Jess and back sighing deeply, not too sure what was going on.
“Ain’t goin’ no place Jess, come look see,” he drawled before wandering off.
Jess pushed Snape out of the carriage and turning to his wife growled,” Don’t you move a muscle, ” before following Snape outside to review the situation.
The landslide was covering a good half of the road and would take a crew of men a good week to clear it Jess figured as he removed his hat and ran a hand across his damp face. The rain had lessened to a slow drizzle now but the damage was done and there was no going on, Mose was right.
He jammed his hat back on hard and looking over to his old friend.
“There’s nuthin’ for it but to go by the old road Mose.”
“Huh, you crazy, have you seen the state of it recently Jess?”
“Sure I have, was over just a couple of weeks ago but there ain’t no alternative Mose. We can’t go back. I figure we’d be facing a lynching mob,” and anyways my Millie needs to get there too he thought but that last sentiment remained unvoiced.
Mose removed his hat and scratched his head before throwing Jess a quizzical look, “Well iffen you put it that way and I suppose you are the boss deputy, ”he said with a wicked grin.
“Yeah I am,” said Jess giving him a hard look before marching his prisoner back to the waiting coach.
If the ride had been hard before, now it was almost unbearable with the Stage lurching about from one hole in the road to the next. After a good half hour or so they slowly came to a halt and Jess leaned out and yelled up to Mose asking what the problem was.
“Dang mud,” came the angry reply, “halfway up the wheels Jess. We’re caught fast, critters can’t pull us out! “
Jess gave a sign of irritation before ordering everyone off the coach.
“Don’t think on goin’ anyplace,” Jess said with an evil glance as he roughly tied Snape to the nearest tree. Then he escorted Ma Snape over to where Mose could keep an eye on her from up top,” Just stay right here if you please Ma’am,” he growled.
She pulled her arm away angrily, ”As you wish Mister Harper, but this isn’t over yet you’ll see..”
“Sure I will Ma’am,” he said sarcastically.
Then turning to the old timer called, “Throw me the shovel down Mose.”
He spent the next half hour digging the wheels out as best he could before taking the halter of one of the lead horses and willing him forwards as Mose slapped the reins and yelled encouragement from the box.
It was a long and weary business and Jess was filthy and sweating profusely before the tough horses eventually managed to get a grip on the boggy ground and finally pull the coach out of the muddy quagmire.
Jess returned back inside the coach filthy but triumphant and once all the passengers were in their seats, yelled for Mose to move off, the old man urging the team on to a steady lope through the long afternoon.
Jess was just beginning to think maybe they were home and dry and dreaming of a hot tub and then supper with his girl once they hit Cheyenne, when disaster struck.
Suddenly Jess heard Mose cry out and moments later the stage started hurtling along at breakneck speed and a bullet whistled in through the window narrowly missing Jess’s hat.
“Git down Millie!” he yelled grabbing her and then Ma Snape and pushing them unceremoniously to the floor of the coach, before peering out and returning fire.
It soon became obvious that two gunmen were drawing level with them, aiming at the driver and also at Jess, who was now leaning perilously far out of the window and firing his rifle at the marksmen.
He shot one in the chest and had the pleasure of seeing him fall from his horse , dead before he hit dirt Jess figured.
The other seemed to come on with renewed vigor however and managed to catch Jess in the upper arm. He’d possibly hit Mose too, Jess surmised, the way the stage was now swaying dangerously as if out of control.
Jess was now madder than all get out and returned fire fiercely and accurately and at last saw his adversary fall, presumably dead, Jess sure hoped so anyway.
The Stage was now rattling along like a thing possessed and Jess leaned out of the carriage window and yelled up to Mose, but there was no response then just seconds later tragedy struck.
The runaway coach hit a large stone in the road, rocked one way and then the other, before rocking back…teetering and finally turning on its side throwing the passengers out as it went, before sliding to a shuddering standstill. The terrified horses screamed in fear rearing up desperately trying to escape their confines, before standing head down panting and shaking, utterly spent.
Chapter 5
Jess was the first to move and as he came around gave a low groan as pain suffused his body…
After a moment he moved gingerly and was relieved to find nothing broken. His upper left arm throbbed painfully from where the bullet had grazed him. And putting a hand to his head, he felt warm sticky blood trickling down his face from a jagged wound to his temple where he’d been thrown against the rocks but otherwise he was OK.
Millie he suddenly thought, goddamn it where’s Millie?
He leapt up looking desperately around the mangled remains of the Stage coach and at the utter carnage surrounding it, bloodied bodies strewn around the area.
Ma Snape lay within a few feet of him and he made his way over kneeling beside her battered body. Swallowing deeply her turned the bloodstained form over.
He saw immediately that she was dead and closed his eyes tightly, bowing his head for a moment before leaping up and renewing his search for his beloved Millie, now feeling even more distressed. His deep blue eyes brimming with torment as he searched the carnage.
He found her moments later, lying on her side as though asleep just feet from the shattered stage.
He again dropped to his knees, but this time gave a fervent prayer, before he looked down into his beloved’s beautiful but bruised face.
She was deathly pale her dark lashes casting a shadow on her cheek, her eyes tightly closed and her breathing….
Hell was she breathing was Jess’s first thought.
He put a gentle hand to her throat feeling for a pulse as he had seen Doc Sam do numerous times and felt a weak pulse. Then leaning down put his cheek to her lips and felt the slightest of breaths….
“Thank God,” he whispered and then took her in his arms holding her close, ”Come on Millie sweetheart wake up,” he said softly.
It was sometime before she started wheezing and then her weak frame was wracked with spasm after spasm of coughing. The tears running down her cheeks before she finally sighed and relaxed back in Jess’s arms.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Hey, it’s OK you just take it easy huh.”
He pulled her closer and she yelped in pain.
“What..Mil…what is it?”
“My arm,” she gasped, I think maybe it’s broken hurting real bad anyways,” she said turning even paler beads of perspiration forming on her forehead.
Jess looked down surveying her left arm and very gently manipulated it before breathing a sigh of relief.
“It’s alright,” he said immediately and removing his bandana gently wrapped the arm in an improvised sling.
“It’s just badly bruised and your wrist looks to be sprained, but not broke your fingers move OK, but just keep it real still to be on the safe side huh?”
Millie had turned even paler, but rallied well, licking her lips and asking for water. He fetched some from a canteen he found scattered amongst the other detritus of the crash, and helped her to drink.
“Thank you Doctor Harper,” she said with a weak smile, ”So when did you get to be so darned good at healing then?” She asked.
“Well when you’ve been in as many fights and shoot outs as I have and picked up a whole mess of injuries along the way you kinda pick it up,” he said with his cheeky grin.
She sat up a little then and looked at him properly, “Oh Jess you’re hurt,” she said quickly, ”and here’s me moaning about a sore wrist.”
“Hush, I’m fine, they’re just a couple of grazes, looks worse than it is.”
“Ok I believe you cowboy,” she said softly, “but we’ll get them cleaned up real good huh?”
“Sure,” he said with a chuckle, then looking deeply into her eyes,” that’s what I love about you sweetheart, you don’t go fussin’ and frettin’ like some women folk.”
“Well after all the time I’ve spent with you I’d have white hair iffen I started fussing every time you got beat up some,” she said honestly.
“I guess,” he said smiling into her eyes, knowing the truth of it.
Then he closed his eyes and swallowed hard before looking back down at her now resting in his arms, ”Jeez I love ya somethin fierce…you know that dontcha?”
“Of course I do,” she whispered, but something in his manner set off alarm bells and she sat up properly, looking around her.
“What of the others?” she asked quietly.
Jess shrugged,” I dunno, was just checkin’, Ma Snape’s dead that’s for sure.”
“Yup, if you’re OK I’ll go check out the others, yeah?”
She nodded, “Of course go.”
Jess found Mose lying on his side close to the upturned Stage out cold. But after a few minutes he groaned and came around before he started to try and sit up.
“Easy Mose…just take it real slow,” said Jess noting the wound to the old timer’s head.
Mose felt the pain and a hand shot up to his head, ” The bastards caught me,” he said bringing a bloodstained finger away from the wound.
“ Are you hurt anyplace else?”
“Nope I reckon not, how about you Jess?“
“Oh I’m OK,” was the typical reply, ignoring his own injuries.
Then his head shot up, “Garldarn it where in hell is Snape?”
Mose looked around him in bewilderment, ”Vamoosed?”
“You got it by the looks of things,” Jess replied springing up from where he’d been hunkered down by Mose and took off to check the wreck site.
He returned sometime later, ”I’m gonna see to the team and then take one of them off after him. Can you help out Miss Millie salvage anything you can from the Stage, water , blankets, anything we can use. Get her to check out that wound of yours too Mose. We’ll head on out just as soon as I get back with that bastard.”
“OK Jess, you watch your back huh, that no hoper has gotten my rifle I reckon.”
Mose’s surmise was absolutely right as Jess found out half an hour into his quest.
Shots from a nearby hillside slammed into the earth at his mounts feet and he had to dive and roll to get out of trouble…
He lay in the lee of some rocks groaning as the fall had opened up the wound to his upper arm and the blood trickled down once more as he set his face in a grimace, uttering bitter curses…
Then taking a deep breath, he put his head above the rock cover and returned the fire…..
It was only a matter of time before Snape ran out of ammo and shouting to Jess he moved out from his cover the rifle raised above his head….
“Well that was a dang stupid waste of time,” Jess spat when they were within a few feet….”so how far did ya think you’d get handcuffed that way?”
Snape shrugged, “You can’t blame a man for tryin……I’m gonna hang anyways ain’t I?”
“So you admit it,” asked Jess, ”you did murder old Norrie?”
“Sure I did as anyone that was there will tell ya. But hey Jess ain’t you ever killed a man in cold blood that way…just because he riled ya…huh?”
Jess stared at him for a long minute remembering what a lovely guy old Norrie had been, then he took a deep breath and gestured with his rifle.
“Come on I’m takin’ you back. And in answer to your question nope, not as yet anyways….but there’s always time Snape, so don’t push it.”
Once they were back at the site of the terrible accident Jess suddenly remembered that Snape’s wife was dead and felt kinda sorry for the guy no matter what had passed before.
As he rode in and dismounted Jess turned to the tall man, who had been walking alongside him and said,” You need to know. Well I’m real sorry but your wife was killed when the coach turned over.”
Snape never missed a beat his face devoid of emotion, ” I know that Harper, saw her body before I lit out. Anyway she’s served her purpose even iffen it didn’t pay off.”
Jess couldn’t believe his ears, “What’d you just say?”He asked, turning to face the tall man.
“Oh come on Harper why are you so bothered? We all know women are good for one thing only…and my dear wife was way past that side of things, so I guess she ain’t no loss.”
Jess, looked shocked to the core, his whole demeanour that of outrage, before he burst into action and gave Snape a vicious backslap across the face and then another, leaving him on his knees his mouth bleeding and his eyes furious.
“What in hell was that for?”
“The first fer your poor wife God rest her…the second for all decent women. Now get the hell outer my sight, over by those rocks and Mose will watch you. You move a muscle and he’ll down you, got it?”
“Sure I got it,” he muttered as he slunk away followed closely by Mose, once more in possession of his rifle…
Jess turned away shaking with anger and moments later Millie came over and rested a gentle hand on his arm.
He swallowed his fury back and looked down at her with the ghost of a smile, ”Are you OK sweetheart?”
“I am,” she confirmed, “but you’re really not Jess. Come and sit over in the shade,” she said gesturing to some cottonwoods, “and I’ll dress those wounds, your shirt is soaking in blood did you know?”
It was late afternoon before they were ready to continue their journey after they had laid Ma Snape to rest, Marty Snape looking on indifferently.
Mose had taken as much from the wrecked coach as they could use and loaded it up on one of the critters using him a pack horse. Then Snape and Mose rode two of the others. Jess and Millie doubled up on Hector a big strong old grey that was very biddable as had been used as a work horse around the ranch in the past. The others were less lucky trying to ride rather skittish Stage line horses bareback so the progress was slow. However Jess had Millie’s safety paramount in his mind so he was happy to slow the pace, even if the journey would take much longer.
In a sudden turnaround from the storms and torrential rain of the last few days, now the sun shone from a clear blue cloudless sky, beating down on the weary travellers.
The sweat ran down Jess’s back and face, mingling with the mud from his recent battle digging the coach out. He removed his Stetson and ran his sleeve across his hot face before ramming his hat back in place and turning slightly to address Mille, who was behind him her good arm around his waist.
“You OK sweetheart, wanna drink?”
“No I’m alright thanks,” came the soft reply but Jess could tell she was pretty much all in.
After they had been riding for an hour or so he called the group to a standstill and jumped down, wandering over to a ridge of rock to look out across the plain spread below them.
Mose mooched over to join him after a minute.
“What are ya thinkin’ on Jess?”
“I figure it’s a good few hours ride to Cheyenne from here and we’re all pretty done in. How’s about we strike up camp over by those pines yonder?” he suggested pointing to a small grove of trees some distance off, ”Looks to be a water hole there too so we can cleanup some and fill up the canteens, set off fresh in the morning huh?”
“Sound good to me son. This here head of mine is achin’ somethin’ fierce and you don’t look any too bright either,” he said regarding Jess pale sweaty face and the dried blood to his temple.
When Jess return to his mount he jumped up on his broad back, but this time with Millie in front of him, ”You just lay back and close your eyes,” he said softly, “we’ll make camp in an hour or so, OK?”
She nodded wearily and relaxed back against his shoulder, feeling his strong arm around her waist holding her safely and after a little while her head fell back and she slept.
Chapter 6
After they had made camp they had a good wash in the deep water hole, but found the water tainted and unsuitable for drinking.
Jess looked troubled and then remembered they still had three canteens almost full from the wreck.
“Will we be OK?” asked Millie in alarm when she realised the situation.
“As long as we’re careful with it, there’s a spring about an hour’s ride away we can fill up tomorrow,” he said cheerfully.
They dined on a couple of rabbits Jess had shot and after supper they sat around the campfire discussing the day’s happenings. All save Snape who was tightly tied to one of the huge pines several feet from the fireside.
“Well it’s like I said,” Mose confirmed throwing Jess a lugubrious look, ”another Act of God responsible for all this trouble we’re in. I said they came in threes didn’t I, more sometimes…once these things start they can go on and on.”
Jess turned away from the old timer and rolled his eyes to Millie before replying, “So how’d ya make that out then Mose?”
“Well stands to reason don’t it. That dang landslide was what started it all off. Iffen I hadn’t pulled over I figure Ma Snape wouldn’t have had the chance to pull that gun. Then havin’ to go back on the old road made it a dang sight easier for those no good hoodlums to open fire on us…. It was them that made me drive so dang reckless and caused the crash, all because of that ol’ landslide…Act of God see Jess…. they’re haunting you…after that fire an’ all…that was another one.”
Jess changed the subject quickly, not wanting to reflect too long on that recent disaster.
“So who was it that opened fire on us then Snape?” he asked looking over to where the killer was hunched up beneath the tall pine looking mutinous.
“My brothers Carl and Jed,” he muttered….throwing Jess a black look.
“Didn’t know you had brothers,” Mose said with interest.
“Well I ain’t now have I,” Snape growled, “thanks to that goddamn son of a bitch. “
“Shut it Snape, there’s a lady present,” Jess spat angrily.
“Where? I don’t see no lady…just some stuck up little saloon bitch,” he drawled.
Jess covered the few feet in the blink of an eye and smashed a fist into Snape’s face effectively shutting him up, but before he could do anything else Mose was beside him, pulling at his arm.
“Easy boy, don’t go sinkin’ to his level, he ain’t worth it….”
Jess shrugged Mose’s hand off irritably, but backed off, moving moodily around before settling back by the fire.
“We’d better turn in,” he suggested, ”Mose take first watch will ya, call me in a couple of hours huh?”
The old driver smiled, knowing that Jess’s lightning fast temper was in check again.
“You got it Jess boy, sleep well,” he returned, before taking his rifle up and seating himself on the far side of the fire where he could keep Snape in sight.
Millie and Jess had placed the blankets, taken from the wrecked Stage, within a chaste distance of each other, but close enough for them to still hold hands Mose noted, before he turned his gaze resolutely away and gave them some privacy.
Jess held Millie’s hand tightly, “You OK now sweetheart?”
When she didn’t reply, he leaned up on his elbow gazing down at her,”Mil?”
“Huh, oh yes I’m fine Jess, just a tad chilly. “
He flicked a quick glance over to Mose and saw that he was obviously taking his duties as guard very seriously, watching the prisoner with zeal.
Seeing that the old timer’s attention was fully on the job in hand Jess slowly rolled over until he was able to take Millie in his arms….pulling his blanket over them both.
“That better?” he whispered.
She gave a little giggle, “Jess what will Mose say?”
“Nuthin’, too busy mindin’ the prisoner, now just relax huh,” and leaning in he kissed her gently on the lips.
