#95 Dark Secrets

August 19, 2022

Dark Secrets


Patty Wilkinson

Some strong language, violence and adult themes

Please note this is set in series one, before Jess and Millie were together.

Chapter 1

Slim Sherman and Jess Harper were sitting in the barn mending tack and occasionally glancing out at the torrential rain falling beyond the open barn door.
“Carries on like this fer much longer we’ll hafta start bringing in two of every kind fer ol’ Mr Noah and his Ark,” Jess said grinning over at his pard.
Slim perused the view beyond the door and said, “It sure doesn’t seem to be letting up any...”
Then more thoughtfully, “You know Jess, this puts me in mind of that time Judge Hammond came to stay...the weather was just like this.”
Jess looked slightly startled, “Hell I ain’t thought about that in ages...when was it...sometime in my first year here?”
Slim nodded, “Yeah, I guess you’d just begun to really settle down. Andy still thought you could walk on water,” he added with a sly grin. “Old Jonesy carried on giving you kind of a hard time on occasion, as I recall.”
“I remember,” Jess said grimacing, “So how about you back then Hardrock? What did you think of your new ranch hand?”
“Oh, I’d pretty much gotten used to you and your strange little ways,” Slim said with a huge smile and wink... then he sobered, “After all that happened back then I reckon I began to trust you completely and think of you as a real good friend...especially when the going got tough,” he added.
“Same here, I reckon we both ended up lookin’ out for each other...Jonesy and Andy too. Jeez, who’d have thought there were so many dark secrets all under one roof,” he added looking somewhat stunned, and shaking his head.
Slim nodded, “I knew there was something going on with you…when you started taking way too many baths,” he chuckled, “I guessed there had to be a woman involved.”
“Well, you can talk…I seem to remember a certain lady featured pretty large in your life around about that time too.”
Slim looked sheepish, “Yeah and even young Andy didn’t escape the female wiles either, did he?”
“I remember...I guess it was just Jonesy who was kinda immune to the fairer sex...but I reckon he had his share of problems too.”
“Yes, problems and secrets like the rest of us,” Slim said quietly. “It all started when Mort Cory rode in on just such a day as this,” he added.
Both men looked out into the waterlogged yard and remembered that fateful day all those years ago...

Mort Cory tethered his buckskin to the rail, squelched over to the porch...and rapped a loud tattoo on the front door.
It was opened by Andy who quickly ushered him in and to the breakfast table where Jess, Slim and Jonesy were just finishing eating.
“Come in and sit-down Sheriff,” Jonesy said leaping up and making room for him. “Coffee or would you like the full works...bacon and eggs...huh?”
“Thank you, no Jonesy,” Mort said smiling briefly, “coffee will be just fine.”
“So, what brings you here on such an awful morning Mort?” Slim asked, “Not trouble I hope?”
“Well, I certainly hope not, I’m here to prevent any, if possible,” he said earnestly.
Jess looked slightly pensive, although he said nothing.
Mort smiled and said, “Oh I nearly forgot...before I tell you why I’m here, I’ve some good news...”
“Softening us up are ya Mort?” Jess said grinning. “Starting with the good news before you hit us with the bad?”
Mort grinned back, “You know that duo who’ve been robbing stages up and down the country...from down in the southern states heading to this neck of the woods?”
“Uh, you mean the ones they call Lofty and Skinny,” Slim said chuckling, “they’re more like a comedy duo than real outlaws, aren’t they?”
“They may look comical, however I can assure you they are anything but. Robbing folk blind and terrifying them too, from Dallas though to Denver. That was the last place they hit anyway. See Lofty was shot dead...the other one the real skinny guy...who never speaks, well he escaped.
I doubt he’ll try anything on his own... so that’s something eh! I was getting a tad worried that they were heading this way,” he added.
“That’s real good news,” Slim said happily.
“So that brings me back to why I’ve called,” Mort said.
“Fire away what can we do to help?” Slim asked.
“The thing is we are holding that big trial as soon as we can for Earl Brandon of the Brandon Gang...Earl is being held in the Laramie Prison for murder as you know.”
“Nasty business,” Jess drawled, “killin’ that young workin’ gal that way.”
“Indeed, unfortunately the other gang members, especially his brothers Jack and Carl Brandon, don’t see it that way. Word is that they intend to try and delay the trial for as long as they can and that may include killing the circuit Judge, or taking him prisoner.”
“That’s crazy,” Slim interjected, “what good would that do? Another judge would just be sent over.”
“Um, my sources tell me that they are going to try and use the time to spring Earl. It would be impossible of course...unless maybe they had a top Judge as hostage?”
Jess just rolled his eyes. “I can’t see that workin’ either...let a killer like Branson go? No way.”
“I agree, but maybe the gang aren’t quite as smart as us,” Mort said sadly. “So, what I’m asking is... well... I was wondering if you could offer a safe base for Judge Hammond until the trial Slim. I wouldn’t ask but the guy is getting on in years and lives alone...he’d be a sitting duck for the gang.”
Slim flicked a glance over to where Andy was sitting on the edge of his chair, wide eyed and all agog with excitement.
“Uh, well I’m not sure Mort what with the youngster here and all,” Slim started.
“Oh, I’ll be alright Slim, really, I will. You’ve gotta help the Sheriff, you just have to!”
Mort gave Andy a kind smile and then turned back to his brother.
“I quite understand Slim, however the operation will all be hush hush. Nobody will know he’s here. He’s traveling incognito posing as a book salesman from Chicago...no one will suspect I promise you.”
Slim nodded and then turned to Andy, “Go make a start on the barn will you Andy?” he asked.
“Aw Slim, this is real interesting,” the youngster cried.
“Go on Andy,” Jess said, “I’ll come help you in a little while.”
The boy finally nodded and wandered off reluctantly.
Once he’d departed Slim looked thoughtful, “Well in that case you’re sure nobody will know his identity...then maybe we can help.”
“I’d be real obliged, see we’ve already got our work cut out back in town protecting the only witness...without her evidence Earl could get off Scott free. I’m darned sure this isn’t the first time he’s attacked a female...or worse either,” he added.
“The witness is Nancy Soames I believe she worked alongside Ruby at the Last Drop, didn’t she?” Jess asked.
“Yes, you know her?”
Jess shook his head, “Nope can’t say as I do, I’ve seen her around town though, seems pleasant enough.”
Mort nodded, “Yes, she’s OK. It’s just a shame she’s had to stoop to that sort of work to make a living. If I had my way, I’d close down the Last Drop tomorrow and put a stop to all the darned evil that goes on in the place. Gambling at crooked tables...watered down whiskey...and not to mention the prostitutes he has working there.”
“Well, you know what they call it Mort,” Slim said, “the oldest profession in the world...so I guess you’d have trouble stamping it out...it would just go underground and then those poor girls would be in even more danger.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Mort agreed, “So let’s hope this Earl gets his just rewards and maybe that’ll be a lesson to others. I guess that’s in the lap of the gods. See, Nancy was injured really badly in the attack too. Doc says it’s touch and go. Things are looking up some...but... that’s why the trial is being delayed. Nancy is the sole witness...if she dies, he could walk away free.”
“After what he did,” Jess said looking furious, “Hell he slit Ruby’s throat with a huntin’ knife...he can’t get away with that!”
Mort looked miserable, “And if you can believe the word on the street, it isn’t the first time either...apparently, he attacked a girl in Denver sometime back, same thing went to slit her throat...however he was interrupted and she got away. She fled the scene before anyone could take a statement. If she could be found and give evidence, we might be able to convict him...for attempted murder anyway.”
Jess looked away quickly and flushed up a little before saying, “Well that ain’t likely, not with Carl and Jack Brandon threatening to kill anyone that gives evidence against their brother...she’d be in real trouble.”
“Precisely and that’s why we need to keep Judge Hammond and Nancy safe,” Mort said firmly.

Judge Hammond arrived on the late afternoon stage just two days later under the guise of Mr Harold Potter, encyclopaedia salesman. He was dressed in a rather threadbare city suit and wore eyeglasses perched on the end of his nose. Regardless of the disguise he still held himself well and gave off the illusion of power and authority.
When he arrived at the ranch and alighted in the pouring rain, he looked about him with a jaundiced eye before seeing Jess and Slim running over to change the horses and introduce themselves. However, before they had a chance the judge grabbed hold of Jess’s arm and growled, “Quickly man...get my bags down...come along make it snappy...I want to get out of this dreadful weather!”
Jess was not impressed by this. He imagined that a lowly book salesman would hardly act that way and that the Judge was in grave danger of blowing his cover on day one he thought irritably. He bit back the sarcastic comment that came to his lips and did as ordered while the Judge stormed off towards the house, ignoring Slim’ s efforts to welcome him.
“He’s kinda full of himself ain’t he,” Mose said as he threw the heavy trunk of books and the Judge’s bag down from the stage.
“I guess he don’t like the weather,” Jess muttered bitterly as he strained to lift the heavy chest of books.
He carried them over to the ranch house and left them in Jonesy’s room, where the Judge was to be billeted.
Earlier in the day Jonesy had said, “Makes no odds to me where I sleep...the bunkhouse will do me, I’ve got a batch of liniment to brew up over there anyways. Besides I might get me some peace from Andy’s constant chatter. Not to mention that dang drifter whittling away and making everywhere look like a darned hen house with all the wood shavings he leaves about the place.”
“C’ mon, he’s not that bad,” Slim said, just as Jess came through the front door.
“Who ain’t that bad?” he asked with a wicked grin. “No, let me guess uh... would it be that...no good drifter huh Jonesy?” he growled, getting up close and personal and giving the old timer a mock glare.
Jonesy back peddled quickly...always being slightly wary of the dark-haired cowboy and never too sure if he was kidding or not.
“I’ll go move my stuff,” was all he’d said and scooted off, with Jess grinning after him.
“He doesn’t mean it,” Slim said. “It just takes him a long time to get to know and trust new folk ‘tis all...”
“Um...him and me both,” Jess said darkly, before wandering off into the kitchen in search of the coffee pot.
Now Jonesy was settled in the bunkhouse and the Judge was off inspecting his new domain too.
Before long he was back out again.
“It’s rather cramped in there Sherman,” he said frowning, “ well if it’s the best you can do at short notice...”
Before Slim could reply Jess strode over and said, “It is...coffee Judge?” he asked offering a cup.
The Judge looked slightly nonplussed, as he was not used to being spoken to that way...goodness the man spoke almost as an equal he thought in surprise.
None the less, the Judge took his coffee and thanked Jess before taking a seat before the fire. Slim and Jess joined him; while Jonesy set about getting supper ready.
“A difficult case,” Slim said addressing the Judge.
“Yes, well I suppose one could say these working girls get what they deserve to some extent,” the Judge said looking disapproving.
“Well, that don’t sound any too fair,” Jess said flushing angrily.
“So, you’re in favor of prostitution then Mister uh...”
“Harper...Jess Harper and I ain’t saying that. The way I see it if it’s the only way a gal can make a livin’ well then at least she should be kept safe...and the law should come down real hard on a murderer…no matter who he kills,” he added.
The Judge looked quite taken aback again, and not used to such a candid opinion in his presence.
“Yes indeed, Mr Harper, I see your point and maybe I was a tad hasty there. I’m sure there are girls who maybe have no choice in the matter. And yes, you are right…they should be protected. Anyway, you can be sure that the full weight of the law and justice will come down hard on Earl Brandon.”
“As long as justice is allowed to prevail,” Slim said quietly.
“What do you mean?” the Judge asked looking alarmed.
“Well, that’s why yer holed up here ain’t it? The Brandon Gang would really like to either kill you or take you hostage so they can spring Earl from prison,” Jess said simply.
The Judge turned pale, “Uh Sheriff Cory did say there could be a minor risk to my welfare, but I’d no idea I could be in such danger. Oh, dear me...and maybe put you good people in danger too,” he added remembering the youngster who was now off in his room doing his homework...and the elderly man cooking supper.
Slim was quick to reassure him.
“If you keep in character when we have visitors, I think we should all be quite safe,” Slim said, “and we aren’t expecting any trouble…as long as we all keep vigilant,” he added.
The Judge was still looking far from happy and muttered, “I’d no idea... so very kind of you... all of you to help in this way.”
“Yeah well, I guess that cramped bedroom ain’t looking quite so bad now huh?” Jess said dryly.
The Judge hung his head and then looked Jess in the eye, “I think we should start afresh,” he said beaming broadly at him and then Slim... “I do apologize.”
After that they all got on splendidly with the Judge losing his air of superiority and turning out to be a thoroughly entertaining and interesting companion.
During supper, he told them all about other cases he had sat on and entertained them with all sorts of anecdotes. Then after Andy and Jonesy were abed, they sat around the fire enjoying a rare glass of whiskey pilfered from Jonesy’s medicinal supply.
“Human nature is very interesting,” the Judge said elaborating on his theme of criminology. “You see gentlemen…it is fascinating to look into the human psyche... the mind that is,” he explained. “What makes one man turn to crime and another resist?”
Slim looked very thoughtful, although he said nothing.
Jess however was enjoying himself and had been baiting the Judge some, both of the men well matched and enjoying the lively cut and thrust of debate.
They carried on for some time, with Jess showing the Judge several insights that he had never considered before and he found talking with the young cowboy a real education.
They were all just heading for bed when the Judge said something that gave the others real food for thought...and quite a jolt too.
“It is interesting to note how many dark secrets abound in society,” he said, “even amongst the innocent. It is not just the criminal fraternity who keep these secrets...but all of us...yes, me included,” he added... “Secrets are everywhere, even in a law-abiding home like this one, no doubt,” he added with a wink before retiring for the night.


Back in the barn all those years later Jess again looked out to the rain swept yard and said quietly, “I guess that old Judge was right about us all having secrets...huh Slim?”
He sighed deeply “Yup, we sure did pard...all of us, even young Andy...and real dark ones at that.”
Jess looked thoughtful, “I suppose it all started with Andy...and way before that ol’ Judge landed too.”
Slim nodded, “I reckon we were all up to our necks in secrets by the time the Judge came to visit... none of us knew what would finally happen because of all those darned skeletons in the closet. 

Chapter 2

It all really started one fall afternoon when Andy came home from the first day of the new school term looking flushed and excited.
“Well, howdy buddy, how did the first day back go?” Jess asked as Andy jumped down from the afternoon stage.
Andy grinned from ear to ear, “Wonderful,” he said, “just wonderful,” and drifted off to the house.
Jess looked up at Mose on the box and grinned, “That good, eh? I don’t recall my school days, such as they were, bein’ that dang excitin’,” he chuckled.
“Kid’s today,” Mose said shaking his head before slapping the reins and heading off up the rise.
At supper time, Jess, Slim and Jonesy were to hear the first, of many, eulogies regarding Miss S Smith Andy’s new teacher.
“Mr Jenkins is off sick with a real bad broken leg, so we’ve got this new lady teacher filling in,” he confided. “She’s swell...just...swell,” he said for the third time as Slim’ s impatience grew.
“Well in what way?” Slim asked yet again.
“Real smart, real pretty...uh just swell,” he said before leaving the supper table and wandering off to his room to do his homework.
Once he’d gone Slim rolled his eyes to Jess. “Swell,” he mimicked Andy, “what the heck does that mean?”
Jess just grinned and fashioned a shapely female figure in the air with his hands, “I guess it means that,” he said chuckling.
“What?” said Slim looking aghast, “You mean he’s got the hots for her?”
“Sure, he has,” Jess said,” what do ya think?”
“He’s way too young for that sort of thing,” Slim said firmly.
“What? He’s fourteen ain’t he...well that’s about time to start romancing the ladies ain’t it?” Jess said with another cheeky grin.
“Heck he’s really too young for that...and anyway we’re talking about his teacher,” Slim said looking shocked. “That’s not right...not right at all...I don’t believe it!”
“Well, you’d better because he ain’t gonna turn back now,” Jess said with a knowledgeable nod. “Anyway, look on the bright side he’s doin’ his homework without no second telling.”
Then old Jonesy pitched in, “Young ‘un’ s grow up real fast these days Slim...and ones with a lively imagination can get themselves into all sorts of trouble too...I should see this uh...Miss Smith and find out exactly what’s going on huh?”
“Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary Jonesy,” Slim said looking slightly embarrassed, “it’s just a little crush, he’ll grow out of it,” and then he changed the subject.
Life carried on as normal for all at the ranch with the exception of Andy, who had ‘really got it bad’ according to Jess.
The boy was hardly eating and seemed to spend all his time walking around in some sort of daze. It was when he left the corral gate open allowing half a dozen lively mustangs to escape that Slim really lost his temper.
He gave the boy a good telling off and reminded him that he wasn’t too dang old to be put across his brother’s knee and given a good thrashing. The fact that Slim had never done this or indeed never would was not lost on the youngster who merely gave a half-hearted apology and wandered off to his room.
When Jess arrived back sometime later after rounding up the horses Slim was sitting at his desk doing the accounts and Jonesy was cooking supper.
“Did you get them all?” Slim asked as Jess barged in throwing his hat on the peg by the door and hanging up his gun-belt.
“Sure, I did. I told ya it was a one-man job…they wanted their supper I reckon; came back real easy,” he said chuckling.
Then he noted Slim’ s frowning countenance, “What about Andy did you read him the riot act?”
“Oh sure, sure, fat lot of good it’ll do though. Hell Jess, he’s in a world of his own, he won’t listen to anything I say.”
“Want me to talk to him?”
When Jess had first arrived and Andy had treated the young drifter with such adoration, hero worshiping him, Slim had found it kind of hard to take...And yes, he had admitted to a feeling of jealousy at his little brother’s new found friendship. However, after some straight talking, he had overcome his original bias, and indeed welcomed Jess’s input into bringing up his kid brother. Especially now he reflected as the once biddable child seemed to have changed into this volatile teen almost overnight.
The first rumblings of descent had been seen soon after Jess arrived and Slim had blamed him for the change in his little brother. However over the following months he had come to realise that it was just a natural progression from childhood to maturity. He had begun to learn to accept the odd temper spats and slammed doors...but now he was at his wits end with this so clearly lovelorn youngster.
“Yes, Jess, would you? He sure as hell won’t open up to me...”
Jess gave his pard a little punch on the arm, “Sure I will.”
He tapped on Andy’s door and went in closing it quietly behind him.
Andy was lying on the bed staring up to the ceiling with a wistful smile on his face...and glanced over and sat up as Jess entered the room.
Jess sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled kindly at the youngster.
“So, you wanna talk about it huh?”
Andy shrugged, “About what?”
“Oh, come on buddy you know dang well...about your teacher Miss Smith.”
Andy looked away and flushed up, “Slim asked you to talk to me didn’t he... he thinks it’s just a silly crush you know.”
Jess shook his head, “Nope I offered...and it isn’t, is it? Just a crush, I mean...and it ain’t silly Andy. It can seem very real I know that.”
“It doesn’t seem real, it is!” the youngster yelled angrily, and then more softly, “Can you keep a secret...promise not to tell Slim?”
Jess looked wary, “Well I dunno, he’s real worried about you, you know Andy.”
The boy ignored that, “You’re my friend aren’t you and friends keep secrets.”
“It depends what kinda secret I guess,” he said playing for time.
Andy just looked stubborn and then clammed up...turning away.
Jess sighed deeply and weighed up the options, refuse to promise and lose the opportunity of straightening the kid out...or agree and possibly be made aware of something he really didn’t want to know...but would be honour bound not to share.
He took a deep breath, “OK I promise...”
Andy turned back to him and beamed, “I love her Jess. I mean really love her and we’re going to run away together...just as soon as I turn sixteen.”
Jess nearly fell off the bed, “Whoa...she...she agreed to that?”
He looked thoughtful, “Not in so many words. She’s taught us all about being independent...how we should be free thinkers and do what our heart’s desire...and that’s what my heart desires,” he said earnestly.
“Seems to me like she’s filling yer head with a whole load of nonsense,” Jess said stoutly. “Sure, you need to look to the future, heck that’s what a good education is all about. But if she’s been sayin’ she’s gonna run away with ya...well that’s all-wrong boy!”
“No, no, well she hasn’t said it, exactly...but I know that’s what she wants … I can just tell. And look at the homework she set me to learn,” he said passing over a book of Love Poems. “See...that’s a kind of a coded message from her,” he said happily.
Jess looked down at the titles of the different poems and began to read some, ‘My Love is like a red, red rose... How many ways do I love you?’
He glanced up at Andy looking puzzled, “And you like all this love poem stuff?” he asked.
“Sure, it’s real neat. The class were all given different ones to learn. This is my special one,” he added, turning to where a hand written poem on a loose sheet fluttered from the book. “She said as I was one of the oldest students I’d appreciate the sentiment,” he said smiling proudly, “it says it all I guess...she wrote it herself you know,” he added proudly.
Jess looked down at the sheet of paper in his hands...

Run Away with Me...
Let us run away together, away from the town’s lights,
Where no one knows our names yet, and we can see the starry night,
To camp out in the open, warm cold flesh by the fire,
Tell each other of hopes and dreams...and all of our desires,
We’ll learn why we are really here...away from prying eyes,
We’ll leave without a plan, but I know we’ll be alright...
As long as you are there to hold me close, throughout the cold dark night ... SB

