#7 The Hired Hand

February 27, 2016


Top of Form

The Hired Hand


Patty Wilkinson

(A Laramie Story as told by Slim Sherman and Jess Harper)

Chapter 1


We go Mustanging.

It was early morning and Jess Harper, my best buddy and partner in the Ranch and Relay Station, and I were sitting in the kitchen over cups of coffee discussing the day ahead.

We were heading out to the foothills of the distant mountain range on the lookout for a herd of wild mustangs that had been reported to be in the area recently. And boy we really hoped to find them. One of the important side-lines at the ranch, as well as the Relay business and raising beef, is the breaking and selling on, of wild mustangs to the Army or other ranchers as working horses.

Jess is the one who is the expert with the wild horses and I always josh him it’s because he is a bit like a wild, no sense mustang himself.

Well he sure was when I first met him anyways.

He fetched up, trespassing on Sherman land over six years ago now and when I first clapped eyes on him I figured he was trouble… and I sure wasn’t wrong.

Well, Andy my kid brother, sure took a shine to him and so I was finally persuaded to give him a job as a ranch hand and over the following months he nearly drove me crazy with his wild ways and the trouble he seemed to find without even looking.

With his fast temper and even faster gun he wasn’t always easy company in those days. He was an ex gunslinger and had been on the wrong side of the Law from time to time and that sure didn’t sit too well with me, especially having him around Andy.

But you know ol’ Jess kind of grows on you after a while.

I guess I was sort of staid, set in my ways and far too serious, having to bring up Andy after Ma and Pa died. Plus running the ranch single handed and all. But Jess was different and although he has had a real hard start in life too, he still has a great sense of fun and well he’s kind of good to be around if I’m honest. Once he settled into ranch life he promised to put his old gunslinger weapon up for good and I guess his life has really turned around now.

Anyway, time has moved on since those early days and now Andy is away at Medical School back East and Jess and I are real proud of him. We now have a lovely lady, Mrs Daisy Cooper, living at the ranch who is supposed to be our housekeeper, but really thinks she is our Ma, and I guess Jess and I don’t have a problem with that at all.

The reason we first employed Daisy was really to care for Mike, a young kid who had lost his parents in an Indian attack and fetched up at the ranch. Well he kind of found his way into our hearts as well as our home, so we ended up adopting him. The Judge said the Mike needed a woman’s touch and that’s how we ended up with Daisy, but to be honest I guess we all appreciate a kindly mother figure around the place.

Right now that woman’s touch was missing as Daisy was looking after a sick neighbour and so Jess and I had to take care of all the domestic duties, which didn’t sit well with either of us to be honest.

Jess was sore because it had been his turn to give Mike his bath the night before. He was still smarting from the injustice of it all, because Mike is a nightmare to bath, and even worse to catch.

“I don’t see why I always have to do it,” he said again as he drained his coffee cup and reached over to pour another.

“It wasn’t my turn, I tell you, and I fixed the supper as well, guess you can get him ready for school, while I finish this in peace,” he growled.

“Mike,” I yelled,” get yourself out here and get your breakfast, or Mose will go without you.”

There was a muttering from within the boy’s room and finally a tousled head peered around the door and said, “Aw, Slim can’t I stay home and go mustanging with you and Jess?”

“No you can’t,” we both said with one accord.

“Why not?” he asked,” Aunt Daisy won’t know.”

We turned and grinned at each other and then I went over and clapped him on the back,       ” Come on Mike, you know school is important, you can help with the mustangs at the week-end.”

“Aw Slim, please, Jess didn’t get much schooling and he’s done OK,” he argued.

“Yeah,” said my partner and gave Mike a serious look. “and that is exactly why, you are going to school. Sure as He… sure as heck, I don’t want you ending up with my life. Now get washed up and get this breakfast down you before I get mad,” he finished.

Mike beamed across at Jess, knowing it took a lot for Jess to get cross with him, ”OK, but I still don’t see anything wrong with ending up like you Jess,” shaking his head in bewilderment went off to get ready, while Jess and I exchanged a smile and poured out a third cup of coffee.

A short while later we heard the early morning Stage rattling into the yard and we all went out to greet Mose.

Seeing as how Miss Daisy wasn’t at home he didn’t hang around for too long though and Jess and I grinned, knowing how he was a bit sweet on Daisy and missed her when she wasn’t there to dispense coffee and pie with her sweet smile.

Jess got hold of Mike and slung him up on the box with Mose and said;” Don’t forget Tiger, you’re stayin’ in town with Bobby Davies and his Pa until Friday.”

“Yeah, see ya Friday,” he said beaming down at us and with that Mose hustled the team out of the yard and we watched as they disappeared in a cloud of dust.

It seemed a bit quiet after Mike had left, as it always did. So after seeing to the stock and leaving everything ready for our neighbour, who was tending the Relay during our trip, we saddled up and lit off for the foothills and hopefully the mustang herd.

It took a couple of days hard searching before we spotted the herd a little way off, their dust cloud easy to see and we rode hard in pursuit, then by night fall we were within striking distance.

It was a large group, with forty maybe fifty horses, mostly mares with an impressive big black stallion to protect them. There were also one or two younger colts which the herd leader would be sending off as soon as they reached maturity and started to usurp his leadership role. Anyway, we figured taking some of the younger colts along with some brood mares would suit our purposes just fine.

We made camp and after a scratch meal, bedded down ready for an early start in the morning. We were very close to one of our line cabins with a small corral attached and thought we would spend the next day or so catching as many horses as we could and herding them in the holding pen before driving them back to the ranch by the end of the week.

Even though it was early summer there was still a chill in the air at night and we were glad of the blazing camp fire and hot coffee that we had enjoyed before turning in.

We lay quietly now, warm enough in our bedrolls and I looked up into the clear sky with its myriad of stars and turning to Jess said, “Do you miss it Jess, the Big Open?”

He was looking up too, and after considering for a moment turned to me with his gentle smile, “Yeah, guess so,” he said quietly,” sometimes.”

“Remember when you first fetched up at the ranch. How you were always taking off on wild missions, helping friends and getting in a mess of trouble at the same time?” I asked grinning across, at him.” One foot in trouble and the other in a barrel of axle grease that was you,” I continued teasing him.

For once he didn’t rise to the bait and instead looked kind of sad.

“Yeah…well, I’ve changed. I guess you, Daisy and Mike have finally domesticated me,” he said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

Then quietly,” But on nights like this I can kinda forget that, remember how it was when I was on the drift.”

After a moment looking over at me intently he said,” There were some good times you know Slim, it wasn’t all bad.”

“Is that why you had to keep taking off? To check it out see if the call of the Big Open was more important than your life in Laramie?”

He thought about it for a while and then smiling sadly said,” Yeah, I guess that was about the truth of it…but well, a man changes…”

“But…maybe not that much?” I asked.

Still staring up at the stars he replied softly,” Yeah…maybe not that much,” and we lapsed into a peaceful silence, before finally falling asleep.

The following morning we were up at dawn and hot on the heels of the mustang herd and by mid morning we managed to cut out several of the mares and a couple of the younger colts and force them away from the main herd into a box canyon.

Once the others had taken off we managed to drive the five we had separated to the corral of our line cabin and decided to spend the night there before taking off after a few more at first light.

The grazing was rich in this area and there was also a stream and we figured if we left the rest of the herd alone over night they would settle down again. Then we would be able to pick just another five or six thinking that would be about as many as we could drive back to the ranch.

The following day all went to plan perfectly and we were on our way back to the corral with another selection of choice beasts, when Jess saw him.

He was a magnificent animal, running all alone, larger than the average mustang at over 16 hands, pure black, but with a large white blaze and the stance of a true show horse. For Jess it was love at first sight, I could tell…to me, well he looked like trouble.

As soon as we had our small group of mustangs safely back at the line cabin corral Jess was all for taking off after the animal at once.

“ Jess, my bones are aching something fierce, we’ve been in the saddle since sun up and I sure don’t like the look of that critter, got trouble written all over him.” I said wearily.

“Sure he has,” said Jess grinning back at me,” that’s what makes him kinda special.”

I saw the stubborn look in his eye and knew arguing was a waste of time so I reluctantly agreed to ride with him.

“But if we don’t find him by dusk we’re heading back,” I said firmly,” if we’re to get this lot back to the ranch by nightfall tomorrow we’ll need to set off at dawn again.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he agreed, but I could see he was a man on a mission and come Hell or High Water he was intent on getting his prize.

Dusk was beginning to fall when we spotted him standing magnificently silhouetted against the sunset. Jess took off after him at speed; lasso in hand ready to bag him.

It turned out to be a long hard ride until Jess finally got a rope round his neck. But the stallion was too strong for him and he was jerked from the saddle and dragged across the ground at one hell of a pace, still hanging on to his rope for dear life.

“Damn it Jess, let go,” I yelled, but there was no way he was about to do that in a hurry. Seeing that was apparent, I spurred Alamo on and managed to get my rope around the stallion too and finally with both of us pulling on his neck he ran out of steam and  finally came to a reluctant halt, snorting and shaking, head bowed, exhausted.

Jess was a mess, filthy and bleeding, but triumphant.

We got the stallion back to the corral and once he was safely installed we tended to our mounts rubbed them down and fed them. Then looked after the mustangs, before eventually entering the line cabin and seeing to our own needs.

It was dark by this time and we lit a couple of lamps and the fire and then Jess went out and washed up as well as he could and when he came back in I said,” let’s have a look at the damage then buddy.”

“I’m OK,” he said quietly, as I knew he would.

“Jess, ” I said in a warning voice.

He came over to me and slumped down in a chair by the fire and I started to treat his injuries. He had bad friction burns to his elbows, knees and chest, from being dragged along the ground, which I cleaned and then washed out with whiskey. It was a drawn out painful business, but we both knew how friction burns could easily get infected so I didn’t take any risks. He was pretty calm throughout the painful procedure with just the occasional curse under his breath. Then once it was finished he went and lay on one of the camp beds near the fire.

“Are you hungry?” I asked.

He shook his head and within a few minutes I could hear his quiet breathing as he fell into an exhausted sleep.

Figuring I couldn’t be bothered to eat either I stretched out on the other bed and fell asleep shortly after.

We awoke at dawn, ready to go and refreshed and Jess didn’t seem too bad after his recent ordeal. We knew it would be a long and tiring day herding the mustangs back to the ranch, but it was what we had to do and so we set off at first light.

We were already a day behind schedule as we’d had such difficulty locating the herd and so we really needed to get back. We knew Daisy would have returned in time to meet Mike off the Friday afternoon stage. But we also knew we needed to get back as soon as possible as the work would be piling up.

As we made it into the ranch yard we steered the herd in through the open gate of the corral and Jess jumped down quickly and pulled the gate closed behind them. I dismounted and went and stood beside him leaning over the corral fence and admiring the beasts.

After a few minutes we were both became aware that something was wrong. There was no small blond headed boy crashing out of the ranch to meet us. Then as we looked up, no welcoming smoke from the cook stove chimney either. We hurried into the ranch house to find it cold and deserted, with no sign of life anywhere.

Looking around we sought a note from Daisy, but there was nothing and exchanging a look of dismay, we wondered what could have happened, suddenly fearing the worst.

It had been less than a year since Mike was abducted by his Uncle, who turned out to be a real bad lot, in league with a band of outlaws who had held the boy against his will. The perpetrators were, now, either dead or in jail, but still we were both really fearful for his safety after that ordeal.* See #6 An Exchange.

Just then we heard the Stage rolling into the yard and dashing out greeted Mose as he pulled the coach up beside us.

Looking down at us his old face split into a wide grin, “I guess you’re missin’ some folk?” he asked giving us a questioning look.

“Come on Mose what do ya know? Jess asked urgently, anxiety making his tone sharp.

I realised Jess was as upset as I was, but knew of old that was no way to get information out of Mose.

Looking up and smiling at him I said,” Come on then spill the beans Mose, where are they?”

He looked down and tapping his nose gave me a crafty look.

“Mose!” growled Jess threateningly.

“Alright, keep ya hair on,” he replied finally, “don’t go getting’ upset, but the boy had a nasty fall and has to stay the night at Doc. Sam’s office. Miss Daisy is there too, said for you to come along as soon as you got back.”

“Well, why in Hell didn’t ya say so?” asked Jess glaring at Mose.

“Tried to didn’t I?” he barked back.

” So do ya want a lift to Laramie or what?” he finished, his good humour returning as he beamed back down at us both.

“Thanks Mose,” said my partner, with a sheepish smile, and as soon as we had changed the team, we climbed up on the Stage and he drove out of the yard at speed.

I opted to sit up on the box with Mose and pushed Jess inside the Stage where I figured he could brood on his own without upsetting anyone as there were no other passengers that day.

I also figured I was more likely to get the full story out of Mose, without the presence of Jess with his short fuse. I guess where Mike is concerned Jess is real protective and that sometimes gets him angry if he thinks the child is in danger of any sort. Well then the legendary Harper temper lets rip and God help anyone in the line of fire!

“So, do you know what happened Mose?” I asked after we had been sitting in companionable silence for a while.

He turned to me, “I’m not too sure, but I heard tell that Mike and young Bobby decided to try and ride one of Pete Davies’s green broke mustangs. Pete had told ‘em not to mess around unless he was there…but boys….. ya know?” he said turning to grin at me.

“Yeah I know,” I said gloomily,” then what?”

“Well, young Mike was trying to ride him bare back and stayed on for a while until the ol’ Mustang had enough of the game and bucked him off, boy fell pretty hard and hit his head.”

I gasped and looked across at Mose,” He’s real bad then?”

“Nah, turns out he was bruised some, and gotta a bit of concussion, and so Sam reckoned to keep him at his place overnight…should be fine by the morning,” he concluded cheerfully.

I breathed a deep sigh of relief and we drove on into town at a fast pace.

Once we arrived we thanked Mose and jumped down heading for Doc. Sam Baker’s Office and as we entered were met by his pretty young daughter and nurse, Carrie.

As soon as she saw us she rushed forwards and started to reassure Jess and I that Mike was fine. Carrie and Sam were good family friends and she knew exactly how worried we would be.

She then ushered us upstairs and into the back, hospital room where Mike was sitting up in bed looking a little pale and sporting a bandage around his head, but otherwise looking cheerful enough.

Daisy was sitting on a chair next to him, looking tired and for once older than her years and she rose and ran forwards to embrace us both as we entered, giving a tired smile in welcome.

Mike gave us a big beam when he saw us and wanted to know all about our mustanging trip.

“Hold it right there,” said Jess looking sternly at him, “What’s all this about you defying Bobby’s Pa and riding a bronc without permission?”

Mike cast his eyes down and then said, “Sorry Jess, guess I was just trying to get as good as you with the mustangs. I wanted to show you both how I could work ‘em and help when you got back. I won’t do it again, I promise,” he finished quietly, his big brown eyes looking up into Jess’s, tears beginning to well up.

“Too right you won’t …this deserves a trip to the wood shed, don’t it Mike?” said Jess solemnly.

“I guess so sir,” the boy whispered.

After a minute Jess relented and leaned over and gave him a big hug, “ I guess you’ve learnt your lesson Tiger, but no more riding without me or Slim there OK?”

“OK,” said the little boy giving his hero a watery smile.

We stayed with the boy for an hour or so but then his eyes started to droop and although he went to great lengths to say he wasn’t sleepy, we knew different and within a few more minutes he was fast asleep and we all crept out.

We took Daisy over to the hotel where she had booked a room and then got one for ourselves before going down to the dining room and treating Daisy to a slap up meal.