She responded and after a second his caresses became more passionate, until she reluctantly pulled away.
“What’s up?” he whispered.
“We can’t, you know start something we can’t finish,” she replied regretfully.
He pondered that for a moment and then sighed, you’re right,” he finally concluded, ”just cuddle up huh, try and sleep.”
She was silent for a little while then, ”Do you believe in what Mose was saying about Acts of God and all that?”
He thought for a moment, ”Sorta but it’s just nature ain’t it no point in readin’ too much into it all.”
“But still we have had some strange weather lately. So dry and that lightning strike that caught your barn. Then since, that downpour causing the landslide and now it’s so darned hot again its’ almost as though nature, as you call it, is playing tricks on us and none to pleasant ones either like that tainted water.”
“Yeah, the heat’s turned that water rank and there’s a real danger of fires too everything’s so dang dry.”
“What even after that heavy rain we’ve had?”
“Guess so, when I went rabbiting I saw that the trees are like tinder, wouldn’t take much to set ’em alight, we’d better be real careful with this old fire, he mused.
Millie shuddered slightly,” I’ll be glad when we make it to Cheyenne,” she said softly.
“Should make it by supper time at the latest,” he promised and with that happy thought she finally fell into an uneasy doze.
After a little while Jess gently disentangled himself from a sleeping Millie and silently standing he stretched and then mooched over to where Mose was still guarding Snape.
“Why dontcha turn in Mose,” Jess said softly,” I can’t sleep. I’ll take the first watch iffen that’s OK with you?”
Mose chuckled, “She’s too much of a distraction for you, eh boy?” he said flicking a glance over to where Millie was now sleeping peacefully.
Jess flushed up, about to deny it and then grinned at the old man, ”you’re right Mose.”
“Umm, I thought so , I ain’t always been an old ‘un you know Jess and Miss Millie’s a purty girl, purty enough to get any red blooded man’s pulses racing.”
Then he threw his friend a toothless grin, ”Yup, well I’ll turn in then give me a shout in a few hours huh. I’ll do the last shift and get the coffee goin’ fer when you wake up, ” and with that he shuffled off.
Jess settled down to watch the sleeping prisoner and made do with fantasizing about how he and Millie would celebrate once they landed safely in Cheyenne.
A few hours later he roused Mose to take his watch and gratefully retired back to his blanket by the fire…noting that Millie was now sleeping peacefully and judging by her prettily flushed face was plenty warm enough Jess surmised.
Casting her a final loving glance he settled down himself to some much needed rest.
It was just an hour or so later when suddenly all hell broke loose.
Jess was awoken abruptly from his slumber and was nearly trampled as horses and riders ran rough shod through the camp area, whooping and yelling.
Dragged abruptly from his sleep he was up on one knee his gun drawn in a matter of seconds as the renegade Indians stormed the camp letting off a volley of shots and yelling for Millie to stay down.
As the young men on their paint ponies charged by totally disrupting the camp he shot one, wounding him in the arm. Then just seconds later his brother in arms retaliated by furiously hurling a hunting knife that slammed into Jess’s shoulder felling him, all his fight drained as he collapsed in excruciating pain, bleeding profusely.
Mose did the best he could to see off the intruders, but it was merely seconds later that they rode off the reason for their attack driven before them …the relay horses.
Mose rallied quickly and ran over to where Jess had fallen and was now lying in Millie’s arms.
He gasped at the sight that met him. Jess was deathly pale, a splatter of crimson blood staining his shirt the dagger still sticking out from his shoulder.
“Dear God,” Mose muttered.
“Help me Mose what do we do?” Millie cried in despair.
Mose’s knelt down beside his friend looking dumbstruck. Unsure as to how to tackle the horrific injury. But just seconds later Jess’s eye lids flickered, his eyes opened and he squinted up at his old friend.
“Goddamn it, git the darned thing out of me,” he snarled.
Mose took a deep breath and slowly did as requested before gasping as the deep wound started to ooze dark red blood quickly soaking the front of Jess’s pale blue shirt.
Millie immediately removed the bandana from her arm and pushed it into the wound, holding it firmly in place.
Jess gave an initial cry of pain, but then quickly rallied, “It’s OK Mil, that’s right…hold it real firm until it stops bleedin’.”
When the wound was still relentlessly oozing blood over ten minutes later they knew he was in real trouble.
Jess seemed to be out of it, just murmuring that he felt real sick and kinda dizzy, before he closed his eyes, his head fell back and appeared to be either unconscious or deeply asleep.
After a moment Mose leaned down and removing Jess’s hunting knife from his friend’s boot thrust it deeply into the fire.
“What are you doing?” asked Millie looking agitated.
“It’s the only way,” said Mose quietly, ”seems to me a knife caused this and that’s the only way out of it too.”
“What do you mean?” she whispered casting the now glowing blade a pensive look.
Mose sighed deeply, “Only way girl…gonna have ta burn him to stop that there bleedin’ or it will carry him off.”
It took a moment for what the old man was suggesting to sink in.
“What!” she cried, “You’re going to cauterize the wound…without any anesthetic?”
He just grunted,”Like I say Miss Millie only way to save him I figure, so you gonna help me?”
She stared at him for a good minute before nodding mutely and she agreed, ”Yes…of course.”
Just as Mose removed the white hot blade from the heart of the fire Jess groaned and opened his eyes again….finally focusing on the weapon in his friend’s hands.
“No other way for it?” He whispered understanding what was to happen at once.
Mose just shook his head, “I’m real sorry boy. “
“Just do it,” Jess said firmly and when Mose hesitated Jess yelled at him.
“Mose fer God’s sake, git to it will ya!”
Sighing sadly the old man flicked a glance up to where Millie was sitting with Jess’s head and shoulders still in her lap
“Hold him as best you can girl,” he said before applying the white hot blade to the still bleeding open wound.
There was a sickening stench of burning flesh and Jess bucked and screamed out before collapsing back his eyes tightly shut, breathing heavily.
Millie had held him down as well as she could, impeded as she was with her painful wrist and now she held him close. One hand gently stroking back the tangle of damp curls from his forehead, all the time whispering endearments.
Then suddenly it was all too much for her and she was weeping inconsolably.
After a moment Jess opened his eyes and looked up at her, concern and love shining in his deep blue eyes.
“Hey don’t take on so Mil, I ain’t dead am I?” he said with the hint of a smile.
That was enough to halt the flow of tears and she gave him a watery smile,”Oh you,” she admonished gently cuffing him on his good shoulder.
“That’s better,” he said openly grinning at her now.
“How’s it doin’ stopped?” He asked raising a quirky eyebrow.
Millie checked below the bandage and nodded,”Yeah.”
“Good that’s real good,” he said softly, I guess I’ll just get me some shuteye and we’ll be on our way at first light…huh?”
Mose and Millie exchanged an exasperated glance.
“I really don’t think,” she started, before realizing that Jess was already fast asleep.
The following morning it was obvious Jess was far from well. His breathing was laboured and he looked pale and sickly to Millie’s eyes.
“I’ll be just fine quit fussin’,” he said as they sat around the camp fire sipping a restorative coffee.
Mose had managed to find some packs of coffee which he’d salvaged from the wrecked Stage the day before. It was destined for the Cheyenne Mercantile but as he said to Jess, ’I figure our need is greater than the good folk of Cheyenne right now.’
Millie knew better than to argue so changed the subject as she sipped the strong brew, ”So what was all that about last night I thought we’d signed a treaty with the Crow?”
“We have,” said Jess looking serious, ”but those braves last night were renegades .It was Chief White Eagle’s nephew Grey Wolf and his compadres. It seems that Chief White Eagle had a fall out with his brother, Grey Wolf’s pa, and killed him. That made him Chief and it was him that signed the Treaty. But ol’ Grey Wolf there and his kin wanted no part of it, so they took off and left the tribe and have been makin’ trouble ever since.”
“So how do ya know so much about it all?” asked Mose looking fascinated.
“Doug Masters was tellin’ me last time I was over this way,” Jess said referring to the Cheyenne Sheriff and good friend. “Seems they’ve been robbin’ local ranches, stole some whisky from the mercantile too. They wanted our horses to prove something to the new Chief. “
“What?” asked Millie looking perplexed.
“How powerful they are. The Indians believe a man is worth as much as the number of horses he possesses and he thinks he’ll gain some kudos in the eyes of the tribe I figure.”
Millie had been silent throughout this now turned to Jess looking frightened, “They…they won’t come back will they?”
“Nah, I figure they’ve got what they wanted.”
“Then why don’t we stay here until you’re feeling a little better, please Jess?”
He shook his head and then gently took her hand, “Nope we’ve gotta get movin’ sweetheart. This real dry hot spell means we need to keep drinking or we’ll get sick we’ve gotta get to the creek today to refill the canteens.“
“And how long before we get to Cheyenne?” She asked anxiously.
Jess drew a deep breath, “Two days, maybe three.”
“Yeah if God’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise,” Mose said with a chuckle.
Jess threw him a dark look…”Well that’s hardly likely,” he muttered before casting an eye up to the clear blue skies and then throwing his coffee dregs on the fire and hauling himself up.
It took them over six hours to reach the distant creek, Jess staggering bravely on keeping his rifle trained on the prisoner, the hot sun beating down on them all making them weary and short tempered.
Watching Jess now stumbling on through the noontide temperature Millie wondered how long he could continue as there was no shade to be had. No respite from the sun’s relentless heat and they had no alternative but to carry on, making for the line of trees shadowing the line of the river in the distant heat haze.
She watched as he staggered again nearly falling to his knees before Mose rushed to his aid.
Millie ran forward too,”Jess!”
“It’s OK, I’m OK,” he gasped clutching his shoulder, ”Come on sweetheart, another hour or so and we should make it and we’ll have a nice cool drink huh.”
She nodded feeling totally spent and unable to bear how terrible he must be feeling, poor old Mose too, plodding along in the heat of the day. The only person she didn’t feel sorry for was Snape who was as ornery as ever, cussing Jess and complaining every inch of the way.
It was Snape and his sarcastic comments that finally kept Jess going. His anger feeding his dwindling strength….the adrenalin forcing him to take step after step when he really should be lying flat on his face he figured, feeling as sick as he did.
“Goddamn it Snape shut yer filthy mouth,” Jess spat angrily as the outlaw cussed long and loud about their predicament yet again.” None of us would be in this darned mess if it weren’t for your kin shootin’ up the Stage,” he reminded him crossly.
They finally made it to the cool reaches of the creek, but it was obvious that Jess was near collapse. He fell to his knees once they reached the river bank leaving Mose to make the prisoner secure.
Millie hurried towards where Jess was still on his knees just staring at the sparkling river and then moments later he fell forwards in a dead faint.
“Jess,” she cried and ran to his side, gently turning him on his back and looking down at his deathly white face the bandage covering his wound once more blood stained.
As Mose ran over Millie stared up into his anxious face,”The wounds opened up again,” she cried, ”oh Mose, he needs a doctor and now.”
The old man sighed deeply, “Well that we don’t have Miss Millie, we’ve just got to do the best we can by him. You fetch fresh bandages and I’ll top up the canteens, he’ll feel better if we clean him up some.”
Once he was washed and clean bandages in place, courtesy of Millie’s underskirt, Jess came around and squinted up at his girl, who was tenderly wiping his damp forehead.
“Snape,” he said at once, “Has Mose gotten Snape covered?”
“Yup all secure Jess boy don’t you fret trussed up like a Christmas turkey and looking about as happy,” Mose said with a grin.
Jess gave him a weak smile,”Sorry Mose, I figure I ain’t a lot of use right now. “
“Hell boy, it’s a darned miracle you managed to walk this far with that darned wound. You just relax back and stop frettin. ’I’ll watch the bastard tonight, you just take things easy huh.”
“Thanks,” Jess whispered before he drifted off again.
Millie made him as comfortable as she could, tucking a blanket around him, before she went to find wood for a fire.
Mose wandered over sometime later and after casting the still sleeping Jess a lugubrious glance hunkered down by the fire, accepting a coffee that Millie had just brewed.
“He’s pretty near done in,” he said softly,”should sleep the night and we’ll see how he is tomorrow huh.”
“I really don’t think he’ll be able to make it in this heat,” Millie replied looking up to the clear blue skies the sun still beating down although it was late afternoon.
The following day again dawned bright and clear. The sun a hot ball in the sky beating down relentlessly on the small group.
Jess had immediately assessed the situation when he awoke, feeling feverish and sick.
He knew he was unable to walk for any prolonged period in the burning heat of the day and suggested they stick to the tree cover of the river bank, take a break during the noontide heat and then carry on walking on after dusk when it was cooler.
“As long as there’s a decent moon it shouldn’t be a problem. It’s not like we’re ridin’ and the critters could miss their footing we should be just fine iffen we take it slow.”
Millie sighed with relief,”You think you’ll be OK Jess…are you sure?”
He nodded forcing a smile and trying hard to ignore the rising nausea, “Yup, I’ll be just fine, but I figure we all need to pace ourselves some.”
“Well that suits me,” said Mose cheerfully,”I reckon I’m the wrong kinda shape for these here long hikes,” he said patting his stomach and giving Jess a wide grin.
The only member of the party who was refusing to try and see the positive side was their prisoner of course.
“You can say that again fat man,” sneered Snape, ”and I doubt you’ll make it either Harper you’re lookin’ real pale and sickly this mornin’.”
Then he turned and leered at Millie, “Don’t you fret none sweet lady. Iffen this man of yours ups and dies on you well you’ll have me to look out for you. I reckon I can do that pretty good,” he said with a leer,”I’ll show you how a real man makes love to a woman.”
“Shut yer filthy mouth!” Jess spat angrily lurching up and staggering over to where the prisoner was still secured to a large cottonwood.
“Hit a nerve eh Harper? Not feeling quite up to the job right now huh?” He taunted.
Jess balled his fists and looked incensed, but Mose quickly stepped over and tugged at his arm, ”Come on Jess boy let it go he ain’t worth breakin’ a sweat for. “
Jess took a deep breath and then untying the prisoner gestured with his rifle for him to move off, all the time silent and tight lipped.
Jess was sweating and near collapse again by the time noon rolled around. However they had made good time and he figured if they carried on walking for a few more hours that night they would make it back to Cheyenne within a couple of days.
They made camp under the shade of some huge cottonwoods and settled down to rest deciding they would move on again later in the cool of the evening.
When Jess refused anything to eat, or even accept a coffee Millie became worried again.
He just lay quietly on his bedroll, placed some way from the fire, looking up into the leaves above him that were swaying in a gentle breeze.
Millie and Mose sat around the fire eating the remains of yesterday’s supper, drinking coffee and talking quietly.
After a while Millie left Mose watching the prisoner and went and lay down beside Jess leaning up on her elbow so she could study him closely.
“How are you feeling?” she asked softly, but before he could answer she placed a finger on his lips and looked deeply into his eyes,”And don’t say your ‘just fine’ because I know you’re not.”
He sighed and rolled his eyes before giving her the ghost of a smile.
“OK you win. I’ve felt better… my shoulder’s hurtin’ something fierce.”
She sighed, gently placing a protective hand on the bandaged wound.
When she looked so troubled he gave her another weak smile. “I’m sorry honey you asked and you see the thing is…well I might not be able to make it. I need you to go on with Mose….get to town…it ain’t too much further you’ll be safe once you get there.”
She just stared at him for a full minute before the sense of what he was telling her sank in, ”What…..you mean leave you….out here...sick and alone …are you crazy?”She admonished.
“No,” he said fiercely, ” I’m thinkin’ real clear. I just want you to get to safety Mil and as soon as you dang well can. I’ll just hold ya back.”
“No, no you won’t and anyway I’m not leaving you and that’s final. I’ll get you a drink,” she said quickly stemming any further argument on the subject.
She held a canteen to his lips and helped him to drink then he lay back down, looking exhausted.
“You get some rest,” she whispered,”and we’ll talk later.”
Jess gave a soft groan and lay on his side, one hand clutching his shoulder his eyes tightly closed as Millie looked helplessly on.
He slept right through the night and the following morning seemed a little better. So they finally set off again walking through the heat of yet another scorching day, before resting during the afternoon and then carrying on through the evening until they were just too exhausted to go on.
Chapter 7
Jess really didn’t know if he would have made it or not….but as things panned out rescue was finally at hand…..or so it seemed.
It was the third day of their trek and they now needed to bear south away from the river and head back onto the old road and into Cheyenne by the back trail.
They had been walking through the heat for several hours and with no cover available they had no choice but to continue, just hoping they would reach town by the end of the day.
The only thing keeping Jess going was training his rifle on Snape’s back and forcing himself to keep pace with him…his whole being just concentrating on delivering his prisoner as promised.
Millie and Mose were staggering on just behind him, both feeling exhausted. Millie was wondering again just how Jess was managing to keep going, when she suddenly saw something in the distance.
Jess too had seen the dust kicked up by a small posse of riders and grabbing hold of Snape he dragged him behind him, calling for Mose to watch his back. Then taking a pace forwards he raised his rifle and squinted into the noontide sun.