Jess looked aghast...
“See I told ya...it’s a special love note, just for me...”
“The hell it is,” Jess said angrily, “what does she think she’s damn well playin’ at givin’ this to a youngster like you.”
“What’s wrong...it’s beautiful!” Then his eyes darkened, “Oh no...no Jess you can’t tell Slim you promised!”
“Oh no,” Jess said furiously, “I ain’t gonna tell Slim, I never break a promise, you know that... but I sure as hell am gonna see yer teacher!”
There was something of an atmosphere at breakfast the following morning with Andy just staring miserably at his plate and Jess seemingly lost in thought.
“Hey why the long faces? It is Saturday,” Slim said cheerfully, “so what’s everyone doing this afternoon?”
Once the chores were done Saturday afternoon was free time and Jess often rode into town, or sometimes took the buggy and drove Andy over too. Other times the men would attend a local dance or just go to the saloon for a few hours in the evening.
“Uh, goin’ to town later,” Jess muttered.
“Oh, good you can get me some stuff from the mercantile,” Jonesy said quickly, “So are you taking young Andy in, he could do with a haircut.”
Jess shook his head, “Nope I’ve got some business to attend to.”
“Don’t go!” Andy blurted out looking tearful.
Slim’ s head shot up and he glanced at his brother and then over to Jess.
“What’s going on?” he asked sharply.
“Nothing,” Jess and Andy said in unison.
Then Jess got up quickly and left the table.
“That barn won’t clean itself up,” he mumbled before snagging his hat from the peg and heading out.
“What’s got into him, no third cup of coffee?” Slim asked frowning at Jonesy and then looked back to where Andy was looking upset.
“What’s wrong Andy, you and Jess had a falling out?” he asked kindly.
“No, nothing’s wrong,” the boy yelled before heading off to his room and slamming the door behind him.
Jonesy and Slim exchanged an exasperated look before finishing off their breakfast.
Over in the barn Jess was feeling terrible...that was the second time he’d lied to his friend in the last few hours. He’d told Slim he’d drawn a blank regarding what was really bothering Andy. Then just now had said there was nothing wrong between him and Andy. Jeez the sooner he caught up with this teacher and sorted everything out the better he thought as he started cleaning out Traveller’s stall. That was the trouble with secrets he reflected, they went hand in hand with lies.
He rode into town late morning having opted to go buy the few items Jonesy needed and then have some lunch in Miss Molly’s café before seeking out the schoolmarm.
As he entered the café, he saw Jenny Thorp ; the other school teacher, who taught the younger ones, sipping a coffee at a corner table. Seeing as how all the other tables were taken, he moseyed over and smiling said, “Mind if I join ya?”
Jenny smiled, “Not at all take a seat Jess.”
The two had dated briefly however nothing had come of it and now she was keeping company with one of the bank tellers and seemed real happy, so he believed, as he sat down and smiled across at her.
Jenny soon confirmed that all was well in her world and that she and Gerald were thinking of a spring wedding the following year.
He offered his congratulations.
Then got straight to the point and said, “So what’s this new schoolmarm like huh?”
Jenny looked thoughtful, “I don’t really know what to make of her.”
“Um, she’s friendly enough, and my goodness she’s certainly got the School Board eating out of her hand. I don’t believe they even checked her references,” she confided, “just offered her the post the day she arrived in town.”
“I imagine they were kinda desperate,” Jess said, “seeing as Mr Jenkins busted his leg the week before term started.”
“Yes, there is that I suppose... she certainly is a very beautiful woman; I reckon she turned a few heads on the committee,” she added with her pretty giggle. “She is a good teacher I think...if...well maybe rather unconventional for Laramie.”
His eyes narrowed, “In what way?”
She frowned with concentration trying to put her thoughts more clearly.
“You see Mr Jenkins is very old school. He teaches ciphering, basic English, writing business letters, spelling and the like and makes sure they read good wholesome books with a moral...whereas...”
“Go on,” Jess prompted.
“Well Sarah tends to be very much more imaginative in her role of teacher. For example, she likes the children to write make-believe stories of how they would like the world to be... she says it stretches their imagination.”
Jess rolled his eyes thinking that would be a fat lot of good to a young rancher needing to be able to write a decent business letter and add up his bills.
Jenny didn’t notice though as she was expanding on her colleague’s teaching techniques.
“She likes them to think independently...decide exactly what they would like to read and learn about.”
Jess remained silent thinking that most of Andy’s buddies would doubtless opt for reading comic books and learning the art of fishing and maybe a hand or two of poker thrown in to enrich their ciphering skills adding up their winnings...but he kept silent.
“I’ve certainly never met a teacher like her,” she concluded.
“Love poems,” Jess blurted out, unable to stop himself from finding out what he really needed to know. “She reads love poems to them?”
Jenny nodded, “Oh yes certainly, I think she’s trying to add a little culture to their lives,” she said giggling again. “They have been given examples of all the classical poets to read...plus some work of her own I believe. She feels it will widen their horizons, make them aware of the joys of adult life that awaits them...in a purely academic sense of course,” she added blushing a little.
“Of course,” Jess said dryly.
Then he decided to risk asking what he really needed to know. Heck, Jenny and he had been kinda close at one time she’d understand Jess’s concerns.
“So, uh Jenny she’s OK ain’t she? I mean she wouldn’t lead a boy on.”
“Lead him on?” She asked frowning, then her face cleared as she understood, “Why no of course not...she is very professional in that way Jess, I can assure you...Why do you ask?”
If he was going to get to the bottom of all this business, he figured he had to be honest...So after she reassured him that she would not betray any confidences he explained the situation and then pulled the poem out of his pocket and showed her.
Jenny read it carefully before passing it back over.
“Yes, that’s one of Sarah’s ...however I can assure you there is no secret message,” she said earnestly. “I think she was just trying to interest Andy in the joy of poetry that’s all. I must say she is a very striking woman and I can quite understand his crush...and I doubt he’s alone,” she added honestly.
“Well maybe someone should tell her to rein it in some then,” Jess said hotly.
At that moment there was a tap on the café window and looking up she beamed and bent to collect her bag. “I’m sorry Jess I must dash, that’s Gerald come to collect me. Good luck with Sarah,” and she hurried off.
Sometime later Jess knocked on the Schoolhouse door and it was eventually opened by a flame haired beauty, wearing a tightly fitting emerald dress, with a matching flimsy scarf to her neck. She looked up at him expectantly with laughing green eyes.
Jess just gaped at her in open admiration, jeez they never had school teachers like her in his day was his first thought...and heck she looked so dang young too...barely out of her teens he imagined.
“Yes, can I help you Mister.... uh?”
Jess whipped his hat off and gave her his most charming smile.
“Harper Ma’am, Jess Harper...I’m uh a friend of Slim Sherman and I’d like to talk to you about his kid brother...Andy?”
Her face lit up, “Oh dear Andy,” and then she frowned, “there’s nothing wrong I hope Mr Harper?”
“No, uh well yeah...kinda.” he stuttered.
“Maybe you’d care to come in, discuss the matter?” she asked standing aside.
As he passed, he felt a frisson of excitement at her closeness and heady perfume...she sure was one good lookin’ woman he thought... then he took a deep breath and reminded himself why he was there.
Once they were both seated in the school house parlour and Jess had refused a drink, she looked expectantly at him.
“Pray tell me what the problem is Mr Harper.”
He sighed and then gathered his thoughts, “See it’s this way ma’am...Andy is, well taken with you I guess...I mean real taken with you and he’s well sorta imagining things...that aren’t true.”
“Yes, he does have a very lively imagination,” she said clasping her hands together and smiling happily, “that’s why I love his character so.”
Jess swallowed hard, “Love?” he asked turning pale.
“Yes of course,” she said merrily, “I love all my dear pupils...well I say love I actually mean...like...admire what’s the difference?”
“Well one hell of a lot actually to a young boy,” Jess said suddenly feeling angry at her somewhat casual attitude.
She looked up frowning at the sudden change of tone, “I tell them I love their work when I’m admiring their achievements Mr Harper...as I would any child...that can’t be wrong surely?”
“Well, it is dang well wrong when they aren’t a child no more,” Jess spat angrily.
“What... what do you mean?”
Jess shook his head, “Have you any idea what it feels like to be a fourteen-year-old boy on the brink of manhood...huh...have you?”
She looked alarmed, “No of course not.”
“Well I have, and trust me if a beautiful lookin’ woman told me they loved my work...then I sure wouldn’t be thinkin’ she meant she liked or admired me or my work come to that...I’d be thinkin’ she meant somethin’ quite different...just like poor Andy does.”
She looked horrified, “What you’re saying Andy has a crush on me?”
“A massive one and it don’t help any givin’ him this sorta thing,” he added slamming the poem down on the coffee table before her. “What kinda message do ya think that sends out huh? Especially to a kid who is all mixed up, neither child nor adult...and just trying to find his feet. Darn it he thinks that’s an invitation to elope or somethin’” he finished angrily.
She looked completely shocked and shook her head sadly, “I’ve got it all wrong haven’t I,” she whispered, “terribly wrong.” Then put her head in her hands and began to weep quietly.
After a few minutes he could bear it no longer.
“I figure yer kinda new to teachin’,” he said softly, “bound to make a few mistakes at first huh?”
She looked up at that and gave him a watery smile, “You’re too kind Mr Harper and yes, you’re right I don’t have a lot of experience.”
“Jess,” he said quietly, “it’s Jess...”
“Sarah,” she smiled, “Well actually my close friends call me Sadie,” and she held his look.
“Sadie,” he said softly...her tearful response to the situation somehow having brought them closer.
“You see Jess I’m afraid I have a terrible secret,” she said, “I got this job under false pretenses. I really have much more limited experience than maybe I suggested to the School Board. The truth is I really need this job,” she added. “So will you keep my secret...please?”
Jess was in a quandary, to tell the authorities of some woman come into town that might possibly harm the young minds in her care? Or look out for one extremely beautiful woman, who was just misguided? One who was now looking at him with a hint of promise to come. Or was he just being fanciful like young Andy,” he wondered.
“Please, she wheedled. “I’d be so very grateful.”
He finally nodded, “OK, but there’s gonna hafta be some big changes...starting with you straightening Andy out and then goin’ back to teachin’ the way old man Jenkins does...deal?”
She nodded looking suddenly even more young and beautiful as her face relaxed with relief, “Deal...and I can’t thank you enough Jess,” she said...again looking deeply into his eyes.
Then smiling mischievously she said, “So where are you taking me tonight then...huh?”

Chapter 3

 Back in the barn on the Sherman ranch where the men were reminiscing Slim turned to his buddy and said, “You sure kept Andy’s secret. It was a real long time before he opened up and told me all about it himself.”
Jess shrugged, “You know me, I always keep my secrets and I sorted everything out just fine, didn’t I? Sadie spoke to him and explained everything in such a way that he didn’t feel too embarrassed. Then she turned over a new leaf and just used old Jenkins notes to teach class...so no harm done.”
“Nope no harm done I guess... What about the other secret though Jess... your secret huh? That nearly drove me crazy the way you suddenly changed overnight. The lies you told...always sneaking off...I really did despair of you,” he said looking exasperated. “You sure didn’t do yourself any favours as far as Jonesy was concerned either...”
All those years later Jess still grimaced at the memory, “I’m sorry,” he said simply, “I guess I went a little mad back then...”
“Madly in love,” Slim chuckled, “Jeez you sure had it bad Jess...and none of us really knew what was going on.”
Jess looked down at the bridle he was mending and cast his mind back...to his time with Sadie and her dark secrets.

That first day they met he took her out to a candle lit dinner at the Laramie hotel and they hit it off immediately, laughing at shared jokes and talking on after the meal. Long after the dining room was ready to close. Eventually he walked her back to the Schoolhouse...and that’s when he had the first slight shadow of apprehension...that all was not as it seemed.
He had been hoping for a goodnight kiss at the front door and he was pleasantly surprised when she asked him in for coffee.
He was about to agree with alacrity when she glanced up and down the almost deserted street and whispered, “Go down the side alley and I’ll let you in the back,” before she quickly unlocked the door and disappeared inside.
Jess stood there mystified for a moment before gathering his wits, glancing furtively up and down the street and then hightailing it down the alley.
Once he was safely inside her kitchen, he turned to her looking slightly puzzled, “What was all that about, you ain’t ashamed of bein’ seen out with a lowly rancher are ya?” he asked only half joking.
She looked apologetic, “Oh no of course not... I’ve already made one huge mistake by being too friendly and relaxed with the children. I really can’t afford another,” she said looking anxious. “I think maybe a schoolmarm should seem above reproach and maybe would be expected to spend all her time and energy on her vocation...not dating young ranchers...no matter how handsome,” she added casting him a coquettish glance. “I think we should just keep our relationship private.”
Jess looked deeply into her eyes and then moved closer, resting his hands on her shoulders, “So we’re having a relationship then, are we?” he asked, his expression teasing.
She looked down and then back up into those wonderful blue eyes and whispered, “Yes...that is I hope so....”
Jess leaned in, cupped her face between his large, gentle hands and kissed her deeply.
He didn’t return to the ranch until late on Sunday evening...and that was the start of their clandestine affair.
As he rode back to the ranch his feelings were in turmoil. Sadie had totally bewitched him... their passion knew no bounds and they had hardly moved from her large feather bed all weekend. Jeez, she might be young, even so she was real experienced he mused... real experienced.
Hell, he thought he’d been around some, however she knew things...things that he was darned sure a spinster schoolmarm should never have known. Who in hell was she he kept asking himself...And what was she doin’ teaching school when it seemed clear to him that she’d be more at home in one of those prestigious New York ‘massage parlors ?’ She was like some sort of drug though, he admitted to himself and he had to see her again...and soon real soon.
“Garldarn it, Jess, you’re not going to town again tonight, are you?” Slim asked looking exasperated.
Jess merely continued tightening the cinch and nodded, “Yup, got me a card game on...”
“That’s every night this week...and all these late nights are starting to reflect on your work,” Slim said seriously.
“Jeez who are you, my Ma?” Jess said angrily as he led Traveller out of the barn.
Truth be told he was feeling really bad about lying to Slim. Heck over the last twelve months they’d become real close friends...telling each other most everything. However this, nope...this he couldn’t share. Not just because Sadie insisted upon it. He was also worried about upsetting young Andy. OK he’d settled down some now, but he was still clearly very fond of his teacher...and for Jess to be dating her would just rub salt in the wound.
That night he was to make yet another discovery that left him feeling puzzled and more than a little worried.
Every time they had made love Sadie had insisted on darkness in the room...and when he awoke in the morning she was dressed, always wearing one of a variety of flimsy colouful scarves around her neck.
However, this night things were different and they had retired to her darkened room as soon as he arrived. Unable to keep their hands off each other Jess gently undressed her and they had made passionate love...Now as he gazed down at her sleeping face shafts of late evening sunlight illuminated her still body and he gave a little gasp of shock. Her neck, revealed to him for the first time, bore a shocking scar.
She seemed to be aware of his scrutiny and her eyes flickered open and she stared at him in consternation, before a hand flew to cover the scar.
“It’s OK,” he said gently, “it don’t bother me none,” and it dawned on him as to why she always wore a scarf and that she must be self-conscious about the imperfection.
Her eyes widened in fear and she said, “Please don’t tell anyone.”
He looked perplexed, “Why would I...it ain’t anyone’s business.” Then kindly, “So how did you do it?”
She hesitated and said, “Oh it was a silly accident when I was a youngster. I was playing hide and go seek and, in my rush, to hide I fell...and caught my neck on a broken bottle...I always was a clumsy kid,” she added laughing it off.
Jess said nothing. He was no stranger to scars and he was pretty sure the wound had been done recently. He remained silent and just leaned in and kissed her. However, much later he wondered just how many dark secrets Sadie was keeping from him.
The fact that she refused to be seen in public with him was beginning to irritate him, especially when the early summer dance season came around.
Slim was full of it and insisted they go together and Jess give his regular card game a miss.
“Come on Jess, I’m sure your buddies from the card table won’t miss you for one night,” he’d said raising a questioning eyebrow. “If that’s where you’ve been these last few weeks,” he added.
They were getting ready for bed in their room and able to speak freely without Jonesy butting in with his dime’s worth as per usual.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jess asked suddenly looking wary.
“Let’s put it this way…the number of baths you’ve been taking of late there just has to be a woman involved somewhere along the line.”
Again, Jess felt the pain of having to lie... what could he do? Just the day before Sadie had refused his invitation to the dance in case folk talked.
“What are they gonna say?” He’d asked in exasperation? “Oh no there goes that that flighty schoolmarm out on the tiles again. Heck, I’m only askin’ you to come and have a few dances, surely nobody can object to that?”
She looked uncomfortable then relented, “Alright, however I will attend with Jenny and her fiancé...and I promise one ...maybe two dances with you...and then I shall go home early...like the perfect teacher,” she added with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
“So do I get to escort you home?” he asked looking slightly appeased.
She shook her head, “Now how would that look? I will return home alone.”
“And then what?”
“And then I will leave the backdoor open as usual,” she said with a wicked wink.
Now Slim broke into his thoughts... “Well, is there?”
Slim sighed deeply, “A woman involved?”
“No... I said no didn’t I, when you asked me just last week,” Jess said angrily.
Slim wasn’t taking no for an answer.
“Hell, you’re not having an affair are you Jess...with a married woman?”
That stopped Jess in his tracks...hell maybe that was why Sadie was so dang insistent that they shouldn’t be seen dating. Maybe there was a murderous husband waiting someplace in the wings...that would sure explain a lot.
He turned and shook his head, “No I ain’t havin’ an affair. Jeez what do ya think old Jonesy would do if I was?” he added suddenly grinning at the thought, “He’d drag me to the nearest hell and brimstone preacher and have me repentin ’ and beggin’ for forgiveness.”
Slim chuckled at the image, “That he would,” he agreed.
Maybe you need to find a gal and give the old poker table a break?” Slim said grinning. “So, you’ll come to the dance then...find a nice gal?”

As it happened it was Slim that found a nice gal at the dance.
He and Jess had scrubbed up pretty good so he thought with their dark frock coats and pants, brocade vests over sparkling white shirts and Sunday best Stetsons and boots.
They were standing propping up the bar, when Jess noted Slim’ s face suddenly brighten. He followed Slim’ s gaze and saw a very pretty blond woman in a striking deep blue, low cut dress enter and after glancing around her went and sat at a table for two.
“Know her?” Jess asked tipping his hat to where the girl was now smiling and looking around her with interest.
Slim looked elated, “I sure do...we were at school together...although I haven’t seen Mary since she left town as a teen...gee she’s sure grown up real pretty,” he added.
“So, what are ya waitin’ for?” Jess asked nudging him.
Slim looked slightly apprehensive, “I don’t know Jess she may not want to see me.”
“Of course she will, come on Slim what did I tell ya? The first rule of romancin’ the ladies, is to act real confidant...they like that.”
“You think so?”
“I know so...go on...before some other dude moves in.”
She glanced up when Slim stopped by the table her face wreathed in smiles, “Why Matty Sherman I’d hoped to see you,” she said and removing her bulky handbag from the vacant chair next to her said, “Do join me.”
He smiled back and took the offered seat, “It is real good to see you too Mary,” he said removing his hat, “Oh and its Slim now, everyone calls me Slim.”
“Well Slim Sherman,” she said her eyes sparkling, “this is a real pleasure and has made my homecoming just perfect.”
“You’re back home for good?” he asked holding his breath and mentally crossing his fingers.
“I am indeed, I’ve bought the old Jackson house on the edge of town and I’m going to really settle down at last. Oh my...it seems like I’ve been traveling since I left here,” she added. “It will be so good to put down some roots now and make new friends...and revisit an old one,” she added holding his gaze.
Slim boldly took her hand and said softly, “I missed you so much when you left you know.”
She looked down and blushed, “Yes well, those days are best forgotten. I do remember how good you were to me Slim and how you stood by me during those bad times, we were really special friends back then weren’t we?”
He nodded, “And I’d like to be again, if you’ll let me?” he said thinking ‘wow Jess would be real proud of me’, hardly believing he could be so forward.
She nodded, “I’d like that.”
“So, tell me all about yourself,” he said settling down to listen.
She gently removed her hand and said softly, “Well I was married quite young to an army officer and have spent all these years traveling across the country with him.”
Slim shook his head, “That’s a hard life being an army wife, I guess? Those forts must get real lonely for the women folk.”
She smiled sadly, “I suppose so, Arnold and I had an understanding that I always used to make a home for us in the nearest town. Then he’d visit on his time off and annual leave and I just lived a normal life.”
Slim looked surprised, “Gee that must have been even lonelier than living on the base though? Not seeing much of your husband?”
“Not really, I soon made friends and then we’d move on every few months, so I never had time to get lonely really what with all the packing and unpacking,” she said ruefully.
Then he asked the question he’d been dreading, “So is your husband based at Fort Laramie then?”
She shook her head, “No, he passed away just a few weeks ago, so you see Slim I’m completely alone in the world now,” and again she held his gaze.
Then the band struck up with a slow number.
“Would you care to dance?” he asked politely.
Over on the other side of the dance floor Jess was looking over to where Sadie had arrived along with Jenny and her beau Gerald and he could barely recognize her. Gone was the figure-hugging low-cut dress and flamboyant scarfs she usually wore when he visited in the evenings. To be replaced by a smart crisp white blouse buttoned to the neck and a dark skirt...the only concession to the dance being a brightly colored, lacy shawl around her shoulders.
Jess watched her covertly and even though she was dressed so conservatively she was still the most stunning woman in the room. It was clear that he wasn’t the only one to acknowledge that either, he thought bitterly, as heads turned as she went to sit with her companions.
Later he watched her waltz by on the arms of several different men before he went over and claimed her.
“What are ya playin’ at?” he muttered darkly as he took her in his arms for a slow number.
“Oh Jess, you’re jealous,” she said her eyes opening wide in surprise.
He held her gaze and said, “Sure I am... you wouldn’t let me bring ya ... you don’t seem to mind dancing with just about anyone else though.
She shook her head, “Not just anyone Jess... the Chairman of the School Board, Mr Bates,” she said nodding to where the middle-aged man was seated by his plump wife looking on blandly as the dancers glided by.
“He was the one who suggested that I should come tonight. He said it would be good for the parents to see the new teacher out and about. My other dance partners have all been members of the town council. Goodness Jess I’m just doing my duty,” she added giving him a pleading look, “You know I’d rather be with you...don’t you?”
“I guess so…I’ll walk ya home, yeah?” he asked hopefully.
She looked away for a moment and said, “I’m sorry Jess, Gerald and Jenny are seeing me home and it would look odd if I went off with you. After all we hardly know each other as far as the town folk are concerned,” she added.
“Well, I’ll come by later then,” he asked looking deeply into her eyes, “you want me to, don’t you?”
“You know I do,” she whispered, “ but Jenny asked to stay over, we’ve got to work on Sunday as Mr Bates needs all the attendance figures for the last six months for a meeting first thing on Monday.”
Jess sighed knowing when he was beaten.
“OK... look I’m steppin ’ outside for a few minutes, get me some fresh air,” he said squinting down at her quizzically. “There’s a fire door at the back leads to an ally... Iffen you feel the need to uh... get some air too I’ll be there,” he said before thanking her for the dance and moving away.
She saw the glow of his cigarette in the dark and sidled over, pulling her shawl around her as it struck cold after the heat of the dance hall.
Then she was in his arms and he was kissing her passionately, telling her all the things she longed to hear.
A little later the door opened again and a giggling couple came out.
Jess pulled her deeper into the shadows, until they passed making their way home.
Sadie sucked in a breath, “That was close they nearly saw us,” she said and Jess felt her shiver. Whether from cold or fear he wasn’t sure.
“Hell Sadie would it be so bad? I hate all this secrecy,” he said angrily. “I just wanna be able to love you properly without all this dang cloak and dagger, is that too much to ask?”
She shook her head, “No of course not... you just have to be patient, just for a little while longer Jess.”
“Why,” he asked holding her close, “What are you afraid of?”
“Losing my job,” she said quietly, “Mr Bates made it quite clear there were to be no followers while I was in post... It won’t be forever Jess. Just until Mr Jenkins is well enough to return.”
Then they heard the sound of other folk coming out of the door and Sadie pulled away, “I must go... I’m sorry,” she said tearfully, “I’m so sorry,” and with that she was gone.
It was several hours later when Slim opened the door of the hotel room they were sharing and tiptoed in.
Jess leaned over from his bed and turned up the lamp. “I ain’t asleep,” he said.
“I wasn’t really expecting you to make use of the other bed,” Slim said looking surprised, “I thought you’d have found a nice accommodating gal... so where did you get to anyway... I looked for you at the end but you’d gone.”
“Left early, got a headache,” Jess lied, looking away.
Slim scrutinized him, Jess never got headaches, unless he’d over indulged on the ratified whiskey that is, he remembered hiding a smile. Heck he didn’t look like he’d been drinking much...why was he lying?
“So how did you get on,” Jess said quickly, “did you and that Mary hit it off OK after so long?”
Slim sank down on the other bed a broad grin on his face, “We sure did it was almost as though she’d never been away... I walked her home and we’ve been chatting all this time,” he added happily.
“So how old were you when you saw her last?”
“Uh...about fourteen...and she was sixteen.”
Jess sat up and stared at his buddy, “And you two were goin’ together?”
“You know perfectly well what I mean Slim was she, yer gal?”
“Uh... well in a way I suppose, kind of...yes.”
“And you said Andy was too young for romancin’,” he said chuckling. “Kinda hypocritical ain’t you?”
“Well, that’s different,” Slim blustered, “and anyway it was with a girl nearly my own age not my darned teacher!”
Jess just looked amused, although he said nothing.
“Anyway,” Slim said thoughtfully, “he seems just fine now. So ... uh Jess, you told me you had a quiet word with his teacher, you didn’t say exactly what happened?”
Jess felt his pulses beginning to race and he looked away, “Nuthin’ happened,” he said firmly and then added, “I just explained what was goin’ on and she said she’d talk to him, no big deal.”
“She was at the dance,” Slim said, “I was introduced by old man Bates, she’s a real stunner... you never said.”
“Didn’t I?” Jess said feigning a yawn.
“I saw you dancing together,” Slim added, peering closely at his friend.
Jess just shrugged, “So?”
“Oh nothing, I just thought, you know... that you might have kind of liked her some, thought of asking her out maybe?”
“Way out of my league,” Jess said turning the lamp down a little... “Night Slim,” he added turning away on his side.
Slim gave him a thoughtful look, hell he knew when Jess was lying... why he wondered?
“Night,” he said softly and turned in himself.