She looked almost as done in as Mike, and I guess Jess and I felt kind of guilty for her having to cope all on her own.

As the meal drew to a close I leaned across the table and taking her hand said,” Are you OK Daisy? “

She gave me her sweet smile and said,” Yes Slim, I’m fine now dear. I was just so worried about him, he was unconscious for quite a while you know.”

Jess gave a low whistle,” Dadgum it, what put a foolish notion like that in his head anyway, he knows not to go near horses without an adult present.”

“Well from talking to Mr Davies, it looks like Bobby was the instigator and of course Mike was happy enough to go along with it.”

Then turning to Jess, she said, ”He was just trying to be like you Jess. He wanted to show you he could be a good horse man too, he idolises you, you know.”

Jess looked down into his coffee cup and then said quietly, ”Maybe I’m just not the right sort of person to be bringing up the boy, iffen he’s gonna get into these sort of scrapes because of me.”

Now it was Daisy’s turn to take Jess’s hand and she said quite sharply,” Don’t you ever say that Jess! You are the perfect person, you’re kind, loyal and the most wonderful friend a boy could have.”

Then more gently she continued, “Many of the important lesson in life, telling right from wrong, loving the family, trust and honour all these things he has learnt from you and don’t you ever forget that.”

Jess looked across at her and gave his shy smile, “No Ma’am, I won’t…thanks Daisy” he said softly.

After that Daisy admitted she was rather tired and opted for an early night and Jess and I decided to go over to the saloon for a last drink before retiring.

As we leaned against the bar with a couple of beers an old friend of my fathers, our neighbour Will Stockton ambled over.

“Hey, Slim, Jess, how’s it going?” he asked beaming at us.

We filled him in on the mustanging trip and Mike’s accident.

“Uh,” he said shaking his head,” kids eh, always in some sort of trouble.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t have thought your Kate gave you too much trouble,” I said grinning over at him,” how old is she now?”

“She’s just turned twenty,” he said “and a head full of nonsense too.”

“I don’t think I’ve clapped eyes on your Kate for three, no four years,” said Jess smiling over at the older man.” Cute young thing in pigtails came over to the ranch to visit with Andy and mad on horses. She wanted to help break the broncs if I remember rightly,” he said with a laugh.

“That would be her,” Will smiled back,” and she could too you know Jess. Best damn horsewoman in these parts, sticks to a buckin’ mustang like she’s been glued there, ain’t that so Slim?”

“Sure is,” I agreed,” she won the bareback riding contest at the Rodeo a couple of years back Jess. You were over in Cheyenne, missed it, best darn ride I’ve ever seen. So what’s she doing now Will?” I asked

“Just back home from some fancy finishing school her Ma insisted she go to over in Europe, figured it would knock the Tomboy out of her.”

“And did it?” I asked grinning across.

“Nah, all she’d ever wanted to do was to work with the horses. Now she’s got some crazy idea she wants to go to school back East and train as a Horse Doctor, did you ever hear the like? Me and her Ma sure can’t change her mind though. Helping out everywhere she can to earn the money for it…no stopping the gal,” he finished sadly.

“Should have had a boy,” joked Jess.

“Sure should,” agreed Will and with that bought us another beer and we got to telling him about the prime beasts we had back at the ranch waiting for Jess to get to work on breaking them.

The following morning Mike got a clean bill of health from Doc. Sam and Jess went over to the livery to hire a buckboard and team to get us back to the ranch and we were on our way as soon as breakfast was over.

On the way home we stopped off at Pete Davies place for Mike to apologise.

Pete beamed down at the youngster,” Oh no harm done Mike and I guess it was our Bobby that egged you on anyways,” he said.

Turning to the rest of us he said,” I sure am sorry folks, knowing what boys are like I guess I should never have left them alone, even for a minute.”

“Oh well he seems OK now,” I said,” and he certainly won’t be making that mistake again will you Mike? “

“No sirree, ”he replied and laughing we took our leave.

Chapter 2

– Jess -

The Hired Hand Arrives

I sure was glad Mike was OK.

When Mose said he’d been hurt I felt sick to my stomach with worry and couldn’t help but think we shouldn’t have gone and left him with a neighbour, even if Pete Davies is a good man.

Then again there was no choice with Daisy needed by a sick friend and the herd of mustangs passing through our land; well it was just too good a chance to miss.

Anyways I figured it had all turned out OK, in the end, and Mike seemed his old self by the time we landed back at the ranch. Daisy insisted he take it easy and stay indoors on the couch for a few days and that sure didn’t go down too well but guess I’d have felt the same truth be told.

Anyway by the following weekend Daisy said he could come out and watch the bronc bustin’ from the safety of the corral fence and he sat with Slim and yelled encouragement at me.

I had already saddle broke a couple of the mares and they looked to be real good animals. This morning I decided to have a crack at the big black fellow with the blaze that had given us all that grief the night before we came home. The injuries I had received during the chase had just about healed up now and I had spent the last week sweet talkin’ him and feeding sugar lumps. But I couldn’t see much improvement to his temper that was for sure.

I’d named him Black Jack as I’d had a run of luck at the game recently and figured this big fellah might be a lucky horse for me, although Slim had other ideas, calling him a big black widow maker. I laughed at the time…but then, maybe I should have listened to him.

I got up on him and he was pretty quiet at first. But I knew he was just joshing me and after a few minutes he took off like a bullet galloping to the far side of the corral before stopping abruptly and all but tipping me off. I stayed on though and that seemed to really rile him as he started bucking and kicking, rearing up and then with a head shake he’d be off at the gallop again.

I lasted a good few minutes before I lost concentration for a split second and he suddenly bucked and twisted and hurled me off so dadgum fast the whole world seemed to turn over. I hit the ground with a sickening thud and fell badly with my arm beneath me and I was winded and lay there for a minute.

Then I heard Slim yelling a warning and was just in time to roll out of the way as Black Jack’s iron hooves crashed down a whisker away from my head. As I got up and ran for the fence I felt an agonising pain shoot up my arm and knew there and then I’d broken it.

I rolled under the fence and Slim ran over pulling me up. But as he caught me by my arm I yelled out in pain, and at his questioning look said, ”I think I’ve gone and bust it Slim, Goddamn it!” I yelled angrily, knowing this was the end of my horse breaking for the next few weeks.

He helped me into the house and rode for Doc Sam immediately and it only took him a minute to confirm what I already knew, it was a break and a bad one too.

He set it at once, the pain near making me black out. But I tried to be strong and not make a fuss as a white faced Mike looked on. Afterwards I lay back exhausted on my rocker, by the fire, with the arm in a sling and Slim came and sat beside me.

“You OK now pard?”he asked kindly.

I tipped my head sideways to look at him.

”Oh yeah, just fine and Dandy Slim, I’ve still got another half dozen broncs to break. Not to mention all the usual jobs around the ranch, and here’s me worse than useless,” I spat angrily, ”sure I’m just fine and Dandy.”

He lowered his eyes for a moment and then said,” I’m sorry Jess. I know you’re kind of upset, but don’t worry, we’ll manage.”

I looked over at his kind concerned face and felt awful.

” Sorry Slim, I shouldn’t take it out on you. I just feel so darn frustrated, can’t believe that dang horse threw me that way.”

“Well, that’s what they do buddy,” he said laughing,” thought you might have noticed by now. Seeing as how you spend half your life in the dust,  brushing yourself off and getting back up in the saddle again.”

“Yeah,” I said, really feeling sorry for myself now, “difference is I ain’t able to get back up this time Slim.”

Seeing the despair in my expression he took pity on me.

” Yeah I know Jess, but hey it’s not for ever and the time will soon pass, you’ll see.”

“What about in the meantime,” I said. “We’ve got another six head of angry mustangs out there that need to be tamed and sold on if we aim to make a profit. How are we going to do that? We sure as Hell can’t risk you getting injured too or the ranch would go under. So what are you proposing, putting Mike up in the saddle … or Daisy maybe?” I finished sarcastically.

He paused for a moment and then said,” No, but what about Kate Stockton?”

“What…are you crazy,” I said, “she’s just a slip of a girl, ol’ Black Jack would make mincemeat of her.”

“That’s just where you’re wrong Jess,” he said,” she is good, real good; reckon she could deal with any critter we’ve got here.”

“You’re mad,” I said shaking my head.

“She has got one big advantage,” he continued.” Did you ever wonder why Black Jack was slow to spook when you first mounted him?”

When I just raised a questioning eyebrow he continued.

”I guess it’s your weight…or lack of it I should say. You are real light Jess and when you first mounted I reckon it didn’t bother him too much, until you started using your legs to try and control him and that’s when he kicked off.”

“Yeah, so what has that got to do with the girl riding him?” I asked.

“Well compared to you she is a real tiny little thing. She weighs next to nothing…I reckon that’s why she’s so good at the horse breaking. They don’t get upset as there is so little weight up there on their backs,” he concluded.

“That’s all very well,” I said, “but what if she does come off, she’s gonna fall just as hard and hurt herself just as much as me. What’s her Pa going to say iffen we send her home all busted up? Girls are built different to us too Slim,I reckon she could really harm herself,” I finished.

“Well, I don’t reckon her Pa would let her do it if that was the case Jess. He sure is proud of her, if you’d seen him at the Rodeo, proud as punch. Guess if it was left to him, well she could work with the horses no problem. It’s her Ma, just wants Kate to get her a husband and settle down I reckon.”

“Isn’t that what all Ma’s want?” I said grinning back at my partner.

“Yeah, I guess…So shall I have a word with old man Stockwell, see if he can spare Kate for a couple of weeks?” asked Slim.

I really couldn’t think of any alternative so just nodded and he went off to make the arrangements.

It turned out that Mr and Mrs Stockwell had been invited to stay with relatives back East for a few weeks, but Mrs Stockwell was not keen on leaving Kate home alone without a chaperone of some sort.

Kate was equally adamant that she should stay home and continue to do odd jobs for neighbours to add to her fund for the proposed Horse Doctoring course she hoped to attend in the Fall.

So when Slim rode in and offered her a paid job, breaking the mustangs it was the answer to everyone’s prayers. Mrs Stockwell was quite happy for Daisy to act as chaperone and Kate was delighted to be offered proper paid work.

As Slim left Mr Stockwell pumped his hand, “Thank you Slim, I’ll drive Kate over next week,” he said beaming at my partner.

The following Monday morning Slim and I were in the barn grooming our mounts. I was feeling pretty lucky that it was the left arm I had busted, so I could still do a few useful jobs around the place, when we heard the sound of a buggy approaching and walking over to the barn door saw Mr Stockton and Kate drive into the yard.

As I looked up at Kate my mouth must have dropped open as I saw this stunning young woman.

The pigtails were gone and instead she had rich golden curly hair framing her tiny face and flowing down her back. She was still tiny, but she sure had filled out, and now had the perfect hour glass figure.

I gave a low whistle, and turning to Slim said, “Wow, little Kate sure grew up.”

He gave me a stern look,” Oh no you don’t,” he said quietly…”no messin’ with the hired hand Jess.”

“What do ya mean?” I replied with an innocent look on my face.

“You know perfectly well what I mean Jess,” he said,” you and your love ‘em and leave ‘em games, the last thing I want around here is another of your heart broken women.”

“What are you talkin’ about?” I asked indignantly.

“What I’m talking about is me having to spend the best part of last month’s dance sitting out with your ex. Annie Thomas, with her weeping all over me and saying how much she loves you and why have you gone off with Millie from the saloon,” he spat.

“Well, I’ll tell you as why,” I said,” because Annie Thomas started talking Spring weddings and babies near the first time I kissed her and that kinda unsettles a man….”

We had no more time to discuss my love life as Will had helped his daughter down and they were fast advancing on us, beaming and obviously happy to be here.

Kate was dressed in an open necked white shirt and very tight denims tucked into well polished riding boots and the whole get up left nothing to the imagination and I secretly wondered how she was going to mount a horse in jeans that tight.

Will reached out and shook hands and then turning to his daughter he said,” Slim you know, and this is Jess, guess you two haven’t met for a while.”

She turned sparkling green eyes on me and looked me boldly up and down, before responding with,” Oh yes I remember you Jess,” offering her hand, a gleam in her eye.

I wondered what they taught at these posh finishing schools and guessed it certainly wasn’t modesty, but taking her hand said nothing, just smiled back.

Her father went to collect her bags and Slim said,” let me show you to your room, we thought you wouldn’t mind sharing with Miss Daisy?”

“Oh no,” she responded,” I couldn’t possibly do that; I must sleep out in the bunk house Slim…after all I am the’ hired help.’”

Slim blushed to the roots of his hair, assuming she had overheard our conversation.

“No really,” he blustered,” you must stay in the ranch house.”

“No,” she replied firmly” I will be absolutely fine in the bunk house, thank you.”

Just then Will came over with her bags.

“I really shouldn’t bother arguing Slim,” he said smiling,” you will learn it really isn’t worth it, this young lady is real stubborn and usually gets her own way,” he finished looking across at his daughter with pride in his eyes.

She does, does she, I thought…well, we’ll see about that, but just smiled across at Slim and watched as he caved in, carrying all Kate’s stuff into the bunk house.

Soon after her Pa disappeared waving as he left and calling out, “Good luck,” but it wasn’t apparent as to whom he was addressing this comment to.

We all went inside for coffee and Kate met Daisy and Mike and seemed to relax a little. After a while Daisy went about her chores and Mike off to play, leaving Slim and I at the table with Kate.

Turning to Slim she said,” So what do you want me to do boss?”

Slim looked over at me and then back to Kate.

” Well, he said it’s up to Jess really, He is in charge of all the horse stuff around here and so I guess you’ll be answerable to him.”

She turned her mocking green eyes on me then.

“Oh so you are my boss,” she said playfully, “so what would you like me to do for you,” she asked in a sultry voice, giving me a very forward look.

Ignoring her tone I said, ”Well first of all you can go and muck out the barn and then later we’ll talk about which horses we’ll be working on.”

“You mean I will be working on,” she said with a toss of her pretty head.

“No,” I said,” we will be working on. It’s only my arm as ain’t workin’ everything else is intact and I guess I’m able to supervise you, get you workin’ the way I want.”

“Oh,” she said giving me an uncertain look.

“Go on then,” I said firmly, “barn ain’t gonna clean itself,” and with that she flounced out.

“Always gets her own way my foot,” I said to Slim as the door slammed behind her.

He grinned across at me, ”Round one to you Pard,” he said laughing.

I’d like to be able to say that was the beginning of a perfect working relationship, but I guess I’d be lying.

She did a reasonable job of the barn when I went out to check it and then she immediately wanted to start working with Black Jack. I refused at once, secretly hoping my arm would have healed in time for me to finish off working with him myself. Also I wasn’t completely sold on the glowing reports of her expertise I’d had, from Slim and her Pa. I figured Black Jack was way too strong for her to handle.

Instead I chose one of the mares for her to get up on and suggested she spend the next day or so getting to know her and I was surprised when she agreed to this plan.

That evening after supper we sat and talked strategy and it turned out she was very much of the horse whispering, gentling way of breaking horses and it was good to find something we both agreed on.

The next day or so she got to know the horses and started spoiling them a bit with sugar lumps and the like just as I did. She also pulled her weight around the place doing her fair share of the chores and even gave Daisy a hand with the washing up. So she was definitely improving as far as Slim and I were concerned.

The day after I decided it was time she was put up on one of the horses so we could see what she could do and I chose the gentle looking mare she had been caring for.

“Now take it easy,” I said,” just stay on for five minutes or so at first, take it real slow, OK? “

“OK boss,” she said giving me a mocking look.