Yup, the riders were definitely heading their way and as he watched they slowly advanced before finally stopping a few feet away.
The leader slid down from his mount and grinned at Jess.
“Mister Harper is it?” he asked politely.
“Who’s askin’?” Asked Jess gruffly, his rifle still held on the red haired young man, now looking slightly less confident.
“The names Stone Mister Harper, Pete Stone and I’m Sheriff Master’s new deputy. When the Stage didn’t land on time he sent me out looking for you. We were kind of concerned, especially with Snape on board, thought you might be in a spot of trouble.”
“Well you thought right then Deputy,” Jess said relaxing a little and lowering his rifle, “Stone you say, well what happened to young Eddie Green then?”
“Eddie, Doug’s Deputy?” Jess said throwing the deputy a quizzical glance.
“Oh…that Eddie…er he got sick…real sick had to give up. Shame seeing as he’s a young man…in his prime I guess. ”
“Really,” asked Jess in disbelief, “never known young Eddie to have a day’s sickness in his life.”
“Um…came on real sudden. So anyway Harper, I’ll take charge of your prisoner now.”
Jess cast a glance at the rather motley crew of three other riders in the posse and didn’t like the look of them at all.
“So why didn’t Doug come himself?” He asked turning his attention back to Pete Stone.
“You ask a lot of questions don’t ya,” replied the deputy quickly losing his previously respectful attitude. ”Sheriff’s busy back in town and I’m the law around here, so if you don’t mind, “he said taking a step towards Snape.
“Well as it so happens I do,” said Jess, taking a step in front of his prisoner and raising his rifle again, ”I’m the law too,” he said pulling his vest back to reveal the Deputy badge pinned on his shirt, ”and as such I’m deliverin’ my prisoner to the Sheriff and nobody else understand?” He asked belligerently, raising an eyebrow.
The red headed man swallowed and considered the situation for a moment.
“Now look here Mister Harper, just be reasonable huh. I can see you aren’t looking any too well,” he said casting a glance at Jess’s blood stained shirt. The young lady and old man seem done in too. “Just let me have the prisoner and I’ll ride back to town and send out help pronto, huh…what do ya say?”
“No!” said Jess stubbornly.
“Why the hell not?” Stone bellowed suddenly losing his patience.
“Because iffen you’re Doug Masters’ Deputy I’m a Dutch uncle.”
“So why do ya think I ain’t?” Asked the Deputy looking furious now.
“Because you’ve never heard of Eddie Green, or you’d have known he ain’t a young man, he’s nigh on forty years old. And secondly Sheriff Master’s is a good friend of mine and iffen he really thought I was in trouble he’d have come lookin’ himself. So who in Hell are you?”
But before the bogus Deputy could answer one of the posse went to draw on Jess. But he had the older man covered with his rife before he could slap leather.
“Drop it!” He yelled, raising angry eyes to the man as he gingerly removed his gun from its holster and did as he was bid.
“Ain’t you got no sense, drawin’ on a man as is totin’ a rifle?” Jess spat, before turning back to the red haired man.
“Well I’m waitin’…..”
Before the now very shifty looking man could reply however, Jess heard the sound of more riders approaching. He peered over to where the large group were heading fast over the ridge and heading in their direction.
As his attention was momentarily diverted the ‘deputy’ took his chance to leap back up on his mount and yelling at his companions high tailed it off heading away from town and the approaching group.
As Jess and the others watched in fascination the advancing group swiftly changed direction to chase the fast disappearing bogus deputy…all save one member of the group.
A few minutes later Sheriff Doug Masters reined in his big boned buckskin and beamed down at Jess, “Well howdy Deputy…need a hand?” he asked cheerfully.
Sometime later back in town, with Millie happily visiting with her Ma and Mose recounting tall tales in the Saloon, Jess settled down in Doug’s office. The bogus Deputy and friends safely under lock and key.
“So let me get this straight…I didn’t actually kill one of Snape’s brothers and he made it back to town and got that bunch of no hopers to track us down an’ try and liberate my prisoner?” Asked Jess looking bewildered.
“Yup, that’s about the size of it. Apparently the brother, Carl Snape was paying top dollar to anyone willing to ride out and find you and Snape…he was too badly hurt himself. Still laid up at the docs, doubt he’ll make it.”
“So why didn’t ya stop ‘em Doug?” Asked Jess petulantly, his wound hurting badly again.
“Well hell buddy I didn’t know anything about it until this morning. I’ve been out searching high and low for you haven’t I!” he said in exasperation.
Jess ducked his head, rubbing his bandaged chest gently, before looking up at his old friend,” Gee I’m sorry Doug. I’m bein’ kinda ornery thanks for lookin’ for us…I appreciate it.”
“Well I’m just sorry we didn’t find you sooner. We heard about the landslide. Then followed the tracks as far as the Stage wreck but pretty soon after that the darned horse tracks seemed to be all over the place, I just couldn’t figure as to where you were heading.”
“We weren’t heading anywhere, not on horseback anyway that dang band of renegades jumped us and stole them.”
“What Grey Wolf?”
“Yup they caught us nappin’. They were through the camp like a dose of salts, takin’ the dang horses with them. We’ve been on foot since then came down by the river, cooler down there,” he finished looking bone weary.
“Oh boy, you’ve really had it rough,” said Doug throwing his friend a compassionate look, ”And that wound to your shoulder, which you keep saying is “nuthin’”, was that courtesy of Grey Wolf too?”
Jess nodded looking sheepish, ”I shot one of his brothers and he was none too happy so he chucked his knife at me.”
Doug sucked in a deep breath, “Jeez I bet that stung some,” he said.
Jess’s eyes twinkled at the irony, “You could say so,” he agreed.
“You sure you don’t need the doc? “
“I’ll be fine,” said Jess standing up and stretching, feeling stiff and pretty much wore out.
“Figure I’ll go down to the Boarding house, check on Millie. I’ll be just fine after a good rest really,” he insisted.
Doug smirked at his friend then, ”Um…well I ain’t so sure you’ll be getting much of a rest once you and Miss Millie hook up,” he chuckled, ”and her Ma out of town too! “
“Huh,” said Jess his head snapping up, ”she’s gone already?”
“Yup, her sister’s real sick in the hospital over in Denver, she took the afternoon Stage out a while back, Eddie said. He saw her leave while you were out back washing up.”
Jess picked up his hat from the desk and rammed it in place, before turning for the door a new spring in his step.
“Thought that’d perk you up,” Doug called after him. But Jess merely grinned and flapped a hand in his friend’s direction before marching purposefully out and down the sidewalk to ‘Ma Johnson’s Boarding House…Respectable Gentlemen Only!’ As the legend said clearly above the door.
He knocked and just moments later Millie hauled the door open, looking a tad surprized to see him, but then grabbed his hand and pulled him over the threshold.
Jess pushed the door shut behind him with his foot whilst taking Millie in his arms and kissing her soundly, before pulling back and smiling into her dark brown eyes.
“I thought you’d be over at the doc’s,” she said, ”Doug promised he’d try and make you go. “
“Oh he did, but there’s no need really I’m feelin’ better all the time.”
“You are?”
“Um… I hear your Ma’s headed out, how’s Auntie Betty?”
Millie smiled, ”On the mend Ma says. She had her operation and now is just in need of some tender lovin’ care from Ma she’ll be fine in a week or two.”
“I reckon that should do the trick,” Jess said softly, taking her in his arms again and holding her real close his eyes never leaving hers.
“Tender lovin’ care, I figure it’d cure me…in no time.”
“You do huh?” she replied her eyes sparkling, ”Well this is your lucky day, because Ma ain’t got any bookings until tomorrow so we’ve gotten the place to ourselves.”
The following day they slept late and eventually the morning sunshine playing on her face awoke Millie. She looked around her, trying to get her bearings and then it all came flooding back to her, the dreadful journey to visit her Ma. Jess being hurt and then last night.
At the remembrance of their passion of the night before a secret little smile played around her lips and sitting up she leaned on her elbow to study her lover.
He lay on his back one arm flung outwards, the other resting across his chest as though to protect the heavily bandaged wound. His face looked surprisingly young in repose. His handsome features for once at rest. The quirky eyebrows still and his long lashes casting a shadow on the gentle curve of his cheek. His sensual mouth was relaxed and she stared at it for a long moment and then could resist the urge no longer and leaning down kissed him gently awake.
“Mornin’ sweetheart,” he said lazily, looking lovingly into her eyes as she moved back to inspect him once more.
“How are you feeling,” she asked, “you’re still kind of pale.”
The words,’ I’m just fine’ were on his lips, but then he gave a gentle smile and paused, “Well ya know, I’m still feelin’ kinda sick.”
“You are?” she asked immediately looking concerned, ”Maybe we should call the doc after all?”
He snaked a hand around her back pulling her gently down into his embrace again, “No, I guess that won’t be necessary,” he whispered.
“It won’t?”
“Nope, see I figure I just need a little more of your ‘tender lovin’ care’ …..”
“Why Jess Harper, what am I going to do with you,” she giggled before willingly brushing his lips with her own.
Much later they sat over a late breakfast in her Ma’s dining room and discussed their plans.
“No lying about until all hours for me tomorrow,” she said briskly, ”it looks like we’ll have a houseful.”
He looked surprized for a minute and then the truth dawned, “Ah, this dang trial and hanging I suppose, you’re gonna be full up with folks comin’ to town to see all the fun,” he said sarcastically.
She nodded,” I hate that sort of client, but we can’t be fussy, we need the money to pay for Auntie Betty’s operation.”
He took her hand across the table and squeezed it gently, “Don’t fret honey, she’ll be home soon with yer Ma and things can get back to normal and in the meantime…”
“What?” She asked looking interested.
“Well I’ll stay here and help ya run the place, until they get back.”
“Oh Jess really,” she asked her whole face lighting up with pleasure.
“Sure I will, I don’t want you alone with these ghouls anyway,” he said bitterly,” a hanging attracts all sorts of strange folk.”
“I can look after myself,” she said firmly.
“Gee I know that sweetheart,” he said quickly, ”but you’d like me around wouldn’t ya?” He asked casting her his best little boy lost smile.
Her heart melted at once and she squeezed the hand he was still holding, “Of course but what’ll Slim think?”
“Slim will think I’m one lucky son of a….er gun,” he said chuckling.
However if Jess thought he would get Slim’s blessing for his longer than necessary trip away he was sorely mistaken and his telegraph suggesting a prolonged visit was met by a very succinct one by return.
‘Get your butt home soon as trial over Stop. Work piling up Stop. Slim’
“I didn’t think you could put words like that in a telegraph,” Millie said giggling and pointing to butt.
“Um, I suspect Slim was real annoyed and Lonnie in the Telegraph office knew better than to argue,” he said winking at her.
“Oh Jess do you think you should go home, he sounds awful mad?”
“Nah, ol Hardrock will be sweet. Just soundin’ off some that’s all. Probably just jealous because he can’t think of a good excuse to hole up with his Lily for any length of time.”
She chuckled at that notion, “The only way Lily would let him stay in her bed for weeks on end is iffen she had his ring on her finger.”
Jess looked outraged, “Well it ain’t as though I haven’t asked ya and more than once too, “he lamented.
She leaned over and gently caressed his troubled face, ” I know honey and I will wear your ring you know that, but we decided to wait a while didn’t we…huh?”
“I guess,” he said ducking his head and then looking up and grinning at her said, ”We’d better make the most of the time we’ve got left then. I hear things ain’t near so much fun once you’re a respectable married couple!”
“Why Jess Harper shame on you,” she said blushing, but laughing all the same.
It was a few days later and Jess was having a restorative beer in the saloon, after helping Millie out with the gusts all day. He had invited her along, but she had opted for a long soak in the hot tub. So now he found himself in the company of Mose Shell. The old timer had just completed his run for the day, the landslide finally having been repaired, and was relaxing with a cold beer.
“It sure is a relief to see that good fer nuthin’ Snape is getting his just rewards,” he said after taking a good pull of his beer.
Jess agreed and then peering over at his old friend said, “Well you don’t look any too happy Mose.”
“Oh I am…it’s just this other business I can’t get out of my head.”
“Huh so what’s that then?” asked Jess thinking he might as well humour the old boy.
“These Acts of God, seems they’re cropping up all the time…since that terrible fire of yours back at the ranch Jess.”
“Well how do ya mean?”
“That lighting strike that took your barn. Then those real bad storms causin’ the landslide leadin’ to all that trouble with the Stage. Ever think maybe you’re cursed boy? Latest is forest fires so I hear down in Colorado. It’ll be us next you mark my words Jess boy, I should watch yer back way your lucks running. Got the wrath of the Lord down on us I reckon and we just don’t know when He’ll strike next!”
“Oh come on Mose, you don’t really believe that do ya. It’s just nature these things happen don’t they…huh? “
Before he could reply Sheriff Doug Masters strode in and seeing his buddy at the bar made a bee line for him.
“Evening Mose, Jess,” he said grinning at the two men and ordering a beer.
He took a sip and then turning to Jess said, “I think I may have some good news for you.”
Jess raised an eyebrow, “You do?”
“Uh huh, I’ve just come from the livery and Bill says he’s gotten one of your horses in there!
“He has?”
“Yup sure got the Sherman brand anyways, a big old grey fellah.”
“Hector…Hector’s come home well I’ll be! Good ol’ fellah!“ Jess drained his glass and turned to go.
“Where are you off to then Jess boy?” asked Mose, seeing a free beer just disappearing out the door.
“I’m gonna go check out old Hector of course. I figure you’re wrong Mose. It looks like my luck has just changed,” he said grinning happily, ”that good ol’ horse must have given those Crow braves the slip somehow.”
Then turning back he threw some coins on the bar, ”Fill ‘em up Jake,” he said to the barkeep, nodding to the empty glasses on the bar, ”I’ll be back shortly,” and he marched off looking real chipper.
Mose and Doug exchanged an indulgent smile, “That boy and his horses,” Mose said chuckling, before taking a deep swallow of his beer courtesy of Jess.
When he arrived at the livery old Bill was just closing for the night, but beamed at the dark haired cowboy as he entered.
“Thought you’d be a long Jess, did the Sheriff tell you old Hector walked in about an hour since, kickin’ up a fuss for some oats and a drink,” he said chuckling. ”He took himself off to a stall by the other stage line horses like he owned the dang place.”
Jess grinned widely and wandered over to pat the old horse now resting in his stall.
“We don’t often use him nowadays,” Jess said turning to Bill,” it just so happened one of the regular horses came up lame. I sure am glad he found his way home. We use him for odd jobs around the ranch, timber haulin’ and the like he’d have been sorely missed.”
“Do you want me to use him on the outward bound tomorrow?” asked Bill.
“Nah, let’s give the old fellah a good rest. I’ll ride him home end of the week when I go back, iffen you can find a saddle that’ll fit,” him he laughed.
At the same time that Jess was passing the time of day with old Bill, just down the street at the doc’s place another important conversation was taking place.
The man dressed in black, with a livid scar running the length of his cheek looked down at Carl Snape in the doc’s hospital bed and figured he wasn’t long for this world.
“So let me get this straight,” said the man in black, ”all you want me to do is trail Harper…back shoot him and for that I get $2,000?”
“Yup, like I said it’s my life savings…ain’t got no-one to leave it too,” the deathly pale man wheezed.
“So why Harper then, what’s he done to you?”
“Killed my brother Jed for starters and brought Marty in to hang …so it’s up to me to get some pay back. I figure he’ll do for me as well, before too long, see me im my grave too,” he sighed.
The man in black nodded knowing the truth of it.
“So when do I get my money then?”
“There’s a check payable to you, waiting in Laramie. It’s with a friend of mine, details all here,” he said pushing a scrap of paper over,”you prove to him Harper’s dead and he’ll give it you.”
“So how do I do that?”
“Oh fer goodness sake you’ll find a way,” Carl snapped, fast losing patience. Then he calmed himself, ”Take his dang gun belt. He wouldn’t let anyone take that from him, unless he was passed having any use for it. Its black…got his initials carved near the buckle JH.”
The man in black smiled at the irony, ”Same as mine,” he said displaying his black gun belt complete with the initials, but in his case carved on the inside of the belt, JH for Josh Harvey.
“Um…well my buddy knows exactly what Harper’s belt looks like, he’s seen it enough times. Harper’s arrested him often enough when he’s playin’ deputy for Cory. So dontcha go trying to pass yours off as his, because it won’t work, “he said, bitterly. “His name’s Fadden Don Fadden and you’ll find him propping up the bar in the Laramie saloon, like as not. Give him the belt and he’ll give you the check got it?”
“OK, quit yer fretting, I said I’d get the job done and I will,” and with that he left.
It was an hour later that Carl Snape met his maker.
Chapter 8
Just a week later Jess and Millie were standing in the livery saying their fond farewells, Bill having wandered off grinning at the young couple’s passionate embrace.