Chapter 4

The following morning the men went over to Miss Molly’s Café for breakfast and Slim could talk about nothing other than the lovely Mary.
“I’ve promised to ride over and see her mid-week,” he said excitedly, “we can ride in together. That is if you’re still hankering after playing cards every darned night,” he added.
Dang it Jess thought, now it would be even harder to keep his clandestine affair with Sadie a secret.
“Sure, great,” he muttered, before pouring another coffee.
“Hey steady!” Slim protested as Jess’s hand shook and the coffee spilled onto the pristine table cloth. Jess put the pot down quickly flushing, and Slim turned to see Jenny and the new teacher entering the café.
He turned back to Jess and was just in time to see him gasp and then recover himself quickly.
“Sorry Slim, I guess I ain’t woken up properly yet,” he said quickly, casting the spilt coffee a rueful glance.
Then the ladies were passing their table.
Slim smiled up at them as they passed and touched his hat, good morning, Jenny, Miss Smith.” he said cheerfully.
Jenny gave them a warm smile, “Hi there, Slim... Jess,” she said warmly, touching Jess’s shoulder in a friendly gesture as she passed.
The new teacher Miss Sarah Smith followed her along...and just for a split-second Slim thought he saw a slight frown at the small shared intimacy between Jess and Jenny. Then it was gone and she was smiling politely at him, “Good morning, Mr Sherman... Mr Harper,” she added before drifting off after her companion.
“Come on drink up,” Jess said irritably, “or we’ll have that ol’ goat Jonesy moanin’.”
“There’s no rush,” Slim said placidly, pouring himself another drink and wondering idly what had got into his pard today. He’d practically frowned at that beautiful Miss Smith and now he was gagging to get back home and start the morning chores.
The two women were seated behind Jess and Slim couldn’t help noticing that Miss Smith cast frequent glances in Jess’s direction.
After a while he said, “You know Jess, I think you might be in with a chance with that Miss Smith ... she’s sure weighing you up. Why don’t you go over and ask her out huh?”
“Just leave it!” Jess spat angrily.
Then before a startled Slim could ask him what the trouble was the café door swung open again admitting Mort Cory.
He wandered over and snagged the third chair at their table and sat down, saying, “Mind if I join you?” as he did so.
“Sure, I’ll be glad of some civil company,” Slim said throwing Jess a meaningful glance.
Then turning back to Mort said, “Coffee?”
Once the Sheriff was furnished with a cup of the fragrant brew he said, “Just a bit of business I’m afraid. I’ve been inundated with complaints about the dance last night.”
Slim looked surprised, “I thought it was particularly civilized for a Laramie Saturday night,” he said beaming. “No fights...and hardly any drunks. What are folks moaning about?”
“Seems there was a petty thief afoot,” Mort said, “Oh they didn’t take much, just the odd wallet and purse folk had stupidly left in coat pockets, that sort of thing. I just wondered if either of you had seen anything?” he asked.
Jess shook his head, “Nope, so these coats were left in the cloakroom by the front door of the dance hall?”
Mort nodded.
“Well, I guess it could have been anyone just passing by...not actually at the dance?”
Mort nodded, “My thoughts exactly, like looking for a needle in a haystack... with all the town bigwigs mostly being the victims I have to make an effort to see justice done,” he said regretfully.
Jess shrugged, “More money than sense leaving their cash lyin’ around that way,” he said grinning over at his pard... then the smile faded.
“What’s up Slim, you’re white as a sheet,” Jess said softly.
“Uh, nothing,” Slim said pulling himself together quickly.
Then turning to Mort said, “Sorry Mort, can’t help you.”
He stood up quickly and drained his cup.
“Well come on then Jess you were the one fretting about the chores remember?” He said irritably before marching off out the door.
Mort looked back to Jess, “What the heck’s wrong with him this morning?”
Jess shrugged, “I dunno, I’d better go. See ya Mort,” and he threw some coins on the table and marched towards the door, where he paused for a second.
Jenny was perusing the newspaper, but when Sadie looked up...he merely touched his hat as he left and said softly, “Ma’am,” However the look that passed between them was charged with emotion.
He caught up with Slim at the livery and once they were saddled up, they took off at a lively trot down Main Street, Slim refusing to talk just saying tersely, “Come on Jess, work to do!”
However, when they reached the edge of town Slim reined in by the old Jackson place looking up at the large rambling house.
Jess stopped beside him and gasped, “Heck is this the place your Mary’s bought... she must be real well off?”
Slim just nodded, “I suppose so.”
Jess shook his head, “Jeez you can’t afford this kinda place on a Lieutenant’s wages...even if she was left a widow and inherited all his savings. It must have cost a fortune.”
Slim turned on him and said coldly, “Well I guess it’s none of our business.”
Jess shrugged, “Just sayin’... so you comin’ or what?”
“Uh, nope I just need a quick word with Mary.”
“Hell Slim, I thought you were in a dang hurry to get back?” Jess exploded.
“Look I’ll be right behind you. You go on,” Slim said slipping down from the saddle and hitching Alamo to the pretty white picket fence in front of the house.
Jess rolled his eyes and finally rode off muttering to himself.
Slim rapped on the brightly painted front door and then stood back waiting.
Mary finally pulled the door open a crack and then when she saw who was there pulled it wide to admit him, her face wreathed in smiles.
“Hello Slim I wasn’t expecting you back so soon,” she said cheerfully, “what a nice surprise.”
Then she saw the anguished look in his eyes.
“Why whatever is the matter?” she asked quickly.
“We need to talk...”
“Of course, come into the parlour,” she said showing him through into the large well-appointed room.
“Please sit down,” she said expansively, gesturing to an elegant velvet upholstered couch pulled up in front of a blazing fire.
Slim sat and looked around him at the well-polished stylish furniture and heavy velvet drapes to the windows, before turning back to Mary.
“It’s a nice place,” he said weakly.
“I like it, so was there something specific you wanted to discuss Slim, or is this just a social visit?” she asked, cocking her head to one side and scrutinizing him. “I so enjoyed our talk last night, it was so good to catch up on all the news,” she added.
Slim ran a finger around his collar and looked decidedly uncomfortable, before ignoring her excited chatter and saying, “I’ve just seen our Sheriff and he said there was a bout of petty thieving went on at the dance last night...certain items taken.”
“Oh?” she said with mild interest. Then her expression froze...and she looked at him in shock, “What you think it was me?”
“No, of course not... well...”
“I have a past history of this kind of thing,” she said bitterly.
He just nodded and looked down.
She stood up and crossing the room picked up her large handbag from the night before, and passed it over to him.
“There check it,” she said angrily.
He looked acutely embarrassed, “No, I mean that won’t be necessary. Then contritely, “Gee I’m so sorry Mary... it’s just that... well, you know the way it was.”
“Yes, I do I was just a mixed-up kid back then,” she said quickly. “I know I did wrong and I am so appreciative that you stood by me when everyone else condemned my behaviour; you know that.”
“You were kind of sick the doc said,” Slim, whispered, “you were real upset when your Ma and Pa looked like they might split up, I guess you just went off the rails some.”
“Well, that’s very kind of you Slim and yes, I think you’re right... that was so long ago though. Surely you don’t think I’m still that light fingered crazy little girl?”
“No, no of course not,” he said smiling genuinely across at her...and looking around him once more.
Then he sat back and relaxed until Jess’s words came back to him, ‘you can’t afford this kinda place on a Lieutenant’s wages.’
“This is a real nice place,” he said smiling at her.
“Uh... so how can I afford it? Is that what you’re saying?” she said frowning, “Being an army widow...huh...?”
When Slim just shrugged she said angrily, “So you think I bought this place from the proceeds of pilfering purses and wallets, the like of which happened last night?” she asked.
When he looked sheepish and said of course not, she relented and smiled at him.
“Actually, my Arnold was a very wealthy man. His Pa made a fortune investing in gold mines and when he died my husband was the only beneficiary. We aimed to keep our little nest egg safe until he retired...and now I have it and I bought this lovely home,” she said smiling. “So, you really have no need to fret about my moral character Slim dear...I promise you I am innocent.”
Slim sat there eating humble pie for a little longer before rising to leave.
“I’m so sorry,” he said once more, “so does this mean you won’t want to see me again?”
“On the contrary,” she said smiling. “I know you were just looking out for me Slim and now we have set the record straight I would be delighted to keep on seeing you.”
He rode off feeling much better... then as he went over their recent conversation in his head, he remembered her saying, ‘Do you think I bought this place from the proceeds of pilfering purses and wallets the like of which happened last night?’
He reined Alamo in and stared ahead in shock, how the hell did she know purses and wallets had been stolen? He hadn’t told her, merely said certain items... There again it would be a natural conclusion to come to...wouldn’t it? He sighed deeply and then kneed Alamo on, now feeling vaguely troubled.
He came across Jess, taking his ease sitting by the lakeside just off the Laramie Road.
Slim reined in and as he looked down at his pard he had a sense of déjà vu.
Jess was lounging against a large fallen tree, Stetson tipped back at a jaunty angle and a cheeky grin on his face.
Slim stepped down from the saddle and wandered over. Apart from the fact that Jess was now wearing his best brocade vest, over a sparkling white shirt...and his best dark pants, the scene was an exact replica of the one over 12 months ago.
“So, you gonna throw me off and charge me for the water my horse drank again?” Jess asked grinning up at his friend.
Slim returned the grin and said, “I never charged you, just told you to git.”
He sank down beside him, stretching out his long legs and looked over the lake to the distant snow-covered mountains beyond.
After a while he turned and said, “So what are you doing here anyway?”
“Waiting for you.”
“Yeah, I thought maybe you might wanna talk...away from the ranch.”
Slim feigned ignorance and said, “Oh, what about?”
Jess sighed, “You know dang well what, something to do with your old flame you met last night...being somehow involved in those thefts?”
“What makes you think that?” Slim asked suddenly on the defensive.
“Well, it ain’t hard to figure, one minute yer happy as a clam. Then Mort comes in and spills the beans about those robberies. Next thing you know yer hightailing’ it off to Mary’s place.”
“I could just have been concerned that her purse had been taken too,” Slim said quickly.
Jess looked at him closely, “And so were ya?”
Slim caved in under the scrutiny, “No,” he admitted.
Then he explained the problems that young Mary had all those years ago.
“It all started with just small things at school. The odd pencil, something from someone’s lunch box...then some money was taken and the teacher went crazy. He wouldn’t rest until the thief was found and punished.”
“And was she?”
“Oh yes, she got the cane and a letter home and her Ma and Pa laid into her too. Worse nobody would speak to her except me. Like I told you she was my girlfriend back then.”
Jess just chuckled, “So that was it...she was straightened out?”
Slim shook his head, “Nope. Oh sure, she never stole anything from school again, unfortunately it got worse though. She pilfered sweets and comics from the mercantile...and then a purse from a neighbor’s bag...that was it...she was in big trouble.”
“What happened?”
“She got a warning from the Sheriff, and her Pa took her to the doc because he figured she wasn’t right in the head. Well old doc Johnson wanted to oblige I guess, him and Mary’s Pa being old pals and all. He said it was her way of dealing with all the arguments her Ma and Pa were having at the time. She was sort of trying to get their attention I think he said. That’s what Mary heard him tell her Pa anyway.”
“Uh,” said Jess looking dismissive, “as good an excuse as any.”
“No, I really believed it Jess,” Slim said earnestly. “She was such a lovely girl, really sensitive you know? I think all this petty pilfering was a sort of cry for help.”
“So do ya think she’s uh... ‘cryin’ fer help’ again now?” Jess asked with irony.
Slim ignored the sarcasm and said, “No... I was mistaken she wasn’t involved I know that now...and I feel just awful for even thinking such a thing.”
“You’re sure of that?” Jess asked.
“Of course,” Slim said firmly, “and what’s more…I aim to keep seeing her too.”
“So, what happened in the end...before?” Jess asked.
“Oh, her Pa decided to move the family away, make a fresh start for him and his wife...Mary too. Then she met a soldier and got wed, traveled all around the country with him. Turns out he was a real wealthy man too,” he added. “ He inherited from his Pa. So, you see Jess she’s a wealthy woman in her own right. There’s no reason she’d need to start stealing money...none at all.”
Jess just shrugged, “If you say so.”
Slim turned to him then and said, “Well that’s me unburdened. So how about you sharing your secret huh Jess?”
Jess looked startled, “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
“ Yes, you do and you can start by telling me who it is you’ve been seeing these last few weeks...huh...because I sure don’t buy that story of you playing poker every darned night. This is all about a woman, isn’t it?”
Jess sighed deeply and then gave the briefest of nods, “Don’t ask me about her Slim because I really can’t say.”
Slim shook his head, “I just don’t get it...why not?”
When Jess refused to answer and merely looked out across the lake Slim sat silently thinking…
Then he remembered the tiny pat on Jess’s shoulder from Jenny as she passed his chair in the café earlier...and the slight frown on Miss Smith’s face. He’d got it! Jess was secretly seeing Jenny behind Gerald’s back...the two having a secret affair. That would account for him being so keen to dive off when Jenny came into the cafe...and the fact that he had spilled the coffee when she came in too.
“Garldarn it, Jess, you’re seeing the school teacher aren’t you!” he cried angrily.
Jess’s head shot up and the color drained from his face and he just gaped at Slim, not knowing what to say.
“I knew it,” Slim continued, “It’s that pretty little Jenny. I figure you just wouldn’t accept it when she threw you over for that Gerald from the bank. So now you’ve turned her head and she’s having a secret affair with you isn’t she huh?”
Jess felt dizzy with relief and grinned over at his buddy, “Are you kiddin’ me? Hell, they’ve set the date for the wedding. I ain’t seein’ her.”
Then he looked hurt, “Damn it I wouldn’t do that, you know that Slim!”
His buddy looked closely at him and knew he was telling the truth.
“Aw I’m sorry,” he said gently. Then more firmly, “So who the hell is it?”
Jess just punched his arm lightly, “I’m sorry Slim I made a promise,” and with that he stood up.
“Come on we’d better make tracks, the way Jonesy is right now he’ll string us up from the nearest tall tree iffen we’re late for dinner,” he said grinning.
Jonesy had indeed been even more grouchy than usual and Jess put his finger on it later that day when he said ‘that ol’ Jonesy is either as mad as a bear with a headache. Or worse one with a toothache...ain’t no reasoning with him these days.’
They hadn’t even been late for the Sunday dinner... However as soon as they entered the ranch house, expecting the savory smells of a roasting joint they were instead greeted by a stony-faced Jonesy.
“What goddamn time do you two layabouts call this?” He asked as they wandered in.
“‘Bout eleven,” Jess said glancing at the large clock on the mantle.
“Don’t you get lippy with me you no good drifter,” Jonesy exploded angrily. “Not when I’ve been up since dawn doing all the chores,” he added bitterly.
“Easy Jonesy,” Slim said trying to appease the old timer, “We said we’d be staying over and we’d get to the chores on our return,” then added, “So is your sacroiliac playing up today?”
“This ain’t about my back,” he fired back, “It’s about you two young bucks going off and romancing the ladies all dang night without a thought to me...Not to mention the boy,” he said tipping his head towards the bedroom where Andy had doubtless taken refuge.
Then he ripped off his apron and said, “You want Sunday dinner you can dang well cook it yourselves,” and he had stormed off to his room.
Later over dinner Andy asked with interest, “Have you even seen a bear with toothache?”
Jess chuckled and shook his head, “Nope but you can be dang sure he’d look just like old Jonesy.”
However Slim didn’t join in their laughter and after a while he said, “Seeing as how Jess and I cooked will you wash the dishes, Andy?”
Once the youngster was banging about in the kitchen Jess turned to Slim and said quietly “You’re worried about the old goat ain’t you?”
Slim nodded, “I’ve never seen him this way before...darn it Jess, he’s been in this bad temper for weeks now and I just don’t know why.”
“Maybe he’s sick?”
“Nah, he’d have let us know if he wasn’t feeling well, you know the way he’s always complaining of his bad back and rheumatics. Besides he’s got all that covered with his liniment,” Slim added rolling his eyes.
“Maybe he’s kinda jealous of us...you know bein’ so fancy free and romancin’ the ladies?”
Slim looked thoughtful, “Like a sort of midlife drama...thinking he’ll be too old to get up to that sort of thing soon?”
Jess sniggered, “Well I reckon he’s way passed midlife, but yeah that kinda thing.”
Slim shook his head, “Nope, Jonesy lost the love of his life years ago and he said he’d never get bitten that way again...nope it’s not a woman that’s bothering him. So, what is it?”
“There’s one way we could find out,” Jess said brightly.
“Oh,” asked Slim looking hopeful, “What’s that?”
“You go on in there and ask him,” Jess said gesturing to Jonesy’s bedroom door. Slim looked doubtful, “Well I don’t know Jess. You see the thing is Jonesy has been with us so long he’s like a Pa to me and Andy...well a favorite Uncle anyways,” he amended. “I’d feel kinda embarrassed delving into his private life...I mean what if it is a woman or something?”
Jess sighed and shook his head, “Well he sure as hell ain’t my favorite Uncle,” and with that he got up and wandered across the room. Then looking back to where Slim was looking on anxiously, he knocked on Jonesy’s door and hearing a muffled reply entered, closing the door quietly behind him.
There was some muffled conversation, followed by complete silence...then some yelling and finally Jess shot out of the room pulling the door closed behind him just as it was hit by a heavy object.
“He threw that dang metal pot he brews his liniment in at me,” he said looking deeply shocked.
“Was there any in it?” Slim asked trying to hide a smile.
Jess now started grinning too, “I dunno, didn’t wait to find out.”
“So, what did you say to rile him?” Slim asked with interest.
Jess looked the picture of innocence, “Nuthin,’ nuthin’ at all. I asked him what was botherin’ him and he wouldn’t say. So, I made a guess and just told him iffen he wanted to stay over in town, maybe try his luck with someone like Widow Green at the next dance, then you and me would be happy to come on home to watch out for Andy.”
“Widow Green!” Slim exploded, “Hell’s teeth they’ve been daggers drawn since the last Sunday Shoot when her Apple Pies got first prize on the Home Produce stall and Jonesy only got a third.”
“Well, I didn’t know, did I? All those ol’ widow women are the same to me.”
Slim sighed and shook his head, “Just stick to doing what you’re good at, like romancing the ladies and falling off of mustangs,” he said sarcastically, “and leave the difficult stuff to me.”
“He ain’t difficult he’s darn right crazy,” Jess said marching off to help Andy with the dishes.
He found the boy sitting on the back step chewing a piece of straw and looking off to the distant hills.
Seeing the chores had all been completed Jess sat down beside him and said, “I thought you’d have been out to see Jonesy tryin’ to murder me.”
Andy just shrugged, “Well it ain’t like it’s anything out of the usual, is it? There’s always some kinda row going on in this place,” he added bitterly.
Jess nodded, “Heck don’t take on so Andy, Jonesy’s just fretting on something, he’ll tell us all about it when he’s ready.”
“I guess so,”
Then he turned to look at Jess, and said, “Dontcha just long for some peace sometimes...huh Jess. It was real peaceful when Ma was alive,” he added. Then sadly “I sure miss my Ma sometimes...I guess you think that sounds kinda dumb, like I’m a baby huh?”
Jess shook his head, “Nope and I’ll let ya in on a secret…I miss my ol’ Ma sometimes too boy; and that’s a fact.” They sat in companionable silence gazing off into the yard and mountain range beyond.
Now back in the barn, the rain still thundering down on the roof Slim looked sad.
“I’d forgotten that about young Andy, how much he missed Ma.”
Jess nodded, “It’s a shame we didn’t find Miss Daisy sooner,” he said with a grin.
Slim agreed, “Jonesy did the best he could he tried to look out for the boy.”
“And we were there for old Jonesy too,” Jess said remembering that time when so many secrets abounded, not least of all the one Jonesy was keeping.
“It was you we had to thank for getting to the bottom of all that business with Jonesy.” Slim said grinning at his pard. “I reckon that’s when he and you turned a corner too...and he finally accepted you as one of the family.”