She jumped lightly up and at first the mare took to it well, then she started kicking off, rearing and bucking, but Kate never moved, as her Pa had said ,it was like she was glued there.

I was real impressed and as the mare bucked and turned and still she remained in place Slim and I exchanged looks grinning, she sure was good I thought.

Finally the mare was spent, and snorting and tossing her head she eventually came to a standstill, head bowed.

Kate rode her over to us,” Was that OK boss?” she asked, giving me a cheeky grin.

I returned her grin and said,” More than OK well done, get down now and come and take a break.”

“Aw, Jess I want to carry on,” she moaned.

“Kate do as I say,” I replied firmly and tossing her curls she rode the mare away, before hopping down and doing as I asked.

Slim turned and grinned at me,” It isn’t easy working with someone who’s so darn stubborn is it?” he asked pleasantly before giving me an evil grin.

“Why you…”I said as I launched myself at him remembering too late my bad arm and pulling back...as he laughed and marched off to put the coffee on.

Chapter 3


Tempers flare and I get drunk

The following day Daisy said she needed some stuff from town and as I wasn’t much help at changing the teams, with my bad arm an’ all, we decided I should go over to town with Kate.

I figured it would give her a break from the mustangs, and I reckoned she sure needed it. She hadn’t said anything, but I guessed she was finding it a mite more hard work than she thought. Before, she had just worked on the odd horse for a few hours at her father’s ranch, but here we put in long hours and the work could be a real killer iffen you weren’t used to the pace.

I could see she was tired and she had also had a couple of falls and I figured that had shaken her up some too. Knowing how downright stubborn she was I decided to just ask her to drive me to town. Rather than suggesting she take a break from the bronc bustin’ figuring that would go down better.

My plan worked and we drove into town and had a pleasant morning chatting and doing the marketing for Daisy. We were just loading the last bag of groceries onto the buckboard when I heard a rough voice behind me say, “Well just the person I was a lookin’ for… Mr Harper.”

Swinging around I saw Jed Carson, who I hadn’t clapped eyes on since his trial more than four years ago.

I had been deputizing for Mort Cory, our Sheriff and very good friend, at the time. I had led the posse that had caught up with Carson after he had robbed the Laramie Bank.

“What do ya want Carson?” I asked squinting up at him as he sat his horse with his back to the blinding sunlight.

He jumped down, tethered his mount and then walking towards me stopped with his hand hovering over his holstered gun and finally replied.

” I want revenge Harper sweet revenge. I’ve been rotting in a filthy jail for four goddamn years thanks to you and now it’s payback time.”

I looked across at him my eyes narrowed,” Don’t be a fool Carson, you’ve done your time, just walk away and get on with your life,” I said quietly.

“See it isn’t as easy as that,” he replied,” I’ve got a notion to finish you first Harper.”

Suddenly Kate yelled,” Just do as Jess says you stupid man!”

I had completely forgotten Kate was there and turning to her said in a harsh whisper,” For God’s sake, get out of here Kate.”

“I will not!” she replied tossing her curls and glaring at me and then across at Carson.

“Kate, I’m only tellin’ you once, go in the store and wait for me there,” I said menacingly.

It must have been the chilling look in my eye and my tone that told her I meant business and after a moment she turned and flounced off.

I turned back to Carson and tried to reason with him.

“Just ease off. It don’t have to be this way, ride out now Carson and no harm done,” I said.

He looked over at me and finally said, “I can’t do that Harper, gotta finish it right now. So, what’s up… just ‘cos you’ve gotten yourself a bum arm, do you reckon you can’t draw on me?” he goaded.

“I ain’t gonna draw on you anyways, you want a fight Carson, then I guess it’s down to you to draw,” I said quietly.

He went for his gun, but I’d shot him in the shoulder before it was hardly half way out of its holster and he fell to the ground, groaning in pain, but still very much alive.

Mort was suddenly at my side,” Jess, are you OK? “

“Sure,” I replied. “I didn’t know he was out of jail.”

Then looking down at the injured man I said quietly, ”Stupid bastard knew damn well he couldn’t out draw me.”

Mort nodded,” I guess he felt he had to try, crazy idiot.”

Then after a minute Lon his deputy arrived and helped Carson over to the jail and someone else went to fetch Doc. Sam.

I accompanied Mort to his office and we sorted out the paper work and had a coffee.

It didn’t take too long and by the time I got back to the buckboard Kate was sitting waiting for me.

“What in Hell did you think you were doin’ there?” I exploded.

“Well just trying to help,” she yelled back , ”Idiot man what was he thinking?”

“He was thinking he was goin’ ta kill me and anyone that got in the way,” I spat.

“So… are you OK?” she asked.

“Sure, no thanks to you….you really have no idea what danger you were in have you?” I replied.

Then getting even more angry, ”I guess they don’t teach you the etiquette of dealing with a crazed killer, at that fancy finishing school.”

“No, or how to deal with an ex gunslinger with ideas above his station,” she yelled back.

There was a stunned silence as we both took in what she had just said.

I looked across at her shocked to the core…

”Is that what you really think of me, I ain’t good enough to be around you?” I asked quietly.

“Yes…that’s what I really think of you!” she said, picking up the reins.

”Are you coming… or what?”

“Or what,” I spat and with that marched off to the Saloon without a backwards


I heard her click the team on, and they moved off at a fast pace along Main Street and out of town and I figured she would be safe enough driving home alone. God help any poor soul as tries to mess with her, I thought with a wry smile and pushed open the Saloon doors, figuring I’d feel a whole lot better with a glass or two of whiskey inside of me.

If it had stayed at just the one or two, then things would probably have turned out a whole lot differently. But as it was I hooked up with Charlie an old buddy I hadn’t seen in a long time and the two drinks turned to three and we finally ended up splitting a bottle between us and then some.

It was getting dark by the time I went to see if I could remember where I had tethered Traveller and then I remembered I had taken the buckboard and had no transport back home, until the early morning Stage.

I considered going back to the Saloon and seeing if Millie, who works there, was in an accommodating mood and would like to share her bed.

Millie and I go back a long way and we’re good friends as well as occasional lovers. Well yer know we have a real uncomplicated relationship, which suits us both and I guess we kinda love each other, in our own way…..no strings attached. If she wants to see other guys, I guess I’m OK with that and she never minds if I date other women either…somehow that seems to work for us. We’re always there for each other iffen we’re needed…just the best of friends I guess and that’s the bottom line, the thing that makes our relationship real special to me I guess.

Anyways, I was still just about sober enough to realize that she wouldn’t be overjoyed at having me breathing whiskey fumes at her all night and doubtless snoring fit to wake the dead as well, so decided to take my chances at the livery, and bed down in the hay loft there.

The livery owner was a good friend and I knew he wouldn’t object so I climbed the ladder and settled into the sweet smelling hay and was out of it in a matter of minutes.

The following morning I awoke to a head that felt like a small herd of buffalo were stampeding across it and decided I needed a good cup or two of Mort’s gut rot coffee before I got on the Stage.

I found him up and about, in his office, and he happily poured my coffee and nodded for me to take a seat opposite him.

“So how’s Carson?” I asked, jerking my head towards the cells behind me.

“Looks a damn sight fitter than you do this morning,” he replied grinning over at me. “Tied one on then last night, did ya Jess?”

I nodded ruefully,” Yeah got drinking with Charlie Bennett…never knows when to stop that guy.”

Mort gave an understanding nod.

Then after a while said,” Hey, I thought you were in town with Kate, didn’t I see her up on the buckboard?”

I nodded,” She went back on her own…we had a bit of a disagreement,” I said quietly.


“Yeah, she kinda took offense at me trying to stop her getting shot in Carson’s cross fire. Called me ‘an ex gunslinger with ideas above my station.’ ” I said grimly.

Mort let out a low whistle, ”That’s sure fighting talk,” he said grinning across at me, “so what did you do?”

“Went an’ got drunk,” I said grinning back.

Chapter 4


Love/Hate & Black Jack

As Mose pulled the Stage into the Relay Station yard, I knew I was in for a hard time from everyone and I still felt kinda drunk and really wasn’t in the mood for being bawled out. So I was relieved to hear that Daisy was off visiting. I knew she would be annoyed at me for letting Kate drive home alone and now, to be honest, I was feeling kinda guilty about it myself.

As I had jumped off the Stage, Slim had been there to meet me and had a stern look on his face.

However when he saw the state I was in, I figured he felt kinda sorry for me and he just said,” You’re a mess, go and wash up buddy,” and left it at that. Then calling over his shoulder he yelled,” Just off to the North pasture, back for lunch,” and I raised an arm in acknowledgement.

When I got back out, I was about to go and find Kate and apologize for leaving her yesterday, when I heard hoof beats drumming in the far corral and going to investigate saw Kate up on Black Jack.

At least she was up on him… for all of four minutes before being thrown over his neck in a perfect arc, landing with a sickening thud in the dust. Forgetting my useless arm I ran to her and arrived just at the same time as Black Jack, who was rearing up and intent on stomping on her head.

I ran towards him and yelled at Kate and out of the corner of my eye I saw her struggle to her feet and start off for the fence and safety. Then I was hit a glancing blow on the shoulder by one of the mustangs iron clad hooves and was sent reeling.

Somehow I managed to pick myself up and made a dive for the fence and rolled under it just as he turned back for another go at me. I lay there breathing hard, the agonising pain in my shoulder making me feel sick and dizzy. After a few minutes I pulled myself up to a sitting position and looked up at Kate who was standing pale and shaking looking across at me, fear in her eyes.

I finally pulled myself up by the fence and turning let rip with the full force of the Harper temper.

“What in Hell’s name did you think you were doing, have you got a death wish or something?” I asked giving her a real hard look.” Because it sure looks like you have. First you try and face up a killer who’s out to gun me down and now this!”

I paused for breath and then really got into my stride.

“I’ve got years an’ years of mustang bustin’ under my belt and sure as hell, there is no way I would work a horse without someone there to look out for me. So what makes you so goddamn special?” I yelled.” So is that something else they teach at your finishin’ school too…how to ride a widow maker and not break a finger nail?” I growled panting with emotion.

She seemed to rally and pulling herself up to her full 5 foot said, “Well, at least I had a go at him. I figured you weren’t about to let me and I could have broken him too, if you hadn’t come along!”

“Broken your neck more like,” I said.

She stomped over to me and standing real close said, “I’m as good with horses as you ever will be Jess Harper!“

I had never seen her so angry, her cheeks were flushed and her deep green eyes flashing with fury.

I reached over for her, grabbed her by the shoulders and pulling her close kissed her real hard. After a moment she responded and kissed me back and I felt all my senses rising as the kissing became hotter and hotter.

Suddenly Mike rushed out of the Barn and yelled,” Hey Jess, Black Jack has escaped!”

Dragging myself from the embrace with Kate I shook my head to clear it and then looked out at where Black Jack was fast disappearing in a cloud of dust.

Mike came running over, oblivious to what we had been doing and said innocently, “Hey did ya see him jump the corral fence Jess, never seen the like, thought he was flying,” he finished, eyes sparkling with excitement.

Without answering I ran for the barn and started to saddle Traveller, with Mike and Kate in hot pursuit.

“Can I come?” asked Mike, echoed by Kate and, turning on them both I let rip again.

“No you can’t,” I yelled, ”just stay here and mind the shop ‘till Slim gets back,” and with that I mounted and rode Hell for leather out of the yard, knowing two pairs of accusing eyes were following me.

I knew Mike would be upset, but I figured I would explain it to him later and he knew he was too young to venture out on this sort of mission anyway.

As for Kate, well my feelings were all over the place, I was so Goddamn mad at her… …but…well I guess I wanted her something fierce too.

That kiss had been like dynamite exploding and if Mike hadn’t come into the yard…well I just don’t know where things would have ended.

What was wrong with me I thought, we hated each other, certainly, couldn’t get on anyway, that was for sure and yet…and yet?

I galloped Traveller on for a mile or two, but it was obvious that Black Jack with a good head start was way ahead of us and I figured it would be a slow job catching up and I might well have to stay back a way and track him. To be honest the injury he had inflicted on my shoulder was really beginning to hurt and I regretted not stopping and getting it cleaned and dressed before I took off. Then I remembered that Daisy was away and figured that Kate would sooner fix a coyotes wound than mine.

An hour or so later I was beginning to feel pretty bad and even though I knew I probably wouldn’t get a real good welcome when I returned home, I knew in my heart that it was where I needed to go. By now my shoulder was throbbing something fierce and I also knew I had knocked my damaged arm too and that felt kinda bad, so I figured I’d turn Traveller back towards home.

Turns out it was a good move, I hadn’t gone more than a couple of miles and I just knew I was real bad, I suddenly felt sick and real dizzy and then I felt myself slowly sliding from the saddle …and then nothing.

When I awoke Slim was leaning over me, wiping my face with his bandana soaked in water from his canteen and the cool water sure felt good.

“Hey pard,” he said, “I knew you had a hangover Jess, but I’ve never seen it affect you this way before. “

Struggling to sit up a searing pain shot through my shoulder and I fell back down again.

“Ain’t the whiskey, I got stomped on by that bastard horse,” I whispered.

“So how did that happen?” he asked,” I thought you weren’t doing any work with the horses until that arm was 100%.”

“So did I”, I said grimly,” except I hadn’t bargained for Kate getting up on Black Jack as soon as our backs were turned and then getting thrown.”

“Ah …so that’s what it is,” he said, shaking his head sadly.”I thought Kate seemed a bit concerned, asked me to head off after you as soon as I landed back for lunch.”

“Well, I’m obliged you did Slim,” I said,” Guess I’ll give ol’ Black Jack a miss for today and make for home, iffen you’ll give me a hand getting back up.”

When we got to the ranch there was no sign of Kate I was pleased to note, but Daisy was home from her visiting and taking one look at me said,” Oh Jess, what have you been up to, you look awful.”

“Felt better,” I admitted and with that I let myself be led inside and submitted to Daisy’s fussin’ without a word of complaint.

After she had cleaned and bound the shoulder which was painful, but at least nothing busted, she suggested I go and have a nap. Well to be honest, that ol’ herd of buffalo were still prancing about my head and so I was glad to oblige and ended up sleeping through to breakfast the next day.

The following day I felt a whole lot better and decided to ride out and check the fences over on the north pasture.

I felt pretty uncomfortable in Kate’s presence after that kiss and I really didn’t know how I felt about her. I figured she felt the same and we kinda trod real gentle around each other, still smarting from the harsh words we had exchanged and then that astonishing kiss. I kept coming back to that and figured we needed some space between us for things to settle down a mite.

Slim promised to supervise her riding for a day or so and although he didn’t say anything to me. I guessed he was aware there was something going on, but didn’t know what exactly.

I remembered what he had said to me on that first day Kate had arrived.

‘Don’t mess with the hired help’, and figured he would be none too pleased if he knew the real reason I was heading off, and what had gone on between us.

Anyway things settled down after a while and the following Friday Doc Sam came over for a visit and to do a bit of fishin’ with us.

Before we lit out for the lake he took a look at my broken arm and said it was healing well and I could start using it again, but light duties only, no bronc bustin’ for a couple more weeks.

He seemed surprised that I accepted it so well.

“The mustang I really wanted to break high tailed it over a week ago,” I explained,” and we ain’t had time to go an’ fetch him back yet.”

Kate was in the room and on hearing me say that had the grace to blush, but said nothing.

Shortly after Mike, Slim, the Doc and I took off for the lake and had a good afternoons sport. We did well and when we got home Daisy and Kate cooked up the fish for supper and Sam stayed and enjoyed it with us. We had a real good evening laughing and chatting and reminiscing on times past and Kate sat and listened and enjoyed herself too and things seemed a little less strained between us.