“You will be OK?” Jess asked holding her close.
“Of course Ma will be home with Auntie tomorrow and at least that Josh Harvey has left this morning too, I really didn’t take to him.”
“The guy with the scar you mean, me neither he was an ornery one fer sure.”
She smiled then,” He’s not the only one with an ornery streak, what will Slim have to say with you having been gone so long?”
Jess shrugged,” I dunno, but it was sure worth it,” and he pulled her closer leaning in for a final kiss.
Millie had promised to return to Laramie the following Saturday and with that happy thought Jess rode out at a good pace heading for home.
It was still blisteringly hot and so he decided to take the slightly longer route home through the woodlands rather than take the more direct path on the main road. He thought he’d break the journey too as he was much later setting off than he’d intended. Having been unable to resist spending his last hours in town in his girl’s loving embrace .So it was near noon before he finally set off and bumped into Mose just bringing the incoming stage to town.
He pulled up, grinning at his buddy.
“I’ll tell ‘em all at the relay you’re on your way shall I Jess, when I see them later?”
“Sure, it’ll be tomorrow though Mose, Monday. I’m taking the north trail through the forest. I figure it’ll be cooler and easier for old Hector. He’s still pretty wore out after his time with those dang renegades and I don’t wanna push him too hard.”
“OK Jess, I’ll tell ‘em….git Miss Daisy to bake you a pie,” and with that he slapped the reins and drove off.
Josh Harvey was slightly put out when he saw Jess was going off the beaten track and decided to hang well back, in fear of being spied in the open countryside. The pace the dark haired cowboy was riding the big grey lead him to believe that he was in no hurry and would doubtless camp the night somewhere.
“Well that suits me just fine buster,” he whispered to himself, ”You have a nice final night and I’ll git you once you’re passin’ through the Twin Peaks. I figure you’ll be a sitting duck there Mister Harper,” he sneered his eyes cold and hard.
As Jess settled down to camp that night he noticed that the surrounding foliage and trees were tinder dry and he kept his fire small, fearful that any stray sparks might set off a conflagration.” I figure we’ve had enough of old Mose’s Acts of God,” he chuckled as he settled his old horse down for the night.
The following morning he noticed a change in the weather. A wind had gotten up and it was several degrees cooler. He looked up to where the sun was just rising and decided to make an early start. Pouring the dregs of his coffee onto the small campfire he also kicked some dirt over it…making sure it was completely dead before he mounted Hector. Then he took off at a lively pace heading for the twin Peaks, Sherman Mountain pass and then home by suppertime if not sooner he thought happily.
A few miles back Josh Harvey gave his fire a cursory kick of dirt before hurrying to mount up in search of his bounty.
As he rode off the wind got up and fanned the remaining weak flames into a bright burning blaze, sending a shower of sparks into the surrounding foliage.
It was later that morning when Jess noticed there was something wrong.
He was travelling through the thick forested area south of the Twin Peaks and about to enter the pass when Hector started acting strangely, throwing his head up, blowing loudly and sidestepping.
“Hey boy, what’s wrong,” asked Jess, gently patting the big grey’s arched neck.
And then he smelled it himself, the unmistakable odour of wood smoke.
Turning in the saddle he looked behind him and saw a plume of dark grey smoke spiralling into the clear morning sky.
“Dear Lord no,” he muttered, before kicking Hector on to a greater speed his whole being suddenly alert to the grave danger lurking just beyond the hill.
As he rode on the gentle breeze suddenly turned into a strong wind, moaning through the pines like a roaring ocean. After a mile or so Jess reined Hector in and looked back and what he saw made his blood run cold…
The distant curling smoke had escalated to a heavy black blanket, slowly advancing and already turning the sun to a hazy blood red ball high in the sky. But the worst of it was that the pines off in the distance were now fully alight.
Flames were licking hungrily around their foundations quickly running up the bark to devour them. Before leaving a smoking black hulk against the sky line, the eager flames leaping to the next…and the next.
Even as Jess sat transfixed, for just a matter of moments, he saw it advancing upon him. Heard a crack, like distant gunfire, as yet another mighty tree collapsed to the forest floor and saw the black smoke forge on as the wind blew even more strongly.
Sweating profusely, as much from fear as the heat of the advancing fire, Jess spurred Hector on through the dense foliage of the tinder dry forest.
As he rode as fast as safety would allow, he became aware of other critters racing along beside him…deer, rabbits, rats and mice, all blundering through the undergrowth in blind terror.
Above him a vast throng of birds of every description turned the sky dark as they made a mass exodus from their homeland of the forest canopy away to clearer skies and fresher air.
The atmosphere around him was now turning hazy as though a mist was coming down but the accompanying stench of scorched wood made it clear that this was a smoke haze and pretty soon Jess started coughing, his eyes streaming.
He paused to take another quick look and was shocked to see that the fire had advanced to within a few hundred yards, the noise of the wind and the flames almost deafening, interspersed with the ear splitting crack as yet another tree fell, sending a crescendo of sparks flying skywards like some crazy firework display.
Jess was suddenly transported back in time to the visit from the kindly Orientals who had rescued Mike… He remembered how their wagon had been set on fire…..leading to the fireworks they carried all being ignited….the crashes and bangs reverberating around the ranch yard….lights flashing and sparks abounding….
But then he was harshly dragged back to the present as the smell of burning became even more evident ….. Looking down he realised that a shower of burning debris had singed his jacket…. He slapped at it in panic….smothering the sparks on the scorched cloth….But that was all he needed to set him in motion again and he hurtled on down the narrow track.
He was now through the steep gully between the twin peaks and had reached the base of the Sherman Mountain. Hoping to escape from the low lying acrid smoke he took the higher narrow trail hugging the mountain to his left and an increasing drop on his right side as he made his way upwards, urging Hector on to a fast trot.
Now the acrid smoke was choking him and he pulled his bandana over his nose and mouth, his head down riding almost blindly as his eyes were stinging and watering. The black smoke finally engulfed him and he wondered how long his good old horse could carry on. He could see nothing ahead of him but still had to keep up the relentless pace all the time the fire advancing upon them.
One minute he was urging Hector on and the next he felt something hard crash into his chest flinging him from the saddle and over the edge of the ravine. He fell turning head over heels and bouncing from rock to rock before finally coming to rest some twenty feet below on the banks of a shallow creek. And he lay there deathly still.
Hector had managed to duck under the low branch that had caught Jess the resounding blow to his torso and galloped on rider less. Down the mountain trail, to the flatland below, then onward towards home, his survival instinct kicking in, his only thought to get away from the nameless terror behind him.
When Jess didn’t land home when he was expected, according to Mose, Slim was annoyed, but not unduly worried. He knew his pard would need to see Mort in town for a meeting after escorting his prisoner and to tidy up the paper work.
However when he had still not returned on the third day and with rumours of a forest fire he reluctantly rode into town.
“He really is trying my patience,” Slim declared as he sat in Mort’s office, ”Garldarn it Mort I know he had some sorta problem delivering the prisoner, but that was over a week ago, nearly two in fact. He’s just milking it so he can stay with Millie.”
“Well I dunno Slim according to Mose Jess was hurt pretty bad, had a Crow knife in his shoulder, I guess that wouldn’t have been a bundle of laughs. “
“Hell no, Mose didn’t tell me about that,” he said looking shocked.
“Uh, well he was probably on strict instructions from Jess not to worry you, well Miss Daisy anyway.”
Slim nodded, “You could be right, I’m just glad young Mike is still away with the Scott family over in Denver, he’d have been getting real worried by now.”
“Having fun?”
“Oh yeah, a ball over on Grand pappy Scott’s ranch, I figure he won’t want to come home when school starts.”
“That should be anytime soon shouldn’t it?” asked Mort looking surprised.
“Nope the kids have all got a reprieve the new teacher can’t make it until October first, so they all get extra holidays.”
Mort shook his head laughing, “Well it’s alright for some.”
“Um…and talking of someone else whose having a real good time of it… where in hell is that partner of mine? Holed up in Miss Millie’s room and plumb forgotten where the door is, that’s my guess,” he said angrily but with a tiny look of grudging admiration.
“Well I reckon Mose is your best bet to tell you what’s happening, he definitely told me Jess would be here Monday.”
“So where is the old scallywag?”
Mort looked at his pocket watch, “Right about now just having a lunchtime beer I’d guess. He isn’t working today.”
Once Mose had assured Slim that he was pretty sure Jess had left when he said he was going to. But that he’d taken the old top trail through the forest, that alarm bells started ringing for Slim. Mort had already telegraphed Sheriff Masters the day before, but had no reply back and now Slim really began to wonder where his buddy was.
Back at Mort’s office his friend did the best he could to reassure him, ” It seems the lines are down from Cheyenne this pesky fire they’ve had up in the forest that’s why we haven’t heard from Doug. Likely as not Jess will be back at the ranch when you get home large as life and twice as ornery,” he said with a grin.
“I sure hope so.”
“Sure he will heck Slim, Jess isn’t a tenderfoot. He’d go nowhere near the forest if there was a fire blazing away, he’s not stupid. Give him another day and if he doesn’t show I’ll go take a look with you …maybe that old Hector went lame or something he’s getting on ain’t he?“
Slim nodded, “Yeah, it could be something like that .I’m sure glad Jess found the old boy safe and well though, the place wouldn’t be the same without old Hector,” he chuckled before making his farewells.
Meanwhile back in Cheyenne Doug Maters was worried…real worried.
He had received Mort’s telegraph OK, but the lines had gone down shortly afterwards.
“You say he definitely took off three days ago?” Doug asked Bill as they stood in the livery stable.
“Why sure Sheriff, Miss Millie was here seeing him off. Sunday about noon it was. Said he was taking the forest trail and gonna camp out, be home Monday like he told Mose.”
“So where’s Millie now?”
“Went back to Laramie, her Ma arrived early, so she took off just yesterday. Said she was gonna catch up with Jess come next Saturday, some dance, she was real excited about.”
It took Doug just half an hour to gather together a posse of a dozen men willing to search for the popular young cowboy who sometimes deputised for the Sheriff.
Nothing prepared the men for the utter devastation they saw when they hit the top trail near the twin peaks. Whole acres of woodland had been decimated, the hulks of still smoking blackened tree stumps littering the whole area as far as the eye could see, a vast pall of black smoke hiding the sun, the charred remains of animals sending a shudder of distaste and fear down their spines.
Once they were in the deepest part of what had once been abundant forest Doug suggested they split up, fanning out so they could cover a larger area firing off a shot if they found anything.
It was Eddie Green, Doug’s middle aged, kindly Deputy who found the body.
Sliding down from his mount he cautiously made his way over to what he now saw was the charred remains of a man. He was of medium height, slender build and had an unruly head of dark hair. The rest of the body so badly burned as to be completely unrecognisable, just the white teeth bared in an agonising grimace showing starkly in the completely blackened face.
Eddie gagged and moving away dropped to his knees and lost his breakfast.
Once he had recovered he went back over to the body and turned the charred remains over with his toe…exposing a badly burnt gun belt and buckle…. Leaning down and trying hard not to look at the actual body he pulled gently at the belt and it crumbled…Part of it coming away in his hand. He looked down in horror and saw what he had dreaded, the initials engraved there, this was Jess Harper’s gun belt….or what was left of it…. And what was left of Jess Harper too.
He shuddered before shakily getting to his feet and fetching his bedroll to cover the body, then drawing his gun he shot it into the air and waited….
Sheriff Doug Masters was the first to arrive on the scene and he sat his horse, dread in his dark brown eyes as he surveyed the blanket.
After a moment his gaze flicked to his deputy,”Jess?”
Eddie merely nodded. Then after a moment found his voice,”I’m so damn sorry boss,” he said his voice thick with emotion, ”he was a good friend weren’t he.”
Doug sighed deeply and dismounted before walking slowly to Jess’s side, “The best,” he agreed, “Sorta man you’d want at your back Eddie…but you knew that,” and he sighed again and bowed his head.
After a moment he steeled himself to pull the blanket back a little and gave a moan of shock and dismay at what he saw before quickly replacing it.
“You’re sure?”
Eddie nodded, “I saw his initials on his belt, it’s him alright.”
“We can’t take him home,” Doug said quickly, ”it would kill Slim and Daisy to see him this way and anyways… “
He left unsaid his thoughts, but both men knew what he meant, the body would be as fragile as the gun belt had proved to be and would be impossible to transport.
“We’ll bury him here,” he said casting an eye around the devastation of the area, ”in the big open he’d have liked that and this old forest will grow back eventually be a fitting resting place.”
Once the grizzly task had been undertaken and a makeshift marker put in place Doug knelt head bowed in sorrow. His companions, who had now ridden in, not knowing how to console him.
Then he stood up and addressed his men, “Thank you kindly for coming to help me find him,” he said his voice thick with pain, “Jess would have appreciated it too…he was…a great guy,” he finished simply, before turning away to his horse.
He mounted up quickly, ”You’re in charge of the town until I get back Eddie,” he said.
“So where are ya going boss?”
“To tell them back at the Sherman place of course,” he said gruffly and turning his horse he spurred him off to a lively trot.
He was about a mile from the Ranch and Relay, when he saw a large grey horse quietly cropping the grass at the roadside.
He advanced slowly but the animal took no notice and Doug was easily able to catch Hector’s reins and gently lead him over to his own horse.
Slim was just coming out of the barn as Doug rode in and slipping down from the saddle advanced towards his friend still leading Hector.
“Hey Doug good to see you, so what brings you to this neck of the woods?” he asked beaming and stretching out to shake his hand.
They shook, but Doug could barely look him in the eye. However Slim didn’t seem to notice his disquiet, all his attention now turned on the big old grey.
“So where did you find the old boy?” he asked reaching out to pat Hector’s neck and then he stopped stock still, ”Hey wait a minute I thought Jess was riding Hector back?”
“He was,” Doug confirmed.
Slim’s head shot up and he moved away from the horse, now giving the Sheriff his full attention.
“Err…look Slim we need to talk,” said Doug quietly.
“Just tell me Doug…is he hurt?” Slim said suddenly picking up on the Sheriff’s troubled demeanour.
He hung his head before forcing himself to look up into Slim’s concerned eyes.
“Worse,” he whispered, “hell Slim, I’m so goddamn sorry.”
Slim’s eyes opened wide in shock…his jaw slack….and he finally croaked, “What are you trying to say Doug…he’s dead?”
Doug just nodded, wiping his sleeve across his face and taking a deep breath before being able to continue.
“He perished in the forest fire…up near the mountain…I’m so dang sorry,” he repeated.
“No!” yelled Slim, ”No, there has to be some mistake. Jess wouldn’t mess with a forest fire, damn it he hates fire you know that he wouldn’t have gone within a mile of it.”
Moments later the ranch door opened and Daisy stood there, smiling over at their visitor, ”Why Sheriff Masters, how lovely to see you come along in, the coffee’s hot…”
Slim and Doug exchanged a grim look before following the elderly housekeeper inside.
Much later that night once Doug had made his excuses saying he needed to see Mort Cory, Daisy finally retired to her room, saying she was alright, really. But Slim heard her weeping long into the night as he lay in his narrow bed.
Eventually he looked over to Jess’ empty bed and his heart felt like it was breaking. His funny, crazy, loyal, sometimes infuriating… best friend….was no more…dead….gone…and staring up at the ceiling he finally felt the tears brim over and begin to fall.
Meanwhile back in town Doug was still sitting up in Mort’s office, although it was gone midnight, a nearly empty bottle of Red Eye on the desk between them.
“I just can’t believe it,” Mort said yet again, his brown eyes deeply saddened and his greying head bowed, before he glanced up at his friend and colleague.
“You are really sure it was Jess?”
“How many more times!” said Doug tetchily, the usually placid lawman’s emotions raw.
He sighed deeply,” I’m sorry Mort….I just keep seeing this…hell… this blackened body…..charred beyond all recognition, but yeah I saw his hair. Strange that about the only part that had survived, that and his gun belt. I figure that was protected as he was lying on it. Eddie saw his initials on the belt. There can be no mistake. His Stetson was nearby too, that old battered black one he always wore.”
Mort took another sip of his whisky, regarding Doug over the rim of his glass, ”Bring it back?”
Doug shook his head, “Nope, buried it along with his gun and belt too hell Mort everything was blackened with the smoke, I figured Slim wouldn’t want to see that stuff.”
“I reckon not, ”Then a thought suddenly struck him, ”Has anyone told Millie? “
Doug shook his head,”Nobody else knows save you and the folk back at the ranch.”
“She needs to know,” Mort said getting unsteadily to his feet and swaying a little. Then he thought better of it and collapsed back down into his chair, ”I guess mornings soon enough,” he said and refilled their glasses.
It was with a pounding head and troubled heart that Mort made his way over to the saloon early the following morning.
He knocked long and loud before a sleepy looking Tom finally hauled the door open.
“Garldarn it Sheriff where’s the darned fire!” He exploded looking mighty hard done by.