Chapter 5

The following day, once Andy had headed off for school and Jonesy was busy banging pots about in the kitchen, Jess and Slim had a whispered conversation.
“What the heck’s he doin’ in there?” Jess asked looking pained as he stood before the parlour fire.
“Washing the dishes,” Slim said with a grin.
“Sounds more like he’s goin’ three rounds with ‘em and winning on points,” Jess said returning the grin.
Then he sobered, “Dang it Slim, we’ve got to do something. I’m getting real tired of his creatin’ all the live long day. And the short rations we’ve been getting too...Heck those burnt biscuits and beans this morning weren’t enough to keep a fly alive, never mind a hard-working man.”
“Well, I don’t know what we can do,” Slim replied, “if he won’t talk...then he won’t talk.”
“Maybe there’s a clue in his room,” Jess suggested, “you could go take a look later. He said he was gonna be out in the bunkhouse this morning boiling up some of that stinkin’ brew that passes for liniment.”
“I can’t do that,” Slim said looking shocked, “that’s his private place and as I said before he’s like kin to me, I couldn’t pry that way.”
“Well, I dang well could,” Jess said stoutly, “and iffen it means we get back to decent meals again, I aim to as well.”
Slim felt his stomach growl at the thought of food and finally nodded.
“When he goes out…you go sit on the porch and tip me the wink if he looks to be coming back in... OK?”
Sure enough a few minutes later Jonesy wandered in from the kitchen, carrying the large metal liniment pot making for the door...and throwing a sarcastic, ‘some of us have work to do,’ over his shoulder.
“Well, I sure hope I didn’t dent yer pot any,” Jess replied, “real thoughtless of me to dodge it that way,” he added, but Jonesy was out of earshot by then.
Slim was dispatched to keep watch while Jess slipped into Jonesy’s domain.
It was surprisingly neat and tidy, his bed made and nightwear neatly folded...quite a revelation after the chaos that reined in the room he shared with Slim, he thought hiding a smile.
He pulled out a few drawers, and drew a blank as they all contained more neatly folded clothes.
Then in the bottom drawer he hit the jackpot. Right at the bottom underneath a variety of papers was an envelope with the address of Benson and Co, on the front...the family solicitor that Slim always used.
Jess opened the bulky envelope and stared in shock at the legal document within, bearing the title, ‘Last Will and Testament of Alfred, Arthur Jones’...dated just a month ago.
He opened it and perused the content quickly before pushing it back in the envelope and then into the bottom drawer, leaving everything as he had found it.
He strolled out to the porch and took a seat next to Slim.
“Any luck?”
Jess nodded, “You ain’t gonna like it.”
“Well go on,” Slim said impatiently.
“The old goat’s only gone and written his Will Slim... could be he ain’t gonna be with us much longer by the looks of things.”
Slim looked shocked to the core and made to get up but Jess pulled him back down, “Where the hell are you off to?”
“Why to sound him out of course,” Slim said angrily, “if he’s been told he’s on borrowed time we need to know. Heck he shouldn’t even be working if he’s that sick.”
“Just think it through Slim. He ain’t gonna tell you about it, he would have done already if he wanted us to know. All he’ll do is maybe take off someplace, because you know how he hates fuss...even worse than I do.”
Slim sank back in his seat looking defeated, “Yes, you’re right. I guess there’s no point in asking the doc about it either, bound as he is by confidentiality.”
“What makes you think he’s been to the doc anyway, he don’t ever go to them does he?”
“That’s true,” Slim said, “so how does he know he’s going to die?”
“Well, I guess we don’t know for sure, do we? Maybe he just decided to make a Will, folk do ya know,” he said vaguely, without much conviction.
“Yeah, and act like they’ve got the weight of the world on their shoulders too? Nope there’s definitely something wrong and I’ve a terrible feeling he’s on borrowed time. Hell, if only we knew what was wrong; we could maybe get him the medical help he needs. I hate to think of him being in pain.”
Then his eyes widened in fear, “I saw him clutching his chest just the other day, I was going to say something, then he started moaning about you being out all night again and the moment passed.”
“Aw that was probably just indigestion,” Jess said, “I caught him eating pickled onions straight from the jar again the other day.”
Slim shrugged, “Maybe. Although if there is something seriously wrong, how are we going to find out huh...you tell me that!”
Jess looked thoughtful and then clicked his fingers, “I’ve got it, we’ll get him drunk...then he’ll spill the beans for sure.”
“Oh yeah, right and how are you going to get him to tip the jug then Jess? You know his feelings about whiskey…it has to be for medicinal purposes only.”
“So, who says it has to be whiskey...huh?”
“Well what else is there,” Slim asked looking puzzled, “he won’t drink beer either or enough cider to get him talking.”
“How about we give him some real strong spirit then?”
“Almost pure alcohol...heck Slim, I’m talkin’ about that half bottle of Vodka I’ve got stashed in the back of the barn. I’ll just put a glug or two of that in his drink and he’ll tell us anything. It’s pretty tasteless so he’ll never know...until he suffers a hangover next day that is,” he said chuckling, “it’ll be too late by then I guess.”
“You think it will work?”
“Sure it will, they don’t call it the tongue loosen-er fer nuthin’ ya know.”
Once Andy was in his room doing his homework after supper Jess got up from his seat by the fire and stretched. Then proclaimed, “I’m awful dry, think I’ll have a glass of that lemonade you made the other day Jonesy.”
Then casually, “You want one?”
The old timer looked up registering slight surprise at being asked, but merely said, “Nah, I’m OK.”
Jess threw Slim a helpless glance and the blond rancher, said, “I’ll have some, its real good.”
Then turning to Jonesy said, “Are you sure you don’t want one? You know Jess, there won’t be any left the way he knocks it back.”
Jonesy just muttered something unintelligible, that sounded like ‘darned young scrounger,’ Then added, “Alright, I will, thanks Slim.”
Both men disappeared into the kitchen and while Slim poured out the drinks Jess found the vodka that he’d secreted at the very back of a cupboard. He poured a good measure into Jonesy’s glass and mixed it well with the strongly flavored lemonade. Then he took a hearty swig himself, before passing the bottle over to Slim.
He shook his head, “It’s Jonesy we’re trying to inebriate not us.”
Jess merely winked, re-corked the bottle and put it back in its hiding place.
Both men returned to their seats and after passing Jonesy his drink watched him covertly. Slim glancing up from his book every few minutes and Jess was sitting sipping his drink and making light conversation.
“Mighty good brew this Jonesy,” he said after a few minutes.
Jonesy took a sip and his eyes opened wide in surprise and he smacked his lips, “Not bad, uh a little tart maybe?”
“Nope it’s just about perfect,” Jess said with enthusiasm.
Jonesy threw him a slightly puzzled glance not being used to such praise, then took another sip and smiled for the first time in weeks, “Well yes, it is rather pleasant,” he agreed.
Slim and Jess exchanged an amused glance and said nothing.
Before too long Jonesy had drained his glass and was asking for more.
Jess got up at once, however Slim looked hesitant, “Are you sure Jonesy, I believe lemons can be a tad indigestible...if taken in the evening,” he said. “Uh may keep you awake too,” he added for good measure.
Jess and Jonesy looked at him like he was mad.
“Well, that’s an interesting idea,” Jonesy said, shaking his head and chuckling a little, “Um... quite amusing, in fact,” he added with a snort.
Jess departed to replenish his glass, chuckling quietly himself.
“Just a small one,” Slim called after him.
Once Jonesy was halfway through the second glass, he started waxing lyrical.
“This drink puts me in mind of the lemonade my dear old Ma used to make...rest her soul,” he added emotionally.
“So, both your Ma and Pa have passed over then?” Jess asked conversationally.
Jonesy stared at him in disbelief, “Are you crazy of course they have,” he finally slurred, turning accusing eyes on him.” What do ya think huh?”
“Sorry,” Jess said raising a hand in apology, “Were they very old when they passed then?”
His head sank down and he sighed deeply, “Ma was quite a young woman...and Pa was pretty young too...just my age exactly,” he added, looking at Jess through slightly bloodshot, sad eyes.
“That’s too bad,” said Slim quickly, “so how did yer Pa die Jonesy? You’ve never said.”
He shook his head sadly, “Heart, his old ticker gave out...just like that,” and he snapped his fingers...on the third attempt Jess noted, hiding a smile.
Then realization hit home and Jess’s head shot up and he threw Slim a significant glance before saying, “So does that kinda worry you Jonesy? Do you think the same thing might happen to you huh?”
Jonesy turned to him in shocked surprise, “Well that’s very...peurs...persee...pesee,” he slurred...
“Do you mean perceptive?” Slim asked.
“Tha ’s the word I’m lookin’ for Slim... Yes, very...very sharp-witted of you to think that, Jess. You done hit the nail on the head boy...see I’m gonna die.” Then he tapped his nose, “I’ve kept it a real good secret though haven’t I huh...you didn’t know...none of you,” and he gave a drunken hiccup.
Before either of the shocked listeners could reply he continued…
“Got it all planned ya see...and he tapped his nose again, “been saving money from the housekeeping and once I’ve got enough for my ticket, I’m heading outer here...Out on a one-way ticket...”
“Where...and hell, why are ya going?” Jess asked looking dazed.
“I dunno where, far, far away,” he said with an expansive gesture. “And why am I going? Because I don’t want to be a burden to you all of course, I don’t want the young ‘un to see me sick either,” he added, hiccuping again.
Slim finally recovered his composure and said stoutly, “You’re going no place Jonesy except to see the doc with me tomorrow and I want no arguments. We’ll get to the bottom of all this and if you need some treatment, no matter what the cost, then you’ll get it...and that’s my final word.”
It was a very groggy and hungover Jonesy who was helped up on the buckboard the following morning, still protesting feebly that he didn’t want any dadgum fuss...just wanted to slip away quietly.
Jess waved them off and went about the yard chores before saddling up and going off to check fence. All the while he was worrying about Jonesy and was surprised at how concerned he was. Jeez it looked like the old goat had gotten under his skin, just like old Hardrock and young Andy had, he thought shaking his head with a wry smile, who’d have thought it.
It was noon before they finally returned to the ranch, both looking profoundly relieved.
Jess was sitting out on the porch awaiting their return and now he leapt up and marched over to greet them.
“He’s fine,” Slim said beaming, “just fine.”
“Well, that’s not strictly true,” Jonesy butted in, “I do have this real unusual ailment.”
Jess winked at Slim and then said, “So what’s that then Jonesy?”
Jonesy removed a scrap of paper from his vest pocket and reading from it said, “Costochondritis.”
“What the hell’s that when it’s at home?” Jess asked looking impressed.
“Apparently its inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs that connect them to the breast bone...according to Doc Johnson anyways,” Slim added grinning and quoting the old doc word for word. “Says it’s probably been caused by lugging that heavy old liniment pot about...he’ll be fine in a few weeks if he rests up some.”
Jess looked even more impressed, “Come on you old goat get on down and come and sit a spell by the fire sounds like yer in need of some fussin’ huh?”
Jonesy allowed himself to be helped inside and then to take an easy chair before the fire, feet up on a stool and a blanket across his knees.
Jess and Slim went off the kitchen to prepare lunch and Jess said softly, “So it really ain’t life threatening like he thought?”
“Nah, he’ll be just fine. See thing is Jess this Costochondritis mimics heart disease... it causes quite a sharp pain in the chest so the poor old guy really thought his heart was giving out.”
“But it ain’t,” Jess said with a happy smile.
Then he sobered, “Oh no, you know what this means dontcha Slim?”
“Well, he’s gonna milk it ain’t he, just like he does that darned sacroiliac he complains of night and day. Now he’s got this Costco thing we’ll never hear the end of it.”
As it happened though Jonesy was so dang relieved that he wasn’t dying he didn’t take too much advantage of this exotic new ailment. He was back to his usual routine the following day...and back to his usual taunting of Jess too.
Jess was out tending a sick cow in the barn when Jonesy started asking questions the following evening.
Slim was working at his desk and Andy abed when Jonesy wandered off to the kitchen and returned with two tumblers of lemonade, sans vodka, and passed one to Slim before taking his seat before the fire again.
After a few sips he turned to Slim and said, “Does this taste OK to you?”
Slim sighed knowing he’d get no peace to finish his bookkeeping if Jonesy wanted to chat. So, he abandoned the paper work and joined the older man by the fire.
He sipped the lemonade and said, “It tastes just dandy to me.”
Then he chuckled.
“What’s up?” Jonesy asked raising an eyebrow.
“Well of course this lemonade hasn’t been doctored with Jess’s vodka,” he replied, grinning widely.
“What...what!” he admonished, “You sayin’ that saddle bum went and got me drunk the other day?”
Slim nodded, “He figured it would loosen your tongue and make you tell us why you thought you were dying,” he said honestly...and beginning to wonder if honesty was always the best policy, where Jonesy was concerned.
Jonesy looked furious and then said, “And how did he know I thought I was going to meet my Maker huh? Tell me that!”
“When he saw your Will of course,” Slim said quick as a flash and then clamped his mouth shut. Uh-uh, he really had landed Jess in it now...and heck he hadn’t meant to, the truth just came out...as it so often did with Slim.
“What!” Jonesy bellowed again, “Has that no-good drifter been going through my stuff?”
“Look Jonesy he was trying to help you, really, he was. We were at our wits end trying to get the truth out of you. We thought you were really ill and Jess did all he possibly could to help you...And you know what Mort always says, the means justifies the end...huh?”
“Well, I suppose I can see that,” Jonesy said reluctantly slumping back down in his chair.
“You should be thanking him,” Slim continued. “You know what the doc said, if you’d carried on worrying yourself over your health that way then it could well have caused a real heart attack. Plus, if we hadn’t found out the truth, you’d have hightailed it out of here on a one-way ticket away from all your friends. Hell no, after all these years together we’re like kin to you... aren’t we...huh?”
At that thought, tears sprang to the old man’s eyes and he nodded sadly, “Indeed...of course, that’s what you folk are to me here at the ranch. All of you I guess,” he said inclining his head to the barn where Jess was still tending the sick cow. “I’ll maybe cut the boy some slack from now on...”

Now, all those years later, back in the barn, Jess said, “I guess you’re right; he did kinda slacken off some with his nagging and moaning at me...and now we get on real good...when we see him that is,” he added.
Slim nodded, “I’m glad he’s out in St Louis riding shot gun on Andy, keeping him at his books.”
“He’s keeping real well from the sounds of his last letter too,” Jess said grinning, “I guess he’ll see us all out.”
Slim smiled back and then looked kinda thoughtful, “You read his Will way back didn’t you Jess?”
He nodded, “Yup and he’s leaving everything to you...why do you ask?”
Slim said, “When he was packing up to go to St Louis, he showed me his Will...he made a new one not long after all that business you know.”
“He did?” Jess asked lazily staring out at the storm and wondering if it would get any worse.
“So don’t you want to know what he altered?” Slim asked.
“Huh...oh yeah, so what did he change?” Jess asked humoring his buddy.
“Instead of leaving everything to me he made a legacy to Andy, for educational purposes only,” he added grinning.
“That’s nice of him, Andy could do with that, all the studying he intends to do.”
Then Slim said softly, “Do you know what Jonesy’s most prized possession in the world is Jess?”
“Sure, that beautiful gold watch that belonged to his grand pappy. He sure loves that old watch...who wouldn’t?” he added, eyes sparkling at the memory of the ornately crafted time piece.
“It will be yours one day,” Slim said quietly, “he’s left it to you in the new Will.”
Jess was silent for a full minute his face registering shock, before he whispered, “The hell he has...the old goat,” he said affectionately.
Slim saw the hint of a tear in his eye and smiled to himself.
Yup old Jonesy had come around in the end and made a good friend of that ‘no good drifter...’

Chapter 6

After all the excitement around Jonesy’s ailment was over the men felt they could ride out again in the evenings. So, the following week they both saddled up and made for town.
“We may be a little late back, so don’t wait up,” Slim had said hesitantly...and was surprised by the old timer’s reaction...
“You two get off and enjoy yourselves, life’s too dang short to be sitting around the fire every night...get off and have some fun and I’ll see ya when I do,” he added with a smile.
“Jeez he ain’t found my bottle, has he?” Jess whispered as the two men retired to their room to change for the evening.
“Nope, I figure he’s just real relived that he’s got a future now. And that suits me just fine. Means I can take the delectable Mary out for dinner...back for coffee and then see what transpires,” he said grinning broadly.
Jess rolled his eyes and drawled, “Young love.”
“So, what are you up to tonight...still sticking to that card game story?”
Jess just nodded, “I’m real sorry Slim ...I can’t tell you about her, not yet anyways.”
Once they hit town the men split up, Slim stopping off at Mary’s place and Jess riding on to the livery. He always left Traveller there as he usually stayed the night and didn’t want his horse’s presence to provoke comment the next day.
Once he’d settled his mount, he retraced his steps and after glancing furtively up and down the quiet street, made his way down the alley and to the back door of the school house. Hell, he thought to himself I hate this dadgum sneaky behavior and for what?
As far as he was concerned the School Board could go take a jump. What right had they to dictate whether their staff could enjoy male company or not. Heck they were doing nothing wrong. They were both adults free to see who they liked. Garldarn it why was Sadie so obsessed with keeping the job at all costs anyway? It was only a part time stop gap. Plus, the governors were desperate for a replacement for the sick teacher so they’d hardly fire her half way through the term, would they?
As he knocked lightly on the back door, he was determined to have it out with her. Then when she opened up and stood there wearing diaphanous nightgown and little else his irritation fled. All he could think of was taking her in his arms and kissing her.
The lovemaking was passionate as always and afterwards Sadie felt she could stay in his loving embrace forever as she drifted off to sleep.
They were awoken a little later by someone knocking on the front door.
Sadie froze, “Who can that be?” she whispered fearfully.
Jess wondered if it could be a friend of the School Master, Mr Jenkins, who usually resided there. Maybe they hadn’t heard that he was currently staying with his sister, who was caring for him during his convalescence from the broken leg.
He sprang out of bed and dragged the drapes back and peered down to see the figure of Jenny standing below. He quickly pulled back and said, “Its Jenny. Are you expecting her, I guess it’s still pretty early, just after eight?”
She shook her head, “No, then she knows I never go out, I’ll have to answer the door.” She quickly jumped up and pulled her robe on belting it tightly at her waist, before turning to hurry downstairs.
“It’s alright; I’ll get rid of her,” she threw over her shoulder.
“I’m so sorry Jenny. I’d love to look at the patterns for the bridesmaid’s dresses. I’m afraid I’m having an early night though...one of my migraines...Yes...thank you, I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow...goodnight,” Jess heard her say.
When she returned, he was fully dressed.
“You’re not going already, are you?” she asked looking dismayed.
He shook his head, “Nope, we need to talk. Let’s go down,” he added, not wanting the temptations of the huge feather bed to distract him from what he had to say.
Once they were seated in the front parlour, he laid his cards on the table.
“Look Sadie I can’t go on this way...sneaking about the place...lying to folk I care about...it just ain’t me.”
She turned pale, “What...you want to break up with me?”
They were sitting on the couch and he took her hands and looked deeply into her troubled eyes, “No. I just want to be honest with folk, not hide away all the dang time. I don’t see why we hafta be this way? It don’t make no sense Sadie. The Board ain’t gonna fire you just fer seeing a guy, are they? And what the hell does it matter? You’ll be looking for another job in a few weeks anyway.”
“So, you want to be honest with folk you care about... like Jenny?” she asked tartly.
Jess’s eyebrows shot up, “Heck we were over ages ago.”
“You still like her though?” Sadie persisted.
“Sure, as a friend.”
The he looked deeply into her eyes and said, “Why do I think yer just using that to side-line me? You know dang well there ain’t anything between me and Jenny no more. And you know just how much I... feel about you,” he added. “So how about telling me what’s really botherin’ you huh?”
She had given a little gasp at his forthright comments and now she was looking almost dazed as she wrestled with her conscience.
“You owe me the truth don’t ya?” he persisted.
She looked down and nodded, then looked him in the eye and said, “OK, I’ll give you the truth even though you won’t like it Jess.”
“Try me...”
She sighed deeply, and standing up went and stood by the fireplace.
“When I first arrived, I was desperate to find a job. You see I was running away from something Jess.” Then she raised her hand. “No let me tell you everything...time for questions later.”
“I did once work as a student teacher, some time ago, working with the little ones. I loved it. Well then my circumstances changed...very abruptly and I had to make my living in another way...a way I deeply regret now but…”
“That’s tough,” Jess interjected.
“Yes... anyway I was able to get the job here because I did have a little experience and it afforded me the cover I needed, to escape from...well possible persecution.”
“Persecution you say?”
She nodded, “Yes, I really thought my life was in danger...I still do in fact.”
“Hell, why is that sweetheart?”
“Please let me tell it my way, I’m coming to that...later.”
He subsided into silence again and waited for her to continue.
“I set my class the task of writing an essay about the person they most admired in their circle of friends...and Andy’s was about you. He wrote all about what a good kind and loyal friend you were. He also mentioned your fast draw and nerves of steel...just the sort of person I needed as a... a bodyguard Jess.”
He sat bolt upright, his eyes wide in shock, “Jeez, you used me!” he blurted out, “You’ve been using me all along!”
“No!” she cried before running back to the couch and sitting beside him. She looked earnestly into his eyes. “I haven’t, because the very moment I clapped eyes on you I was smitten. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before Jess...my feelings for you are completely genuine I promise you.”
“How can I dang well believe you?” he asked still feeling terribly betrayed.
“You think I could fake it? Everything we are to each other?” she asked grabbing his hand and dropping her head to kiss it. “Please Jess you must believe me...you’re everything to me.”
He shook his head and then said softly, “OK...so who are you running from, huh?”
“I ...I was the victim to a terrible attack. The man who hurt me then went on to kill a woman. One in this town...he slit her throat...her name was Ruby and she worked at the Last Drop.”
Jess’s eyes narrowed and he sucked in a deep breath, “She was killed by Earl Brandon...so how did you know him?”
She looked down and then back up at Jess, “The same way as Ruby did...”
Jess was hit sideways by the shock of her disclosure and just stared at her unable to speak.
“Yes, so that makes me a prostitute like Ruby,” she said quietly.
Jess took a deep breath ignoring the devastating truth said, “So you think Carl and Jack Brandon would come gunning for you, if they knew you were here? They know who you are?”
She nodded, “That’s why I got the job as a teacher...it couldn’t be more different from what I was doing before. That’s why I never go out if I can help it either...I’m terrified they’ll find me.”
“Why...why come here?” Jess asked in amazement. “Heck you must know they’ll be trying to stop any witnesses from testifying. That poor Nancy Soames is fightin’ fer her life as we speak.”
The crime hadn’t been committed when I first arrived. I was just looking for someplace to hide. Then when I heard how poor Ruby had met her end, I knew it must be the same man that attacked me,” she said exposing the scar to her neck.
He said nothing but looked at her with compassion.
“I was lucky,” she said softly, “we were disturbed and he ran away. I feel so guilty Jess, if only I’d reported him then I might have saved poor Ruby’s life...as it is well...if Nancy Soames doesn’t make it, I propose to give evidence myself. A friend back in Denver witnessed it and she would come to the stand too if called. We are both so afraid though. Do you understand now?”
He gave a brief nod.
“I must be seen to be a shy little teacher, who stays home. That way when Carl and Jack come looking, they will never imagine I could have been that Sadie Lee, the popular good time gal from the Golden Nugget.”
Then she looked like she might well cry, “I’m sorry I’m not what you thought I was. I understand that it’s over between us and I can’t blame you really, I can’t. I don’t know what you must think of me.”
He pulled her close and said, “I think you’re one brave little lady and I ain’t going anyplace; I promise you that. Except maybe to the Sheriff and get you all the protection you need huh?”
“No, please Jess no. I’m so afraid. But as long as I stay here within the school or this house, I’ll be alright. Can’t you see the terrible scandal it will cause if the truth comes out?” she added, “the children being taught by an ex-hooker! I’d lose my job and my cover too.”
“To hell with that, it’s your safety that’s important,” he said furiously.
“And I will be safe as long as you keep my secret,” she said. “It’s only for a little while longer and then the trial will be over.”
“OK,” he muttered, although he really wasn’t happy about the situation.
“And you and I... are we alright?” she asked looking deeply into his eyes.
Sure, it had been a shock... there again he had always known something wasn’t quite right. Hell, she knew some moves...ways to please a man that only a very experienced woman would know. Yup, he’d been aware that she was no innocent...but this?
He looked down and thought deeply before looking back into her eyes, “I guess it’s kind of a shock,” he said quietly. “Hell, I don’t think I could give you up now even if I wanted to...see I think I love ya Sadie.”
That’s when she broke down, sobbing with relief.
They sat long into the night while she recounted her life story. How a terrible fever had hit her hometown, back east, killing her Ma and Pa and younger sister.
“It was awful,” she whispered. “I was only sixteen and working as a student teacher in the school...and one by one the children started dying...it was just dreadful. Then after I lost my family, I decided to leave. Everyone that could was moving out. Annie, my best friend and I got a ride out of town with a man called Wilber White. He used to run the local mercantile...but he’d just inherited a saloon in Denver so he was selling up and moving out. He promised us work as saloon girls, just waiting table and working behind the bar. To be honest Jess we were both so terribly troubled by all that had happened we were just happy to go work for someone we knew. Plus, board and lodging were thrown in.”
“I can understand that. So how come you ended up as a working girl?” he asked, needing to know the truth.
She closed her eyes and battled with her emotions before going on.
“It wasn’t just Wilber that owned the Nugget, his older brother Jake was co-owner...and he was a real bad lot. He started running an illegal gambling room at the back of the place. Then that was followed by rooms upstairs...offering uh...massage...and private drinking rooms...with entertainment as he called it. Then shortly after we arrived Wilber passed away with a massive heart attack...and Annie and I decided to leave, try our luck someplace else.”
“So why didn’t ya?” Jess asked cocking a quizzical eyebrow.
She sighed, “We were young, naive and very vulnerable. When Jake told us he’d report us to the law, saying we’d been caught soliciting on his premises and we’d end-up in prison; we believed him. Then he said he’d keep quiet as long as we played along and did exactly what he wanted. Well, you know how that ended,” she added bitterly. “So, Annie and I have been kept virtual prisoners by our pimp, Jake, ever since.”
Jess looked angry, “Hell I thought pimps were supposed to keep their gals safe...so how come that no hoper Brandon was able to practically slit yer throat?”
“Earl was a friend of Jake’s and he helped him escape after the attack. Anna heard my screams and disturbed him...she saved my life. I was rushed to the doc’s place and once I was well enough, I managed to escape. I hid in an old shack on the edge of town for a while until I was strong enough to travel and then came here,” she finished. “I’m just waiting to hear from Anna. She’s trying to get away too. Once she’s safe we’ll go someplace where we can make a new start.”
“You could do worse than stay around here,” he said softly, his heart plummeting at the thought of losing her.
She gave him a loving look, and merely said, “It’s early days yet, let’s wait until the trials over before we make any plans.” Then softly, “I wouldn’t want you staying with me because you feel sorry for me Jess.”
He pulled her close and kissed her deeply before saying, “I’d never do that.”
“And you will keep my secret?”
He looked down and sighed lustily before looking her in the eye and saying, “Yeah, I guess so... for now anyways.”

Chapter 7

Back in the present Slim turned to his pard and gave him a sad smile.
“And you did too, didn’t you... kept Sadie’s secret...for as long as you could.”
Jess sighed and nodded at the memory.
“I guess it weren’t just me that was tryin’ to protect a gal huh...I seem to recall you and Mary having a few dang secrets too.”Slim shook his head sadly, “That’s the truth for sure...I guess I’ve never been put in such an awkward situation before...and hope I never am again,” he added sincerely.