Then as Sam was leaving he asked us if we were going over to the dance in Laramie the following night.

I had already made arrangements to take Millie and when Slim said, “Sure Sam, looking forward to it”, Kate asked if she could tag along too.

Well, what could we say, Slim ever the gentleman said of course she could and offered to drive her in the buggy and she seemed happy enough.

Chapter 6


The Dance

On the day of the dance we got ourselves ready in good time and after a shower and shave Slim and I got all duded up and then hung about waiting for Kate.

Well she was sure worth waiting for and eventually emerged from Daisy’s room where she had been beautifyin’ for hours.

She wore a deep blue dress with a plunging neckline that was real tight fitting, but Daisy had managed to persuade her to borrow a pretty shawl, that kinda toned down the effect a bit and I figured our housekeeper was taking her chaperoning duties real serious.

Before we left Daisy turned to Slim.

”Look after her won’t you dear,” she whispered and Slim and I exchanged a look, knowing that with my track record Daisy wouldn’t be askin’ me to mind her. Having already abandoned her in town once, and so he just nodded and smiled and said he would.

As Slim drove the buggy I followed on Traveller and when we got to town I told the others I would see them later and went to put Trav up in the livery and then walked down to the Saloon to collect Millie.

She was serving behind the bar when I went in and greeted me with a huge smile.

“Well,” she said eyeing me up and down, taking in my crisp clean white shirt ,tie, brocade waist coat , long dark top coat and Sunday best hat,” don’t you scrub up well Mr Harper.“

I grinned back at her, in her scarlet and black dress; leaving nothing to the imagination….. boy, she sure looked good.

“Why thank you Ma’am and you don’t look too bad yourself,” I said, leaning over the bar and giving her a meaningful kiss on the lips.

“Um…” she said, savouring the moment, “that good eh?”

I gave her a cheeky wink and accepted the beer she offered me and turned to chat to old Tom the barkeep and good friend.

“Hear you had a bit of bother with Carson,” he said giving me a concerned look.

“Yeah, figured he wanted revenge, crazy idiot, dunno why he didn’t just do his time and get on with his life, guess he’ll be back in jail again now,” I finished sadly shaking my head.

“You ain’t heard then?” asked Tom. ”He broke out of the Cheyenne jail couple of days since, thought Lon would have told ya seeing as Mort’s out of town right now,”

“Oh well,” I said,” guess he won’t try his luck with me again after last time.”

Then changing the subject,” So Tom are ya gonna let my best girl off duty early so I can take her to the dance…huh?”

Grinning across at me and then over to an expectant Millie, he drawled” OK, off you go and have a good time,” and smiling we made our farewells.

When we entered the crowded dance hall we soon located Slim and then Kate walked over with a shocked look on her face as she saw me with my arm around Millie and turning to me said,” Oh I see you have brought a’ friend’ Jess.”

Her manner was hostile, but ignoring it I introduced Millie who smiled pleasantly.

Kate looked her up and down with undisguised disdain, before ignoring her and turning to speak to Slim.

I was furious and all for saying something, but Millie touched my arm gently and gave a tiny shake of her head.

“Would you like to dance?” I asked looking into her beautiful brown eyes and she smiled yes, so we excused ourselves and took off for the dance floor. I didn’t see Slim or Kate again for a while and was glad of it. I couldn’t believe how rude an allegedly well-educated young lady could be.

Towards the end of the evening the room had gotten incredibly warm and Millie and I stepped outside for a breath of air.

It was a beautiful night and peaceful in the shadows of the hall’s porch.

Pulling her gently towards me I kissed her softly and then more urgently as I felt her respond beneath my lips. She ran her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer to her and after a few minutes pulled away and whispered, “shall we go back to my place now Jess?”

I nodded smiling down at her and looking deep into her eyes before leaning down and kissing her even more passionately. Just then we were illuminated by the light within the hall, as someone opened the door and we jumped apart and turning to see who it was I looked straight into Kate’s angry green eyes.

“Oh excuse me,” she said haughtily, before turning on heel and re entering the hall.

I followed her in saying,” Now wait a minute young lady, I’m getting’ kinda tired of your rudeness.”

She turned an innocent stare at me and replied,” I don’t know what you mean Jess.”

Before she could say more I felt Millie’s hand on my arm, pulling gently.

”Let it go,” she whispered, and turning to see the sadness in her face I took her by the arm and marched her away from Kate without a backwards glance.

We went up the back steps of the saloon and entered her cosy room above the bar.

It had turned chilly and I was pleased to see a fire glowing in the grate and taking off my hat, boots and gun belt I left them on the hook by the door and went over and sat on the couch in front of the fire.

Meanwhile Millie had been busy brewing coffee in the little kitchen off her room and entering placed the cups on the small table by the fire and then sank down on the couch next to me.

I leaned over and put an arm round her and she snuggled up with her head on my shoulder.

” Um, this is nice,” she said with a big yawn.

“You tired?” I asked.

“Yeah, but happy tired, ya know,” she said turning to look quizzically at me, “the sort of tired you get after a real good evening of dancing.”

“Was it?”I asked giving her worried look.

“What? “

“Was it a real good evening?” I asked

“Why sure honey,” she said smiling at me.

After a little while I said,” I figure I should apologize for Kate she was real rude to you. I sure as hell will have something to say to her tomorrow.”

“Jess, just leave it,” she said quietly,” it’s OK”

“It ain’t I said…”I just don’t get it, why she was so dadgum nasty?”

“Men,” she said laughing.


“Well it’s obvious she’s just jealous,” she said


“She’s jealous, of us, you and me, silly.”

“Nah,” I said, “me and her… ain’t got that kinda relationship.”

“You might not have, but she’d sure would like to have ‘that kinda relationship’…just plain old jealous that’s all,” she concluded.

I shook my head in disbelief, then turning and giving Millie a wicked wink said,” Well I guess we’d better get down to giving her something to be jealous of, you coming to bed sweetheart?” I asked giving her a cheeky grin.

She leaned over and kissed me passionately on the lips, ”I thought you’d never ask cowboy,” she murmured.


The following morning after a leisurely breakfast with Millie, I went down to the livery to pick up Traveller and headed for home.

Daisy was busy fixing Sunday lunch and beamed at me as I came in.

” Hello dear, did you have a good time at the dance?” she asked.

I smiled over, ”Great thanks Daisy,” and turned to Slim who was at his desk working on some figures for a meeting with the Overland boss.

” How about you pard, di you have a good time?” I asked innocently.

“Just great,” he said, but I detected a note of irony.

As soon as Daisy returned to the kitchen I sat down in my rocker and raising an eye brow at him said,” OK spill the beans what did I miss? “

“Well you missed Kate sulking all evening because you went off with Millie. Then you missed the fact that she stuck by me like glue and completely wrecked my chances of making any head way with that cute new school teacher…apart from that I guess you didn’t miss much, ”he finished grimly.

“Gee I’m sorry Slim,” I said, “I didn’t know she was going to start acting weird like that honest.”

“Yeah, I know buddy…women eh! So how did it go with Millie?”

I blushed a little looking down, “Oh you know,” I said quietly.

“I know it’s gone noon and you’ve only just made it home you lucky son of a …“he finished giving me a wicked grin.

Just then Daisy put her head round the door.

”Jess could you go and find Kate and say lunch is nearly ready, I think she’s out by the corral.”

“She better hadn’t be ridin’ anything,” I said darkly as I made for the door.

I found her out by the corral, leaning on the fence watching the mustangs and I went and stood beside her.

Turning to look up into my eyes she said,” Did you have a good time last night Jess….you’re very late back.”

I was real taken aback by her attitude.

”Say who are you then my Ma?” I asked sarcastically.

“No just concerned for you,” she said,” mixing with the likes of Millie…well…”

I felt my heart begin to pound and my face to flush and I said angrily, “And what in Hell do ya mean by that? “

“I’m surprised, that’s all,” she said, “a man like you. I thought you could have got any girl you wanted without resorting to having to pay one, for her…er services.”

As the words sank in I felt white hot rage spreading through my body…

”What!” I yelled. “What are you sayin’ …you sayin’ Millie is a prostitute?” I asked incredulously.

“Well, sure she is, isn’t she? “

I felt my hand raise up and I… oh so nearly slapped her.

” I ain’t ever hit a woman,” I said in a menacing growl,” but by God I’m damn close to it now.”

She shrank back a look of fear in her eyes and she began to tremble.

“For your information,” I continued, “Tom runs a good clean house and there ain’t no working girls employed there. Furthermore Millie is an old and very good, true, loyal friend and worth 10 of you. Now get in the house before I change my mind and take you over my knee,” and with that I marched off to the barn and Traveller’s soothing company.

I was so damn angry I couldn’t keep it in, and so after a few minutes I went back outside and took my temper out on the log pile and by the time I’d finished chopping wood, I guess we had enough to last us through next winter and then some.

Somewhere along the line Mike came out as he had obviously been told to call me in to lunch, but one look told him instinctively not to mess with me, so he prudently retraced his steps.

After a good hour of solid log chopping I was sweating and exhausted and removing my shirt I went over to the horse trough and sank my head in its blessedly cool waters, before coming up again and shaking my head like a dog to get rid of the water. As I looked over at the ranch door I was just in time to see Kate disappearing inside and wondered how long she had been watching me. Shrugging I walked back to the barn and feeling a little calmer went in and started grooming Traveller.

A few minutes later the door opened and a shaft of strong sunlight illuminated the interior and I looked up to see Slim standing there.

He entered somewhat hesitantly and came over and after a moment said, “You OK now Pard? “

“I guess,” I said quietly.

“What was all that about?” he asked,” Kate came in shakin’ and weepin’ then Mike said he was too fearful to talk to you…What’s got you in this state pard?” he asked leaning over and squeezing my arm affectionately.

“Maybe you should ask Kate that,” I said quietly turning back to my task of brushing my horse.

“I’m asking you,” he replied softly.

Putting the brush down I turned to face Slim and looking him in the eye, said,” She called Millie a…I swallowed hard and tried again, she called her a prostitute… I kinda lost it Slim, nearly slapped her…but then I guess she deserved it sayin’ things like that.”

Slim gave a low whistle.

“What in Hell would make her say a thing like that?” he asked looking puzzled.

“Millie reckons she’s jealous,” I replied,” can’t see the sense in that though, beats me the way these women think that’s for sure.”

Slim gave me a hard look,” you ain’t been messin’ with her have you Jess? You know what we said, day she came.”

“No … I ain’t,” I said, “I swear…well except for…”

“For what Jess?” he said very quietly….a sure sign he was getting riled.

“Well… I kissed her… just the once,” I said.” I was so damn mad at her and … and well I just kissed her… don’t know why,” I finished vaguely.

Slim shook his head in disbelief.

”I guess I’ve heard it all now, you kissed her because you were mad? “

“Well, yeah. I guess you had to be there, she was all flushed up and her eyes flashin’ and all and I suddenly…”

“Yeah, I know all about you and your ‘suddenly’ moments,” he said sarcastically…”so what did she do? “

“Well… she seemed to kinda like it,” I admitted.

He shook his head again in mock despair before clapping me on the shoulder, “what are we going to do with you Jess?” he said, ”I swear you’ll be the death of me, the amount of trouble you get in without even trying.”

Then giving me a big grin said,” Come back inside, Daisy said to tell you she’s kept your lunch hot and there’s apple pie too.”

“Kate?” I asked

“She’s gone for a walk.”

“I’m right behind ya pard,” I said grinning over at him and we left the barn arms slung around each other, peace restored.

Chapter 7

- Jess-

Kate High Tails it

It was much later when we finally realized that Kate had jumped ship.

We just assumed she had gone for a walk to try and calm down. That is until supper time, when Mike was sent over to the bunk house to tell her supper was ready, and he came back carrying a note and with the news that one of the green broke mares was also missing.

“What, has that crazy girl taken a green broke horse,” I said, ”Goddamn it she’ll break her neck!”

Grabbing the note from Mike I read:

‘Gone after Black Jack. My fault he jumped the fence. Don’t come after me. I’ll be back when I’ve got him. Tell Jess I’m not just some silly little rich girl. I care about horses too,


I read it and then passed it over to Slim and Daisy.

Slim shook his head, “crazy kid…”

Daisy disappeared into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later.

”There’s a gunny sack and provisions for at least four days gone,” she said and then turning to us.

“Oh Slim, Jess you must find her, what will Mr and Mrs Stockton say?”

Slim and I looked at each other.

”I guess it’s going to have to be you pard,” Slim said,” I’ve got the Overland boss coming tomorrow…can’t walk out on that.”

I stood up, resigned to my fate,” I’ll saddle Traveller,” I said quietly and Daisy went to fetch supplies for me.

I figured I had a couple of hours of day light to start tracking her and would catch up the following day. I lit out right away and picked up her tracks at once and just hoped the green broke mare hadn’t tipped her off yet.

When it got dark I figured I had to make camp, as I sure wasn’t risking Traveller breaking a leg, stumbling into a gopher hole or something so I stopped and made camp. Then after spending a restless night, set off again at first light.

I caught up with her sooner than I thought. She had made camp, the previous night, beside a small stream and I saw the smoke from her camp fire. As I rode in she jumped up startled, grabbing a log from near the fire and backing away.

After a minute she recognized me and I swung down from Traveller and walked over. She still looked pretty scared and then I remembered the last time we had been together. I had nearly slapped her and so I guess she was understandably a little wary of me.

I went and stood before her.

” It’s OK,” I said,” I guess I’ve calmed down some now.”

Dropping the log she ran over to me and to my surprise threw her arms around me and buried her head in my shoulder.

“Oh Jess,” she cried,” I have been so frightened; I’ve never camped alone before. Last night was awful, I fell asleep at dawn and have only just woken,” she said sorrowfully.

I held her for a few minutes and then gently pushing her away and said, “You’re OK now,” and leading her to the fire we sat down.

She poured me a coffee and we chatted quietly and decided that we would carry on for a couple of days looking for the mustang. But if there was no sign by then we would cut our losses and return home.

Her bad mouthing of Millie was still on my mind and I felt I just wanted to ride and not talk too much. So once our coffee was finished we set off at a good pace, following Black Jack’s tracks.

I was amazed that I was still able to see the tracks as they were a good week old, but the weather had been very quiet with no rain or wind and he had a very distinctive hoof print where he seemed to be favoring the front nearside leg and I wandered if he was coming up lame.

By evening we were both pretty bushed and as soon as we had finished supper we bedded down for the night. I lit a good camp fire as the evening had turned real chilly and we had our saddles to lie back on and with our bed rolls near the fire it was comfortable enough.

I lay back looking up at the stars.

After a minute she said, “Jess, I’m really sorry for what I said about Millie. I guess I was sort of jealous of your close relationship. I’ve had loads of boyfriends but, well, I’ve never had a man who was a proper friend.”

I was still pretty mad at her and didn’t want to discuss it, so just said, “OK, let’s just forget it.”

She was silent for a while and then she said quietly,” Do you think you and I could be friends Jess?”

I thought about it for a minute and then said, “No, I guess not.”

She looked across at me, her eyes widening in surprise, ”Why not?” she whispered.

“Well, I’m just an ex gunslinger with ideas above my station ain’t I?” I said giving her a hard look.

“Oh Jess,” she said…” I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it, I guess I just wanted to hurt you.”

I turned and gave her a long look and then said very quietly,” Well you sure succeeded,” and with that turned on my side away from her and closing my eyes, attempted to sleep.