Mort gave him a bleak smile at the irony of what he’d just said, but then dismissed it.
“Here on official business Tom, is Millie around?”
“Sure go on up. She ain’t in trouble is she Mort, she’s a good girl young Millie,” he said looking suddenly anxious.
“Nope,” said the Sheriff despondently, “no trouble. Err she may be in need of a friend directly though Tom. Could you find young Lily, send her up in five minutes or so, huh?”
“Sure…sure Mort,” said the barkeep now looking bewildered, but going off to find Lily none the less.
When Lily heard a heart rending scream followed by hysterical crying she quickly made her way to her friend’s room…and after knocking quietly entered.
“I just can’t believe it,” Tom said sometime later as Mort leaned on the bar looking grey and drained.
“Well you’d better,” he said gloomily, before turning to go.
“Hey Mort you want a stiffener, you’re looking mighty rough today?” Said Tom proffering the whiskey bottle.
Mort raised a quizzical eyebrow, “Kinda early ain’t it?”
Tom nodded, “I guess, but sometimes, well ya know it hits the spot and you sure look like you could use one.”
Mort was sorely tempted but declined, “No thanks all the same Tom…way I’m feelin’ right now I guess I wouldn’t know when to stop,” and with that he trudged out to start a brand new day….somehow seeming kind of bleak with Jess Harper no longer in the world.
Meanwhile up on Sherman Mountain, just twenty or so miles from home, Jess stirred and opened his eyes….
He couldn’t figure it at first…He was in this huge place with a domed ceiling faintly illuminated by the flickering lights of several lamps. A small fire casting shadows on the rock walls….a cave….goddamn it he was in a cave. Then he became aware of the agonizing pain in his head. It was throbbing and when he shifted his position slightly a stab of pain hit him, like a knife entering his temple. He sucked in a deep breath and then nearly convulsed in agony as his chest felt like it was on fire.
He quickly held his breath and then let it out slowly, before drawing the next one in more cautiously. Yes it was tolerable…just but what in hell was wrong with him and where was he?
He cast his mind back and remembered the fire and broke out in a cold sweat. Jeez, that fire chasing him and old Hector through the forest. Trees falling behind them and then to the right and left all around him and so he’d driven Hector up onto the mountain trail to try and escape the flames and choking smoke. And then ….what? He remembered being jerked from the saddle and falling….pain….and then nothing.
“Jess…you’re awake how are you feeling now?”
He turned his head abruptly to his right, giving a little gasp, the pain to his temple taking his breath away for a moment. He swallowed hard as rising nausea threatened to overwhelm him and squeezed his eyes shut, before opening them again and found himself looking into the concerned, deep blue eyes of Kate Munroe.
“Kate…..Kate….that you?” he whispered feeling totally disorientated.
“Sure is boy as you live and breathe. Now you just take it real easy young Jesse Harper. Don’t forget I’ve known you since you were a little whippersnapper, so you just behave OK son,” she said in her usual no nonsense manner.
“The fire…hell Kate there was a fire and I was riding ol’ Hector…until suddenly I wasn’t.”
“Hush boy, you just listen, let old Kate do the talking huh.”
Jess knew Kate of old. Knew she was a force to be reckoned with too. He’d known this strong feisty woman since he was a kid back on the Texas panhandle. She had run a rough old saloon with a rod of iron along with her husband Charlie. Following Charlie’s sad demise some years ago, she had hooked up with her kin Denver James and his sons, living the life of trappers and Moonshine brewers up in the Laramie Mountains.
Now she gently wiped his feverish brow with a cool cloth and finally recounted what had happened over the last couple of days.
“So anyway boy, it looked like you parted company with your horse. He went off his own way most likely home and enjoying his supper by now. But you, well you weren’t so lucky. Cody and Denver found you down by the creek when they went to fetch some water. It looked like you’d fallen a good twenty feet or so, busted a couple of ribs on the way. Done stove your head in too. You’ve got yourself a real bad concussion there Jess. You’ve been out of it or chucking up this last couple of days.”
“Days…I’ve been here days? Hell Kate I’ve gotta get me home, they’ll be fretting.”
“Now just you hold hard there boy. I said as how you were real sick didn’t I and I wasn’t jestin’ either! You just trust me, you ain’t going no place until you’re all better.”
“Aww Kate…..please.”
“Don’t ya try sweet talking me boy. It might work with your lady friends but I’m dang well immune to your charms…so just settle down and behave. I’ll fetch some of my herbal medicine to you. Then we’ll see how you are tomorrow.”
“Yes Ma’am,” Jess said meekly, knowing when he’d met his match.
Sometime later he was joined by old Denver and his sons Cody and Mick.
“So how are ya feelin’ now Jess?” asked Denver, the old mountain man looking his usual disreputable self. He was dressed from head to toe in dirty old buckskins and had an pungent aroma around him of rotting animal skins and hill whiskey, making Jess feel he might very well throw up yet again.
“Been better,” he said squinting up to where the two boys were grinning down at him from over their Pa’s shoulder.
Cody gave a bark of laughter, ”You look like you did that time we cooked ya bear for supper,” he said grinning at the memory of how sick Jess had been after eating the tough semi rancid greasy meat.
He actually gagged at that memory and all three men moved prudently back out of range.
“Hush up son, can’t ya see Jess is feelin’ a mite queasy,” admonished his Pa.
Then Kate appeared with his medicine and shoed the men folk away.
He spent the rest of the day throwing up and clutching his head in agony, his chest too suffering badly every time he retched.
“Lord love us boy, you surely are in a bad way,” Kate said cheerfully, ” I figure I ain’t seen a man as badly taken by the old brain quakes as you.”
“Huh? What you talkin’ about Kate?”
“Brain quakes….like an earthquake…when your brain gets turned upside down and back again. I know Doc Sam calls it this new-fangled name of concussion. But it’s always been a brain quake to us folk. And your old brain’s been real shook up Jess boy, is gonna take a deal of healing so you just rest easy and let old Kate see to ya huh?”
Jess just groaned, which she took as a licence to go ahead with her herbals.
Well as Jess had always professed, ‘What darned well don’t kill ya cures ya,’ but in this case as he was to tell Slim later it was a darned close run thing.
Kate nursed him day and night, spooning her herbal recipe into him until eventually he started to respond and the nausea and pain slowly receded.
Once he was feeling slightly better he asked about the fire.
“I reckon the good Lord was looking out for you,” Denver said with a chuckle. ”We’d been watchin’ that old fire comin’ over in leaps and bounds, like some dang fire breathin’ dragon. We were gettin’ kinda edgy truth be known. We needed to fetch more water supplies for the brew but didn’t wanna risk going down. Then the wind suddenly changed blowing that ol’ fire back towards the east. So that’s when we ventured out and found you son. I reckon if the wind hadn’t changed direction you’d be toast now Jess boy yup, you sure were lucky. “
“Yeah, real lucky,” said Jess sarcastically running a hand over his still tender ribs, but really knowing the truth of it. Iffen the wind hadn’t changed he’d doubtless have died from inhaling the acrid smoke, if not burnt alive, and the thought made him shudder and renew his urge to return home now he knew it was safe to travel.
He finally persuaded Kate to let him go home the following day, but only on the understanding that she accompanied him.
“Time I showed my face in town, I need supplies and may pay that ol’ reprobate Mort Cory a visit too,” she said looking slightly bashful.
Jess hid a grin, knowing how Mort was kinda sweet on Kate. Also that the feeling was reciprocated, although Kate would never admit it, saying she had no time for such foolishness. However that didn’t stop her staying with Mort for a few nights when she made the occasional sojourn to town. And if folk noticed that the Sheriff had an extra spring in his step and twinkle in his eye after one of Kate’s visits, they had more sense than to mention it. Especially knowing what a very private man he was where that kind of thing was concerned.
Chapter 9
Right now however the Sheriff had neither a spring in his step, nor a twinkle in his eye as he approached the Sherman Ranch and Relay.
He dismounted and hitched his big old buckskin to the porch rail before wandering over and knocking lightly on the door.
It was late afternoon and he hoped Slim would be back from working on the range and Daisy busy in her kitchen.
As soon as Slim opened the door Mort saw a change in his old buddy in just the week since Jess had been declared gone. He was pale and strained a look of defeat in his eyes, but he made an effort to be civil and opened the door wide to usher the Sheriff inside.
“I’m…er I’m sorry Slim I should have come sooner,” he said removing his Stetson and running his finger awkwardly around the brim…but…” and he shrugged unable to find the words.
He was suddenly feeling choked at being in this house where he’d exchanged so much banter with the young cowboys. Enjoyed Thanksgiving and Christmas, knocking back whiskey laughing at Jess’s awful jokes… He closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath before looking over at his good friend, his gaze a mixture of compassion and apology.
“That’s OK,” said Slim softly, “Mose said how busy you were, got a full jail so I hear?”
“Yeah well, ” and he shrugged again. Then tried to compose himself.
“So how are you coping then Slim?”
“How do you think?” Slim spat angrily, “My best friend and business partner has just been burnt to death tell me Mort, how am I supposed to feel?”
There was an awkward silence and then Slim sank down in Jess’s rocker and put his head in his hands for a few moments, before glancing back up at where Mort stood there looking completely shaken.
“I’m sorry Mort,” he eventually whispered, ”I didn’t mean to take it out on you please sit a while huh and it’s good to see you real good.”
Mort nodded and took the offered seat. “How about Daisy?”
Slim’s face clouded, “She wouldn’t believe it at first, said she’d know if he was …you know….was dead… But now she’s beginning to accept it, but it’s been hard for her Mort real hard. “
“Where is she, I’d like to offer my condolences.”
“She’s out back, been working her vegetable patch most days, says it’s down to her to harvest all the stuff. I offered to help…but….”
“It was always Jess’s job to help her out with it, this time of year. I figure she wants to do it alone and just think about him, although I dunno why she’s bothering.”
“Harvesting it all, it’s not like either of us can eat much right now.”
“Maybe it’ll be easier when Mike comes home, give her something else to think of,” said Mort thoughtfully, “When‘s he due back?”
“In a couple of weeks.”
“Have you written, told him?”
A look of pain flitted across Slim’s handsome features,”No, he needs to hear it from me, face to face. I’ll tell him as soon as he gets home,” then softly, ”God knows how he’ll take it, he worshiped Jess,” and his voice broke on his buddy’s name.
He stood up quickly and went and stood by the fireplace resting his head on the crook of his arm for a moment before getting control again.
“Sorry…sorry Mort. Err…would you like a drink?” He asked reaching down for a bottle on the hearth.
Mort brightened a tad, ”Sure, thanks,” and after receiving a generous measure took a sip.
“Denver James’ brew?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yup, he’s gotten a still up on Grand pappy’s Mountain,” Slim said with the ghost of a smile.
“Yeah, I’d heard,” said Mort.
“Kate tell ya?”
Mort looked secretive and then winked at Slim, “She might have done. I saw her a few weeks back.“
“I dunno, whatever next, the law consorting with known Moonshiners,” Slim said with a genuine smile this time.
“Nothing wrong with the occasional blind eye,” Mort quipped,”and besides its kinda handy for you having them down the road you’ll be OK for the Thanksgiving delivery….”
Then both men sobered at the thought of Thanksgiving without Jess.
“I’ll go fetch Daisy,” Slim said quickly,” she’ll be pleased to see you,” and left the room quickly.
When the elderly housekeeper entered a few minutes later Mort barely recognised her. She had lost weight and aged a good ten years…but he rallied well. Leaping up from his seat he strode across to meet her and taking her in his arms said softly, “I’m so very sorry Daisy.”
“Thank you Mort dear,” she said gently pulling back from his embrace after a moment and giving him a brave smile, “Coffee?” She asked, ignoring the whiskey glasses and just needing to get away from this kind thoughtful man before she broke down yet again.
She disappeared off to the kitchen and Mort noted that her usual sprightly step was sadly missing as she walked listlessly out of the room.
The men exchanged a glance, but said nothing, merely drained their glasses.
About the same time that Slim and Mort were sitting by the fire feeling pretty much as miserable as all get out, Jess and Kate were making their way sedately home.
Much against Kate’s better instincts she had finally given in to Jess’s badgering and agreed to let him ride home. She had decided to accompany him to the ranch however and would give Miss Daisy some more of the herbal medicine. Also fill her in on her recalcitrant boy’s latest ill fortune, knowing full well that Jess would make light of it. Kate was in fact quite concerned, about the head wound particularly, and was fussing more than normal.
They said their farewells to Denver and the boys and made their way down the mountain to the well fenced corral where Kate had cut out her old paint from the unruly bunch. She also roped a rather showy looking Palomino.
“I’d like ya to ride the big fella,” she said tipping her hat to where the handsome critter was posturing and prancing at the end of the rope.
“He ain’t too lively for you is he?” she asked, a twinkle in her eyes.
Jess grinned at her, “You know what they say…ain’t a horse as can’t be rode… “
“Ain’t no cowboy that can’t be throwed,” she finished chuckling, “Well you just take care boy, you’ve been real sick and I don’t want ya fallin’ on that head again, afore it’s healed proper. “
Jess just rolled his eyes and threw the saddle on the lively animal.
Then he looked kinda thoughtful, ”There’s something kinda familiar about him had him long then Kate?”
“Nope, we found him after the fire. Runnin’ loose real spooked up he was, so we took him in, fed and watered him, no sign of the rider.”
“Maybe the poor bastard perished in the fire,” Jess said suddenly sobering.
“Uh, yeah, Denver thought the same, was all for keeping him. But I said no. I’m gonna take him into town after I leave you, let the Sheriff sort it out.”
Jess grinned, ”I bet Denver was pleased about that a good horse like this.”
“Yes, well the way I figure it, Mort is good enough to turn a blind eye to our Moon-shining activities. But I figure horse theft is a whole different kinda thing boy. An’ I sure don’t wanna put Mort in a difficult position. Best to just hand him over…someone may claim the critter.”
Jess hopped lightly into the saddle and after an initial bit of skittish behaviour the animal settled down to a sedate walk, realising he had an old hand on his back.
Kate insisted they take things real easy and break for a scratch meal halfway home and Jess was secretly surprised at how tired he was. So it was getting on for late afternoon when they finally reached the rise and looked down into the Relay yard below.
The place had never looked sweeter to Jess and he closed his eyes and took a moment to give silent thanks that his life had been spared. Again wondering about the owner of the horse on which he now sat.
Then he turned to Kate and grinned,”Hold on to yer hat Kate I reckon I’m gonna get both barrels from old Slim, me landing home so dang late. I guess maybe he thinks I spent a tad too long in Cheyenne with Millie. And then that dang fire held me up some too. I figure he’ll be madder than a wet hen.”
They rode into the yard and hitched up. Then Jess wandered over to the corral and made a fuss of old Hector,” Found your way home then boy,” he said thankfully patting the horses neck.
“Why I declare isn’t that Mort’s old buckskin,” Kate observed, suddenly looking kinda pink Jess noted, hiding a smile.
Then taking Kate’s elbow he escorted her across the porch throwing the door open.
“Hey I’m home and look whose come visitin’ with me,” he called out cheerfully.
Then he stopped dead in his tracks….
Three pairs of eyes were suddenly focused on him…all registering deepest shock.
Daisy had just emerged from the kitchen carrying the coffee pot and it slipped from her fingers, falling to the table where the contents spread over her best cloth unheeded. She gave a stifled scream as her hands rushed to her mouth and she stood staring in astonishment as though rooted to the spot.
Jess’s gaze flicked from Daisy to Slim…who had risen from his chair and was also standing statue still. His eyes opened wide in alarm and the colour completely drained from his face, his eyes strangely dazed.
“Slim?” Jess whispered and then looked across to Mort and saw the same look of almost horror in his old friend’s eyes.
“What in hell’s goin’ on?” He asked as he advanced into the room followed by a wary looking Kate.
“Goddamn it Slim,” he said moving to his friend and grabbing him by the shoulder, ”you look like you’ve seen a dang ghost!”
When there was still no response he tried again.
“Look pard… Daisy,” he said turning to include his beloved housekeeper, ”I’m sorry OK. I’m kinda late gettin’ back I know. See there was this fire an all, I got kinda caught up in it.” And he turned to Kate for collaboration.
She nodded,”Yup, a real bad fire. We found him layin’ just at the bottom of your grand pappy’s Mountain Slim…kinda beat up some. I’ve been nursing him see, that’s why the boy’s so late home.”
“So anyways I’m sorry iffen I worried you any,” he said again searching Daisy’s face for some sign of forgiveness.
It was Mort who was the first to come to his senses.
“You’re dead,” he said in shocked tones, ”Hell Jess, Doug Masters buried you not a week since.”
“Huh? What’s he talkin’ about?” And he turned back to his buddy, “Slim?”
He finally spoke, his voice rasping and charged with emotion, ”Its true Jess, we all thought you’d perished in that dang fire.”