Slim’ s visit with Mary had gone extremely well and they had talked long into the night, before Slim finally made a move on her...and was delighted when she responded favorably to his overtures.
Slim wasn’t usually one to be led by strong emotions and was somewhat circumspect in affairs of the heart. He and Mary had history and even though they hadn’t been together for many years, the old feelings were still there.
She told him how she had buried the past and her old transgressions were consigned to history.
“It’s wonderful,” she had said happily, “nobody remembers me at all...Of course I use my married name now of Daws and I have changed somewhat.”
Slim admired her trim, shapely figure and long blond hair. She had mousy hair and a very boyish figure back in the day; now had transformed herself into a real looker.
“I’ll say,” he had agreed with enthusiasm, casting an eye over her curvaceous figure.
“I’ve been invited out all over town too,” she had added, “the Hanson’s place for supper, Eve Meredith’s for luncheon and even Bradford Knight and his family insisted I pop in for coffee.”
“Wow,” said Slim looking impressed, “all the town bigwigs eh!”
She gave a little smile, “Well to be honest Slim dear, I think they are more interested in my money than my company.”
“Well think about, my husband left me a very wealthy woman...and of course the conversation about donating to the Widow’s and Orphan’s Fund came up...not to mention the Church Roof Fund,” she said with her charming giggle. Then looking him in the eye ... “And I think Eve Meredith was checking me out as a potential wife for her dreadful grandson.”
Slim almost choked at that news.
“So do you fancy taking on Grant Meredith?” he asked, referring to the gangling rather shy boy who didn’t have an ounce of personality, or so Slim thought.
Her eyes twinkled in response, “Now if I was in the market for another husband I wouldn’t be looking too far from here,” she said alluding to the couch where they were sitting close together in her front parlour.
At that Slim pulled her into a close embrace... she pulled back a little and eyed him quizzically, “I’m afraid I’m not...”
Slim looked crestfallen until she snuggled up close again and said softly, “I’m not averse to getting acquainted again Slim...I mean really well acquainted,” she added with her sexy chuckle.
The following morning Slim was marching down Main Street whistling merrily, with a huge grin on his face when he happened to peer into Miss Molly’s Café and saw his buddy sitting there tucking into his breakfast.
He strode in and slapped Jess heartily on the back before taking the seat opposite and ordering coffee.
“Well, you’re looking pretty chipper,” Jess said grinning across at the tall rancher, “like a dang dog with two tails...so she came up good last night huh?”
Slim just beamed at him.
“She was that good... eh?”
“Better,” he sighed softly.
Jess just shook his head and chuckled, “Well I’m real glad you’re in such a good mood Slim, because I guess old Jonesy will have something to say with us both staying out overnight.”
“Darn it you’re right... we’d better make tracks shortly, or the early stage will be in and Mose wanting the team changing...”
Jess started shoveling his bacon and eggs in with even greater gusto than before and Slim drained his cup.
They were just fixing to leave when Mort Cory came in and joined them.
“Got good news and bad,” he started...
“Aw can’t we just have the good Sheriff?” Jess asked with a grin. “We’re both in a really good mood, don’t spoil it huh?”
Mort grinned back and said, “Well the good news is, that it looks like Nancy Soames is improving some, still not sure of the outcome... some improvement though. I uh, want to talk to you about the Judge attending the trial sometime too. I can see you’re in a hurry so I’ll call by at the ranch another day,” and he rose to go.
“So, what was the bad news?” Slim asked, “I can take it on the chin, let’s have it,” he added still looking mighty happy.
“Has he been romancing a lady?” Mort asked Jess, tipping his hat towards Slim.
“Could be Sheriff,” Jess replied with a wink.
Then he sobered and got down to business, “Remember those petty thefts from the dance?”
They nodded, “Struck again?” Jess asked.
“Uh, yeah but gone upmarket it seems. Things have been taken from a few of the town’s bigwigs. Ma Meredith lost a bracelet, Mexican Turquoise and Ruby; Old man Hanson had a small marble horse statue taken...worth a mint apparently; and even Bradford Knight was caught out and he’s a real shrewd guy. This no hoper took a substantial amount of cash... about $100 from his desk drawer...he’s fuming!”
“Got any clues?” Jess asked idly…thinking they could all afford the losses to be honest; and Bradford was crazy keeping a stash of cash in his desk anyway.
“Nope drawn a complete blank, trouble is they all have several members of staff and numerous visitors. There was one possible suspect.”
Slim who had said nothing this far croaked, “So uh, who’s that Mort?”
“A guy, who was collecting for a charitable foundation, had been around all the big houses that had things stolen. However he seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth...no sign of him at all. So, the smart money is on him...probably hightailed it off on the railroad and likely miles away by now,” he added sadly.
Once Mort had gone, Slim got up quickly and made for the door, “I’ve just got some business to attend to I’ll see you back at the ranch.”
Jess had a sudden feeling of déjà vu, remembering when Mort had broken the news about the thefts at the dance and the way Slim had reacted.
He caught up with him halfway down Main Street and grabbing his arm pulled him to a standstill.
“Where the blazes are you going in such a dang hurry?” he asked, “And how come I end up havin’ to face old Jonesy’s harsh tongue all on my lonesome huh?”
“Just leave it!” Slim said pulling free and casting Jess an angry glance.
“Hang on, you think it’s that Mary up to her old tricks again dontcha?” Jess said eyeing him closely.
“Don’t be absurd!” Slim said furiously.
“Uh... it ain’t gonna stop you checking is it huh?” Jess asked looking equally annoyed.
Slim just pulled his hat down hard and marched off without a backwards glance.
She couldn’t...she wouldn’t...would she? He thought to himself.
He thumped loudly on the door knocker and when Mary answered he pushed past her and stood looking about him.
“Why whatever’ s the matter Slim is something wrong?” she asked looking agitated.
He focused back on her then, “Last night, when we went upstairs...we used your spare room, why was that?”
She flushed up and looking uncomfortable said, “Well uh... the sheets were clean on in there and it’s a more pleasant room than the one I usually use.”
“I don’t believe you,” he snapped and with that he tore up the stairs and into her bedroom, looking around him.
By the time she arrived he was pulling drawers open and scattering clothes around with abandon.
“Stop it!” she cried angrily. “What do you think you’re doing...what are you looking for?”
Then Slim froze...and after a minute turned from the dressing table drawer, the miniature marble horse belonging to old man Hanson in the palm of his hand.
His heart was beating practically out of his chest as he turned to face her.
He held it out, “This,” he spat... “so where is the bracelet and the cash huh?”
She stood stock still and just stared at him, two spots of color on her cheeks and her eyes flashing angrily.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about... that’s mine, I’ve had it since I was a child...you must remember it?”
For a moment he was taken in...
Then he spied the Mexican bracelet on the bedside table along with a substantial pile of bank notes...looking to be at least $100...and all hope was gone. Hell, she hadn’t even bothered to hide them he thought in consternation. She was so dang brazen about it all.
He marched across the room and picked up the bracelet and money and threw them on the bed.
“Courtesy of Ma Meredith and the cash from Bradford Knight.... all the folk you’ve visited recently. Goddamn it, Mary, why?” he asked turning on her. “You’re a rich woman you don’t need these things...so why’d you, do it?” he asked again, almost pleadingly now.
She knew the only way out was to try and use his feelings for her...so she sidled up to him and ran a finger enticingly down his cheek.
“I don’t know,” she whispered. “I just don’t know... It’s like some sort of sickness I believe.”
He pushed her hand angrily away...and said gruffly, “Like the old doc said all those years ago...or was that him just being kind, helping your Pa out some huh, them being old friends?”
“No really,” she said opening her eyes wide, “it’s something called kleptomania. I ... I just can’t help myself. I get the urge to take things...I believe it’s triggered by strong emotions. Last time it was when Ma and Pa were arguing so much. Now maybe it’s a reaction to losing my dear Arnold... or maybe being reunited with you, the real love of my life,” she added looking deeply into Slim’ s eyes...and playing her trump card.
“Well, Iffen I’m the cause of you stealing stuff again, we’d better call a halt to seeing each other right now,” Slim said angrily, knowing when he was being used, “This just isn’t right Mary...you must know that. You must know right from wrong?”
That‘s when she collapsed on the bed and bursting into tears, sobbing uncontrollably...
“No, please,” she cried piteously, “please don’t leave me Slim.”
Like many men he couldn’t bear to see a woman crying. He eventually sat down beside her and put a tentative arm around her shoulders...and then pulled her close and she carried on crying softly into his shoulder.
She finally quietened and apologized. Slim nodded, acknowledging her apology, having calmed down himself a little by now.
He took a deep breath, “You’ll have to tell the Sheriff of course, I’ll come with you...explain.”
At that she got quite hysterical, “I can’t, I’ll be locked up, go to prison!”
“No,” he said gently stroking her hair, “it will be fine, we’ll give everything back, Mort will read you the riot act I guess...but it will be OK.”
“No...no it won’t, you see this isn’t the first time Slim, I’m wanted for this kind of thing in another town... don’t you see, I’ll end up in jail for sure when my secret comes out!”
“What!” he cried looking incredulous, “You’ve done this kind of thing before, since you were a kid...more recently?”
She realized at once she’d made a mistake and back peddled immediately.
“Just the once, a moment of madness and I gave the stuff back. I guess I may still be wanted for the crime though. I couldn’t be locked away from you,” she added, cuddling up closer to him, “I just couldn’t. I’d go crazy if I couldn’t see you again.”
Then she leaned in and kissed him on the lips, before pulling back and looking him in the eyes, “You see I love you Slim, I really love you.”
He stared at her, his heart now beating wildly in his chest as he tried to make sense of all that had happened in the last few minutes.
Mary was a criminal...a common thief... or was she merely as she said... a victim of some strange illness that made stealing a compulsion... And then this last dis closer she loved him?
Before he could get his thoughts in order...all rational explanations went out of the window an she leaned in and started kissing him again, the kisses getting hotter and hotter as he responded to her. After a few minutes he pulled her down on the bed beside him and they made passionate and abandoned love.
Afterwards he knew life could never be the same again.
He knew there was no going back. They had both pledged their love for each other, and now he had to try and keep her secret safe and also make amends. He might be half crazy with love but he still had his principles, and he wasn’t about to abandon them for anyone. So the stolen goods had to be returned...and as soon as possible...but how?
Much later he rode back to the ranch and was aware of an atmosphere as soon as he entered the ranch house.
Jonesy greeted him with a stony countenance, “If yer wantin’ yer dinner it’s in the cat,” he snarled.
“I’m sorry I’m so late,” Slim said looking sheepish, “I had some business to attend to in town.”
“Yeah, so Jess said.”
“He did?” Slim asked looking wary.
“Oh, don’t worry…your sleazy little secret is safe. Whatever it is your hiding, well that no good drifter is siding with you. He won’t say a word. Just that you had important business to attend to. Well at least the pair of you are consistent in yer lies,” he added before marching off to the kitchen to start banging pots about preparing supper...
Slim took Alamo over to the barn and found Jess and Andy bedding down the horses for the night...
“Sorry I’m so late back,” he said quickly. “Thanks for doing the chores Andy you go get your homework done now. I’ll help Jess finish off.”
Once the boy had gone Jess turned to Slim and said softly, “Well... was it her?”
Slim opened his mouth to give a hearty denial, but just couldn’t lie when Jess fixed him with his candid gaze.
Then he remembered how he’d kept all the business about Mary from Jonesy too.
“Thanks for covering for me,” he said, “afraid you’ve been reduced to ‘that no good drifter ‘again for your trouble though.”
Jess grinned, “And me and him still in the honeymoon period too. Oh well it was getting kinda borin’ him bein’ nice to me all the time,” he added with a wink.
Then more seriously, “Well?”
Slim took a deep breath and then looking his partner in the eye, said, “Yes, she did it.”
Jess gasped, “Phew, so what are you gonna do?”
Slim shook his head, “I just don’t know... see the thing is Jess, the way Mary and I are, well I can’t report it can I? I’ve got to make amends somehow though.”
Jess gasped looking shocked, “Jeez the honest as the day is long Slim Sherman covering up a crime?” he asked.
Slim just hung his head, “I love her,” he whispered, “what else can I do, other than help her?”
Jess looked even more shocked, Slim was in love and what’s more actually admitting it...well things were real serious then.
“OK so the stuff will just have to be given back,” he said practically, “If yer sure she won’t be doin’ it again?”
“Oh no, she promised,” Slim said quickly. “It was just a moment of madness she said. A sort of compulsion to take things, it’s quite irrational,” he expanded, “It’s not as though she needs the money. She was relieved to get rid of it all. It’s here in my saddle bag,” he added.
Jess just looked noncommittal...she might have pulled the wool over Slim’ s eyes, but he’d be watchin’ her...yup, real close.
When Jess didn’t respond Slim got to the heart of the matter, “How can I give it all back without being seen?”
“You can’t...and you won’t...I’ll do it,” he replied.
“No, I can’t ask you to do that,” Slim said looking deeply perturbed, “this isn’t your problem.”
“Sure it is, we’re buddies ain’t we?”
“Of course, but...”
“Come on Slim, you wouldn’t have a clue and would most likely get caught. You want someone that knows their way around criminal activity... someone like yours truly,” he added with a grin. “So, here’s what we do....”
Some ten minutes later Slim sat looking pensive...
“So let me get this straight...Mort thinks that the guy going house to house collecting for that Charity was the thief, but he’s hightailed it without trace and so you think we should try and pin it on him?”
“Well not in so many words. Mort will just assume that it was him. There’s no proof either way...so the guy would be in the clear even if he was found,” Jess responded.
“OK, so we write a note, allegedly from the thief, saying he knows he did wrong. Then attach it to the parcel of stolen goods and leave it in the railroad station waiting room?”
“You got it. That ticket collector...what’s his name?” Jess asked snapping his fingers... “Horace, that’s it. Well, I’ve watched ol’ Horace and he keeps the place as neat and tidy as a new pin, he’ll find the parcel in no time...take it over to Mort and job done.”
“What if he doesn’t?” Slim asked anxiously.
“He will I tell ya...and I’ll hang around to be sure he does. I’ll do it tomorrow. So, stop worrying so dang much OK. Come on let’s go see if Jonesy’s made supper yet...I’m starvin’,” he added cheerfully.
The following day Slim was like a cat on a hot tin roof awaiting Jess’s return. Jonesy was still in a bad mood and had taken himself off to visit an old friend a few miles away. So Slim was alone when Jess eventually rode in later that morning.
He jumped up from the porch chair as Jess dismounted and wandered over to join his pard.
“Well how did it go?” Slim asked anxiously.
Jess leaned back on the porch rail and folded his arms grinning over at his friend, “Like clockwork. I left the package in the waiting room just before the train left...and then high-tailed it off and stood up on the bridge over the track to watch.”
“Go on,” Slim said wide eyed.
“A few minutes later old Horace got his broom out and started sweeping up the platform. Then he disappeared into the waiting room...was out again a few minutes later carrying the parcel and marched off to the Sheriff’s Office...just like we thought he would.”
“Gee I really can’t thank you enough buddy...Uh...you are sure Mort got it?”
“Sure, I’m sure…I just happened to be passing his office when he came out to return the items. He told me all about it...said he reckoned it was the same guy that stole from the dance and if he’d left town, so he thought that would be an end to it. He reckoned he got cold feet and so left the other stuff at the station to be found. So uh, that will be the end to it...won’t it Slim?”
“Yes, absolutely... she promised me,” he said looking mighty relieved.
“Oh well, that’s OK then,” Jess muttered...however Slim failed to notice the irony in his voice.
“And Mort said he’s coming by in a day or so...says he needs to talk to us about the Earl Brandon trial.”

Chapter 8

 Back in the barn, in the present time, there was a flash of lightning and rumble of thunder as Jess peered out the door.
“Getting worse,” he muttered...before turning back to where Slim was still mending a bridle.
“Yup, just the same as those days after the Judge arrived at the ranch, things got worse then too,” he said sadly. “And we had all the responsibility of minding him on the run up to the Earl Brandon’s trial.
Jess nodded, “Remember what he said, that first night just before he turned in?”
Slim nodded, “Secrets are everywhere, even in a law-abiding home like this one, no doubt,”
Jess nodded, “And he sure weren’t wrong either.”
Slim looked thoughtful, “It was round about then that things started getting even darker...and yes there sure were a few secrets abounding. Particularly where you were concerned,” he said with an evil wink.
“I guess it was when Carl and Jack Brandon landed in town that things got a whole lot worse for everyone,” Jess agreed.

Mort Cory rode into the ranch yard and tethered his buckskin near the water trough. Then after returning Jonesy’s distant wave of welcome, he wandered off to where he could hear Slim and Jess talking, out beyond the house.
He ran them to ground over by the home pasture, surveying a bunch of green broke mustangs.
He mooched over to where they were leaning on the fence and joined them.
“A fine-looking lot,” he said appreciatively.
“They’ll be looking even better once Jess has schooled them on some. And they’re heading out to the highest bidder at the next horse sale,” Slim said flippantly.
“I’m doin’ my best,” Jess said irritably, “these things take time ya know.”
“Yeah, and that’s something you’re kind of short of right now...all the darned time you spend in town,” Slim said equally acerbically.
“Now, now boys play nice,” Mort said grinning at them.
Then more seriously, “So is the Judge, OK? Who’s minding him?”
“He’s fine quit fretting,” Jess said moodily.
“Jonesy,” Slim replied, “he’s had strict instructions to keep an eye on anyone that rides in. Then fire off a shot iffen he’s worried and we’ll come running.”
“Uh, well that’s OK I suppose,” Mort said still looking slightly worried.
“Hell Mort, we can’t baby sit him all day long,” Jess interjected, “we do have work to do ya know!”
“Yes, yes, I know and I’m sorry. It’s just that there was a sighting of Carl and Jack Brandon in town yesterday.”
“What?” Jess asked looking suddenly apprehensive, “Why didn’t ya say. Hell Mort, why didn’t ya arrest them...they are wanted ain’t they?”
“Yes but strictly speaking I can’t touch them as they’re wanted down in Mexico, out of my area.”
“Oh, so you hafta wait until they kill someone up here before you can act huh?” Jess asked belligerently.
“Steady Jess, what’s gotten into you?” Slim said sternly.
Jess just looked down and shook his head, but didn’t say anything. How could he tell them he was in fear for the school teacher’s life, because she was actually a hooker who could identify Earl Brandon as the murderer he was.
“Nuthin’,” he whispered, “sorry Mort,” he added.
Mort smiled over at him, “That’s OK I guess it’s pretty worrying times for us all. That editor at the Sentinel isn’t helping any either writing an article all about the Brandon trial. Complete with pictures of Jack and Carl...the sort of publicity we really don’t need right now.”
Jess swore softly under his breath and Slim, shook his head at the news.
“Anyway, I just wanted to warn you to be extra vigilant. I’m sure there is no need to worry, nobody else is aware that your book salesman is actually a high court Judge.”
Once Mort had ridden out Slim turned to Jess and said, “What’s eating you huh?”
“Nuthin’ now d’ ya want me to work on these cussed critters or what?” he spat angrily.
Hell, he really wanted to go to town and check on Sadie...but he knew she’d be fine if she stayed in the school. Now that he thought about it, how could he arrive at the school in the daytime anyway? That would be sure to draw attention to her and do more harm than good he figured, especially if the no-good Brandon brothers really were in town.
Anyway, it was the early summer school break the following week and she could lock herself in the school house for the duration and would be safe enough in there he thought with relief.
It was when Andy returned from school with some shocking news that he knew he had to do something about keeping Sadie safe...and maybe he’d even have to betray her secret.
“It’s terrible,” Andy said as he jumped down from the stage, “Mr Jenkins is all better and starting back at school after the early summer holiday and Miss Smith is gonna hafta leave!”
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Slim said mildly.
However, neither of the brothers were prepared for Jess’s reaction.
“What did you say?” he yelled.
“Uh, Miss Smith has to leave town, I think. Mr Jenkins wants his job back...and his house too I guess,” Andy said looking surprised by Jess’s outburst.
Jess said more quietly, “When’s he coming back?”
“I dunno, term ends tomorrow... so any time after that, I guess. I think Miss said he was moving back in on Saturday.”
Jess turned from where he was holding the replacement team and thrust the harness into Andy’s hands.
“Here you do this I’ve got to go out,” he growled, and with that he sped off towards the barn.
“What the heck’s gotten into your hired hand?” Mose asked looking amused. “Something’s sure rattled his cage.”
Slim shook his head, “Who knows. I dang well aim to find out when he gets back though,” he said as he watched Jess, who had quickly saddled up, gallop off up the rise at speed.
He rode into town and after leaving Traveller at the livery made his way purposefully down Main Street. He checked around him when he reached the school house and then quickly dived down the side alley and around to the back door.
He knocked loudly several times and got no reply. His heart started beating faster. Where the hell was she? She’d promised to stay put. What if she’d had to venture out and fallen prey to the Brandon brothers?
He decided to use her spare key located under a stone by the door. He’d seen her use it once before when she’d forgotten her door key and now, he turned it in the lock and pushed the door open wide...staring into the dimly lit kitchen.
Then he stopped dead in his tracks as Sadie stood there pointing a derringer at his head.
There was a split second when they both stared at each other in shock, before she gave a little whimper, dropped the gun and ran into his open arms.
“It’s OK, its OK sweetheart,” he whispered into her hair as she sobbed softly.
After a moment he pulled free of her trembling body and led her through to the parlour. Sitting her down on the couch he poured her a small glass of Mr Jenkins’ best brandy from a decanter on a side table and then went and sat beside her as she sipped it.
“You’ve heard the news then?” she asked.
“Which news, about the Brandon brothers being in town...or old Jenkins landing back home?”
“Both,” she said alluding to an open newspaper on the table. “It’s headline news about Carl and Jack hitting town. Then I heard that Mr Jenkins is coming back unexpectedly. So, I’ll lose my place of safety. Oh, the School Board has been very kind, offering to pay me until the end of term anyway, but...”
“That’s big of them,” Jess broke in sarcastically, “least they can do. Damn it Sadie you had a contract with them.”
She just shrugged, “It can’t be helped. Without anywhere to stay what shall I do? I have to be in town just in case Nancy isn’t able to testify... I believe Jack and Carl have been seen in the Hotel, so I can’t go there. So, what can I do?” She repeated anxiously.
“Well, that’s obvious ain’t it? You can come back to the ranch with me. We’ll look out for you until the trial...well as long as you want really,” he added.
Even as he said it, he wondered what the hell Slim would make of all of this, but he had no choice, he had to keep Sadie safe.
“Her face lit up with hope, but said, “What about Mr Sherman, what will he say?” Then she looked closely at him, “Does he know about us?”
“Hell no... I promised, didn’t I?”
She gave a sigh of relief, “We have to keep it that way too Jess. I have to keep my cover for as long as I can. If word gets out that the school teacher is having an affair with a local rancher it would be the talk of the town. Goodness if the Brandon brothers got wind of it, they might smell a rat. Don’t forget my picture was in the paper when I started work at the school, even though I really tried to stop it being published. If they see that they’ll put two and two together and imagine I’m here to testify.”
“Hell, we sure don’t want that,” he agreed. Not with the circuit judge holed up at the ranch too,” he said softly.
Once he had explained the situation, she looked worried, “Well I can’t possibly impose on you, if you’re already guarding someone.”
“Dontcha see that’s the perfect solution,” he said enthusiastically. “All we hafta do is go visit Sheriff Cory. Tell him you witnessed the attack over in Denver and are in need of protection. He’s already got his work cut out minding Nancy... so he’ll be happy for you to stay at the ranch...and he’ll square it with Slim too.”
She looked shocked, “I can’t tell the Sheriff the truth! What would the Board say if my background came out? I would be a disgrace to the town and an embarrassment to you and Mr Sherman too. Goodness, if the town’s folk realized their children had been taught by a prostitute what do you think would happen?”
Jess personally thought not a lot...sure it would be a nine-day wonder, then they’d find someone else to gossip about. He didn’t figure that would help Sadie any though. Not the way she was feeling.
“OK...so don’t tell him the exact truth...we’ll think of a convincing story.”


“Why on earth didn’t you come forward sooner Miss Smith? “Mort asked looking slightly pained.
“Well, I wasn’t sure it was the same men until I saw the picture in the Sentinel,” Sadie replied.
“So just run this past me again... You say you were traveling through Denver and staying at a hotel near the Golden Nugget Saloon?”
“Yes Sheriff...and I was suffering one of my migraines... so decided to get some fresh air. It was quite late and the streets quiet. I thought I’d be quite safe out on the hotel porch...and then these men flew out of the Nugget and I heard the tall one...now I know to be Earl Brandon say... ‘I killed her and I can’t change that for God’s sake... now you just get us out of here Jake.’”
“This Jake, he was the saloon owner?” Mort hazarded.
Sadie looked lost for a second and flicked a glance over to Jess, before gathering her wits and saying, “Well I presume so...I wouldn’t really know.”
“Please continue,” Mort said patiently.
“That’s when they saw me and Earl’s brothers, I presumed them to be; ran over and grabbed me. ‘You didn’t hear or see nothing’ they yelled at me. They squeezed my arm and I cried out. That’s when the hotel manager came out and they ran off” she said.
“That’s it?” Mort asked looking slightly underwhelmed.
She again glanced at Jess for support.
“Uh tell the Sheriff what you told me…about one of the brothers coming up to your room later that night. He said something like you’d do well to forget what you’d heard or you’d live to regret it... huh?”
“Yes,” she said earnestly, “I’d ordered a drink in my room, to steady my nerves. I opened the door, thinking it was the waiter, and this dreadful man was there threatening me... It was too awful,” she added... before stifling a sob.
“Here, here, don’t take on so Ma’am,” Mort said quickly.
Then turning to Jess said, “I can see the lady could be in danger. I’m sorely pressed minding Miss Nancy though, as well as making all the arrangements for the trial. It’s set for next Friday you know.”
“Well, I suppose we could take her to the ranch,” Jess said as though the thought had just occurred to him. “After all we’ve got that...uh...other guy staying.”
Mort gave a sigh of relief.
“If that’s alright with you Ma’am I think it’s a good plan...Keep you safe until the trial’s over anyway.”
Then turning to Jess said, “OK, I reckon what I’ll do is drive Miss Smith over to the rail-head on Saturday for all to see. Then double back on the old back-road and take her up to your place. Hopefully everyone will think she’s left town. That way there will be no idle gossip about a maiden lady moving into an all-male ranch,” he added smiling. “After all we don’t want any petty gossip, do we Ma’am…”
It didn’t help Slim’ s temper that Jess decided to stay the night with Sadie.
She was so upset at having to lie to Mort...and then the added fear of the Brandon bothers being so close by; he felt he just couldn’t leave her alone.
Now it was his turn to lie through his teeth, but to Slim this time and he felt so dang bad about it. But if it meant keeping Sadie safe then so be it.
He landed home in time to do the pre breakfast early morning chores, however even that didn’t appease Slim.
“Why the hell did you dive off that way yesterday? Dang it, Jess, where have you been until this hour?” he asked angrily as he entered the barn to find Jess hard at work cleaning out the stalls.
“Oh, I had some business to attend to,” he said dismissively. “Never mind about that now…I bumped into Mort and he’s asked for our help again.”
Then he outlined the plan, “See Slim it seems that temporary school teacher Miss... uh,” he looked ceiling wards for inspiration. “Yeah…that’s it...Miss Smith. Well, it seems she was a witness to one of Earl’s other crimes and in need of protection before the trial.”
Slim heard him out and then said, “Garldarn it, Jess...we can’t have an unaccompanied female staying here, are you crazy?”
“Mort’s thought that through, he’s gonna pretend to drop her off at the rail-head and then bring her down the back roads so nobody will know she’s here.”
Slim shook his head, “I dunno, she looks to be a real lady. She might not want to be stuck out here with two strangers and unmarried ones at that. Not to mention one with a reputation for romancing the ladies too,” he added for good measure, giving Jess a weak grin.
“Yeah, well I guess havin’ a judge holed up here too will give her peace of mind,” Jess said sarcastically.
At that Slim nodded and reluctantly agreed they should help the lady out. They were just crossing the yard to go in to breakfast when Slim stopped in his tracks.
“How come you know all about this…I didn’t think you knew the lady?”
“I don’t. I just happened to be passing the Sheriff’s office and he called me in. This is all Mort’s idea,” he added before striding off to the house...whispering, “God forgive me,” under his breath.
He thought he’d got away with it, however when they reached the porch Slim grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him back, “Hold on Jess...we need to talk this through, some more.”
Jess’s heart started beating ten to the dozen, hell he’d been busted...
“Have you forgotten Andy and Jonesy are taking off on their usual early summer break visiting Jonesy’s old friend Eddy early Saturday... be gone all week.”
“So? That’s good, isn’t it? Miss Smith can have Andy’s room.
“Thing is Jess don’t mention any of this to Jonesy or Andy either. Old Jonesy will start fussing about proprieties. Plus, we’ll never get Andy out of the house if he thinks his wonderful teacher is coming to stay...so don’t say anything OK?”
“Sure...I won’t say nuthin’ at all, you can trust me Slim.”