For a long time afterwards I heard the muffled sounds of her quietly crying, but something in me refused to relent and I guess she finally cried herself to sleep. A long time afterwards I finally fell into a troubled sleep myself.

It must have been in the early hours of the morning when I was awoken by a lone wolf howling and he sounded real close by too. The sound was haunting and as used as I am to the Big Open, something in the mournful sound sent a shiver down my spine. Next thing I knew Kate was there next to me shaking with fear or cold, probably both I figured.

“Please Jess can I come under your blanket I’m really frightened.” she whispered.

I pulled the blanket back and she snuggled up to me still shaking and so I pulled her close and we lay together until I felt her relax a little.

After a while she said,” Jess please can I talk to you. Try and explain, about Millie, I just can’t bear you being so mad at me and I really am sorry. I was just being horrible because I was so jealous. Anyway,” she said,” I guess I’m the last person to judge others considering my own Ma is a prostitute.”

“What,” I stammered, pulling away so I could look her in the face… “Mrs Stockton…. I just don’t believe it!”

She smiled across at me.

”No silly, not Mrs Stockton, my real Ma. I’m adopted Jess, I had real humble beginnings. My Ma got pregnant by a client and I was the result. I guess I sort of cramped her style, so she gave me up for adoption. When I was two Mr and Mrs Stockton came to the children’s home and took me away, spoiled me rotten and the rest is history,” she finished giving me a candid look.

I said nothing just held her close.

After a few minutes she said,” Everything I’ve done I was just trying to impress you and I saw you weren’t that easily impressed. Then you went off with Millie after I’d spent so long trying to look good for you, well that was the last straw. I just wanted to hurt you both…and I was wrong,” she finished, starting to weep quietly again.

” Hush, it’s OK,” I said softly holding her close to me and then I tipped her chin up and looking into those amazing green eyes I kissed her, but this time very tenderly. She kissed me back and it was just like last time.  I felt my stomach flip and all my senses came alive and all I could think of was making love to her and she melted under my touch returning my passionate kisses, and murmuring my name.

I knew it was wrong, hell I’d promised Slim I wouldn’t mess with her, I knew the Stockton’s trusted her in our care and I knew I should stop. But something in the way she was kissing me told me this was no innocent young girl, she was experienced, and then some, and God knows I wanted her.

Just then the wolf called again and its heart rending cry stopped us in our tracks and I pulled away and said,” Kate, do you want me to stop. We shouldn’t be doing this, you are a lot younger…I…well I can’t make you any promises.”

“Jess, please I just want tonight, I don’t want anything else, just hold me now, don’t stop,” she reached up and pulling my head down towards her and kissed me passionately again.

It was no good, I knew it was wrong and although it took every bit of my will power I gently disengaged from her and said, “No Kate, go back to your own bedroll and I’ll go and fetch some more wood for the fire, to keep you warm.”

“Oh Jess,” she whispered in anguish, ”don’t you want me?”

“Sure I do,” I shouted getting up and walking away.

Then, turning back to look down at her, said more quietly, ”Sure I do, but it just ain’t right. Will Stockton left you in our care and I can’t take advantage of you. Now please Kate will you make this a whole lot easier for me and go back to bed,” I said pleadingly.

She got up reluctantly, and walking over to her own side of the fire wrapped herself in her bedroll again and turned away from me.

I went and built up the fire to keep us warm and to warn the wolf away and then lay back down again, my heart racing, feeling frustrated and angry…Angry at myself for kissing her in the first place. Hell I hardly knew her, or her me and I figured it was all about lust, not love or even mutual respect and affection, like I had with Millie. I reflected that Slim was right, I sure managed to find myself in trouble without even trying, and with that thought I finally nodded off to sleep.

In the morning she was very pale and quiet and wouldn’t look me in the eye and refused any breakfast. I decided to ignore her behaviour and figured a hard day’s ride would maybe knock the mood out of her. I felt awful and knew I had handled things badly. I should never have let things get as far as they did, but Hell I’m a man with needs and what man wouldn’t have kissed her I thought, if they’d been in that situation.

Anyways with all the dirty looks she was giving me now, I figured she wouldn’t want me to start makin’ love again anytime soon and that was probably all for the best.

We lit out soon after sun up and the tracks seemed a lot more recent and I thought we should finally catch up with him later that day.

I knew I was probably pushing Kate too hard, but I figured the sooner we found the big fellah and headed for home, then the better things would be all round.

To be truthful the way I was feeling about Kate after what had happened between us earlier, I really didn’t want to spend another night with her, even though I knew there was no choice.

It was real difficult for me and I wasn’t sure if I could hold out if she started wanting more than just my company.

God damn it, I thought, first the girl is driving me nuts with her rudeness and stubbornness and now I can barely keep my hands off of her.

We stopped for a short break at lunchtime as I figured she would be hungry having skipped breakfast, but she seemed reluctant to eat much.

She still looked kinda pale and after she had refused all but coffee, I said, “Are you feelin’ OK Kate?”

“Why…do you care?” she replied sharply.

“Sure I care,” I said” and if your feelin’ sick I need to know, we can turn back anytime you like.”

“No,” she shouted jumping up quickly and spilling her coffee,” we’ve come this far we have to go on,” and with that marched off to saddle her horse, leaving me to break camp.

“Women,” I said softly to myself, shaking my head.

It was late afternoon when the tracks became unmistakably fresh and it looked like he sure was lame. We were travelling through a rocky area surrounded by pines so we didn’t have a clear view ahead, but suddenly on cresting a hill I caught sight of him below me… and he was down.

I sucked in a  shocked breath and swore.

Kate was just behind me and she turned to look at me as I cussed and then looked down to where my gaze was fixed, on Black Jack, lying on his side rolling in agony.

I spurred Traveller down the rise to the valley at the bottom and reining in a little way from the mustang, approached him real slow so as not to upset him… anymore than he already was.

As soon as I got there it was obvious he had broken his leg. I figured he had gone lame a way back and then trying to gallop on the bad leg he had just fallen badly and broke it .As I looked down at the magnificent animal, my heart felt like it had been ripped out seeing him in such pain. The thought that my following him being the cause made me feel even more wretched.

Suddenly I was aware of Kate beside me a hand on my arm the other up to her mouth as she stared in shock at the big black horse.

Bending down she gently felt his leg and he turned his head to look at her, the whites of his eyes showing as he struggled in vain to get up.

I closed my eyes and swallowed hard, knowing what I had to do. I lifted the rifle I’d brought over with me. Kate turned,” Jess, no, please no!” she screamed.

I looked across at her feeling tears behind my eyes.

” I have to Kate, you know I do.”

She looked down and gave a tiny nod.

“Take Traveller and Bonnie, (her Mare), back up the hill and wait for me there.”

I waited for her to argue, but she just nodded again and taking the horses reins led them back up the hill.

I knelt down by Black Jack and fondled his ears for a moment and he looked me in the eye and seemed to relax some.

” I’m sorry,” I whispered, and I levelled my gun against his head, pulled the trigger.

The sound seemed to echo and ricochet around the hills and then there was absolute silence and I knelt by the beautiful animal, my head bowed as I felt the pain of the loss. Before standing up, and striding back up the hill to Kate and the horses.

When I got there she was leaning with her head resting on Bonnie’s neck, tears streaming down her face.

I went slowly up behind her and gently touched her shoulder and she spun around and buried her head in my chest, sobbing like her heart was breaking.

After what seemed like hours she finally calmed herself and pushing gently away from me looked up into my eyes.

“Oh Jess, that was terrible.”

I couldn’t speak and turning away I went and caught up Traveller’s reins and hopping up I took a deep breath and said,” Come on Kate, it’s a long ride home,” and with that kicked Traveller on up the hill, knowing she would follow me when she was ready.

Sure enough five minutes later she cantered up beside me and we rode on together in silence.

We travelled until it was almost dark and then we found a place to camp near a stream. There was cover from several large pines and so we set up camp and I soon had a good fire going.

Neither of us was hungry, but I insisted Kate have something and we both had some coffee to warm us up as it was another clear cold night. I put some extra logs by the fire and then we stretched out on our bedrolls, but I figured neither of us felt much like sleeping.

I lay back on the saddle I was using as a pillow, looking up at the stars feeling heart sick at the day’s events and after a little while I saw Kate was looking over at me.

I turned to look at her.

” What?” I asked.

“Just thinking,” she said quietly, “I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye Jess, but I guess we have something in common, horses, they are so important to us both.”

Smiling across at her I said, “Yeah, guess you’ve got that right, fair near broke my heart having to dispatch that old fellah today,” I finished sadly.

“Oh Jess,” she whispered and started crying softly again.

I lay there in the dark listening to her for a few minutes until I could bear it no longer and looking at her tearful face illuminated by the camp fire I said very softly,” Come here sweetheart, and I pulled back my blanket and she came over and as she lay down beside me I reached over and took her in my arms, holding her close.

Chapter 8


The Path of True Love

Lying there together we started to talk properly, like we never really had before.

I guess we had both got the wrong idea about each other. I know she thought I was a stubborn task master and I guess she thought I treated her pretty unfairly, but when I explained most of the arguments had been because I was concerned about her, fearing for her safety, I figure she saw me in a different light.

I guess I thought she was a spoilt little rich kid, what with the fancy schoolin’ and all and the way her Pa let her get her own way. But then what she said about being adopted made some sense of it all; I figured her parents were trying to make up for the past by giving her everything money could buy, including the fancy education. What they seemed to have forgotten about though…was love.

She told me how she had stayed with an old aunt when she was away at school back East, and had easily got out at night once her aunt had gone to bed, and would meet local boys. She looked ashamed when she told me that she slept with many of them, desperately seeking love and yet mostly, once they had been with her, they would lose interest. So she sought another and another relationship, never finding true happiness or the love she was so badly seeking.

“All I really care about now are the horses, they love you no matter what,” she said looking at me intently,” they are my life Jess and I intend to spend it working with them whether Ma and Pa agree or not.”

I smiled down at her.

”You’re a stubborn little thing ain’t ya,” I said softly.

“I guess,” she whispered,” but not as stubborn as you, I suppose that’s why the sparks fly so much between us,” she said with a smile.” But I figure I understand you more now Jess and what happened today with Black Jack, well I saw just how much the animals mean to you too.”

“Yeah I reckon,” I whispered,” but I sure feel bad about that. Iffen I hadn’t caught him in the first place that would never have happened.”

“But Jess it’s your livelihood catching and taming the mustangs, your living. At least you do it in a caring way like the Indians, horse whispering, being gentle and understanding. Not like the way some horses get broken, with whips, fear, pain and angry words.”

I lay on my back looking up at the night sky.

”I know,” I said, “it’s just…well they are wild free spirits and sometimes… It’s just so dang hard to take that away from them.”

She was lying in the crook of my arm and turning to look at me said quietly,” are you still talking about the horses or yourself now Jess? “

I remembered that night not so long ago, when Slim and I had been sleeping under the stars, on the mustang drive. How I talked about life in the Big Open, how I’d had to change since then and he’d said, “may be not that much though, and I had agreed with him…’Yeah not that much,’ and tonight, under the stars, the Big Open was sure callin’ me again.

I turned to look into Kate’s wonderful green eyes and I was amazed at how well she seemed to understand me. Seeming to instinctively know my heart was longing for the freedom of the wild, just like the mustangs.

For the second time on this trip I reached for her and leaning down kissed her very gently, before pulling back and looking deep into her eyes and what I saw confirmed what I was thinking, this time it felt right… it was right.

Whatever the outcome, if I got bawled out by Slim, or her Pa was mad, well it really didn’t matter. Because this was just between me and Kate and right now we needed each other and we understood each other and I knew she wanted me as much as I did her. Then she leaned up and kissed me I knew it was so, so right.


The following morning we awoke way after sunrise, but neither of us figured it mattered as we sure weren’t in any big hurry to get back to the ranch. We just wanted to lay together talkin’ and lovin’ all the day long.

Finally I knew I should do something practical. So sitting up and stretching I prepared to go and fetch some firewood and brew the coffee

Kate threw out a sleepy arm and pulled me back towards her, saying,” Don’t go yet Jess,” and as I leaned forwards to kiss her.

Then, I suddenly heard a colt.45 being cocked and a voice growl,” Well ain’t this a cosy little scene?”

I froze and then turning around looked into the crazed eyes of Jed Carson.

”What the Hell?” I yelled, and wondered in consternation how long he had been watching us.

He seemed to read my mind and gave an evil snigger.

”Yeah, I’ve been here in the bushes long enough to know this young lady’s Pa ain’t goin’ to be none too happy with you Harper. But no mind ‘cos by the time he finds you…well you’ll already be dead and buzzard bait, so guess I’m savin’ him a job.”

“Why you….” I yelled leaping up. But he held the gun up in my face and said,” Just take it real slow Harper, see I want this bullet to really count.”

“What are you saying?” I asked my eyes narrowed and my fists balled, just waiting for the opportunity to knock him into oblivion.

“I’m saying I ain’t gonna make it easy for you Harper. You’re gonna die real slow an’ painful, because I’m gonna shoot you where you’ll bleed to death, but it will take a while and this young lady can have the pleasure of watching her lover die,” he rasped.

“Look don’t be crazy,” I tried to reason,” like I said last time Carson, just ride away, you don’t have to mess up your life like this.”

“That’s OK for you to say Harper, with your fancy Relay Station and women fallin’ over themselves to bed ya, your life may be worth something, but mine sure ain’t…And I reckon that’s all down to you.”

“Make sense man.” I said,” I was as bad as you once, if not worse. I’ve killed more men than you that’s for sure. But a man can change, given half a chance, so stop bein’ so damn stupid, revenge just ain’t worth it.”

“Well I guess you’d better let me be the judge of that Harper,” he snarled.

Before I had a chance to react, he raised the gun and shot me in the chest, my knees buckled beneath me and clasping my chest in agony I fell forwards and then everything went black.

When I came round my head was cradled in Kate’s lap and she was sobbing and dabbing at the wound, desperately trying to stop the bleeding with some cloth she must have ripped from her shirt. There was no sign of Carson and although my mouth was so dry I could hardly speak I managed to whisper, “Where is he?”

“Gone he just looked down at you said he’d see you in Hell and rode out real fast, thank God,” she muttered.

Then she looked down at me and she started crying in earnest.

”Jess, Oh God I don’t know what to do! The blood…there is so much blood,” she said, her voice rising hysterically.

I looked down at my chest and was at least relieved to see the bullet had gone in way off to the left of my heart almost in the shoulder and I figured Carson thought he had mortally wounded me and that is why he had left, but luckily he hadn’t checked the shot.

I knew I was hurt pretty bad, but not that bad.

“Get the cloth in the wound and push down real hard,” I whispered,” gotta stop the bleeding.”

She did as I told her but stopped when I groaned in pain.

”Go on,” I yelled,” just ignore me, you gotta push real hard and keep the pressure on no matter what I do, understand?”

She nodded, but she’d gone awful pale and I worried she might be about to pass out.

“It’s OK,” I whispered,” just keep pressing down.”

I felt sick to my stomach and sweat was pouring down my face and I tried breathing deeply to stop myself passing out again, knowing she would panic.

After a while I told her to take a look, and the bleeding had almost stopped.

I looked up into her anguished face.

“Now listen real good Kate,” I said,” top of my boot there is my hunting knife, get it out and then go to the saddle bag and there’s a small bottle of Red Eye,” I stopped to get my breath the effort of just talking making me feel faint.

“Yes I understand,” she said and did as I had told her.

She came back with the whiskey and I said,” right, clean the knife with the whiskey and then use it to dig out the bullet.”