The true realization of what was being said suddenly hit Jess. He felt weak at the knees and thought he might well collapse feeling suddenly cold and dizzy. He took a deep breath and looking into his buddy’s eyes whispered, “I…I didn’t know Slim…I’m so sorry. “
Then he was suddenly beside Daisy, holding her close, ”It’s OK it’s OK,” he said softly, ”I’m alright Daisy really I am.”
That was the last straw for the elderly lady and she broke down weeping softly with relief as he held her close gently stroking her hair and talking softly to her.
She finally recovered sufficiently to go off to make a fresh brew of coffee, with Kate’s support. The two women tidying up the mess the spilled coffee had made and wandering into the kitchen talking softly, Daisy still in shock.
Then Jess turned to where Slim was still gaping at him looking totally overwhelmed. When he finally spoke his voice was choked with tears,”Goddamn it Hotshot, you just about near shortened my life by a good ten years,” he croaked.
Jess strode across and stared into those deeply sincere eyes that he knew so well and felt completely devastated by what he saw.
“I’m so sorry you’ve been put through this pard,” he repeated.
Then Slim pulled him into a bear hug and they were grinning at each other. The truth now suddenly hitting home for Slim…his buddy was alive and well. Then he gave a shout of laughter, “Garldarn it, forget the coffee. Have a drink Jess and sit down before you fall you’re looking mighty weary.”
Jess grinned back, “But not too bad for a dead man huh?” The three men now laughing almost hysterically at the black humour, as they raised their glasses in a toast to the survivor
Later they all sat down and discussed the matter rationally.
“So you see it was Eddie Green, Doug’s Deputy, that made the initial discovery of the…err body. Well it was so badly burned it was kinda hard to tell who it was at first apparently,” Mort said quietly.
Daisy gave a little gasp and gripped Jess’s hand even tighter but said nothing.
“I’m really sorry Daisy,” Mort said, “but we have to talk this through, try and see how such a terrible error could come about. “
“Of course Mort dear I understand,” she said quietly, ” but I think I’ll go and attend to supper if you’ll excuse me and she Kate retired to the kitchen together.
Once they had left Jess turned to his old friend, ”Go on,” he said stony faced, ”I sure would like to know how it happened. It really ain’t right upsetting folk this way ya know Mort,” he said gruffly.
“Well it seems he had a head of dark hair like you and a black Stetson.”
“Oh come on Mort how many doggone people do ya know with black hair and hat?” Jess asked irritably raking a hand through his own dark mop of hair.
“There was something else though his gun belt had the initial JH. Heck how many folk with those initials would have been making that journey? Most folk use the main road, In fact there aren’t too many folk around who know that old route through the twins peaks, much less use it.”
Jess ducked his head having to accept the truth of it.
“Well I figure it was just a coincidence someone with my colour hair and the same initials, kinda strange they should be on that particular track though…unless. “
“Unless what Jess?” Asked Slim.
“Unless maybe he was following me…I dunno?”
Then he suddenly remembered where he’d seen the sparky young horse he’s just ridden into the yard. It belonged to the nasty piece of work that was staying at Millie’s Ma’s place. Then the conversation he’d had with Millie on that last day came back to him.
‘At least that Josh Harvey left this morning.’ Josh Harvey, the ornery guy with the scar and the Palomino that had been in the stall next to Hector was Josh Harvey’s mount.
“Josh Harvey!” Jess said excitedly.
“Huh?” Asked Mort and Slim as one.
“The guy that died in the fire it was Josh Harvey. He was stayin’ at Millie’s Ma’s boarding house, that’s his horse out there. Kate found him after the fire.”
Mort looked thoughtful, “I know that name. He’s a two bit Bounty Hunter as I recollect the kind that would sell his granny for a quick buck.”
“Um…well I sure didn’t take to him,” Jess agreed.
“Still no reason why he should be following you though,” Mort mused.
“Yeah, well we’ll never know. Then his face brightened, “So does this mean Kate can keep the horse? “
At the mention of Kate, Mort suddenly looked cheerful.
“Well I’m sure glad that’s all cleared up. And yeah I don’t see why not, unless some kin of this guy comes forward to claim it. Now I guess Kate and I ought to be heading home,” he said standing up and looking very much like a man on a promise.
“So Kate’s coming with you is she Mort?” Asked Jess casting him an innocent smile. ” I kinda thought she’d be staying here, maybe bunk down with Daisy, gotta lot of catchin’ up to do I imagine. “
Mort’s face fell and then he saw the twinkle in his buddy’s eye and swotted him gently on the arm, ”Why you young bucks think romancing the ladies was just made for you dontcha…well I’ve got news for you!”
“So what sort of news would that be?” asked Kate marching back into the room.
“Err, nothing my dear,” he said looking uncomfortable, ”I was just saying to Slim here as how I should be making tracks and I’d be happy for you to ride along, maybe share some supper?” He asked looking hopeful.
Kate looked kind of coy and then relented. “ Well iffen you’ve a notion to shout me supper Sheriff I guess a lady can’t refuse, “ and gave him a knowing little smile.
“You’re more than welcome to stay to supper,” Daisy said wandering in, “there’s plenty…”
“Uh…no thank you Ma’am,” Mort said quickly, edging towards the door,” I should be getting back to town, young Lon will be wanting to get off home and err…paperwork and…um… things I need to see to.”
The two women exchanged a wink and Kate and Mort left shortly afterwards amongst a flurry of goodbyes.
Once they had gone Daisy told the men supper would be in an hour or so and much to her surprise Jess said he was going to go take a nap until it was ready.
“Are you sure you’re alright dear?” she asked looking deeply into his eyes.
“Sure Daisy, just a slight headache, I’ll be fine after a nap,” and he wandered off to his room.
An hour or so later Slim was dispatched to call Jess for supper, but came back to the table alone.
Daisy looked up expectantly from where she was dishing up stew and dumplings, ”Where is he dear?”
“I’m sorry Daisy I could barely raise him and when he did wake up he said he was real sorry but he was just too beat to eat anything.”
Daisy half rose from her seat, but Slim shook his head. “I should just leave him Daisy. I figure this whole business has really taken it out of him. He’s stripped off and his ribs are bound, he smashed them as well as hurting his head it seems.”
Daisy nodded, “Yes I know. Kate was quite concerned, she’s left some of her herbs and thinks he should see doc Sam too, it was a really bad knock to his head apparently and two ribs are cracked.”
“Uh, well good luck with that,” Slim said with irony, ”Anyway, maybe he’ll be more himself after a good night’s sleep and at least he’s home,” he said with feeling.
Daisy took his hand across the table and squeezed it, her old eyes once more brimming with unshed tears, “I just can’t believe that he’s really here,” she whispered.
Chapter 10
It was at breakfast the following morning when Jess discovered some disturbing news.
They had just finishing eating. Although he hadn’t done the fine spread justice, eventually just pushing his food around the plate but drinking several cups of strong coffee.
“So how’s Mike doin’ back at the Scott’s place in Denver?” he asked.
“Real good,” replied Slim beaming at him, “He just loves grand pappy Scott’s ranch but he’ll sure be pleased to see you when he lands home next week buddy.”
“Me too,” said Jess his face lighting up in anticipation,”thank God he weren’t here to go through it all,” he finished quietly.
Then looking up at Daisy and Slim said thoughtfully, ”It was just Mort and the Law back in Cheyenne that thought I was dead, nobody else right?”
Slim suddenly looked dismayed, ”Well heck the whole town heard about it pard. “
“What!” asked Jess as the truth sank in, ”Includin’ my Millie. Jeez Slim does she think I perished too?”
Slim’s jaw gaped open and he looked suddenly shaken, “Oh no, I mean yeah she does but surely Mort will have put her straight by now Jess don’t fret.”
“Don’t fret,” he yelled jumping up from the table, “Damn it Slim my best girl thinks I’m dead, and yer sayin’ don’t fret? I’ve got to go see her.”
“Jess?” Daisy said weakly but it was too late. He was already heading for the barn and just minutes later he galloped out of the yard riding his beloved Traveller.
Slim turned to Daisy, “You really can’t blame him,” he whispered, “let’s just hope Mort’s already passed on the good news.
When Jess arrived in town it was still early and he reined in outside the Saloon and threw himself from the saddle before tearing across the sidewalk.
It was not open for business but the door stood open and Jess marched inside. Tom was wandering about behind the bar washing glasses and then as Jess’s eyes became accustomed to the dim light within he spied Millie at the far side of the room polishing one of the tables.
Tom’s head shot up…his eyes narrowed, trying to see who the newcomer was…
Jess slowly advanced on her, ignoring Tom, and then when they were just a few feet apart she sensed his presence and looked up.
Their gaze locked and after a second a hand went to her mouth and she gave a little whimper, before her eyes rolled up, she staggered and fainted clean away.
Jess dashed forwards and made it just in time to scoop her in his arms before she hit the floor.
Then Tom came forwards, ”Jess dadgum it is that really you?”
Jess ignored him and merely raised a questioning eyebrow, as to what to do with his precious burden.
“In here Jess boy,” Tom said quickly pulling himself together and opening the bar hatch showed him through to the back parlour, where Jess laid Millie on a couch.
Tom looked on shock in his old eyes.
“Mort came by last night kinda late said he’d some news for the girl. But Millie was a bed, so he said he’d call back. I figure he was gonna trade the good news with us all that you hadn’t perished eh boy. Unless you’re a ghost that is?” he said with a chuckle that still sounded kind of hesitant.
“Well I guess I ain’t,” Jess replied acidly, ”so can you fetch some water huh Tom?”
“What…oh sure, sure boy you got it,” he replied rushing off to draw some.
It was some time before Millie’s eyes finally flickered hesitantly and then finally opened.
As soon as she focused on Jess she looked horror stricken and like she might well faint again.
“Millie….hey Mill.. It’s me Jess. Don’t take on so sweetheart. They made a terrible mistake I ain’t dead …really I ain’t, here see,” he said, taking her hand and looking almost as pale and drawn as his girl so Tom thought.
“Honestly?” She gasped, holding onto his hand for dear life. As though she could somehow anchor this apparition to her. Even if he wasn’t real she didn’t want to let him go.
“I promise you,” he insisted,”Come on Mill lets go upstairs and I’ll tell ya all about it huh?”
She nodded and then gratefully accepted the water from Tom.
Once she had finished she handed the glass back and made to stand up, but her legs were so wobbly that she staggered and Jess immediately scooped her up in his arms.
“Git the doc will ya?” He said softly to Tom before bearing Millie off to her room.
He entered and striding over lay her gently on her big old bed before removing her shoes and gently covering her with a blanket.
“She grabbed hold of his hand tightly again and looked fearfully into his concerned blue eyes, ”Don’t go Jess…don’t leave me,” she whispered urgently.
“No, of course I won’t,” he confirmed and gently pulling free from her he kicked off his boots. Then removed his gun belt throwing it onto the bedside chair, before taking up a position on the edge of the bed.
She pulled back the blanket for him to join her however.
“Lay with me me….hold me Jess. “
He climbed in beside her and taking her in arms he gently kissed the top of her head.
“It’s OK sweetheart,” he whispered, ”everything’s gonna be just fine now.”
Then he put a tender finger beneath her chin and tipped it up so that he could see into her eyes and his heart missed a beat at what he saw. They were swollen and red rimmed, from nights of crying he guessed, but worse than that was the look of fear. As though if she let go of him he would somehow disappear into the ether like some ghostly vision.
“I’m just so goddamn sorry you’ve been put through all this,” he said softly.
She reached up and put a finger to his lips, “Hush, it doesn’t matter,” she said softly, ”nothing matters now you’re home.”
She trailed the finger to the corner of his lips and then down his cheek all the while her eyes never leaving his. Then very slowly she reached up and brushed his lips with her own giving a little murmur of desire.
He kissed her back and then pulled away, his expression questioning. Then he cupped her face with his large hands and kissed her again, so tenderly that her tears brimmed over and ran down her cheeks.
“Mill…don’t cry…please don’t,” he whispered.
He tenderly kissed the tears away and then they were kissing more and more passionately. Softly murmuring endearments their passion intensifying…escalating until he finally took her. Never had the lovemaking been sweeter or more emotional. At the finish Millie once more collapsed sobbing. But this time with release from the terrible burden that had almost driven her in sane; such had been her agony of loss. Jess was real….not some ghost….he was as passionate and devout as ever and now she let her heart and mind believe it.
He was alive and he was home….
As Jess held her close he felt tears streaming down his own face, a mixture of empathy and blessed relief that he had survived the terrible ordeal. What might have been, suddenly brought starkly into focus by his girl’s emotional turmoil. And he silently thanked God again for sparing him.
He held her close and eventually answered her many questions, quietly explaining all that had befallen him. Later, still holding her in his warm embrace, they fell into an exhausted sleep. Both totally emotionally drained.
It was several hours later when Jess had dressed and gone to make the still sleeping Millie a coffee that he heard a gentle tap on the door. He hauled it open to see an elated looking Doc Sam standing before him. A huge grin on his handsome features.
“Welcome home,” he cried pumping Jess hand and peering intensely into his eyes as though he couldn’t believe what he as seeing. “Tom just shared the tremendous news. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is that you are alive and well. Now Millie is aware of your survival I believe the Sheriff is out spreading the news!”
“Yeah, yeah,” said Jess trying to remove his hand from Sam’s vice like grip.
“See thing is Millie was real shocked…fainted when she saw me. Then couldn’t walk any too well was real dizzy…I was just kinda concerned.”
“Of course my boy, thoughtless of me, I’ll see her at once. I’m sorry I am rather tardy. I was at a confinement, twins and the birth somewhat protracted.”
Jess ushered him in and Mille awoke as the doctor entered, sitting up and looking embarrassed at the intrusion, quickly covering up with a shawl.
“It’s alright Millie dear. I’ll just check you over, seeing as I’m here. Jess was a tad worried,” he said in answer to her denial that there was anything wrong.
Jess wandered off to finish making the coffee leaving the doc listening to Millie’s chest and checking her pulse.
When he returned Sam was beaming down at his patient and there was a bottle of medicine on the night stand.
Jess threw him an enquiring look.
“This young lady is fit and well, but her heart was a little erratic and her pulse a mite faster than I’d like, but nothing that a few days off work and several good night’s sleep won’t cure.”
Then turning to the patient,” I’m leaving some medicine that will help to relax you Millie,” he said kindly. ”After what you’ve been through lately I think you really need to rest and look after yourself.”
Then turning to Jess said thoughtfully, “I need to check you over later too Jess and right now this young lady need to be left to sleep.”
Then he stood aside for Jess to leave with him.
“I’ll see ya Saturday….go to the dance huh?” Jess asked with a linger look, hating to leave her.
“Sure,” she replied, still looking mighty pale he thought as she lay back on the pillows, watching him with such adoration.
He couldn’t bear it suddenly and refused to be bullied by Sam, although he knew he had Millie’s best interests at heart.
“Just give us a minute huh Sam?” He said turning his darkening blue eyes on his buddy.
Sam gave them both a warm smile, suddenly aware of the stirrings of the Harper temper. Also realising that maybe he was being a tad over fussy regarding his patient. Sure a few minutes more wouldn’t harm Millie.
Sam clapped Jess on the arm, “Sure buddy, come over to my office in …say half an hour and I’ll check you over huh?”
Jess nodded, ready to agree to anything to get some privacy with his girl.
Sometime later he left Millie sleeping and he wandered down to the bar. Here he was accosted by what seemed like half of Laramie, all patting him on the back and wanting to buy him a drink. However the pain behind his eyes, which had been bothering him since he awoke that morning, had now settled like a vice around his forehead and had been joined by a rising nausea.
He was ribbed mercilessly for only accepting a glass of lemonade, but it was obvious that everyone was mighty pleased that the popular young cowboy had survived the ordeal of a forest fire.
Once Mose had clapped him on the back and professed he’d have sorely missed his old sparring partner, he went back to his favourite topic. That of the relentless Acts of God which seemed to have dogged Jess’s life over the last few weeks.
“See I look at it this way Jess boy, maybe it’s all to kind of make you atone for your previous life huh? You know, bein’ a mite too handy with that old gun of yours,” he said with a broad grin…”Kinda the Good Lord makin’ ya sit up and take notice uh?”
“Yeah, well it weren’t me who perished in the dang fire,” said Jess stonily,” so maybe the Good Lord was tryin’ to teach that Josh Harvey the error of his ways or maybe it was just ol’ Mother Nature on the rampage huh?”
Mose scratched his head and was just about to remind him of the barn fire back at the ranch. Not to mention the deluge that caused the landslip on the Laramie road, which in turn had meant they had to re route the Stage leading to the fatal crash. That had not done the business any good that was for sure he thought morosely, remembering how furious the Stage line boss had been. Yup all bad news for his young friend. Then he caught a look in Jess’s eye and decided not to pursue the matter any further.
“Uh…well no matter,” he said diplomatically and changing the subject said,” The Sheriff was lookin’ for you, asked iffen you could call in.”