Chapter 9

Once they had waved Andy and Jonesy off early on the Saturday morning Slim turned to Jess and said, “Right we’d better prepare for our guest.”

“Oh, come on Jess, you can’t expect her to sleep in Andy’s room the way it is, with a racoon for a roommate. Plus, it needs cleaning and tidying and the bed changing. Everything made nice for a lady.”
“Oh...uh yeah, I guess,” Jess said unenthusiastically.
“Then there’s the kitchen to organize. That needs to be spotless too.”
“Well, it stands to reason doesn’t it...she’s bound to offer to cook for us,” Slim said happily. “So, which do you want to do?”
Jess weighed things up quickly as to which would be the lesser of two evils, then he remembered that Jonesy had taken off early without washing the dishes...or tidying the breakfast things away.
“I’ll go fetch Bandit out and pen him up...tidy the room up some too,” he said decisively.
An hour or so later he looked around at the reasonably neat tidy room and leaning down puffed up the pillow and pulled the coverlet tidily over the bed.
He stood there gazing down; imagining her lying there.
His thoughts swung back to the previous night when he had watched her sleeping...then awakened her with a kiss.
Goddamn it he had to tell Slim the truth about him and Sadie. He couldn’t lie to his friend any longer...he felt so, so bad about it all.
He turned to the door to seek him out and heard the sound of an approaching buggy. Mort and Sadie were here...and he had lost his chance to come clean...for then at least.
Sadie had charmed Slim and Judge Hammond within minutes of her arrival.
Slim had rushed out to welcome her and was completely enchanted by the flame haired beauty. He had only met her fleetingly at the dance. Now wearing a neat little light blue hat with matching jacket and skirt she looked extremely stylish. She wore a corresponding blue diaphanous scarf around her neck over a crisp white blouse and looked every inch a lady so he thought.
The Judge had turned out to welcome her too and shook her hand looking deeply into her beautiful violet eyes.
“Delighted to meet you my dear,” he said. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to discuss any matters pertaining to the trial of course...Never the less I’m sure we will enjoy some interesting conversations. My mother was a teacher,” he added his eyes twinkling at the pretty girl before him. “You really don’t look old enough for such a responsible job,” he added patting the hand he still held.
She smiled weakly at him, and then Jess came to the rescue.
“Can I take yer bag Ma’am and show you to your room?” he said gallantly, relieving her of her valise.
She gave him a relieved smile and said, “Thank you...Mr Harper.”
Once they were safely in Andy’s room, he took her hands in his and said, “Are you OK?”
She nodded, “I think so...as long as the Judge doesn’t interrogate me too much about my teaching career.”
“Ha I shouldn’t worry too much on that score. He tends to read law books all day, then after supper he likes a glass or two of the brandy, he brought with him and usually dozes off until bedtime,” he said winking.
Then there was a light tap on the door and Jess dropped her hands instantly and took a nervous step backwards.
Slim put his head around the door and smiling said, “Coffee’s on Miss Smith, we usually have one around now if you’d care to join us?”
Jess managed to get through the day somehow. But being in such close proximity to his lover and unable to even hold her hand, much less hold her close and kiss her, was tearing him apart. Hell, he just wanted to be alone with her.
It didn’t help any that both the Judge and Slim hung on her every word both clearly charmed and he felt an absurd wave of jealousy, as she smiled and chatted easily with them.
Over supper she asked, “How many head of cattle do you have here Mr Sherman?”
“Please call me Slim, he’d replied...and if I may make so bold, it’s uh...Sarah, isn’t it?”
Jess choked on his coffee at the. ‘Make so bold,’ and threw Sadie a look of incredulity, which she neatly ignored. Smiling at Slim, she inclined her head.
“Of course,” she replied sweetly.
It was after supper that he was able to make his move thanks to Sadie’s quick thinking.
Because she had cooked the supper, as Slim had predicted, she was told she must relax and the men would see to the washing up.
Jess cleared the table and was about to toss for who would wash and who dry when he remembered he hadn’t checked on the new foal that had recently been born. She had been slow to start to suckle and he had been a little worried about her. Now she was thriving, but Jess was still keeping a wary eye on her.
When Slim won the toss and opted to wash Jess hurried out of the kitchen and said, “I’ll dry when I come back, I’m just gonna check on the foal.”
Sadie looked up from her fireside chair at once and said, “Oh a foal how delightful, might I see it?”
Jess flicked a glance towards the kitchen where Slim could be heard rattling pans about and then to the Judge who was dozing by the fire and said, “Sure why not?” And he took her elbow and escorted her out across the moonlit yard.
Once they were in the barn, he lit a lamp and then hung it up by Jenna’s stall...and the little critter stood and wobbled over on her crazily long legs, for Jess to make a fuss of her.
Sadie gasped, “Oh she’s beautiful,” she cried as she caressed the foal’s silky head.
“Yes,” Jess said tenderly...and when she turned to face him, it was clear he was referring to her and not the diminutive critter.
He ran a finger gently down her cheek and said softly, “Well howdy Miss Sarah... if I may make so bold,” he added with a cheeky grin.
“Oh you,” she chuckled. “When I applied for the job, I thought Sarah sounded better for a teacher’s name and anyway it is my given name she added.”
“Maybe,” he nodded, “But I’ve been kinda missing Sadie,” and he pulled her into a passionate embrace before kissing her deeply.
They were in danger of forgetting where they were when they were alerted by a sound in the yard and they leapt apart.
Just seconds later Slim ambled in and came over.
“How’s she doing?” he asked cheerfully, seeming not to notice Sadie’s flushed slightly disheveled appearance, or Jess’s somewhat heavy breathing.
“Just fine,” Jess said quickly.
Then Slim turned to Sadie and said, “I was wondering if you’d care to take a look at some of my books. I’ve got a small, but quite comprehensive library,” he added slightly pompously, so Jess thought.
“Do ya mean that ol’ bookshelf beside yer desk?” He asked sarcastically.
Slim was on a roll and ignoring Jess offered his arm to Sadie. She was born swiftly away, only having time to cast Jess a quick apologetic smile over her shoulder before being escorted across the yard.
Sometime later Sadie professed to be tired and said she would like an early night. The Judge had already retired to bed. Slim sprang up from his seat and wished her a goodnight.
“Goodnight Slim and thank you for sharing your books,” she said politely.
Then as she passed Jess she said quietly, “Goodnight Jess. Then with her back to Slim she was able to give Jess a loving and slightly wistful look, before heading off to her room.
Once she had gone Jess took his place by the fire next to Slim and sat looking deeply into the flames...knowing what he must say and really no idea where to start.
Slim seemed completely unaware of Jess’s dilemma though and said, “What a pleasant woman, so articulate and a real stunner too. A real lady you can tell...” he added for good measure.
Jess rolled his eyes, “What’s all this ‘May I make so bold...and your personal library’ huh?”
“It’s just a figure of speech Jess. I was only trying to make her feel at home. An educated lady like that would expect that kind of conversation.”
“Oh really,” Jess said darkly.
“What’s eating you anyway? You’ve hardly said two words to her all night. Don’t you like her?”
How could he say he could barely dare to even look at Sadie in case his eyes gave away the true depth of their feelings for each other?
“I like her right enough,” he replied.
Slim considered that and then said, “She intimidates you doesn’t she.”
“Kind of scares you?”
“Oh, come on Jess you know perfectly well what I mean. Are you worried she’ll start checking your spelling or ciphering?” he asked with a chuckle.
Then more kindly, “I can understand that you might feel a bit uncomfortable in her presence...out of your depth maybe? Well, it’s only for a few days until the trial... and then we’ll probably never see her again...she’ll be leaving town I imagine.
That thought made Jess feel desolate. Then he considered what Slim had said and it was true. He only had to last out for a few days...so maybe he didn’t need to tell Slim everything after all? God knows Sadie sure didn’t want her past life as a prostitute to become common knowledge. Once the cat was out of the bag about their relationship, well then maybe Slim would probe for more details and everything would come out.
As much as he hated lying to his friend…well, maybe in these circumstances it was the best option.
He stood up.
“Where are you off to?”
“Bed... night Slim,” and he was gone, leaving Slim looking perplexed. Jeez he’d upset his buddy again and he really hadn’t meant to. Never mind…he’d suggest Jess crack on with working on the Mustangs tomorrow and he’d look after Miss Sarah, he thought happily.
Jess was still lying awake staring up at the ceiling when Slim turned in sometime later.
“Can’t sleep?” he asked kindly.
Jess shook his head, “I guess not...”
Slim subsided on his own bed and looked across at his friend, “Look Jess if you feel kind of uncomfortable around Sarah, well I’m happy to entertain her if you want to get on with working those mustangs tomorrow huh?”
This was just too much for Jess. He was already going crazy thinking of Sadie lying on the other side of the wall...and now Slim proposed to monopolize her.
“Why are you so dang interested in her,” he blurted out, “I thought you were dating Mary?”
Slim looked startled by the outburst. “I am. I’m just being neighborly towards the girl. Heck Jess she’s quite worked up about those Brandon brothers being around.”
“I know it,” Jess snapped.
“Anyway, Mary is away right now,” Slim added, “She’s gone to visit some friends over Rawlins way she said, won’t be back for a couple of weeks. So, I won’t be heading to town this week and will have plenty of time to look out for Miss Sarah.”
“Oh well that’s alright then,” Jess said bitterly.
Slim just rolled his eyes. There was no talking to Jess when he was in this sort of mood so he just wandered off to wash up before bed.

Chapter 10

The following morning, he was surprised when Sarah said she would really like to watch Jess working with the horses, rather than sit with Slim and the Judge discussing literature as Slim had alluded to the night before.
‘Slim peered out the window and thought how changeable the weather had been for early summer. “Are you sure you want to go out, Sarah?’ he asked hesitantly. “After all the rain we’ve had; it’s kind of muddy underfoot.”
He knew Jess had decided to take time out of working on the green broke critters to concentrate on breaking the last of the wild mares. The one Andy had named Black Lady... “More like the Black Widow Maker,” Jess had remarked bitterly after his umpteenth fall from the hard-nosed, beast.
However, he was determined to tame her and now he was off in the large coral opposite the ranch house holding on for dear life as Black Lady bucked and kicked her way around the enclosure.
Slim knew for a fact that there would be strong language bandied about by his buddy, highly unsuitable for the ears of a lady like Sarah. Plus, he really didn’t think her presence would be appreciated by Jess either.
Even as he tried to think of a good excuse Sarah was already shrugging on her jacket and making for the yard.
Jess thought afterwards that if Sadie had merely stayed in the house and talked about the finer points of Shakespeare’s Plays as Slim had hoped for...well life would have been one hell of a lot easier all around and maybe the truth would never have come out.
What he hadn’t taken into account was that Sadie was just as desperate to spend time in his company as he was in hers.
Even if they couldn’t be together as lovers, as they had been up until recently, at least she wanted to be close to him.
She had already decided that when her dear friend Annie arrived from Denver for the trial, she would have to make some serious decisions about her life. Jess’s affirmation of love for her, the night she had shared her life story with him had changed everything... and yet nothing.
With all her heart, she wanted to stay with him. Maybe they’d even marry in time...though not here in Laramie, where the truth of her background would come out sooner or later.
Then she would be treated as a pariah and condemned by all, as the woman who posed as a teacher whilst actually being a prostitute, albeit an unwilling one. That stigma would be attached to Jess, and all at the ranch too and she just couldn’t do that to her lover or the folk at the Sherman ranch either.
Neither could she suggest he come away with her. He hadn’t shared too much of his past. Enough for her to know that he’d lived through some very dark, hard times however. Now his new life at the ranch was like an epiphany to him. A fresh start with folk he had grown to admire and really like. How could she uproot him to a large town back east, where he would be like a fish out of water? Yet she had pledged that one day she would return home and pick up her old life and that she aimed to do come hell or high water.
She and Slim sat on the side lines cheering Jess on as he hung on to Black Lady for dear life, while she continued to throw an awesome temper tantrum. Rearing, bucking and roaring in anger and frustration.
Sadie was enthralled as she watched Jess’s every move. She thought he was poetry in motion as he rolled with the mare’s every move...keeping his seat as though stuck there with glue.
Jess was just beginning to feel he was winning the battle. He could feel Black Lady starting to relax beneath him and he let his guard down for a split second; glancing over to where Sadie and Slim were looking on. Then the large horse seemed to explode and hurtled blindly across the coral, before stopping sharply and throwing Jess over her head in a neat arc. He crashed into the corner fence post and came to land in an untidy heap in the dirt and mud.
When he didn’t move Sadie cried out in alarm and Slim quickly vaulted the fence and pulled him to safety.
Slim and Sadie stared down at Jess in consternation. His face was deathly pale and a trickle of blood ran down his cheek, from a nasty gash to his forehead.
Sadie knelt down beside him, uncaring of the muddy yard and brushed his unruly dark hair back with a gentle hand.
“Jess darling...wake up,” she cried in distress. “Please wake up,” she whispered; a tear running down her cheek as she looked on helplessly.
Slim’ s head shot up and he stared at the beautiful woman in shocked surprise.
He had been peering anxiously down at his buddy too... now all his attention was on Sarah and her obvious distress. ‘Darling’...had he heard right?
Then his attention was drawn back to Jess as he groaned and started to come around.
His eyes flickered open and he focused on Sadie who was leaning over him.
“Jess...oh darling you gave me such a shock,” she whispered.
He smiled up at her and said softly, “Its OK sweetheart, really Sadie, don’t fret so,” and he reached up and wiped the tear away.
Then he heard Slim clearing his throat and looked up into the uncompromising and slightly hostile stare of his pard.
“Come on Jess, I’ll help you up,” Slim said coming forward and offering a hand, “we’d better get that head cleaned up, it looks nasty.”
Jess just gazed at him in shock...busted, he thought as he finally took the offered hand and allowed himself to be helped to the ranch house.
Once inside Slim turned to Sarah and said coldly, “You’d better go and change Ma’am, you’ve gotten kind of muddy... I’ll tend to Jess,” and he practically frog marched him into the kitchen.
He pushed him down onto a chair and then took the one opposite and glared at his friend.
“Well, are you going to tell me what the Hell’s going on?”
“Huh?” Jess asked, playing for time.
“Oh, come on... ‘Jess darling...?’” he said in an approximation of Sarah’s dulcet tones.
Then he rolled his eyes, “I’m OK sweetheart.... Sadie... he mimicked in Jess’s Texan drawl. Who the hell is Sadie anyway?” he growled.
“It’s what her friends call her,” Jess muttered.
“Friends or lovers, huh Jess?” Slim spat angrily.
“Mind yer own goddamn business,” Jess spat...shooting up out of the chair and then falling back down again just as quickly and putting a hand to his pounding head.
“I thought we were friends and that makes it my business,” Slim said, now more in sorrow than in anger.
Jess hung his head and said, “I’m sorry Slim... it’s all kinda complicated.”
“Well, when wasn’t it with you?” Slim quipped with the ghost of a smile. Then he stood up and wandered across the kitchen.
“What are ya doin’?” Jess asked anxiously.
“I’m fetching Jonesy’s medical kit of course. First things first Jess I’ve got to fix up that head of yours...we’ll talk later...huh?”
Slim was just tying the makeshift bandage around Jess’s head when they heard a loud knock on the front door.
He jumped up and seeing the old Judge rising from his fireside chair said sternly, “Stay put Judge.” Grabbing his rifle, he went to the door and opened it cautiously.
Then he grinned and pulled the door open wider to admit Mort Cory.
Once everyone was seated around the table Mort explained that he’d just ridden over to make the final arrangement for the trial which was scheduled for the following day.
“We decided to bring it forwards,” he said apologetically, “seeing as Nancy Soames, the witness from the Last Drop, has made a full recovery...physically that is,” he added.
“And how is her state of mind?” the Judge asked with perception.
“Not good,” Mort said shaking his head, “she’s scared, very scared and you can’t really blame her. No doubt the Brandon brothers Jack and Carl will be attending the trial, not much we can do about that... I have said that we will give her safe passage out once it’s all over though. She intends to vamoose across the country to friends back east and make a fresh start. Otherwise, I guess she’ll never rest easy knowing that the gang might be looking for revenge.”
Then he turned to Sadie.
“As for you Ma’am, well I’m hoping you may not be needed...we should get a conviction on Nancy’s evidence. For your own safety I should keep a real low profile. The Brandon boys don’t know you’re in town, so let’s keep it that way huh. Maybe you could wear one of those little hats with a veil?” he asked looking a tad embarrassed. “My late wife favoured them,” he added flushing a little.
“Yes...yes of course, I do have one...and some very plain dresses too, for work you know. I can easily merge into the crowd,” she said more calmly than she was feeling.
“Uh, good, good… However if you are called to the stand ma’am then I would respectfully suggest you too leave town for pastures new...and as far away as possible. I’d think it safest if you leave with Nancy and her escorts,” he added.
“Two top men sent over from the law offices in Denver,” he elucidated for the men’s benefit, “very experienced in this line of work.”
It was only Slim who noticed the fleeting look of shock and despair that passed between Jess and Sarah...before the Sheriff rose to leave.
“I’m sending a special stage over first thing tomorrow for the Judge and Miss Smith,” he said, “I’ll be inside if you and Jess could ride along. If you’ll be up to it Jess?” he added regarding his bandaged head.
“Sure, like I told ya, it’s just a scratch,” Jess said quickly, “I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”
Then Mort started searching in his pockets doing a fair imitation of Mose looking for mail, before he produced a wire addressed to Miss Sarah Smith, care of the Laramie Sheriff.
“Came yesterday for you ma’am...from Denver,” he said throwing her a questioning glance.
She tore it open and then sighed with relief, “It’s alright Sheriff, it’s just from a girlfriend of mine saying she’s coming to visit.”
Mort was halfway to the door when he turned back again.
“Oh yeah there’s something else too. You remember those jokers that were causing mayhem attacking stages all around the area?”
“What Lofty and Skinny, “Jess said with a grin. “I thought they were out of business since Lofty was shot during the last raid.”
“Apparently not, it looks like that little guy has gone into business for himself. He held up a stage just outside Rawlins yesterday...shot a man and escaped with several hundred dollars.”
Slim had turned pale at the mention of Rawlins.
“Hey ain’t your Mary visiting up that way?” Jess asked.
Slim nodded,“ She isn’t due home until next week. She wouldn’t be on a stage yesterday. Unless she was coming home early for some reason,” he added looking anxious.
“Don’t fret there was only one passenger a guy from back east carrying the money. He was apparently on his way to do a land deal. Red Smith, the Sheriff up there,” Mort added for the Judge’s benefit, “he just can’t figure out how this dang Skinny knew about it. He seems a real tough cookie...was cussing something fierce when the man refused to hand over the money so the bastard shot him...well only winged him at least, that’s something.”
“That ain’t the point Mort, next thing we know it’ll be the Laramie stage,” Jess said hotly.
“I know that boy. That’s why I’m going to do some detective work...maybe even have extra guards traveling on board. Dang it let’s get this trial over first though, huh,” and with a cheerful, “see ya tomorrow,” he was off.
Once Mort had gone the Judge hurried off to his room to get his notes in order and Jess made for the door.
“Where the heck are you going now?” Slim asked looking exasperated.
“To tend to that dang Black Lady of course...she don’t need to be rode hard and put away wet...her temper’s bad enough as it is.”
“I’ll do it,” Slim said quickly, “you go sit by the fire and rest up.”
Then he turned to Sarah and smiling at her said softly, “Make sure he does huh ma’am.”
Heck he was feeling real let down at Jess not telling him about his relationship with Sarah; whatever it was. Even so he felt kind of sorry for the guy and decided to cut the pair of them some slack.
Once he’d gone Jess wandered over to the old leather couch and sat down, patting the seat beside him. Then he took her hands in his and said softly, “You’re goin’ ain’t you...whether you testify or not?”
She nodded, “That wire is from Annie back in Denver. It seems Jake, our pimp, is really spooked by all this business. He’s afraid word will get out that he witnessed my attack and he’ll be called to testify. It seems he’s gone over the border and so Annie was free to escape. She should be here tomorrow. She has promised to back me up if I have to give evidence.”
“And if you do, you’ll never be safe around here,” he said sorrowfully, “You’ll have to go.”
She nodded, “Yes, but Jess I have to go anyway...can’t you see that? Folk will find out about us eventually, about my past and then how I taught school. It will come out that you knew all along and folk will despise you for it, for keeping my secret. I can’t do that to you.”
“I don’t care what folk say or think,” he said hotly.
“What about Slim’ s reputation...and old Jonesy and Andy...we can’t let them be embroiled in all this, just because of us.”
He knew he couldn’t do that either. He wanted to say ‘It don’t matter...nuthin’ does I’ll come with you back east’... but there was something stopping him.
Instead, he took her in his arms and kissed her deeply...knowing that this was goodbye.
That night after the Judge and Sadie had turned in, the men sat before the fire, Slim determined to get to the bottom of matters.
He poured Jess a glass of whiskey and replacing the bottle on the hearth said quietly, “Well are you going to tell me about it...about you and Miss Sarah?”
Jess was all for knocking back his whiskey and telling his friend to go to hell.
He really didn’t know which was hurting most, his dang head or...the fact that Sadie was leaving him after the trial. She was determined to head back to her old home in the east and there was not a damn thing he could do about it.
He sighed deeply and said, “OK you win...I’ve been seeing Sadie...happy now?”
Slim looked annoyed, “No not really, you might have told me...instead of skulking around here...making a fool of me.”
“We weren’t,” Jess said, “like I say Slim, it’s real complicated...see she’s got secrets...things she really don’t want folk to know.”
“What kind of things?” Slim asked suddenly on the alert.
Jess threw back his whiskey and turned the full force of the Harper temper on his friend, “Goddamn it Slim, just leave it will ya!”
They sat on in silence for a while and then Slim topped up their glasses and said, “OK... so how long has it been going on...you seeing her?”
Jess sipped his drink, just wishing he could disappear off to bed...he really didn’t need this, not right now.
“Since that time, I rode into town to sound her out about those darned love poems she was giving to Andy.”
Slim smiled at the memory, “Poor kid he sure got that all wrong. It turned out she was just a poetry lover...loves Keats you know Jess,” he said smiling to himself.
Then his smile faded, “Hang on...you didn’t come home that night,” he said as the truth dawned.
Jess said nothing just looked down into his glass.
“All those nights...you stayed out playing poker...you were really with her weren’t you,” he gasped.
Jess looked across at him and merely nodded.
“How could you do that,” he spat angrily, “what about her reputation...what would folk say!”
“Exactly,” Jess said quietly, “that’s why nobody knows. Nobody except you...and I sure as hell hope it’s gonna stay that way Slim...”