She reeled back in horror, “No, no I can’t Jess,” she cried.

“Have to,” I said weakly…”only way…please Kate,” and felt myself going dizzy and thought I might chuck up, but breathing real deep I managed to control it.

She was deathly pale now and shaking but she took the knife cleaned it and then pulling the makeshift dressing away, started probing for the bullet.

The pain was excruciating, but I dared not show it in case she backed off. The sweat was pouring down my face now so I could hardly see, I could feel the warm blood oozing out again and soaking the front of my shirt.

Looking down at it she stopped.

” I can’t do it,” she said sobbing again.

Mustering all my strength I yelled at her.

” Kate just do it! Goddamn it!” and she looked deep into my eyes and seemed to pull herself together and set about the task again.

Somewhere along the line I must have passed out again, but when I came round, there was a fresh dressing across my chest and as soon as I opened my eyes Kate breathed a sigh of relief and held the bullet aloft for me to see.

“Good girl,” I whispered faintly and then drank from the canteen she offered me before drifting off again.

Next time I awoke it was high noon and the sun was beating down but there was a rumble of thunder in the distance. I knew these late summer storms could be mighty powerful and the state we were both in, well we sure didn’t want to be caught up in one.

We were right on the edge of Sherman land and I knew we were not too far from an old logging cabin we sometimes stayed in when we were cutting trees in the area. It was nothing special, just a shack, half way up a small mountain, with a fire place and lean to for the horses, but it would keep us all safe and dry.

In a hoarse whisper I told Kate we had to ride over there.

“Jess you are too weak, you would never make it,” she said.

“Have to,” I replied and tried to sit up.

With her help I finally managed it and then somehow was able to drag myself up on Traveller with her help, but I knew I didn’t have the strength stay on.

Seeing my plight, she grabbed Bonnie’s reins so she’d followed on and then she jumped up behind me.

“Lean back on me,” she whispered and as I did so she held me firmly around the waist and kicked Traveller on to a slow walk as the thunder began to rumble more ominously around us.

It took us a good hour to make the short journey to the cabin as we were moving so slowly and I was pretty much drifting in and out of consciousness most of the way. I was aware it was hard for Kate to support me as she was so small and dainty, but I guess she was pretty strong too and she held me firmly throughout the ordeal and at last we arrived and she jumped down and made to help me.

As I slipped from the saddle she tried to support my weight but I was just too heavy for her and I crashed to the ground and lay there panting and gasping as the pain from the wound shot through me. After a while I managed to catch my breath and she hauled me up and helped me into the cabin just as the storm broke.

There were a couple of old cots pulled up near the fireplace and she helped me onto one and I sank back exhausted.

Leaning over me she said anxiously, “Jess, are you OK?”

“I guess,” I whispered and then as she straightened up I grabbed her arm and said urgently,” Kate, the horses, get ‘em under cover and see to them will ya?”

“Sure,” she said turning to go, but I called her back.

“Watch Bonnie, she may be spooked by the storm, stay with her if she is, I’ll be Ok,” I said, smiling over at her trying to look like I meant it.

She shook her head slightly, “Jess Harper I do declare you’re as soft about horses as I am,” she said and with a grin, left to tend to the animals.

I must have dozed for a while and when I awoke the storm was directly overhead and the lightening lit up the room every so often as the afternoon had turned almost as dark as night.

The thunder claps were deafening and as there was no sign of Kate I figured she was looking to keep the horses calm.

I tried to sit up and pain shot through my chest and as I instinctively put my hand up to the wound I felt it come away sticky and realized I was bleeding out again, real bad.

I figured I had pulled the wound open when I fell from Traveller and cursed my stupidity for not noticing sooner. I raised myself up on one elbow and taking off my bandana thrust it over the bleeding wound, holding it down hard

That is the way Kate found me when she came in some time later.

She hurried through the door, a big smile on her face and said,” they’re fine now Jess. I figure the storm is moving away and…..”

Then she stopped dead in her tracks, the smile freezing on her face.

“Oh dear God Jess,” she whispered as she ran over,” what happened ….all this blood and you look like a ghost. “

“Kinda feel like one,” I said softly trying to lighten the atmosphere,” guess I pulled the wound open when I fell.”

“I should have noticed,” she said …”should have put you before the horses, oh Jess I am so sorry,” she said giving me a look of deep concern.

“Hey, sweetheart, it’s OK,” I said, “I wanted you to see to the horses…but listen I need you to be real brave again, and there is something you have to do for me.”

She looked frightened, but nodded her head,” what ever you want,” she said.

“There are logs and kindling by the fireplace ,” I said quietly,” you need to build up a good hot fire and then put the knife in…’till its white hot, and then cauterize the wound.”

“What,” she almost screamed,” without any anesthetic, Jess it’s barbaric I can’t.”

“You have to,” I said very quietly and then looking deep into her eyes,” don’t think I’ll make it iffen you don’t Kate,” and with that I sank back exhausted.

She did as I bid her and made up the fire, then fetching the knife thrust it into the heart of the flames to heat up. It was pretty dark by now so she found some old lamps and lit them and the room felt much better, kinda cosy what with the fire and lights, but I was dreading the ordeal ahead and really didn’t think she would be able to go through with it.

If not, I knew I would have to do it myself.

When the time arrived she was shaking with fear and I had to do all I could to calm her down. I told her exactly what she must do and how long to keep the knife in place.

She looked down at me, tears streaming down her face, but she bravely fetched the knife and as I braced myself she took a deep breath and finally held it down on the wound.

There was the sickening smell of burning flesh and I couldn’t help but arch my back up and writhe in agony as the white hot knife did its work. She kept it in place as long as she could before dropping it and falling to her knees sobbing.

I suddenly started shaking uncontrollably and the sweat drenched my shirt and I lay back feeling nauseous and dizzy. She came and knelt beside me with the whiskey bottle and holding to my lips said,” drink this Jess it may help.”

I took a draft before falling back on the cot and finally felt blessed oblivion over take me and I passed out.

When I came to, Kate was still in the same place kneeling beside the cot, a damp cloth in her hand and she was washing my face with cool water and it felt real good.

“The bleeding has stopped, how are you feeling?” she asked when she realized I had come round.

” OK,” I whispered,” felt better, but guess I’ll live,” I said lightly, then more seriously.

”Thanks to you sweetheart, I’ll never forget what you did for me. Figure I don’t know any other girl would have had the guts to do that,” I finished looking at her in admiration.

She looked shyly down and then back up into my eyes,” I guess maybe we can be friends then now Jess?” she said with a mischievous smile.

“Yeah, I guess we can,” I said matching her smile.

She fixed some food but I was still feelin’ real sick and couldn’t face it , but she helped me sip a coffee laced with the Red Eye and I guess that hit the spot and I fell asleep soon after.

When I awoke moonlight was flooding in through the windows and I felt goddamn awful, I was shaking so hard I nearly fell off the cot, I was so cold, although the fire was blazing away and I had my bedroll blanket on me.

I must have woken Kate because suddenly she was beside me, “what is it Jess?” she whispered.

“C…c…cold,” I muttered my teeth chattering.

She went and fetched her blanket and covered me over, then put more wood on the fire and finally came back to me with the whiskey bottle and lifting my head tenderly helped me sip some. Then she pulled back the covers and got in beside me,” I’ll cuddle up,” she said softly,” maybe my body warmth will help.”

I held her close, feeling her warmth seeping into my body and with her loving arms around me I eventually fell back into a more settled sleep.

The following morning when I awoke I was dripping in sweat and running a real high fever and I guess that set the pattern for the next couple of days, fever and chills and Kate did her best to nurse me through it all.

By the third day things were coming to a head and I had a real fierce fever and was out of it most of the time. I guess I was pretty much up against it and I wondered if I was gonna make it, and I knew it was down to Kate as to whether I did or not.

Much later she told me I was tossing and turning, sometimes cussing and at others crying for my Ma, and I figured that was pretty much as sick as I’d been in a long, long while. Well, she said she just kept on coolin’ me down with cold water from the spring out the back of the cabin and then tryin’ to warm me up anyways she could and finally at the end of the week the fever broke and we both slept properly for the first time since Carson tried to kill me.

The next day I began to feel a little better and ate something and even managed to walk down to the spring for a wash with Kate’s help. Afterwards we sat with our backs to a big old log and looked down the mountainside and across to the horizon where the ranch was. I knew they would have begun to worry about us and also that Kate’s parents were due home soon and so I figured we should be thinking of going back…… but not yet….. not quite yet.

Turning to look into her beautiful eyes I smiled at her, and said,” Are you OK sweetheart? “

“Oh yes,” she said,” but Jess shall we stay a little longer, have this special time together for just a little while longer?”

I was amazed yet again at how she seemed to pick up on my thoughts and grinning across at her said very softly, “Sure…come here, and I threw my arm around her and as she snuggled up to me I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt so happy, so contented.

We had a magical few days together talking and talking all about our hopes and dreams and then making love long into the night. Sleeping and waking in each other’s arms and I felt so close to her then, as close as I ever had been to any living soul, Since Maria that is…. I guess I felt I could never feel this way again…but now….

After the storm the weather had improved and the days were sunny and hot with the deep blue skies of an Indian summer and cold nights when we lay in front of the blazing fire together. I knew that summer was nearly over and I had to get back to the ranch as it would soon be time to start bringing the stock down from the high ground for the winter. We talked about it and decided we would have one last day on the mountain before heading back to the ranch the following day.

Like all the other days it was hot and sunny and we packed a picnic lunch and headed for the stream at the back of the cabin that opened up into a small watering hole deep enough for swimming.

After eating we relaxed in the warm sunshine until it became unbearably hot. I can’t remember whose idea it was to go skinny dipping, probably mine. But Kate was sure up for it and pulling our clothes off we hurled ourselves into the icy water of the pool and boy it sure felt good. We swam and dived and then after a while I swam over to Kate and taking her in my arms kissed her deeply.

Well one thing kinda led to another and we swam back to the shore and lay on the blanket where we had enjoyed our picnic and made love, and I couldn’t remember it ever being sweeter and I felt like I just wanted to lay there with her in my arms forever.

Afterwards I brushed her damp hair away from her face and looking deep into her eyes said, “Kate tell me you feel the same,” and she nodded and held me close, both of us knowing we needed no words.

Much later we returned to the cabin and prepared for our early start in the morning. After supper, the evening was still warm and so we went outside, and sat leaning our backs against the big old log, looking out across to the horizon as the sunset.

I turned to look across at Kate, “I can’t begin to thank you for what you’ve done for me,” I said quietly.

She gave me a loving smile, “I could say the same,” she said,” this time I’ve spent with you Jess I’ve learnt so much…about you and about me too. You’ve given me the confidence to believe in myself,” she finished.

Looking deep into her eyes I said,” I think I love you Kate Stockton.”

She looked back and said,” I love you too Jess.”

I reached across and kissed her very tenderly, before pulling back and looking deep into her beautiful green eyes, but there was something in them I didn’t understand, longing…sadness?

To try and reassure myself I said lightly,” I guess I’ll be havin’ a word with your Pa when we get back…tell him we’ve got an understanding?”

I waited holding my breath, willing her to respond joyfully, to fling herself into my arms and say.’ Yes, yes!’

But she didn’t and as I watched her I saw a single tear roll down her check.

“What is it sweetheart?” I whispered.

She turned desolate eyes on me,” I can’t Jess…I can’t make a promise to you. Don’t you see, I have to go away in the fall? I have to go to the Horse Doctoring School, it’s my life Jess what I have to do.”

I looked back at her feeling shocked to my core.

“But…but you love me don’t ya?” I whispered.

“Oh yes, yes I do, but…..well I guess I love my dream more, it’s what I’ve always wanted Jess, you know that.”

I couldn’t try and persuade her to stay; I knew that, all I wanted was the best for her, for her to be happy and contented.

I took a deep breath and made a decision.

” OK then I’ll quit the ranch and come with you,” I said, looking for her reaction.

She looked intently into my face and then away to the horizon and finally shook her head gently.

” No I can’t let you do that Jess,” she said.

“Why…why not?”

“Because,” she said turning to me and grabbing my hand tightly,” because you would hate it back East Jess. It would kill you. You’re like those wild mustangs, you need space and freedom and a taste of the wild every now and then. Working back East, well it would be like a prison for you…it would break you.

“I know,” I said softly,” but I’m prepared to do it for you Kate.”

The tears really started flowing then and she brushed them aside angrily, and jumping up she ran to the edge of the spring and looking way off to the horizon , said almost to herself,” I love you too much to let you do that for me.”

I leapt up and grabbing her shoulder turned her roughly to face me,

“Kate please,” I said in an anguished whisper.

She looked deep into my eyes and shook her head gently.

“I can’t let you,” she replied “and I can’t let go of my dream either…not even for you, I’m so, so sorry,” she gasped.

I looked into her tearful eyes and then down to her lips and tipping her chin up with a finger, I kissed her deeply and then held her close, her head on my shoulder and I gently stroked her hair as I looked out to the horizon and home and wondered how I would ever be able to carry on without her.

Chapter 9


The Return

The following morning we saddled the horses, and with heavy hearts, rode off at first light. We set a fast pace as we had a lot of ground to cover if we were to reach the ranch before night fall and it was easier to just ride and not talk.

We had said all we had to the night before anyway. I knew her mind was made up and also how hard that had been for her, so I figured I wouldn’t make it any harder for her by arguing.

After our conversation by the spring, we had walked in doors, and holding her close I kissed her again and we sank to the floor in front of the fire and our lovemaking was as passionate and as sad as I had ever experienced and we both knew in our hearts it would be the last time.

Now we were making good time and we just stopped briefly to rest the horses at mid day, as neither of us could face any food.

The closer we got to the ranch the more my spirits dropped. Normally I was so pleased to be home, but this time I faced all the questions I knew would be fired at us and then today or tomorrow Kate would be gone from my life forever.

As we rode into the ranch yard Mike came tearing out of the house to meet us and the joy on his little face sure cheered me up some.

“Jess, Jess your back,” then remembering his manners said,” and Kate too!”

We grinned down at him and jumping down from Traveller I swung him up in my arms and gave him a bear hug.

” Good ta see ya Tiger,” I said grinning at him.

Then Daisy and Slim appeared and Daisy hugged me whispering,” Thank God you are both safe, we’ve been so worried.”

Slim came and pumped my hand and said “Welcome home Pard.”

Then looking from me to Kate and back said, ”It looks like you’ve been on a wild goose chase then, you didn’t find Black Jack?”

Kate and I exchanged a look and then glancing at Mike I said,” Well it’s a long story Slim.”

Then brightly,” So what does a man have to do around here to get a cup of coffee?” and laughing we all entered the ranch house.

After supper Kate said she was tired and figured she would turn in early and so I jumped up from the table at once and offered to walk her over to the bunk house.

Mike jumped up and said,” Can I come too?”

Kate and I exchanged a glance, but what could I say.

“Sure Tiger,” I said smiling at him and the three of us walked across the yard.

At the door she bent down and kissed Mike on the cheek and said goodnight and then looking across at me with yearning in her eyes said,” Good night Jess, see you in the morning,” touching my arm lightly, and with that turned and entered the bunk house closing the door quietly behind her.

I stood stock still for a moment staring at the door, feeling her touch burning through my shirt, and Mike put his hand in mine and said,” Are you OK Jess?”

“Sure,” I said,” just tired I guess,” and with that we retraced our steps back to the ranch house and I made my excuses and turned in.

It was a very close night so I stripped off, down to my cut off long johns and climbed into bed, feeling weary, but knowing I wouldn’t sleep.

I left the night light on for Slim and a little while later he entered quietly and started getting ready for bed.