Jess’s expression darkened even more, ”Sure I will,” he said downing his lemonade and crashing his glass down on the counter, making Tom and Mose jump, “ I want a word with the Sheriff too,” and with that he slammed out, looking more than a little angry.
He stormed into Mort’s office and confronted his friend as he sat taking his ease, reading the paper and sipping a coffee.
“Why in hell didn’t ya tell her Mort?” he spat, his face like thunder, “ It’s bad enough that idiot Eddie Green identifying the wrong man but now this! Have you any idea what that girl’s been through? Garldarn it, the least you could do was put her out of her misery first chance you got!”
Mort slowly put his cup down and gestured to the chair opposite, “Sit,” he said quietly ”and simmer down Jess. Now look, I’m real sorry I didn’t go and see Millie, but as soon as I rode in Lon was on my case. Seems that no hoper, Don Fadden, had tried to pass a bum check over in the bank and the manager was kicking off, you know what he’s like.”
“So that was more important than Millie?” Jess yelled now looking incensed.
“No of course not. Hell I was side tracked. By the time I’d sorted it all out and went to call on her she’s gone to bed. Tom said she was real washed out and not to disturb her and I didn’t tell anyone else in case she heard it third hand. I wanted to break it to her gently.”
Jess wiped a hand over his face…his head and ribs aching real bad now.
He just nodded suddenly looking defeated, “Sorry Mort, it weren’t your fault,” he said quietly.
“It’s OK son, I can see you’re hurting some and I don’t just mean from those nasty wounds either. It must have been real hard seeing Millie so upset.”
Jess just nodded and took a shuddering breath, before changing the subject to less emotive issues.
“So what happened with this guy then?”
“Fadden, Don Fadden. He was trying to cash a check made out in Carl Snape’s account, that low life Marty Snape’s kid brother and payable to one Josh Harvey,” Mort said triumphantly.
Jess looked surprised, “What was that no hoper Fadden doing with that then?”
Mort grinned from ear to ear, “Well you know what a total coward Fadden is just threatening him with you was enough to make him give a full confession. “
“Me …well what have I got to do with it?” Jess asked looking baffled.
“OK remember how when the Stage was held up by Marty Snape’s no good brothers and you wounded Carl Snape?”
“Sure he was in the doc’s office, but he never made it, died just before I left town.”
“That’s right but before he pegged it he had a check mailed to his buddy Fadden to pay a bounty hunter. Then he employed Josh Harvey to back shoot you…out on the trail.”
Jess’s head snapped up at that news, ”Well I’ll be…so the bastard was following me. A Bounty Hunter like you say and he’d gotten a bounty on me?”
“You got it, kinda revenge from the grave. All Harvey had to do was shoot you, then take your gun belt to Fadden as proof and he in turn would give Harvey the check. But luckily for you that ol’ forest fire killed Harvey before he could get a shot off at you.”
“Well thank God for that,” said Jess sincerely, ” I’d no dang idea I was being followed. I was kinda beat after all we’d been through and I wasn’t watchin’ my back too well. Hell he’d have picked me off for sure Mort, “and he turned even paler at the thought.
“Are you OK Jess?”
“Huh, oh yeah, sure, so Fadden tried to cash it?”
“Yup some tale about how Josh was sick and had asked Fadden to get it for him, said he needed the money for medicine. Well the bank Manager saw through that right away. Was going to send him off but then Lon was there. He started asking a few questions and when Fadden tried to make a run for it Lon brought him in.”
“Good for him,” Jess said getting up and making for the door,” Tell him I owe him a drink.”
“Sure I will …and Jess you take it easy huh. You don’t look any too good buddy.”
Jess just flapped a hand at him and then he paused for a moment at the door, ”So how much was it?”
“The bounty?”
“Oh I see…$2,000”
And he wandered off, leaving Mort smiling after him and shaking his head, ”I figure you’re worth one hell of a lot more than that buddy,” he said softly, before returning to his newspaper and coffee.
When Jess knocked at Doc Sam’s door a few minutes later he wasn’t expecting the sudden onslaught from young Carrie, the doc’s daughter.
One minute he was standing on the doorstep, a welcoming smile on his face and the next he was being hugged and cried over …yet again.
He sighed quietly and then gently disentangled himself from her warm embrace and looked down into her tear stained face.
“Hey sweetheart, what’s up?” He asked although knowing what was to come.
It was a good five minutes later before Carrie was completely in control again and almost back to her usual efficient self.
“I’m so sorry,” she said again as she left him in the parlour and went to find her Pa, ”It’s just the shock…you know. Even though Pa had told me you were OK I didn’t really believe it until I saw you just now.”
He nodded grinning at her, “Just remind me when I finally go, to come back and haunt ya, be worth it for all those kisses and cuddles.”
She looked shocked for a moment and then remembered what Jess was like with his black humour, “Oh you,” she laughed and then went off to fetch the doc.
Sam straightened up from where he’s been listening to Jess’s chest and removed his stethoscope from his ears.
“Ok you can button up now Jess. Your chest seems clear, no lasting effects from the smoke inhalation. And your ribs seem to be healing OK. It will be a little while before you can attempt any strenuous work. And uh…”
“I can see a ‘but’ coming,” said Jess throwing the doc a speculative look, his eyes narrowing.
Sam gave a weak smile, “Very perceptive of you Jess….yes there is something I’m kind of worried about, that crack to your skull. So tell me honestly is it still bothering you?”
Jess looked uncomfortable then sighing said, ”I reckon so….got me one hell of a headache. But I guess that’s my fault. I lit out early without taking Kate’s medicine that seems to take the edge off some. “
“Ah, yes, Kate was here earlier, she was quite concerned about you. She’s prescribed her willow bark infusion I believe?”
“If ya mean that filthy stuff she passes off as herbal tea, yup I reckon so. Jeez Sam that stuff could even give old Jonsey’s rubbin’ liniment a run for its money.”
Sam smiled, “Yes he was also skilled where the doctoring was concerned wasn’t he? What a character,” he mused, ” It certainly was wonderful to make his acquaintance when he visited last year.”
Jess agreed that he was a character all right.
“Then there was Lone Wolf, dear Kate of course too. All really got a talent when it comes to herbal recipes and healing.”
“Well that’s big of you Sam. I know a lot of doctors would call it quackery and not give them any credence.”
“Um…well more fool them then. We’re all on the same side for goodness sake. Doing our best to heal the sick. Sure there are charlatans out there looking to make a quick buck. But nope the likes of Kate Munroe and the others are special people really special.”
“You’re right, so I’ll keep taking that….stuff of Kate’s then?” He asked.
“Certainly if it helps with the pain. But more than that Jess you have to take it really easy for a while, huh.”
Jess just looked down, his expression unfathomable.
“When there was no response the doc got a tad tetchy, ” Look Jess for goodness sake you’re lucky to be alive, just be thankful and do as your told for once huh?”
Jess’s head shot up then and he finally gave the doc a slow smile, ”Sure, sure I will Sam. I’m being a jerk, I reckon I can do as I’m told for a week or two huh?”
It was actually another few weeks before Jess awoke feeling healed. Soft early fall sunlight shining in through the bedroom window woke him and he stretched and looked around, relishing in the fact that his head didn’t have the usual dull ache, the sunlight suddenly making him feel joyful instead of hurting his eyes as had been the norm.
He jumped out of bed and noting Slim had already risen, pulled on his pants and grabbing a shirt rushed out of the room, calling out,” Hey Daisy, what’s fer breakfast…I’m starving!”
All at the ranch rejoiced at having Jess back to his usual self, wisecracking with Slim, roughhousing with young Mike and generally being a loving surrogate son to dear Daisy. However as Slim pointed out a couple of weeks later, ”Heck Jess you really are cured,” as he heard him let fly with a string of expletives as he lay in the dust having been thrown from the ornery mustang he was breaking.
Jess squinted up at him from where he lay, before jumping up and dusting himself down with his hat and glaring at the mustang. He limped over rubbing his knee and scowling equally aggressively at his partner.
“ Garldarn it Slim, I promised Ron Beasley I’d have this critter saddle broke within the month and I’m all behind as it is. Next thing ya know you’ll be wanting to bring the stock down for the winter,” he fumed.
“Well, it’s funny you should say that,” said his buddy, eyes twinkling.
“Aww Slim!”
“I’m sorry Jess we’re kinda behind schedule already, we really need to start next week at the latest. We don’t want to get caught out by early snow like we did last year do we huh?”
Jess frowned and then nodded, “No I reckon not. ” And dragging himself up, off he went to catch the recalcitrant beast and try his luck again.
“Hey aren’t you taking a break, rest up that knee some?” Asked Slim in surprise.
“Nope….gotta get the job done if we’re out on the range next week,” he said firmly, ”and this fella ain’t havin’ the last word either,” and with that he marched off the light of battle in his eyes.
Slim shook his head and grinned, yup his pard was back on form he thought happily.
Chapter 11
The following week the two men set about bringing the stock down for the winter. And not a moment too soon, Slim professed as he cast a wary eye up to the heavens.
“Garldarn it Slim don’t tell me we’re in for an early snow again,” said Jess watching his buddy and then also looking skywards.
“Nope, you can smell snow coming,” replied Slim with a grin, ”but the way that winds getting up I’d bet my bottom dollar we’re in for a storm within the week and a real humdinger too.”
“Well we’d better git to it then hadn’t we?” said Jess striding off to saddle up.
They spent long cold hours in the saddle moving all the beasts to the lower ground surrounding the ranch. With a bitter northerly wind blowing in their faces the whole time making their and noses run and eyes water.
By the end of the second week they had just about rounded up all the critters, save for half a dozen strays. The wind was even fiercer now blowing through the pines with an eerie moaning sound.
Jess turned Traveller with his rump to the prevailing wind and pulling his hat down hard, “I figure I’ll go look down by Dead Man’s Leap,” he yelled, trying to make himself heard above the storm.
Slim reined Alamo in closer to his buddy so they could speak more easily, ” I really don’t like the look of this weather Jess. We could be heading for a Twister. I don’t want you going all the way down there we should be getting back.”
Jess shook his head, “Nope I know they’ll be there Slim. I’ve gotta feelin’. Anyways that’s where a bunch of them were holed up last time we had a storm like this, only it turned to snow and we lost ‘em iffen you remember? “
“Sure I remember,” Slim snapped back.
“Well then…”
“I’ll come with you if that’s what you want to do.”
“Nope, you’re right Slim. If this storm turns nasty one of us needs to be back home to watch out for Mike and Daisy. If it does lead to a twister, we need to make sure they get in the root cellar safely. You know how dang heavy that trap door is Daisy can’t manage it. Now GO ON. I’ll take my chance with the stock. I should be just fine in the lea of the rocks over there at Dead Man’s Leap.”
The thunder that had been rumbling in the back ground for some time came closer and closer, suddenly crashing above them, lightning splitting through the black clouds swirling above them.
“For goodness sake will ya go Slim,” Jess yelled,” Mike will be home from school now and one of us should be there. I’ll see ya back at the ranch,” and with that he spurred Traveller off in the direction of the bluff known as Dead Man’s Leap without a backwards glance.
Slim shook his head, his eyes flashing with anger, ”Darned stubborn fool,” he muttered before pulling his hat down against the shrieking wind and turning Alamo for home.
Jess made for the craggy overhang a few miles away, where he hoped to find the heifers sheltering from the inclement weather. He figured he’d hunker down with them until the storm passed over and then herd them back to the east pasture to join the rest of the stock.
He’d only been riding for ten minutes when the heavens opened and hailstones the size of small rocks started bombarding them making Traveller skitter about, sidestepping and shaking his head as the hailstones hit them both painfully hard. The ground was now glistening and white with the shiny balls, slippery and treacherous to ride over. Realizing the imminent danger Jess was just about to slide from the saddle and lead his mount when the worst happened. His usually sure footed horse lost his footing…scrabbled desperately to recover his balance and then went down.
Jess managed to dive and roll before Traveller hit the ground and was up again and at his horse’s side moments later. The big animal thrashed around trying to get a grip and then finally made it standing and shaking, head down and blowing noisily, showing his fear and displeasure.
“Easy big fellah, it’s OK,” Jess said gently rubbing the horse’s nose and trying to calm him.
Then holding the reins he lead the animal a few paces forwards and his heart sank as it became obvious that he’d come up lame. “We’ve both got us a long walk home,” he said softly, realizing that he would have to abandon his quest for the strays, for now at least. He thought it could be a torn ligament, or maybe just badly bruised, but either way the animal was out of commission for the time being anyway.
Then something happened that made him realise that was the least of his problems.
The hailstorm had ceased just as quickly as it had started. But as Jess cast an eye to the heavens he saw a strange green light in the sky to the east. Then in the distance a wall of black cloud and gathering in it a huge twister, running from the sky down to the earth. He became aware that the wind had dropped and for a few minutes there was an eerie silence before it took up again. This time it was a threatening roar almost like a freight train hurtling down the tracks on the edge of Laramie, Jess thought fleetingly. That along with the almost continuous thunder made such a din he could barely think straight.
It was plain that he would never make it to the relative safety of the bluff known as Dead Man’s Leap and he desperately looked around him for somewhere for them to shelter from the oncoming Tornado.
There was nothing and then a few hundred yards away he could just make out a huge fallen tree maybe if they could get down real low it would offer some meagre protection, “Come on boy, I guess it’s all we’ve dang well got,” he said and leading a very reluctant, limping Traveller he made for the distant tree.
Jess hurried him along as fast as he could go, all the time watching the advancing storm clouds with the tell-tale vortex ever advancing upon them, hurling debris around as it came.
Once by the huge downed tree Jess made a decision. He had to get Traveller low to the ground if it was to afford him any protection the animal must lie down.
“Down Trav,” he said hurriedly pulling on the reins and pushing him on the side. Traveller was used to this game, the playing dead game that Mike so loved to watch. But now with the pain in his foreleg he was unwilling to play.
“Come ON Trav, git down fellah,” Jess yelled against the now screaming wind.
The big horse rolled his eyes showing the whites, but finally capitulated and with a groan did as he was bid. He lurched forwards onto his knees. Then once he was down rolled on his side, lying perfectly still, as he’d been trained to pretend to ‘lie doggo’ as Jess termed it.
He was now in the lea of the huge fallen tree and Jess huddled down beside him as the twister came even closer, the noise now deafening, showering them with small branches, stones and a plethora of other debris. As his horse was struck Jess threw himself across Traveller’ s head and neck offering as much protection as he could, feeling sharp pains across his back and legs as various detritus was hurled against his body.
Then it finally started to recede the noise getting gradually weaker as the storm passed over having blessedly missed them. Jess swallowed and again thanked the Lord that he was safe. He knew he’d taken a gamble. Hell the twister could have taken that old tree and thrown it about like so much matchwood if it had been close enough. But as it was it missed them and moved on to create havoc further afield.
Meanwhile back at the ranch Mike and Daisy had taken shelter in the root cellar whilst Slim had loosed the horses out to find shelter, knowing that was a safer option than keeping them confined in the barn.
Knowing Daisy and Mike were safe in the shelter he wandered about the yard constantly watching the ever advancing storm, the twister drawing closer and closer. Until finally he had to give in and take refuge himself. Where in hell was Jess he thought as he cast a last anxious glance up to the rise, hoping that his pard would suddenly materialize and come hurtling down into the yard. Laughing and scolding Slim for fussin’ and frettin’. But nothing and sadly he turned and entered the cellar pulling the hatch down behind him.
An hour or two later they finally emerged into the late evening, peering around them in the dim light the silence almost eerie. The yard was strewn with debris, but there was blessedly little damage to the property.
“Where’s Jess,” asked Mike looking around him, “I thought you said he’d be back Slim?”
“He will be soon Tiger, don’t fret,” he replied ruffling the child’s hair, but casting Daisy an anxious glance over the youngster’s head.
“Why don’t you go and fetch the feed bucket Mike? Rattle it, maybe Sunny will hear it if she’s nearby, the other horses too. They’ll all be real hungry when they land back home,” Slim said trying to distract the child.
Once he had run off Daisy cast Slim a worried glance,”And will he …be home soon?”
Slim shook his head, “I really don’t know Daisy those twisters are so unpredictable. But he’d have been safe enough if he made it to the bluff in time.”
“It’s nearly dark,” she said shivering and pulling her shawl more tightly around her.
He just nodded,” He’ll stay put, won’t want to risk anything happening to Traveller in the dark. I’ll ride out first thing…meet him,” and throwing a comforting arm around the elderly housekeeper they made their way slowly back to the ranch house.
Jess spent a cold, wet uncomfortable night huddled down with his horse. He sat shivering and miserable in his rain slicker, a fire impossible as everything around him was soaking wet. The only positive thing being he was able to soak his bandana in one of the many icy puddles. Then use it as a makeshift bandage for Traveller’ s swollen and painful injury. He reapplied the cold dressing to the leg every hour or so, sweet talking him whilst gently fondling the animal’s ears…hating to see him so uncomfortable.