 Back in the barn Slim sighed, “It certainly was a big shock to me when you owned up to what had been going on between you and Miss Sarah...uh, your Sadie that is.”
Jess nodded, “Not as much of a shock as it was the following day at the trial when all her secrets came tumbling out,” he said shaking his head sadly.
Slim nodded and then looked thoughtful, “You know I always wondered why you didn’t head off with Sadie...what made you stay at the ranch ...huh?”
There was nothing to be heard save the continual rain drumming down on the barn roof… Jess finally replied, “A couple of things I guess...I was really puttin’ down some roots...got kinda fond of you and Andy,” he said with a grin, “even old Jonesy grew on me, if I’m truthful. There was something else too. See Sadie wasn’t Millie. Hell, I hadn’t seen that gal in a good long while, but she was always my best buddy. Well back in the day I measured every gal up against my Millie... and they were usually wanting,” he said looking down and sighing softly.
Then looking back over at Slim said, “I guess I realized that it wasn’t really true love with Sadie. Sure, we were good together, in the sack anyway,” he said honestly. “You were right, she was born a lady and was real well educated too. She wanted different things to me...a different kind of life. So anyway, I figured what we had wasn’t...well it wasn’t a life time kinda love.”
Slim nodded wisely then chuckled, “Well it’s a good job I’m used to you,” he said, “because a lesser man would get real uncomfortable with you being so dang honest about your love life.”
“Well, ya did ask.”
Slim nodded chuckling, “That I did..

Chapter 11

The following day all at the ranch were up early in preparation for the stage that was due to deliver the Judge and Sadie to the trial. Once breakfast was over the Judge disappeared off to his room to pack up.
Slim made for the door and said, “We’d better get the fresh team ready, you coming Jess?”
Sadie who was heading to her own room to fetch her valise stopped and turned to glance at Jess.
They exchanged a charged look before he turned back to where Slim was waiting on him by the front door.
“Give us a minute huh Slim?” he said softly.
Slim’ s gaze flicked over to Sadie and back to Jess and then nodding pulled his hat down hard and left.
Jess followed Sadie into her room and stood with his back to the closed door just staring hopelessly at her.
“I guess this is goodbye,” he said softly.
She looked into his desolate blue eyes and couldn’t bear to see the pain there, “I’m sorry,” she whispered, “It’s for the best...for us both, you know that.”
Then she was in his arms and he was whispering all the little endearments she so wanted to hear.
She was just about to change her mind to say, yes...yes, she would stay. How could she endure being parted from him, when there was a sharp knock on the door and Slim was there.
Sadie stayed in Jess’s warm embrace now uncaring of what the tall rancher thought of her...all she wanted was to be close to her lover.
“I’m sorry,” Slim said quietly, “the stage is here, it’s time to go.”
The journey was uneventful and the Judge and Sarah felt safe with Mort and the two guards form Denver on board, along with Slim and Jess riding alongside.
Guns were left at the court room door, by all save Mort, the guards, Slim and Jess, who were allowed to remain armed, in case of trouble.
The court filled up quickly with the town’s folk excited at seeing justice for Ruby’s killer.
Jess noted how pale and shaky young Nancy Soames looked and he just hoped she was up to the job of giving the vital evidence that would see Earl Brandon hang. It wasn’t helping any that Jack and Carl were positioned in the front row and were watching Nancy’s every move and also giving the jury frequent hostile glances.
Eventually the time came for Nancy to give her evidence. Judge Hammond had to ask her to speak up several times as she was sworn in and afterwards, she just stood staring out at the court like a startled deer. Then when the questioning began, she gave a little whimper crying, “I just can’t,” she almost collapsed and was helped from the stand by an usher.
Almost immediately Sadie leapt up from where she had been seated between Jess and Slim and headed for the Judge’s bench.
“I am happy to give evidence your Lordship,” she said loud and clear.
Once she was on the stand, she gave her evidence concisely ...however the Judge and Mort were perplexed as this wasn’t the story, she previously recounted.
When asked how she knew the accused she replied, “In the same way as Ruby Jackson did... I was in the same line of business.”
There was a shocked intake of breath from the crowd and then a burst of shocked chatter.
Slim’ s head swiveled to where Jess was just staring in front of him looking unmoved...and he realized his pard had known all along. This must be Sadie’s secret that Jess had guarded so well he assumed, feeling utterly stunned.
“Order,” the Judge boomed, “order in court. Please continue Miss Smith...”
Sadie went on to explain her predicament...how she had been hustled into a life of prostitution against her will...and finally how she had been attacked in the same way as Ruby.
Then the rather smarmy lawyer for the defense said, “I hardly think that is credible evidence my dear. It has obviously been dreamed up to try and discredit my client, should Miss Soames not be able to cope with lying herself. So, what evidence do you have?” he asked throwing the court a malicious smile.
At that Sadie whipped off the colorful scarf she was wearing, bearing the ugly fresh scar from the knife wound at her neck.
“Will this do?” she asked triumphantly.
There was another gasp from the jury and further clamor of comments from the crowd, before the Judge quietened them again.
Finally, Annie, who had arrived in town the previous evening was called to the stand and with her evidence things were looking pretty dark for Earl Brandon. Then the last nail in the coffin was when Nancy found her nerve and stood up and gave her evidence too, encouraged by Sadie’s bravery.
The jury took no time at all in convicting Brandon and he was sentenced to hang by the neck until dead the following day at dawn. He was led away cussing and yelling at the witnesses... much to poor Nancy and Sadie’s consternation... At least it was all over and the truth had finally triumphed.
Then chaos reigned in the court-room as the babbling reached fever pitch. Sadie, Annie and Nancy were spirited away through a back entrance and into the waiting stagecoach, along with the lawmen. Slim and Jess once more as outriders.
They made the short distance to the railroad in record time, almost before Jack and Carl Brandon had even retrieved their guns back from the court’s officials. So, it looked like it was all over bar the shouting.
When they arrived at the rail-head Jess swung down from the saddle and opening the stage door escorted Sadie and Annie through to the station, followed by Nancy and the others.
The train was already waiting, puffing and blowing like some giant dragon impatient to be away.
The lawmen escorting the women took over, hurrying them onto the train, constantly glancing around them for signs of any trouble.
The guard had his whistle in his mouth and green flag in his hand...as Jess, Slim and Mort stood on the platform awaiting the departure.
Then at the last minute the door burst open once more and Sadie jumped down and ran into Jess’s arms.
“I didn’t say goodbye properly,” she cried desolately. Then she was in his arms and he kissed her with abandon, before eventually pushing her gently away and helping her back up onto the train. The door slammed, the whistle blew and the mighty engine pulled slowly away, belching smoke and steam as it went.
Jess stood a little apart from the others just staring at the retreating locomotive, one hand raised in a gesture of farewell.
Mort turned an astonished countenance to Slim and said, “Garldarn it, well he kept that pretty damn quiet, didn’t he?”
Slim nodded sadly, “Yup...and that’s the way he wants it kept too, OK Mort? Sooner all this is forgotten the better. He sure doesn’t need upsetting by folks and their malicious gossip.”
“They won’t hear it from me,” Mort confirmed as they watched the lonely figure still standing watching the distant plume of smoke that was all that was left to see of the mighty engine.
Slim wandered over and threw an arm around Jess’s shoulders, “Come on buddy, let’s go home,” he said kindly.
Slim had hoped that Jess would bounce back and become more his old self once Andy and Jonesy returned home at the weekend. Maybe he would be able to put the last few weeks of passion and sorrow behind him once and for all. He’d been so quiet, hardly eating anything since the trial and Slim was getting quite worried about him.
“Come on Jess, make an effort,” he said the night before the others were due back, “my cooking isn’t that bad, is it?”
Jess pushed away the plate of food he’d been toying with for most of the meal and said softly, “Sorry Slim...It ain’t that, I’m just not hungry.”
“Hell Jess, you can’t keep on moping this way...Sarah....uh Sadie will be just fine once she settles back in her home town. It’s the best thing for her in the long run, you know that.”
Jess sighed lustily, “I know yer right Slim. I just wish...Oh I dunno...that things hadn’t ended that way. One minute she was all I could think about...all I wanted, then the next she’s gone. That’s kinda hard for a man to take you know.”
“Sure... what you need is someone to take your mind off things, Mary’s back next week, why don’t we all head off to the dance together huh?”
Jess just groaned and started clearing the table, “I’ll wash,” he said and mooched off... followed by Slim’ s anxious gaze.
Jess’s mood didn’t lighten too much when Andy and Jonesy arrived home full of the exciting time they’d had away.
Once Andy was in bed and old Jonesy was sitting before the fire recounting yet another saga of his recent trip, he noticed Jess looking off into the fire, clearly in a world of his own.
Thinking he had maybe bored the two young men with his tales he turned to Slim and said, “I believe you’ve had your fair share of excitement here too, what with the big trial and all?”
Slim and Jess exchanged a furtive glance before Jess said gruffly, “So what have ya heard about that?”
Jonesy looked a tad taken aback by Jess’s less than friendly response and said, “Well not too much as it happens. Mose started telling me about that young Schoolmarm giving evidence... then when Andy came up, he said it weren’t suitable for young ears and just shut up…not like Mose at all. So come on then,” he said grinning, “what’s all this hush hush scandal about then huh?”
Jess leapt out of his chair and for one awful moment Slim thought he would punch the old man instead he headed for his room though and angrily threw over his shoulder, “I don’t want no part of all that filthy gossip, I’m goin’ ta bed.”
Jonesy turned shocked eyes on Slim, “So what in hell’s that all about? What’s that no-good drifter been up to now, because he sure looks real guilty about something?”
Slim finally had to give him the abridged version of the trial...omitting any reference to Jess’s relationship with Sadie.
“Well, I’ll be damned...that sweet innocent young school ma’am was a working girl?”
“Against her will,” Slim interjected firmly. “She was held prisoner Jonesy and threatened on a daily basis. It was a living hell for the girl. She was taken from a good family and thrown into a world she had no experience of, which she eventually overcame by escaping. Then she told the truth about it all in court. She was one very brave lady. And now she’s home where she belongs...so let that be an end to it huh?”
“So, what’s rattled Jess so much then?” Jonesy asked throwing Slim a penetrating look, “Because somethings gotten the boy all fired up.”
“That’s his business,” Slim said firmly, “and like I say I don’t want it discussed again under this roof. And I surely don’t want Andy to get wind of any of this idle gossip either,” he added. “As to Jess, well if you’ve got any sense, I should just let the matter lie.”
The following day after school, Andy emerged from the stage with his hat pulled well down and just grunted at Slim’ s welcoming howdy.
Annoyed by his little brother’s response he grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back, “You can say something,” he admonished...then more patiently, “look at me Andy...what’s up?”
When the child finally did as he was told Slim gave a little gasp of shock as he saw the bruised face and black eye.
“You’ve been fighting,” he finally managed. “Andy what have we said about brawling huh? Don’t tell me that nonsense about how Jess is always scrapping...I’m talking about you...and it isn’t the way you’ve been brought up!”
Andy merely hung his head and said nothing.
“Get along inside we’ll talk later,” he growled and the boy fled to the house.
Jess wandered over with the replacement horses and said, “What’s up with the kid?”
Slim looked furious, “Darn it he’s been fighting...and don’t you dare give me that line, fighting’s good, helps keep a man in shape...this is my kid brother we’re talking about!”
Jess raised his hands in mock submission, “Heck ain’t nuthin’ to do with me, I ain’t sayin’ nuthin’,” and he went off to hitch up the team.
Andy stayed in his room, refusing to come out for supper.
Eventually Slim went in and there were some raised voices... then everything went quiet.
Jonesy and Jess exchanged an anxious glance...then moments later Slim stormed out and threw himself down on his fireside chair.
“No luck?” Jonesy asked
Slim shook his head, “He’s refusing to tell me what it was all about and he’s so dang upset. I really don’t know what to do. He sure won’t confide in me.”
“Shall I make him some hot chocolate?” Jonesy suggested.
“I think it’ll take more than that,” Slim replied sadly.
Then he turned to where Jess was keeping a low profile whittling a piece of wood as he sat by the fire.
“Uh, could you talk to him Jess...he listens to you,” Slim asked hopefully.
“Hey I thought we’d decided bringing up yer kid brother was none of my goddamn business?” Jess said quoting some harsh words spoken by Slim a while back.
“Aw I didn’t mean that, I was just kind of annoyed at the time,” Slim said quickly. “And I really didn’t think it was wise to tell him that the ends justify the means...especially when pertaining to copying homework.”
“Always worked for me,” Jess said with an easy grin.
“Please Jess, I’m really worried about him, I’ve never seen him this way before.”
Jess sighed and rolled his eyes, “OK,” he said and getting up he wandered over to Andy’s room.
He tapped on the door and said, “Andy, it’s me you wanna talk?”
There was a muffled response from within and turning Jess gave a thumbs up and disappeared into the room, closing the door quietly behind him.
Andy was sitting cross legged on his bed looking very sorry for himself.
Jess gave a low whistle when he saw the black eye and said, “Jeez, that looks real painful...you need a cold cloth on it.”
He wandered over to the bowl and jug and soaked a cloth in the cold water for a minute before ringing it out and passing it to Andy.
“There hold that on it, it’ll stop the pain some...bruising too.”
“Thanks,” the child muttered applying the cool washcloth.
Jess sat down on the edge of the bed and said, “So, did you whop him good?”
Andy gave the ghost of a smile, “Pretty good, I gave him a bloody nose.”
Jess grinned at that, “Remembered to keep yer guard up, way I showed ya?”
“Uh-huh...but he was real fast Jess.”
“So, who was it?”
“Jed Harris.”
Jess’s eyes opened wide in shock, “Jeez, you got a death wish kid? He’s a good head taller than you and a few pounds heavier too. You must have been real mad at him?”
Andy just nodded, then after a pause he whispered, “He said some real wicked things about my teacher...Miss Smith.”
Jess’s heart started beating faster. Hell, someone had told him about Sadie and her less than squeaky clean past...now what?
“What did he say?” he asked eventually, knowing this had to be faced sooner or later and he sure wasn’t gonna fob the kid off with lies; that just wouldn’t be fair.
Andy looked away and then muttered, “That she was a lady of the night...a working girl... It’s not true Jess...it’s just not!” he cried in distress.
Jess sighed, so the secret was out. It sure hadn’t taken the folk from the trial long to enjoy their malicious gossip and young Jed had obviously heard his loud mouth Pa talking.
“Do you know what you’re saying Andy? Do you understand what a ‘working girl’ does?” he asked quietly.
“Sure, I do,” Andy yelled angrily, “I ain’t a little kid Jess. I know all about that kinda thing...why do you think I’m so mad at what Jed and the others were saying about her!”
“OK Andy, now listen up...real good.”
Then he told the boy all about Sadie’s past. About the death of her parents and how she and Annie fled from the sickness that was killing so many in their town. Then how her trust in the saloon owners was finally betrayed when they made her work as a prostitute against her will... Kept a prisoner and threatened with death if she refused to comply.
The child watched wide eyed and desolate at these terrible revelations...but Jess figured, upsetting though it was...it was better than the terrible gossip that was doing the rounds in town.
When he had finished, he could tell the boy was fighting back tears... at least he wasn’t so dang angry anymore. Now he knew the truth.
“How do you know all this Jess?” the youngster suddenly asked.
That caught Jess out and he flushed up a little before taking a deep breath and saying, “She told me Andy.”
“You and her were friends then?” he asked looking surprised.
“I guess so yeah. You see me and Slim looked out for her before the trial. The Sheriff was worried that those no hopers Carl and Jack Branson might hurt her before she could testify. We kept her safe ‘tis all...”
“Oh, I see,” Andy said looking relieved, “so she was Slim’ s friend too?”
“Uh yup...sure thing,” Jess said.
There was the truth and then there were things that were better left unsaid...his relationship with Sadie being one of them he figured.
“So, are you feelin’ better now?” Jess asked kindly.
“I guess I am yeah,” the boy said with the hint of a smile.
“We kept some pie back for you.”
He gave a genuine smile at that, “You know what... I guess I am kinda hungry now Jess. I’ll be out in a minute,” he added. “I just need to wash up some.”
The red puffy eyes hadn’t gone unnoticed and Jess reckoned the poor kid was feeling heartbroken.
As he turned to go Andy said, “Thanks Jess...for telling me everything...I understand now. I guess I’ll really miss her.”
Jess nodded, “Me too buddy,” and he left, closing the door behind him.
Andy lay back, processing all the information Jess had told him. Jeepers he couldn’t wait to put Jed and the others straight he thought happily.
Jess could be kinda strict lately. He’d started siding with Slim about bedtimes...homework and chores...all the boring stuff.
However on the really important issues like this business with Miss Smith he treated Andy as an equal...not a little kid like Slim so often still did. He always felt that his big brother was judging him, but Jess never did. He sighed, one day when he was all grown up, he’d explain that to Slim. Even so, he was his brother and he loved him dearly. He’d go get his pie he decided and then apologize to Slim for the way he’d been. Yup that’s what he’d do and he figured that’s what Jess would want him to do too.
It was much later when they turned in for the night that Slim said, “So what in Hell did you say to him Jess? Not only did you get him out of his room, he also apologized to me,” he said looking amazed.
Jess shrugged, “I just talked to him, man to man I guess...usually works.”
Slim nodded, acknowledging the friendship that Andy and Jess had forged.
“So, what was the problem?” he asked as he threw the towel aside after washing and made for his bed. “A fall out with one of his little friends?” he asked indulgently.
Jess was stretched out on his bed and said, “You could say so...he had a fight with Jed Harris, Pete Harris’s boy.”
Slim looked shocked, “The hell he did! Good grief young Jed must be nearly six foot now and built like a darned cart horse. Got the brains of one too,” he added rolling his eyes.
“Yup, that’s the guy,” Jess agreed.
“Why’d he do a dang fool thing like that?” Slim asked in amazement.
“It seems Jed was telling anyone in the school yard that would listen, all about Sadie’s past as a hooker.”
“What!” Slim practically squeaked.
“You heard; seems it was the talk of the yard.”
“But...but Andy’s just a young boy, he doesn’t know about that kind of thing,” he said looking aghast.
“Slim he’s fourteen for goodness sake. Sure, he knows all about it...why do you think he was so dang mad?”
Slim looked suddenly furious, “Damn it, I blame you for this! I suppose you’ve been filling his head with tales of loose women. Not to mention gambling and drinking. Hell, the boy will be off the rails before we know it!”
Jess sighed and decided it was time for some plain speaking.
“I ain’t told the boy anything about women...the good, bad or indifferent ones. All I told him was how to recognize a card sharp...dealing from the bottom of the pack. And that drinking too much was a mugs game and took all yer hard-earned cash. Like we said the other day... bringing up yer kid brother ain’t any of my goddamn business.”
Slim looked a bit sheepish at that and was about to comment…however Jess hadn’t finished with him yet.
“No Slim, anything he knows about women he’s heard in the school yard. And unless you want it to stay that way...well I reckon it’s time you sat down with him and told him a few facts of life...don’t you?”
Slim sat down hard on his bed and sighed, “I’m sorry Jess...really sorry. And you’re right. I need to talk to him...man to man just like you said. Maybe that’s where I’ve been going wrong huh? Not realizing he’s growing up...and darned fast too.”
Jess shrugged, “I dunno ... maybe. I do know you’re his brother, and he looks up to you. Slim he loves ya something fierce too...that’s the important thing ain’t it. As long as you’ve got that I figure you can work things out.”
Slim hung his head and then looked over at his friend, “Thanks Jess...I appreciate that...and what you did tonight too.”

Chapter 12
The scandal and gossip surrounding Miss Smith’s past was soon forgotten and life went on as normal around the ranch.
However, Jess had refused to accompany Slim to town on his visits to the local dance with Mary. Even though Slim assured him everything about the trial had now been consigned to history.
“I don’t wanna be a dang gooseberry,” he’d sighed and wandered off to play checkers with Andy, after all he lamented to himself, two is company and three a crowd.
“It ain’t natural,” Jonesy had whispered to Slim later in the kitchen, “the drifter staying home on a Saturday night. Do ya think he’s sick? Maybe he should have some of my home-made elixir,” he added.
Slim shuddered at the thought of Jonesy’s tonic that was made with syrup of figs and several other nauseous ingredients.
“No, he’s just fine,” he whispered back, “I think he’s just afraid he’ll come across some of that gossip about the teacher and feel he has to settle it once and for all with his fists... I guess most folk have forgotten about it by now though.”
Jonesy nodded wisely, “Even so, good thing to stay home a while then...just in case.”
However, Slim figured that the real reason was that Jess was still hurting from Sadie’s departure...and the thought of romancing the ladies was the last thing on his mind right then. He might not have been in for the long haul of marriage and kids, he was sure missing the gal something fierce though, that Slim did know.
For once it was Slim who was enjoying the regular company of a beautiful woman. Now Mary’s little lapse into her old ways had been nipped in the bud, their relationship had gone from strength to strength. There had been absolutely no recurrence of her petty thieving and she said that was down to Slim. “You make me so happy and content I have no need to seek out those cheap thrills anymore,” she had said one night.
She had tried to explain about the buzz that taking things gave her.
“It’s just the getting away with it...I don’t really want the items,” she had explained. “It’s the excitement of acquiring them that I craved... Now I have all the excitement I need in you,” she added. Then he had pulled her into his warm embrace and kissed her passionately…thinking life just didn’t get any better than this.
The only fly in the ointment were her frequent trips away...One week off to Kentucky...then a few weeks later down to Denver.
“You see my love I just made so many friends when my dear husband and I were traveling around with the army and they all insist I stay in touch. And why not I have the means to travel and as they say absence makes the heart grow fonder,” she had added with a captivating glance from under her lashes.
Life was hell for Jess and the others when she was away as Slim was on a real short fuse ranting about the least little thing...until one day Jess felt he could stand it no longer.
Slim had just lambasted him for having left some tools out in the rain all night and that was the last straw for Jess after a day of niggles and moans.
“Fer God’s sake, iffen you don’t like Mary being away so long why dontcha go traveling with her and give us all some damn peace?” He’d yelled furiously before marching off to find solace with his horse in the barn.
Slim stood in the yard as he considered the idea. Sure, he stayed at Mary’s place the odd night in the week. However she lived on the edge of town and he was always extremely circumspect in his comings and goings. To actually travel with her and brazenly stay at hotels as man and wife...well that was something else altogether. Then the idea struck him like a herd of buffalo...of course it was blatantly obvious...they would have to marry...then they would never be parted again. She would live happily at the ranch and her wanderlust would be a thing of the past.
There had always been some excuse as to why she couldn’t accompany him to the ranch, so now he decided he must be firm with her. After all, if it was to be her future home then she must learn to love it as much as he did.
He decided to strike while the iron was hot and strode purposefully into the kitchen where Jonesy was banging pots and pans about preparing supper.
“It won’t be ready for another hour,” he said impatiently, “been busy makin’ a batch of liniment...can’t do everything around here ya know!”
“Sure...sure,” Slim said placatingly.
Then he paused before saying, “I was uh... just thinking of asking Miss Mary around for supper next week. She’s due back from Denver at the end of the week and I thought we could have a welcome home party? “He asked hopefully.
“What ...here Miss Mary, to come here?” Jonesy asked in consternation.
“Yes, is that a problem?”
“Not for me Slim...but it might be for her. I kinda got the impression she didn’t have much time for us over here...the odd occasion we’ve met.”
“Oh, I guess she’s just kind of shy,” Slim said rather unconvincingly.
He’d wondered why she wasn’t keen to visit himself. He had put it down to the fact that she and Jess didn’t really hit it off too well...Jess had an uncanny way of sussing folk out and Slim thought maybe she found that rather intimidating...especially with her recent fall from grace, back into petty crime.
The matter was discussed later at supper.
“Why?” Andy asked at once.
“Well good grief why not?” Slim said impatiently, “She’s my friend surely she’s welcome here, isn’t she?”
“I guess so,” Andy said rather sulkily. He had only met Mary once and she had treated him so patronizingly he had taken an instant dislike to her.
“She’s just not used to children,” Slim had said at the time, “not having any of her own.”
“Why hasn’t she, she’s sure old enough,” Andy had replied.
Slim had flushed up, “That’s none of our business. She and her husband traveled around a lot, with the army,” he had added vaguely.
Now at the supper table Andy looked less than thrilled at the news.
Noting this and feeling a little sorry for Slim, Jonesy said, “I thought I’d make my Mulligan Stew... that young lady could do with feeding up some.”
“Thanks Jonesy,” Slim said smiling warmly at him.
Then he turned to Jess, “How about you pard, you’ll be here won’t you?”
“Sure...can’t wait,” he said dryly.
Later that night, in the privacy of their room Jess lay on his bed and said, “So what’s all this for Slim…you invitin ’ Mary over?”
“Why shouldn’t I,” Slim said flushing up slightly, “it’s my home isn’t it.”
“Sure, you usually prefer the privacy of her place though don’t ya,” he said with a cheeky grin.
“Well, she’s coming here and that’s an end to it,” Slim said stoutly. “And I hope you’re going to behave yourself Jess.”
Jess placed an expression of extreme innocence on his face and said, “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Uh, well just try and make her feel at home huh.”
“Look, it’s her that don’t like me Slim, I’ve got nuthin’ against the girl.”
“I think you make her a bit nervous to be honest. All that business about taking those things you know? Well, she’s not actually sure that you know all about it. But I guess she suspects as much and just feels rather uncomfortable about it all especially in front of you.”
“Hell, I ain’t gonna say nuthin’. It ain’t any of my business...and as long as she’s changed her ways, I reckon we should all forget about it,” he added.
Hell, it had been him who had returned the items he thought with irony...she should be dang well thanking him... there again maybe she didn’t know the part he had played.
“Thanks Jess,” he said quietly.
“This is getting’ kinda serious ain’t it?” Jess asked throwing him a speculative glance.
Slim flushed up and looked away and then said quietly, “It could be... I reckon I’ve got to sound the lady out first.”
Then turning to his friend said, “I promise you’ll be first to know.”