Glancing over at me he saw I was lying back against the pillows, hands laced behind my head looking up to the ceiling.

“Can’t sleep huh?” he said quietly.

I shook my head.

“So what about Black Jack then,” he asked, “didn’t you find him?”

“Yeah I found him alright, he was down, broken leg…had ta shoot him,” I said gruffly.

“Oh Jess,” he said coming over to look down at me” I’m so sorry buddy, guess that really broke you up some.”

“I guess,” I said quietly.

As he looked down at me he suddenly saw the fresh scar on my chest and sitting down on the edge of my bed said ” Jess, what happened, that looks a real mean scar.”

“It was on the way back, Carson caught up with me and was Hell bent on gettin’ his revenge again and this time, well I couldn’t stop him.”

“How so?” he asked.

“Caught me…asleep,” I improvised,” on the trail and just shot me down. I tried reasoning with him…but well you know Carson.”

“What happened then?” he asked looking really shocked.

“Kate doctored me,” I said softly.” I was sick Slim, as sick as I’ve been in a long time and she nursed me through it all, guess I owe her my life,” I finished.

“Thank God for that,” he said, looking concerned,” so you two are hitting it off a bit better now?”

“I guess,” I said very softly.

He reached over and patted me on the arm,” that’s good, real good Pard,” he said, “I’m pleased, and guess her Pa will be too, he’s coming to fetch her tomorrow”

My heart felt like it had been dragged out of me and stomped on some, “Tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yeah, apparently he’s talked Mrs Stockton into letting Kate go back East to that Horse Doctoring School, she goes next week, that sure is good news isn’t it?” he said beaming at me.

“Yeah sure is,” I agreed before turning my face to the wall and closing my eyes tight to stop the tears I knew were threatening.

Chapter 9


Goodbye- Forever?

The following morning everything seemed to happen so fast and Kate and I weren’t left on our own for a second. Then her Pa and Ma turned up early at coffee time and everyone piled into the ranch house as Daisy dispensed coffee and pie.

Turning to his daughter, Will said,” Have you got everything honey, we’d best be off in a minute.”

She glanced across at me and then her Pa and said,” Yes Pa , just a couple of things left in the bunk house,” and then quick as a flash she jumped up from the table and grabbing my hand, said,” It’s OK Pa, Jess will help me fetch them,” and we disappeared out of the room before anyone could argue.

Once in the bunk house I slammed the door behind us and leaned against it to stop anyone coming in and then pulled Kate into my arms and kissed her real hard.

She returned my kiss so passionately I felt light headed, but then she pulled away and looked into my eyes,” I can’t do it Jess,” she said, “I can’t leave you.”

I took a deep breath, my prayers had been answered, she was staying with me…thank God I thought……and then…..then I knew I couldn’t let her do it. I couldn’t let her give up her dream for me, knew eventually she would resent me for it.

“No,” I said harshly, “you ain’t backing out now Kate, it’s what you need to do and I’m not about to let you throw that away, not on my account anyways.”

“Jess,” she whispered,” I’m scared…what if I can’t do it... I don’t make the grade?”

“Are you crazy? ” I said, “ You saved my life didn’t ya…guess you can do the same for a few ol’ horses.”

“Oh Jess,” she said looking up into my eyes,” you are so good for me.”

“Yeah, well don’t you forget it. You write and visit in the holidays,” I said lightly and she said she would… but as we looked into each other’s eyes we both knew it wouldn’t happen, it would be just too painful for us both.

I leaned forwards and kissed her again and then we heard Mike calling us and reluctantly I pulled away and taking her hand I led her out to the buggy where her parents were waiting.

Will smiled over at me.

”Thanks for taking care of my little girl Jess,” he said, beaming at me.

Then turning to us all, ”I guess we’ll see you in a week, I’ll be travelling up to Cheyenne on the Stage with Kate , on her way back East. So see you all then,” and with that he waved and within a minute we were watching the buggy disappear in a cloud of dust, Kate waving until it disappeared out of sight.

As I stood there watching her go I felt so Goddamn desolate I was surprised none of the others seemed to notice.

After a minute I looked across at Slim.

“Guess I’ll go and check the fences on the lower pasture,” I said,” before we start bringing the stock down.”

He gave me a quizzical look, but said nothing other than, “OK pard do you need a hand?”

“Nah, I’m OK,” I said quickly and marched off to saddle Traveller.

All I wanted was to be on my own to come to terms with my loss, if I ever would, I thought sadly.

That set the pattern for the rest of the week; me riding out at first light and getting back long after supper. Daisy was obviously worried about me, but I just told her I felt kinda guilty for takin’ off and leaving Slim with all the work and I was trying to make it up to him. I’m not sure if she bought it, but figured she knew me well enough to know if I didn’t want to talk about what was bugging me, then I sure wouldn’t.

Slim hadn’t said anything to me and I guess he’d been kept pretty busy too, getting everything ready for the winter storms, patching up the leaking barn and generally working around the ranch so we saw little of each other.

One night I got back in time for supper however and we took our coffee out to the porch and sat in the old rockers, feet up on the rail, as was our usual custom after a hard day’s work.

Slim looked across at me thoughtfully.

”It’s been a long time since we’ve done this buddy, you’ve made yourself kind of scarce since you and Kate landed back.”

I looked over and nodded but didn’t say anything for a while and then I said, “I guess I needed to catch up with the work. I kinda left you to manage alone while I went trailin’ that old mustang…feelin’ a bit guilty, ”I finished quietly.

After a moment he threw me a thoughtful look.

”You may be feeling guilty about something Jess, but I don’t think it’s about leaving me to cope…Its something else, do you want to tell me about it?”

I said nothing just stared out to the horizon.

I knew he must have picked up on the chemistry between me and Kate and thought I was feeling bad about the way I had treated her maybe. I didn’t know exactly what was going on in his mind, just that he was way off track and had it all wrong. I just couldn’t begin to tell him, to explain the Hell I was currently living through, it was just too raw.

I closed my eyes tightly and swallowed, then turned to look him in the eye.

” I don’t know what you hinting at Slim , but if it’s what I think……well then you’re wrong, very wrong and with that I stood up, and giving him a hard look said, “goodnight,” and strode back into the ranch.

I had turned in for the night when he came to bed an hour or so later. I heard him enter the room and then come and stand by my bed.

” Jess,” he said softly,” Jess you asleep?”

I lay there breathing rhythmically faking sleep and after a minute I heard him turn and get into his bed, but I knew he knew I was pretending. I figured that would make him even more insistent on talking things through in the morning though. Goddamn it I thought can’t the guy ever let anything alone, and on that angry thought finally fell into a restless sleep.

I was up real early, just made myself a quick coffee and was out in the barn saddling Traveller, when, as I had predicted, he came and sought me out.

He stood watching me for a few minutes and then said,” Jess we need to talk.”

Without turning to face him I just continued pulling the cinch and said,” No we don’t.”

“Jess!” he said angrily,” will you look at me.”

I spun around and all the hurt and pain I was feeling suddenly spilled out in anger.

“Goddamn it Slim will ya leave it,” I yelled, flushing up, my fists balled ready to punch him if he didn’t back off.

“Why, what are you going to do if I don’t… hit me?” he asked stepping forward his chin, up eyes blazing.

“Yeah, if I have to,” I said and pushing roughly past him I led Traveller from the barn.

He grabbed hold of my arm and swung me round to face him.

”What the Hell has gotten into you?” he yelled.

I knew my eyes were flashing black with anger as I jerked myself free from his grasp.

”Just leave it Slim, it’s none of your Goddamn business” I snarled and with that hopped up on Traveller and high tailed it out of the yard at a gallop, leaving him staring after me shaking his head in anger and bewilderment.

I rode hell for leather for a mile or so and then I figured it wasn’t fair takin’ my temper out on my poor ol’ horse so reined him in, patting his neck gently.

I took my hat off and raked my hand through my unruly hair and then jammed it back on again pulling it down hard. Then sat still looking out towards the far mountain range and for two pins I guess I’d have ridden out and just not stopped.

I took a real deep breath and tried to calm myself and think what to do. Was that what I really wanted, the Big Open, go back on the drift? I just didn’t know. But right then I knew I didn’t want to be around Slim Sherman or any of my adopted family back at the ranch. I guess I felt like some beat up ol’ wolf just wantin’ to go and find some peace and quiet to lick my wounds. I smiled grimly at the image and then kicking Traveller on made for the North pasture and spent the day checking the fences, working until I was fit to drop.

I stayed out until I figured everyone would have retired for the night and then walked Traveller quietly into the yard trying not to wake anyone.

I crept into our room and was relieved to see Slim was fast asleep and so stripped off quickly and got into my bed. I stretched out and looked into the dark, dread in my heart, tomorrow I would see Kate for the last time on her way back out East.

Part of me thought I would just ride out at first light, leave a note saying goodbye, but then I knew she would be devastated and anyway figured that was the coward’s way out. Part of me couldn’t bear the thought of not seeing her, although I knew it would only be for a few minutes and I doubted we would get any privacy anyway.

I tossed and turned all night and finally fell into a deep sleep at dawn.

Next thing I knew Mike was shaking me awake.

”Wake up Jess, Aunt Daisy says the Stage is due soon and if you want breakfast you’d better come now or the cats gettin’ it,” he finished triumphantly grinning down at me.

“OK Tiger, ”I said softly…” I’m getting up now and tell Aunt Daisy I just want coffee, so it’s that ol’ cat’s lucky day,” and he dived off laughing to give her my message.

I sat up on the edge of the bed and dropped my head in my hands, desperately trying to force myself into action, but I really just wanted to pull the covers up and go back to sleep and pretend today wasn’t happening.

Just then I heard someone enter the room and lifting my head from my hands looked up into Slim’s kind open face.

“Hey there pard,” he said softly,” nothing can be that bad can it?”

Looking into those concerned eyes I felt real mean for the way I had treated him lately.

“Slim, about yesterday…I’m so sorry, I’m just in a kinda bad place right now, but guess I shouldn’t have taken it out on you,” I said softly.

“It’s OK he said, I just worry about you……you know that don’t you Jess?”

“Yeah I know,” I said giving him a sad smile.

“And well, I’m here for you when you want to talk about it,” he added.

“Yeah… I know that too,” I said softly

“Better get dressed then Jess,” he said, lightening the atmosphere,” unless you’re thinking of changing the team dressed in just your underwear,” and clapping me on the shoulder he left me to get dressed.

I was just finishing my coffee when I heard the Stage rattling into the yard, Mose driving far too fast as usual and by the sound of the angry squawks scattering chickens as was his way.

I rose and went out just as Slim had opened the Stage door and was helping Kate down followed by her Pa.

I just stood there staring at her; until Daisy bustled up and said,” Jess where are your manners go and ask Mr Stockton and Kate in for coffee.”

Kate looked just amazing.

I was so used to seeing her dressed in a shirt and jeans but today…well she looked like some high society lady in a beautiful dark blue dress and I almost felt shy, until our eyes met across the yard and the unmistakable bond was still there.

I walked across and welcomed them into the ranch and then Slim and I changed the team before entering with Mose and we all sat down for coffee.

I couldn’t tell you what was said because Kate and I just sat and looked into each other’s eyes as if we were the only two people in the room.

Although we said nothing our eyes spoke volumes, but all I wanted was to hold her in my arms and never let her go.

Suddenly I was aware of everyone staring at me.

” It’s time Mose was heading off Jess, have you gone deaf or something?” Slim said laughing and clapping me on the back…”third time I’ve said that buddy,” he finished chuckling to himself.

I stood up as if in a dream and we all went outside. Will shook hands with us before climbing up into the Stage and then Kate kissed Mike, Slim and Daisy on the cheek before coming over to where I was standing a little distance away.

She had her back to the others so they couldn’t see the look of raw pain in her eyes as she looked at me and then reaching up she threw her arms around my neck and pulling me to her, we kissed passionately, long and slow , before she finally eased back, tears streaming down her face.

I lifted a hand and gently wiped one away with my finger tip.

“It will be OK sweetheart, I promise,” I whispered.

She nodded once and then turning fled to the Stage and climbed on board and before anyone could say, or do, anything Mose snapped the reins and the Stage took off at speed and was a mere cloud of dust within minutes.

I heard Daisy usher Mike away into the ranch and I just stood there frozen to the spot staring after the Stage.

Slim was standing next to me and then he suddenly shouted at me his voice sharp with anger.

” I knew it. I just knew it,” he yelled.

I turned a bewildered gaze on him.


“You did it didn’t you Jess! The day she arrived, I said don’t mess with the hired hand. I said I was sick of your love ‘em and leave ‘em attitude. Goddamn it Jess, Will Stockton is an old friend and you’ve broken young Kate’s heart! Are you never going to learn?”

I just stared at him absolutely speechless for a moment and I was suddenly aware that tears were rolling down my face.

He stopped ranting and peered at me his expression, changing from one of anger to extreme concern.

“Jess, what the Hell is it? “he asked gently.

“Well I’ll tell ya what it is.” I said softly. ” It ain’t me doin’ the loving and leaving this time Slim…its Kate… and I guess I’m the one with the broken heart,” and with that I turned and headed for the barn.

I was shaking with emotion and I went and stood in Traveller’s stall, reaching up and fondling his ears and all the time the tears were coursing down my cheeks. I brushed them angrily away with my shirt sleeve and then Slim was behind me a hand on my shoulder.

“Jess, I’m sorry,” he whispered,” I guess I got it wrong.”

I hung my head down and then turning to face him gave the ghost of a smile.

“ I guess that’s an easy mistake to make with my track record,” I said.

He shook his head sadly.

”Hell you’re not that bad Jess. Truth is I’m probably a bit jealous, way you get all the girls fighting over you.”

“No, you’re right,”” I said. “I guess I was just scared of commitment before, you know, after the things that have happened to me in the past?”

“Yeah, I know,” he said softly,” but you weren’t afraid to commit this time eh?”

“No…not this time,” I said sadly.

“So what went wrong?” he asked.

“I wanted to get married…she wanted to go to the Vet School, simple as that,” I said.

He thought about it for a few minutes and then said,” the way she was today, I guess it wasn’t as simple as all that buddy, looked to me like it was a really hard decision for her.”

“I guess, but well she’s made it now, so that’s the end of it,” I said sadly and turning I started to saddle Traveller.”

“Does it have to be, can’t you fight for her Jess? It isn’t like you to give up so easily.”

I turned on him angrily at that.

” I didn’t give up easily, I even offered to give up everything here and move back East with her,” I yelled.

He looked like I had struck him, then turned away, looking down,” you sure must have got it bad to go that far,” he said quietly and then looking back at me shaking his head,” gee Jess, you must really love that girl.”

“Hell giving up everything here sure wouldn’t be somethin’ I’d take lightly, you know that Slim,” I said.

“Yeah…I know, so why aren’t you on that Stage with her?” he asked giving me a challenging look.

“Because… she wouldn’t let me, said she loved me too much to do that to me ,she knew I wouldn’t be able to stand livin’ out there.”

“Well she got that right, figure she knows you pretty well Jess.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

I pulled Traveller’s cinch tight and started to lead him out of the barn.

“So where are you heading now?” he asked a hint of exasperation in his tone.

“Dunno Slim,” I said honestly…” I just know I need to get away for a little while, be on my own.”

I hopped up on Traveller and reined him in.

“You’ll be back?” he asked looking up at me anxiously.

I looked out to the horizon, the Big Open calling me, and then back to Slim and the Ranch and giving him the ghost of a smile I said,” Yeah…I will be back,” and kicking Traveller on to a brisk trot I rode out of the yard, heading for the distant hills.