However by the time the first fingers of dawn light were filtering through the clouds in the east, Traveller was looking much better. On examination the injured leg was cooler and the swelling reduced. Jess walked him around in a small circle and was pleased to see him moving much more easily too and gave a sigh of relief.
“I guess iffen we both walk home you should make it without too much trouble,” he said patting the animal’s neck fondly.
They set off through the weak early morning sunshine, Jess feeling in far worse shape than his mount, being thoroughly chilled to the bone, not to mention desperately missing the stimulating coffee that usually started his day.
As he walked he cast his mind back over the events of the last few months.
It had all begun with a dang storm he reflected. The lightning that had started the barn fire a few short months ago had been back in force just yesterday forking through the black storm clouds before that darned twister had hit. Yup things had gone full circle he thought with a wry smile.
Back in the summer while he had still been reeling from the barn fire he’d reluctantly accepted the job of escorting Marty Snape to his hearing in Cheyenne. And what a dadgum fiasco that turned out to be he remembered. Another of Act of God, according to Mose, had occurred with the earth fall, after the torrential rains that had blocked the track. Forcing them onto the old road where they’d been held up by Snape’s kin. He sighed deeply at the memory.
Umm, Jess pondered maybe there was some sense in what Mose had said all along with these strange forces at work. Was it all just coincidence and Mother Nature taking her natural course or was it some kind of Divine intervention aimed solely at him? And if so to make him do what? See the error of his ways? No more than that… maybe to make him really appreciate how precious life was.
Lord knows I’ve treated my mortality kinda lightly in the past, he acknowledged to himself now.
What else, had happened? That knifing by the renegade Cheyenne that had been pretty bad, he mused. But hell, the worst thing had been the forest fire. He realised how dang lucky he’d been over that. If the wind hadn’t turned, dadgum it he could have ended up like that poor bastard Harvey.
Then he remembered his homecoming and the distress he had seen in the eyes of his friends, having been tortured by the belief that he’d perished. Even now he had tears in his eyes as he remembered the way Millie had clung to him. Almost like he would just fade away from her like mist in the sun if she didn’t hold onto him tightly.
And now this latest storm, had he learnt nothing? He asked himself angrily now. Slim had begged him to return to the ranch…to stay safe…. But no he had to go and find those dang strays risking life and limb yet again. And not only his own, but that of his good old horse too. He’d just gone, without a thought for those left at home fretting about him. His face burnt with shame and he hunched his shoulders, yup things had got to change he thought bitterly. How long would the good Lord spare him if he continued to ignore His warnings?
He trudged on and had been walking for about half an hour when he finally reached the boundary fence of the east pasture and then two things happened to cheer him immensely.
Firstly he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw all half dozen heifers contentedly grazing just a few yards away from him.
Then before he could move to round them up he saw a rider off in the distance. Squinting into the now bright sunlight he could just make out the lofty figure of Slim on Alamo galloping towards him.
Moments later he swung down from the saddle beaming at his partner.
“Hey Jess you found ‘em, well done!” Slim enthused.
Jess said nothing, just tipped his hat back and returned the grin.
“Jeez it’s good to see you Slim, old Trav here had a fall, he’s still kinda lame can’t ride him and I was getting’ powerful footsore.”
Slim hid a smile, knowing that second only to being trapped by ‘the love of a decent woman’, Jess’s worst nightmare was being left afoot. Of course now he had Millie in his life the nightmare was reduced to just this one thing.
“Don’t worry Hotshot, I’ll just put these gals where they belong and be back for you,” and Slim rounded up the critters making for the pasture fence.
He returned some ten minutes later and looked at Jess properly for the first time noting how rough he looked.
“So how did it happen?” He asked tipping his hat over to where Traveller was taking his ease cropping the grass.
“Slipped in the mud and hail,” he replied, ” It’s just a bad bruise I think, been coolin’ him down all night, seems better this morning.”
“So you never made it to Dead Man’s Leap then?”Asked Slim his eyes narrowing.
“Err….. I guess not.”
“Jess don’t tell me you were out in all that garldarn weather, here on the plain with no shelter?” He asked looking stunned.
“It were OK, we found an ol’ tree to hunker down behind.”
“Jess are you crazy? In a twister, it could have been whipped up and brought down on your darned fool head!”
“Do ya think I don’t know that? But there weren’t no dang choice was there. I did the best I could.”
“Yes there was a choice Jess. You could have come back to the ranch with me like I asked,” he said looking irritated, “Dadgum it Daisy and the boy are fretting real bad this morning, hardly slept, none of us did.”
Jess looked contrite,” I’m sorry Slim, it won’t happen again, I promise.“
“Oh sure, sure until next time,” Slim said dismissively.
“No really….”
“OK, OK, if you say so. Come on let’s get ya home, you’re looking kinda peaky Jess.”
Jess tied the reins on Traveller and allowed him to follow them at his own pace. Then Slim took his foot out of the stirrup and Jess swung up behind him, with Alamo taking off at a relaxed pace.
After they’d been going for a little while Slim half turned and said, “Where did you find the critters then Jess?”
There was a long pause and then, “Right there by the fence, ” he replied in a deadpan voice.
Slim barked with laughter, shaking his head and continued chuckling to himself on and off all the way back.
Jess squirmed, unable to retaliate in case his buddy threw him off and made him walk home.
After a while Jess turned his eyes skywards, ” I think I get it Lord,” he whispered.
“Nuthin’ Slim, nuthin’ at all...”
It was so dang simple he thought as they rode on. Of course all he had to do was keep safe, stop taking these crazy risks, he could do that….of course he could.
It was a couple of weeks later when Slim began to realise there was something very wrong with Jess.
He was quiet and withdrawn, but more than that he wasn’t….well, he just wasn’t Jess.
He’d been meticulous about taking a break when he was obviously tiring ,whilst breaking the last of the mustangs. Then when he did have a bad fall went off to have Daisy dress the nasty friction burns without so much as a murmur.
But it was the following day when Mort rode in to see them that Slim really began to worry. He’d asked if Jess could spare some time the following week to act deputy. Once he’d finished breaking the last of the mustangs and Jess had point blank refused. Walking out and leaving both Mort and Slim speechless.
“What’s up with him?” asked Mort as the men watched as Jess slammed into the barn and then out again riding Traveller and taking off at speed.
“Search me,” said Slim, watching his pard disappear in a cloud of dust up the rise.” He was kinda mad that you hadn’t gotten around to talking to Millie the other week, breaking the news he was OK as soon as you could…but I figured he was over that.”
It was later that evening when they were sitting out on the porch that Slim addressed the issue.
“What’s going on Jess?”
“You know dang well what I mean, why did you ride out, leave poor ol’ Mort in the lurch? You know there’s no one else he trusts enough to ask right now. I’ve got that meeting in Cheyenne with the Stage Company next week, so I can’t help him out.”
“Sure and so I’ve gotta stay home and mind the ranch.”
“But Mort was happy to pay the costs for us to buy in cover for a couple of days, you know that. So why did you really ride out that way?” Slim persisted.
Jess hung his head and then said softly, “ I didn’t want him to persuade me.”
“But what’s the problem? It isn’t like you haven’t done it before loads of times, what’s so different?”
Jess sighed heavily,” I ain’t doin’ it no more. Daisy don’t like it, Millie neither…they get to frettin’ over it’ ”
Slim’s head shot up, ”But you always manage to use the old Harper charm on them, tell them not to worry. Anyway, so when did that ever stop you?”
“Now …OK?” He said belligerently.
Slim was silent for a while and then said, “After you’d left, Mort was saying as to how you walked out on a fight the other night? “
“He did?”
“Yup, said there was a ruckus in the saloon and you just turned tail and left through the back door what was all that about?”
Jess just shrugged, ”I didn’t feel like getting beat up, I was on a promise with Millie.”
Slim just looked on in disbelief and then said quietly, ”Jess have you lost your nerve?”
He really sat up and took notice at that, ”No why….who says I have!” He asked angrily.
“Hey nobody, steady pard, I’m just saying that’s all. Nobody would blame you anyway. After all you’ve been through lately, that dang fire and all the problems taking Marty Snape in. Then that goddamn awful twister you were stuck out in, bound to make anyone kind of edgy….huh?”
“I ain’t lost my nerve and I ain’t edgy either….now just leave it Slim!” And he stood up marching angrily over to the barn his back view looking every inch affronted.
“Well there’s something dang well wrong,” Slim muttered to himself, before getting up from the porch and wandering inside in search of the coffee pot.
Things continued in the same vein for another few weeks. Slim witnessed Jess being openly taunted by some drunken wranglers from the Flying D. Instead of the usual Harper temper coming to the fore and Jess dispatching them with a few well aimed blows, he simply turned and walked away.
After that word slowly got around the drunks and down and outs that Jess Harper had gone soft and was easy game. In fact one drunken youth called him out, but again Jess backed down and simply called on Mort to deal with the issue.
“I really don’t understand it,” Slim said one evening when he was chatting over a late night coffee with Daisy. Jess was in town spending the night with Millie and Mike was long abed, so they were able to speak freely.
“It’s just so out of character,” he continued….”He hardly goes off the ranch, except to visit with Millie and he’s not been in any sort of trouble, since…heck I can’t remember when.”
“Well that’s a good thing surely dear?” said Daisy sipping her drink and peering at Slim in surprise.
Slim shrugged, “In theory. But it’s just so unlike him to walk away from a fight and to refuse to help Mort out too. It just doesn’t ring true somehow. It’s as though he really wants to act like he usually does but is stopping himself for some reason.”
“Maybe you were right all along Slim? He has lost his nerve a little. After nearly dying in that fire…maybe he’s come to realise how precious life is and doesn’t want to take any risks of losing it?”
“Umm…you could be right, partly maybe. Or something else as well, he said he wouldn’t ride posse or deputise for Mort because you and Millie hate him doing it. Maybe he’s just feeling so bad about all that business when we all thought he was dead, that he just doesn’t want to put us through any worry again.”
Daisy nodded in agreement, “Of course! I do believe you’ve hit the nail on the head Slim,” and then she looked upset. “Oh dear I feel so bad, him changing his ways just for me, well us. You must talk to him again Slim. Of course I want him home and safe, just as Millie does. But not to the extent that he is compromising his principles, not being true to himself. I know how important helping Mort is to him as well.“
“No wonder he’s been kind of quiet and ornery lately if that’s the case Daisy. It must have been dang hard for him trying to turn into a paragon of virtue who never fights or cusses. Or hasn’t the excitement of riding out with Mort,” He shook his head sadly,” I’m going to have to try and talk some sense into that thick head of his,” he said ruefully.
“Well good luck dear and Slim do tell him I’ll forfeit my peace of mind just to have my rough and ready daredevil son back,” she said with a genuine smile.
As it happened Slim didn’t have too much convincing to do.
As Daisy and Slim were discussing the matter Jess was sitting in Mort’s office deep in conversation.
“OK Jess, give me a good reason why I shouldn’t slam you in jail along with those other trouble makers from the Flying D?” asked Mort, trying to hide a smile, inwardly secretly rejoicing at the return of his hard hitting tough talkin’ buddy.
Jess wiped a sleeve across his face which was smeared with blood and sweat and glared at his old friend.
“Dadgum it Mort, you heard the way that Pete Summers was talkin’ to Millie, sayin’ that anytime she wanted a real man he was available. Then the others started tauntin’ me too. Sayin’ as how I’d lost my nerve! Was no good fer anything but mendin’ fences? Said as how they were damn well surprised I bothered carrying a gun anymore as I was too darned scared to use it. Well damn it what did ya expert me to do huh? “
“Well I expected the Jess Harper I know and admire to do just what you did Jess. I guess they did go a step too far and that Summers threw the first punch, so technically they should be in jail and you a free man. But heck, as to this new Jess Harper we’ve been seeing of late, well I’m kinda surprised, I didn’t think you held with fighting anymore Jess?”
“Well ya thought wrong then, “he growled…
Then he slumped down into the chair opposite Mort’s desk and sighed lustily.
“I tried Mort…God knows I tried, to change that is. After everything that’s happened lately I finally realised what a complete and utter bastard I can be.”
“Huh really, how is that so Jess?” Mort asked gently.
“Goin’ off and takin’ risks all the time and all my friends, you Slim, Daisy and Mike…Hell and especially my Millie, well you’re left worrin’ about me all the darned time. This last stunt I pulled when you all thought I was dead. I couldn’t help it. But iffen I’d come home when Slim wanted, it wouldn’t have happened,” he sighed again, “Well you’d think that would teach me…but no.”
“No?” Mort asked raising a quizzical eyebrow.
“No, I still went against Slim’s wishes and rode out in that dang storm, nearly tangled with a darned twister. That’s when I saw the light, figured the good Lord wanted me to rein it in some. The darned critters had found their own way home see Mort,” he said shaking his head with an ironic smile on his lips, ”There weren’t no need to risk life and limb that way and I figured there and then I needed to change my ways. But dang it Mort I can’t … I just can’t change that much.”
Mort assimilated all this and then said thoughtfully, ”Maybe you’re trying a mite too hard huh Jess?”
“How do ya mean?”
“Well just that you’ve changed from a man who knows his own mind and does what he thinks he should, like going off half-cocked after those darned strays which was crazy. But also one that holds certain strong views on right and wrong and is prepared to stand up for those beliefs with his fists and his gun, if necessary. Well I figure you’ve tried to change to a man who is willing to turn the other cheek and walk away every time, no matter what. And I guess that ain’t sitting too well with you huh Jess?”
He just nodded dumbly….
Then said softly, “It’s killin’ me Mort, I just don’t feel like me no more, but I kinda promised myself that’s the way it’s gotta be.”
Mort said sympathetically,” I can see that…so how’s about a compromise?”
“Well still kind of rein in some of the stuff….like riding out in twisters and getting in trouble with a capital T as only you can! But still standing up against things when you really feel you have to, like the fracas tonight…huh? “
“I could try,” Jess said a grin suddenly spreading across his face for the first time in he couldn’t remember when.
“Um, I still need to go over to Cheyenne on business. I had to cancel last time, couldn’t get cover. So will you play Deputy for me next week? Or is that too dang risky for ya?” Mort asked with a broad grin.
Jess looked overjoyed, “Iffen you still want me Mort?”
“Sure I do…deal?” He asked stretching a hand across the desk.
Jess shook it firmly, “Deal.”
It was the following morning that he caught up with Slim, back at the ranch.
He rode in late, looking kinda hung over and with a bruise to his cheek and a split lip and to Slim he had never looked better.
“Hey pard, you got yourself in some trouble then?” He asked, barely concealing the grin that threatened to spread across his broad handsome face.
Jess looked a little uncomfortable,” I can explain Slim, see these hombres from the Flying D were insulting Mil….and …. “
But Slim put his hand up to stop him, ”No need to explain pard,” he said, “coffee’s on, you coming in?”
Once he, Daisy and Slim were sitting around the table drinking their coffee Jess finally decided to come clean.
“Look Daisy, Slim,” he said glancing at both, ”Mort’s asked me to deputize next week….and I …well I said yes. “
“Oh my, I’m so glad,” said Daisy at once beaming across at him.
“You are?” He asked looking bewildered.
“Why surely dear. I get a tad worried I know, but the fact that you are helping Mort and the town…well that makes me so proud,” and she leaned over and squeezed his hand.
Jess smiled at her and then turned to Slim, ”OK with you Hardrock?”
“Why sure, why wouldn’t it be huh?”
It was later that night when the two men were sitting on the porch enjoying a glass of moonshine before turning in, that the subject came up again.
“So what made you change your mind then Jess…about helping Mort out?”
Jess looked kind of wary and then figured he should clear the air, about everything and started telling his pard the whole thing.
Sometime later he concluded, ”So ya see Slim I guess I kinda took everything that Mose said about those Acts of God to heart. Then the last straw was that ol’ twister. When you came and found me, brought me back home, that’s when I realised how bad I felt that I’d just ignored you. All those times you’ve tried to keep me safe, I never gave a hang for my safety….but you folk did.”
“Sure, you must know how we all feel about you pard. Jeez when we thought you’d perished in the forest fire…”and Slim just shook his head looking tormented again at the raw memory.
“That’s my point,” said Jess softly, ”I still didn’t get it until the twister and you came to find me, then it really hit home and I decided I had to try and stay safe for all of you.”
“Umm…and you did a great job,” Slim said chuckling, “for a while anyway.”
“Yeah well it weren’t working,” said Jess looking rueful, “I reckon I just ain’t cut out to take the easy way.”
“Well you sure got that one right,” said Slim chuckling and refilling their glasses.
Then he looked into his pard’s handsome face, still bearing the scars from his recent skirmish in the saloon and noted the way he looked so alive and ready for anything, and raised his glass.
“Welcome back Jess,” he said sincerely and the men touched glasses and smiled.
Everything was back to normal just the way they liked it…..
The End
Thank you for reading