Chapter 10


Some home Truths

I rode out that day feeling pretty much like my whole world had ended...like I didn’t want to go on.

I decided I needed a drink and so instead of making for the open country side I headed Traveller for Laramie and made straight for the bar and ordered a whiskey.

Tom the owner and good friend took one look at me and backed off some, he’s seen me in a real mean mood, just once or twice before and I figured he wasn’t too keen on repeating the experience.

After the first drink I ordered a bottle and took it over to a table and sat lookin’ at it.

After a while Millie sidled in and came and sat beside me in silence, just watching me. I looked across at her and I guess she could see how much I was hurtin’.

“Jess, honey,” she said softly, “what is it?”

I just shook my head and opening the bottle poured us each a drink.

“Do you want to come up and talk about it? ” she asked, giving me a worried look.

I shook my head,” No I guess not sweetheart, not tonight, guess I’m not very good company”.

“Do you want me to go?” she asked gently.

“Yeah, it would be for the best,” I said quietly”, gotta a feelin’ I’m gonna get myself in trouble before the night’s out.”

She leaned across and patted my hand gently.

” You know where I am, if you need me Jess,” she said softly and got up and left, giving Tom a small shake of her head as she went back up stairs.

I was half way down the bottle, when Mort arrived, and feeling no pain.

He sat down beside me and pushing his hat back, he said quietly, “what’s all this about Jess?”

“‘Bout me getting rat assed,” I said companionably, and offered him the bottle,” care to join me Mort?”

To my surprise he said, ”Yes…but reckon we’ll finish this down at my office,” and grabbing my arm in one hand and the bottle in the other, he pretty much manhandled me out of the bar.

Well I hadn’t eaten in a good while and so I guess I was a bit worse for wear by that time, so I followed Mort along quite happily and once we got to his office I slumped down in the chair opposite his desk and practically passed out.

He looked down at me and said,” Hey you OK?”

I shook my head and he went and fetched me a coffee and placed it down before me.

” Here, drink that Jess it will help, then I’ll bed you down, figure you’re in no state to go anywhere tonight anyway.”

I just stared at the coffee and said nothing.

He looked sadly across at me, “Don’t tell me,” he said,” this is all about a woman ain’t it?”

I nodded and he grinned across at me and then shaking his head wisely, said,” I don’t know… when will you young bucks learn…women are trouble and I should know I was married to one for long enough.”

I must have turned kind of pale at that because he helped me up and over to the cell and leaving the door open for me , helped me down on the cot, covered me with a rough blanket and leaving a bucket strategically placed, turned the lamp down and wished me a good night.

Well the bucket sure came in useful, and somewhere during the night I had the feeling that someone was holding my head, as I threw up. Someone wiping my face with a cool cloth in gentle hands, Kate I thought, but no she had gone and then I figured I was just dreaming and I guess I passed out again.

The next morning I was awoken by the cell door clanging open and Mort was standing there looking sympathetically down at me.

”Gee, you’re a mess boy,” he said, “I’ll make you some coffee,” and with that he disappeared into the outer office.

My head was throbbing fit to burst and I felt sick as a dog. Very gradually I eased myself up to a sitting position and the room lurched around me. I groaned and would have lain back down again if Mort hadn’t called’ coffee up.’

I dragged myself up and staggered into his office and threw myself down in the chair opposite his desk and he handed me the drink. I took it with shaking hands and sipping it carefully began to feel a tad better and looking up into his concerned face.

”Thanks Mort.”

“So what’s all this about…little Kate Stockton?” he asked raising a quizzical eyebrow.

“How do you know?” I asked my head shooting up at the mention of her name.

“Well you kinda mentioned her once or twice last night,” he said grinning at me.” And anyways I guessed you were sweet on her last time I had to feed you coffee for a hangover. I guess it takes a woman to drive a good man to drink Jess, you aren’t a big drinker, but you sure put it away last night, figure you’re hurtin’ pretty bad to be acting this way.”

“I guess,” I said softly.

“Hell, I knew there was something going on between you two last time you were in here. You were so mad that she had insulted you that way….and you know love and hate can be pretty close neighbours sometimes Jess .I figured you were only so mad at her because you really cared about what she thought of you.”

I nodded and then held my head as even that gentle movement was agony.

“So what went wrong?”

“She chose Vet School over me,” I said quietly.

“Well, guess that was real hard for her,” he said reflectively.” But you know Jess, I’ve known little Katie Stockton since Will and Martha brought her back from the orphanage and that’s all she’s ever wanted, to work with the horses. You know I guess she could ride before she could walk,” he said smiling over at me.

“What was she like, when she was small?” I whispered.

“Oh, cute, real cute...prettiest little thing you ever saw with those golden curls and big green eyes…”

I must have let out an involuntary groan because he looked real sorry for me and said, “Jess boy, don’t take on so, these things happen, it will be OK, given time.“

I just looked down and said nothing.

“So what are you going to do now?” he asked.

“Well I’m not heading back to the saloon if that’s what worrying ya,” I said.”I figure I’ll maybe take off for a while, cross country.”

“And you think that’s going to help?”

“No Mort,” I yelled, suddenly angry,” nothing is gonna help.”

” What do you think Kate would want you to do. Go getting drunk, or taking off to the wilderness and sitting brooding about her? Or do you think she would maybe want you to be doing what you should be a doin’? “he asked.

“Which is? “

“Which is… facing up to you responsibilities Jess. You’ve got a young boy waiting for you back at the ranch. What sort of a message do you think you’re sending him if you take off and get drunk or run off every time things get tough?”

I said nothing just gave him a despairing look.

“And what about Slim, don’t you think you owe him a bit of loyalty? You’ve got a dozen head of green broke mustangs back there waiting to be schooled and sold on. Not to mention bringing all the stock down for the winter, going to leave him to do that all alone are you?”

I felt awful, and I ain’t talking about my head now either.

” I guess you’re right Mort,” I said,” I ain’t been thinking straight.”

“Well I reckon when you’re hurting real bad, it’s hard to think straight. Sometimes it just takes a friend to help you see things they way they are,” he answered.

“You’re right,” I said and looking him in the eye,” thanks Mort, you’re a real good friend.”

“Forget it,” he grinned,” and if you’re thinking of going back to the ranch today I guess you’d better wash up some Jess ‘cos you stink like a distillery. You know you insisted on having another glass of that Red Eye last night and then poured most of it down your shirt? Guess Miss Daisy won’t let you through the door in that state.”

He must have seen my look of dismay, because grinning he took pity on me.

” It’s OK Jess, I lit the boiler first thing, there is a hot tub out back with your name on it and once you strip off, chuck your clothes out and I’ll take ‘em over to Millie to wash.”

I looked up at the mention of Millie’s name.

”Oh I don’t think she’ll feel like obliging Mort, I was kinda short with her last night.”

“Well that’s where you’re wrong Jess, because she was real worried about you, called in to see how you were. When I said you were kind of ‘under the weather’, she insisted on sitting with you. Held your head when you puked up, even cleaned you up. You’ve got a real good friend there Jess, real good. And you know boy, being in love…well that’s real special I know, but don’t ever forget your friends. There are a hell of a lot of people with a high regard for you around here you know.”

Then he could see I was getting kinda emotional because he said,” go on Jess, go and wash up, afore I change my mind and use the tub myself,” and he gave me a cheeky wink as I went off for a good long soak.

I guess I must have fallen asleep in there, next thing I knew the water had gone cold and Mort was hammering at the door wantin’ to know if I’d dissolved clean away. My clothes were washed and ironed and once I was dressed I thanked Mort again and headed across the road to the Saloon.

Tom was wiping down the bar and he looked kind of wary when I walked in.

I raised a hand in surrender and said, “Sorry about last night Tom, guess I wasn’t feeling too good, I was out of order that’s for sure.”

He beamed at me at that.

” Hell no, you were no trouble Jess, odd times you’ve taken too much, well you’re not a troublesome drunk, as long as you’re left alone that is,” he added honestly,” I just don’t like to see you that way though son.”

“Me neither,” I said with a sheepish grin.

Then, “ So is Millie around?”

He jerked his head towards the stairs,” Go on up,” he said returning the grin.

I knocked softly on her door and she opened it at once and smiling broadly invited me in.

We went over and sat on the couch.

” How are you feeling?” she asked sympathetically.

“Been better,” I said with a rueful look. “Millie I’m real sorry about last night and thank you so much for caring for me that was real sweet of you.”

“That’s what friends are for isn’t it?” she said with her gentle smile.

I nodded and then said, “Millie, our relationship, the way things are between us…well…”

I stopped and then tried again,” Hell this is so difficult, Millie the way we are… real good friends, but lovers sometimes too, well is that OK with you…do you want more from me?”

She gave me a quizzical look, “What’s brought all this on Jess?“

“Dunno. I guess I’ve been forced to take a good hard look at myself lately…and I’m not sure I like what I see. Slim says I love ‘em and leave ‘em…getting a reputation for it, and I wouldn’t like to think I had hurt you Millie, taken advantage of you…the way I’ve treated you?”

“Oh Jess,” she said,” you could never do that. We understand each other don’t we? Right from day one I said I didn’t want anything from you but a good time, as friends, and then sometimes sharing my bed, and nothing has changed, that’s still what I want. It hasn’t changed for you has it?” she asked looking worried.

I shook my head slowly,” No”, I said,” Except I want you to know how much I value your friendship, and guess I’ll always be here for you if you need me.”

“I know that Jess,” she said softly,” I’ve always known that. And Jess, you seeing Kate, I know all about that…and I’m sorry, real sorry it didn’t work out for you.”

I leaned forwards and tipping her chin up with a finger I kissed her very gently,” then pulling back I looked deep into her eyes,” thank you sweetheart... for everything,” I whispered.

Not long afterwards I went and fetched Traveller from the livery and set off back home.

I arrived mid afternoon and Slim was stripped to the waist in the hot sun mending the corral fence.

I rode up and reined Traveller in beside him. He looked up at me with pure joy in his eyes.

” Hey Pard, I wasn’t expecting you back anytime soon, figured you were off on the wild side for a while yet.”

I can’t remember when he looked more tired; he was hot, sweating and looked fit to drop.

“Well I guess a friend told me a few home truths,” I said,” like I’ve been neglecting my friends…and I’m truly sorry Slim,” I finished feeling tears stinging behind my eyes.

“Hey pard it’s OK,” he said quietly,” I guess you’ve had a rough time of it lately.”

Then a big grin formed on his face, “Besides I’ve saved the best bit for you, finishing patching up the barn roof.”

We both looked up at the roof…sweltering in God knows how many degrees.

“I thought today would be a good time to start,” he finished grinning across at me.

“Aw, Slim,” I cried reaching across and clipping him across the head,” that just ain’t fair.”

Just then Daisy and Mike ran out, and Slim looked over to our beloved housekeeper.

“See Daisy, lands back home and won’t sort out the barn for us, what did we say…spends all his time womanizing and never a thought to the ranch!”

For a second I saw red, thought I’d punch him…

Then my sense of humour kicked in and looking over at Slim I started laughing and pretty soon we were all laughing, and laughing ‘til we cried and I thought it was sure good to be home.



I could never decide whether it had been a good thing or a disaster the summer we employed Kate Stockton as a hired hand.

Right from the start I could see there were going to be problems between her and Jess, but I guess I didn’t realize the impact she would have on his life.

I saw the look in his eyes the moment she drove into the yard and felt I had to warn him off. I sure as Hell didn’t want him bedding Kate and then walking away, leaving me to pick up the pieces.

Ol’ Jess there has had a rough time as far as girls are concerned; I’m the first to admit that, well one girl anyways. See he was engaged a few years back to this beautiful Irish girl, Maria. She was something real special. I guess we all loved her and then her ex lover shot her down in cold blood, right in front of us all in the Saloon and she died right there in his arms.*See #1 Loved Lost Survived.

Well that just about did for Jess, I guess he wanted to follow her and he damn well nearly did, such was his grief, but with his friends help he managed to come to terms with it all and eventually started dating again.

I guess that’s when the problems started, as soon as a girl got real close he would run a mile, scared to commit again, fearing he could lose it all, and I can’t blame him for that, sure as hell didn’t want to see him go through all that again. That’s why him and Millie were so good together I guess…she didn’t want anything from him. Understood him and was happy to just be his friend.

Then Kate came along.

Once she arrived it was pretty obvious to me that they would have trouble working together as they were both so dang stubborn .And I was sure right about that. The sparks flew and all hell was let loose, but at least I figured there wouldn’t be any messing around with her… I guess I got that one wrong.

They seemed to get it together when they rode off looking for Black Jack.

I don’t know what happened on the trail, Jess would never say, but I figured they finally started to talk and discovered they actually had a lot in common. I didn’t realise exactly how hard he had fallen for her until she rode off on the Stage that last day though.

I laid into him something fierce, thinking he’d loved her and then refused to commit like in the past, and it wasn’t until I saw the tears on his face that it hit me like a sledge hammer that he really loved her. But she had refused him. Hell I hadn’t seen him in this state since Maria died and I was real fearful as to what he would do.

It was real hard seeing him ride out that day and although he said he would be back, well I wasn’t so sure. In my own mind I figured he was real close to going back on the drift. That’s why I was so surprised when he landed back the following day, looking rough, real rough but all in one piece at least.

Later that night we sat out on the porch having a last coffee before turning in. I had only been teasing him about the barn roof. I’d finished it the day before and in the end it was so dang hot we took Mike swimming down to the lake instead.

“So what made you come back Pard?” I asked looking across at him later that night.

“Guess Mort told me a few home truths that I needed to hear,” he said quietly,” like I’d maybe forgotten my friends ‘cos I was so wrapped up in Kate. That there were people back here at the ranch that needed me.”

“He got that one right,” I smiled,” about us needing you that is, but Jess if you don’t want to be here right now, well I guess we all understand.”

“Oh, I wanna be here alright,” he said firmly.” Anyways, I guess it doesn’t matter where I am, nothings gonna make me feel any better.”

“Bad as that?” I asked.

He just gave a weak smile and looked off to the horizon and nodded.

After a few minutes he looked back at me and said softly,” I guess this was a lesson I needed to learn eh Slim?”

“Yeah, maybe.”

He thought about it for a bit and then said quietly.

“I never wanted to hurt anyone of them you know. I didn’t want them to feel this way,” he finished shaking his head sadly.

Then continuing,” You know I never made any promises to those girls, they knew the score Slim, that I wasn’t the settling down sort.”

“Yeah I know pard,” I said softly.

Then he went on,” and as for that Annie Thomas that was moaning to ya all night at the dance…well I sure don’t know why she was creating so much I…..”

I broke in,” Oh yeah, Daisy said to tell you, Annie Thomas is engaged to Homer Jackson. “

“Well it sure didn’t take her long to get over me,” he said in an indignant tone.

“What’s more, the word on the street is that she’s pregnant,” I said looking speculatively over at him.

“Whoa…you're not thinking as I had anything to do with that!” he exclaimed.

” Hell I only got around to kissing her before she’d practically set the Wedding date and bought a crib, I was outer there Slim, never made it past the second date!”

“OK Jess relax... I’m only joshing you……anyways that sure took your mind off your problems didn’t it?” I said grinning across at him and was rewarded by a big grin and I ducked as he took a playful swing at me.

“Aw Slim,” he said laughing and shaking his head ruefully,” you sure know how to worry a body!”

I joined in the laughter and looking over at my best buddy, it sure was good to see him smile again and I  hoped it wouldn’t be too long before that ol’ heart of his was finally on the road to mending…….

The End

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