Mary was nobody’s fool and as soon as Slim insisted upon her coming to the ranch for supper and to get to know his family and friends better...the alarm bells started ringing. This was a man with matrimony on his mind or she was the Queen of Sheba. The thing was...what to do about it?
Sure, she had become very attached to Slim, he was a good lover, kind and considerate and real easy on the eye too...but love him? What had Arnold said about her? ‘Honey first and foremost you love number one... and the rest of us fall somewhere back in line after that.’ She smiled at the memory. She and Arnold had made a good team and he was under no allusions as to what she was really like and just accepted her for who she was. She’d never find another man like that though... nor was she looking for one either, truth be told. Well, there was one that might fit the bill and she smiled secretly to herself...But would he be interested? It certainly would be exciting trying to find out she thought.
Nope her relationship with Slim was useful and enjoyable and also prevented any unwanted attention from any other suitors, not of her choice. Mary was perfectly aware of her beauty and attractiveness and used it to her advantage. Right now, she decided that she really needed to be a prize bitch though to get herself out of this situation. Maybe if all at the ranch hated her, then Slim would take a step back and seriously re-consider marrying her. Then things could remain on an even keel...with Slim’ s company, but with no unwanted commitments.
It was the night before the proposed visit and Slim was feeling very nervous.
He watched Jess and his usual bedtime routine of stripping off and leaving his clothes where they lay on the floor, before tumbling into bed in his once red, faded to dusty pink, undershorts.
Suddenly aware of Slim’ s scrutiny he said, “What?”
“Are you going to leave your clothes there on the floor?” he asked looking pained.
“Well sure why wouldn’t I? That way I’ll know where to find ‘em in the morning,” he replied cheerfully.
“Yes, but you’ll be wearing clean ones won’t you,” Slim replied looking exasperated.
“I will?”
“Sure, you’ll need clean clothes tomorrow won’t you Jess!”
Then the truth dawned, “Hang it all Slim I ain’t about to go doin’ the chores in my Sunday best just because Mary’s visitin’!”
That’s not what I’m saying, a clean work shirt wouldn’t go amiss...and that lot should be in the laundry basket.”
“Well, she won’t be lookin’ in here anyway, will she?” Jess said moodily as he threw the offending shirt in the general direction of the wash basket. “Maybe I should wear my best white courtin’ undershorts,” he added sarcastically, “in case she wants to inspect them too!”
Slim ignored Jess’s comment and said cheerfully, “I aim to give her the full tour of the house.”
“Well, that won’t take long,” he muttered grimly.
Then Slim wandered over and viewed his pard more closely, “Did you take a bath today?”
“Hell Slim, it ain’t even Saturday...what’s gotten into you!”
“Well, it will be tomorrow...you take a good bath first thing...I don’t want the tub and all the mess you make still around when she arrives!”
Jess just grunted, which could have meant anything and rolled over on his side and was asleep in minutes. While Slim lay awake tossing and turning, imagining all the things that could go wrong the following day.
However, Jess was up early the following morning and was just finishing his bath in front of the fire, when Slim came in from his early morning chores.
He glanced over to where Jess was busy at the tub, a skimpy towel draped loosely around his hips.
“What are you doing now?” Slim asked as he wandered over.
“Washing Traveller’s saddle blanket...didn’t wanna waste the hot water,” he said grinning up at his friend.
Slim just shook his head, there really was no answer to that...and he made his way over to the breakfast table.
He went off to collect Mary later that afternoon and in his absence everyone at the ranch breathed a huge sigh of relief.
“I dunno why he has to be so dang particular,” Jess moaned to Jonesy.
The old timer shook his head, “Looks to me like a man with matrimony on his mind,” he said succinctly.
Then Jess remembered what Slim had alluded to before, how things might be getting serious.
“Hell, so where does that leave us?”
Jonesy shook his head, “Well I doubt a new bride would want to share her kitchen with me... so I’ll be out on my ear I imagine son.”
Jess looked anxious, “Or her bedroom with me,” he muttered, “guess I’d be chucked out into the bunkhouse.”
“It’s early days,” Jonesy said shrugging, “they ain’t set a date yet...anything could happen.”
Then they heard the sound of the buckboard entering the yard and moments later the couple entered.
Much later Jess reflected that you really couldn’t fault Mary’s acting ability. In front of Slim she was sweetness and light...However behind his back the barbs of sarcasm and bitchiness knew no bounds.
It all started innocently enough.
She had only been in the house a matter of minutes before her nose started twitching and a look of distaste marred her beautiful features.
“What is it darling?” Slim asked anxiously.
“Oh nothing,” she murmured, “I’m just not used to the uh countryside odors I guess,” and she looked pointedly at Jess.
“Hey it ain’t me,” he said hotly, “I just took a dang bath on your account.”
“Jess!” Slim said angrily.
“Uh sorry,” he replied sheepishly, having forgotten his manners in the spur of the moment.
Then Jonesy came forwards and plucked the offending horse blanket from where Jess had left it drying by the fire.
“I think this is the culprit,” he said grinning, “even after washing the smell of horse does rather linger,” then they all laughed and the moment passed.
Slim grinned with relief his good humor once more intact.
“Now why don’t we show you around? Uh Jonesy could you do the honors in the kitchen? I’m sure Mary would like to see your domain,” he added cheerfully.
Mary looked around her with a jaundiced eye, once she and Jonesy were alone.
“Goodness me how do you manage on that old range?” she asked raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.
“Right enough,” Jonesy muttered feeling annoyed.
“And these pots and pans,” she added looking at his pride and joy with ill-concealed dismay, “They would have to go...I really can’t image why Slim hasn’t purchased new?”
“I’m real fond of them,” Jonesy said stoutly, “and they do the job real good too.”
“Well maybe they do for your caliber of cuisine,” she said haughtily. “They really wouldn’t do for mine though, not at all.”
At this point Slim, who had been removing the offending horse blanket, came in through the back door and smiling said, “All done in here?”
“Yes, she is,” Jonesy said firmly.
His sarcasm was lost on Slim who beamed at his intended and said, “Come and check out our outdoor shower...and the outhouse too, freshly painted,” he added proudly.
She was all smiles and good cheer in front of Slim, but managed to backstab the others without him noticing a thing.
Andy was doing his usual thing of trying to get his homework done at the last minute, before the table was needed for supper, his books spread across the dining table when Mary wandered over and put a friendly arm around his shoulders.
Slim looked over smiling benignly, but was unable to hear what she was saying to the boy.
“I think it would be a good idea to take your work into your bedroom,” she said with an insincere smile, “let the grown-ups talk in peace dear.”
Andy felt totally humiliated...so what did that make him... a little kid? He gathered up his books at once and with a sulky, “Yes ma’am,” he went off to his room.
However, Jess noticed the brief encounter and said, “What’s up with Andy?”
“Oh nothing,” she said sweetly, “I think he just needs his own space to study.”
“That’s a first,” Jess said, but a warning glance from Slim effectively shut him up.
The meal was duly enjoyed by all with Mary cheerfully saying, “You can’t beat good plain cooking...and so much of it too,” she added, pushing the hardly touched meal around her plate.
Jess cast Jonesy an anxious glance but he just carried on chewing and looking off into the distance as though trying to remove himself from the situation.
Then Jess looked over to Slim but he was merely grinning foolishly at his love and hanging on her every word.
However later Slim noticed that old Jonesy was rather taciturn and thought maybe the excitement and extra work of the visit had tired him some. Feeling rather guilty he offered to wash up...secretly hoping Mary would join him in the kitchen.
Then Jess rose and made for the door, “Where are you off to, we do have a guest,” Slim said somewhat churlishly. Hell, Jess had hardly said a thing over supper and now he was swanning off someplace.
“I’m just gonna check on the foal,” he said quickly, “I won’t be long.”
At this Mary arose from the dinner table looking enchanted, “Oh a dear little foal, might I see him too Jess?” she asked with the innocence and excitement of a child, her face wreathed in smiles.
What could he say, “Sure ma’am”
“Do call me Mary, please,” she said coyly as she took his arm to be escorted across the yard.
Slim’ s face dropped, it looked like he was lumbered with the washing up and alone too. “Don’t be long,” he called after them, “it strikes cold in the barn at night.”
She duly admired the new foal and then turned to stare quizzically at Jess.
“I do believe you have quite an interesting history,” she said opening her eyes wide and giving him a flirtatious look.
Jess just stared coldly at her, “Oh yeah?”
“Yes, I understand you’ve been rather a bad boy in the past,” she continued in her rather teasing manner. “Rumour has it that you’ve been in trouble with the law so I hear? Quite the rogue um?” she asked sashaying over to him and standing way too close.
“Takes one to know one,” he replied sarcastically.
“Touché,” she replied her eyes now glittering and her breathing coming faster... as she looked deeply into his eyes.
He stared back at her, his eyes dropping to the low-cut dress for a second, before returning to her hypnotic gaze.
Then she moved in and taking his face between her delicate hands kissed him deeply.
In a matter of seconds Jess came to his senses and pulled roughly away from her embrace, “What the hell are you playing at?” he growled.
“Oh, believe me I’m not playing,” she said quietly, “I’m deadly serious.”
When he said nothing merely pulled his hat down hard and glaring coldly at her she continued, “Oh come on Jess, we’re two of a kind, we could be good together...real good.”
“You really are a piece of work ain’t you,” Jess spat angrily. “Even if I liked you, which I don’t,” he added firmly, “there’s no way I’d betray Slim. Apparently that’s more than can be said about you I guess,” he added and with that he turned on his heel and marched off.
When he returned from the barn alone Slim looked surprised, “Where‘s Mary?” he asked.
“In the barn, she...uh said she was kinda tired, I told her you’d be out directly to hitch up the buckboard.”
Slim’ s eyes narrowed, “You haven’t been upsetting her have you Jess?”
But he marched off to bed before he could reply.
Slim found her in the barn fussing with the foal.
She held her breath waiting for the onslaught... Jess must have told Slim she’d made a move on him...how would he take it? For a second, she considered saying that it had been Jess who had accosted her... but would he believe her?
Slim smiled kindly at her, “Jess said you were feeling kind of tired and were ready for home?”
She sighed with relief, thank God. Now she could carry on her relationship with Slim. It was a shame of course... Jess was so tempting. For a second, she imagined what it would be like for him to respond to her kisses, to make love. Then she stopped herself and was filled with anger. How dare he reject her that way! Anyway, she’d got away with her little lapse, that was the main thing and Slim was still her willing slave.
It was breakfast time before he returned to the ranch and the postmortem of the visit was in full swing.
“I reckon I’ll ask Slim if I can head off to school back east this year instead of next,” Andy said hotly, “because I sure ain’t living under the same roof as her!”
“Maybe I’ll come along with you, ride shot-gun,” Jonesy said thoughtfully.
Then turning to the dark-haired rancher, said, “How about you Jess, you’ve been awful quiet on the subject.”
Jess was still reeling from the events of the night before in the barn, should he tell Slim about the betrayal...or not?
He figured he was dammed if he did and dammed if he didn’t. Slim was bound to think the worst of him, imagine Jess had hit on Mary...or just misinterpreted the signals. Whatever, Mary would be in the right and he in the wrong...and yet, could he let his buddy get hitched to a prize bitch like Mary?”
“Well Jess what do you think?” Andy asked...
“Dunno,” he said looking gloomy. Maybe it would just be a hell of a lot easier if he went back on the drift he thought privately.
Then the door flew open and a flushed and cheerful Slim stood before them.
“Well, I thought that went very well,” he exclaimed happily, “any breakfast left Jonesy?”

Chapter 13

Slim seemed totally unaware of the undertones and Jonesy was loathed to complain about Mary when he saw how happy and excited Slim was. Andy just went off and sulked knowing that Slim would merely say he’d imagined Mary’s hostile attitude towards him.
As to Jess he was in a quandary as to what to do about that evil Jezaebel as he thought of Mary. She sure was the devious one. If she could be so deceitful making a pass at him behind Slim’ s back, then maybe she was still stealing things and just hiding it well. After all she had implied that they would make a good team after she had alluded to his less than law abiding past.
Then he thought if he couldn’t warn Slim, maybe he could counsel Mary and let her know he was watching her. Tell her that any further unfitting behaviour would be related back to Slim, whether she liked it or not.
He made an excuse to go into town the following day.
He hitched Traveller to her white picket fence and pulling his hat down hard walked to the door and rapped loudly on the shiny brass knocker.
When she opened the door, she looked startled for a moment and then her face relaxed into a welcoming smile, “Why Jess how lovely to see you,” she cooed, “do come in.”
He removed his hat and followed her through to the luxurious sitting room, looking around him at the rather ostentatious grandeur.
“Please sit down,” she said, her whole demeanor seductive as she sat on the couch and patted the seat beside her.
“No thanks,” he replied, “this won’t take long.”
“Why so serious?” she asked gazing adoringly up at him. “It’s alright you know you, silly boy. You can change your mind... I think maybe you were just a little shocked the other day in the barn?”
When he just stood still, staring coldly at her she got up and went over to him, resting her hands on his chest...and looking up into his uncompromising gaze.
“Like I said we could be so good together...why don’t I show you around,” she added with a wicked wink, nodding to where the staircase led up to her bedroom.
Jess frowned and took a step backwards away from her, “I guess you don’t understand me ma’am. I ain’t here to take you up on your offer,” he spat angrily. “I’m here to warn you off...and to say iffen I hear anything about you cheatin ’ on Slim, I’ll be tellin’ him. Same iffen you start your dang light-fingered ways again too. I’ll be watchin’ real close,” he added.
“What,” she cried enraged, “how dare you,” and she made to slap him.
But he was too fast for her and grabbed her arm stopping her in her tracks.
“Oh, I dare alright,” he growled, “and I’m warning you now, you upset my pard and you’ll live to regret it...you got that?” and he marched out without a backward glance.
When he arrived back at the ranch he was still shaking with anger and had a good mind to have it out with Slim there and then. Hell didn’t he deserve to know what sorta prize bitch he was associating with?
However, when he rode into the yard, he saw Mort Cory’s mount tethered by the porch; he slipped down from the saddle and hitched Traveller to the rail. Then giving the old buckskin and friendly pat on the rump, entered the ranch house.
“Ah Jess, I’m glad you’re back,” Slim said from where he was seated at the table with Mort, “this concerns you too, pull up a chair.”
Once Jess had joined them, Mort brought him up to speed on what they had been discussing.
“It’s this dang Stage robber, he’s struck again,” Mort said looking weary, “just a week ago and he’s getting closer to home and way more dangerous too.”
“What... is this that guy...of the Lofty and Skinny fame?” Jess asked with a smirk.
“Uh, yes and this is no laughing matter Jess. He shot the guard when he didn’t throw the payroll down right away. He may be skinny but he’s real dangerous.”
Jess sobered at once, “OK so do ya think he’s going to strike here abouts?”
“That’s exactly what I do think yes...and that’s why I’ve asked Slim...you too if yer willing, to ride shot gun on the payroll run for the next week or two.”
Jess nodded, “Sure it’s on a Friday right...wages go up to Cheyenne for the railroad workers from our bank?”
“You got it yes. Now here’s the plan one of you rides shot gun on the box and if attacked throws the money down pronto. And be dang sure it is pronto too, our friend seems kinda trigger happy of late. Then before he can escape the other guard, concealed in the Stagecoach, attacks our man. Hopefully this surprise tactic should nail him. There are never any passengers on the regular wages run, so he won’t be checking inside the coach.”
“So why do you think he’s going to strike here?” Jess asked.
Mort opened a map and showed the men several crosses scattered across the area. “There’s a pattern emerging see...three weeks ago here and then five weeks ago here. According to my reckoning he’s going to strike this area next week...or the week after if he follows his usual plan. This time we’ll be ready for the bastard though,” Mort said with unusual malice.
“This guy’s really got to you ain’t he,” Jess asked looking at the Sheriff with compassion in his clear blue eyes.
Mort nodded, “The guard he shot, Wes Dawson, is a real nice guy...with a young family too. He sure won’t be working again for a good while, way he was shot up. Yup I want this man caught. It ends right here,” he said with conviction.
Early the following Friday the men convened in Mort’s office before the stage was due out.
“So, who’s riding shot gun?” Mort asked.
“Jess,” Slim said, “he tends to do the job more often than I do, might look suspicious if we changed routine.”
Mort nodded, “OK so you drop that cash box down like it was a dang hot potato Jess, I don’t want you hurt the way Wes has been.”
Then he turned to Slim, “As soon as that dang no hoper jumps down from his mount to get the money, you draw on him Slim. Bring him in alive if you can...But ...well if he opens fire on you just stop him anyway you can.”
“Sure,” Slim said accepting one of the Deputies badges Mort threw across to him and passing the second one to Jess.
“OK, so Lon and I will be riding drag a good way behind the coach and iffen anything goes wrong and he manages to escape on his horse, then we’ll be after him. I think that’s covered everything.”
Then he chuckled, “I even put the word around that they were carrying extra money this week to try and tempt our friend out to play. I sure hope it works,” he added, “because we really need to nail him once and for all.”
Everything went to plan with Slim entering the stage very stealthily double checking nobody was around. Luckily it was an early morning run and Main Street pretty much deserted.
Mort and Lon had left the office by the back door and approached the livery via a back alley before saddling up and leaving town again via a back route. If the guy had any spies out then they certainly wouldn’t see anything unusual about the payroll run, Mort thought happily. Now he and Lon just had to keep a discreet distance until the stage was hit.
Mose was his usual grumbling self as he slapped the reins and ushered the team off at speed, “Don’t know why I always dang well get all the dangerous runs,” he moaned, “and I doubt I’ll get paid extra on top of my wages.”
“Well, that’ll be a darned site more than I’m getting,” Jess replied impatiently. “Anyways you want this bastard caught before he shoots anyone else dontcha?”
Mose nodded sadly, “Sure I do, was real wicked what he did to young Wes. No call for it none at all. That young Skinny guy was flexing his muscles I reckon. See, it was the one they called Lofty always used to call the shots... I figure this young guy was just making sure we know he means business.
“Oh, we know alright,” Jess muttered angrily, “and I reckon it’s time he was stopped huh?”
Mose nodded, “Yup, I guess you’re right boy,” and they continued the journey in stoic silence.
They were just under half way to Cheyenne when the outlaw hit.
As they rounded a bend in the road Mose had to pull hard on the lines as the road ahead was blocked by a hay wagon.
He and Jess exchanged an anxious glance as the team skidded to a standstill and then there in front of them was the diminutive figure of the gangster commonly known as Skinny.
He said nothing, just waved his rifle in Jess direction, before growling, “Throw it down mister.”
Even though the rifle was aimed at Jess’ head his initial reaction was to open fire... then he remembered the plan and leaning forwards reached out for the payroll bag beneath his seat and moved to throw it down as requested. It hit the ground just feet from the outlaw’s horse then the slender man did the unforgivable and shot Jess anyway.
Mose stared in horror as the rifle bullet tore through Jess’s left arm catapulting him down from the box and he hit the dirt with a dull thud and lay there unmoving.
Then all hell was let loose.
Slim leapt from the stage covering the robber with his rifle demanding he throw his gun down. But the other raised his weapon once more about to open fire and Slim had no choice but to down him.
He fell from his horse like a stone and rolled over a couple of times before coming to rest on his stomach.
Slim noted his iron was away out of reach before turning to where Jess had fallen. Mose jumped down from the box to join him, looking in shock at the dark-haired cowboy.
But even before they could help him, Jess was sitting up gun in hand and looking around him albeit in a dazed manner.
“It’s OK, pard I downed him,” Slim said quickly as he viewed the ever-increasing stain of dark blood spreading over Jess’s pale blue shirt sleeve.
“Is it bad,” he asked softly.
Jess shook his head, “Had worse, went straight through.”
Slim took his bandana and tied it tightly around the wound, before turning back to the scene of the attack.
“So, how about our friend there, how’s he?” Jess asked staggering up with Mose’s help.
They all walked over to where the outlaw still lay motionless. Slim knelt down and turned him over...revealing a cloud of long blond hair...and they all looked into his face.
Only it wasn’t a man at all, it was a beautiful woman.
Jess and Slim exchanged a horror-stricken glance before Slim finally managed, “Oh my God I’ve shot Mary.”

They took her still unconscious and bleeding body back to Laramie and the doctor’s place.
Later in his parlour old doc Johnson shook his head sadly, “I’m sorry Sheriff, there is little I can do, just a matter of time I’m afraid.”
Then he cast a glance at where Slim and Jess were seated; Slim looking completely stunned.
“She is conscious,” he added, “and has asked to speak to you Slim...and Jess afterwards. You too Sheriff she wants to make a full confession.”
Slim emerged from the sickroom a while later looking pale and shaky, “She wants to see you now Jess,” he said quietly.
He entered the room and was amazed at how really small and slender Mary looked as she lay beneath the snowy white covers of the doc’s hospital bed, looking pale and fragile.
The doc had taken the time to clean up Jess’s wound and now his arm was in a sling as he took a seat by the bed.
She looked wide eyed at him and took a shuddering breath, “I’m so sorry,” she whispered glancing at the wounded arm.
His eyebrows arched in question, “Why? I did as you asked didn’t I... why shoot me Mary?”
She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, “I was just so blamed mad at you,” she whispered, “rejecting me that way... when you visited that day. I really thought you wanted me...and then you just walked away after I made it obvious that I was yours for the taking. I’m just not used to being turned down that way and I was devastated,” she added looking deeply into his eyes.
She sighed and then continued, “I saw a way to get even today and simply took it.”
Jess’s immediate reaction was to say, ‘Oh well that makes it alright then...guess I had it comin’... Then he bit back his sarcastic comment, after all she was dying.
Instead, he just said, “So that’s it then, you just want my forgiveness?”
The words ‘so you can die without a guilty conscience,’ left unsaid...just hanging between them.
She gave him the ghost of a smile and said quietly, “More than that Jess I want a favor from you.”
His mouth gaped in shock at the mere audacity of the woman...first shooting him and then just hours later asking for favours.
She took his silence to mean he was agreeable and said, “Will you promise me that you will never...ever tell Slim what transpired between us? It would hurt him so much. He’s distraught enough about what happened today... but that...well, it would just be the last straw. Maybe one day he will be able to come to terms with my terrible lies...about who I really was, how wicked I was,” she whispered, her eyes brimming with tears. But he would never get over the fact that I was intending to be unfaithful to him...with you. Please Jess I beg you... don’t tell him anything,” she gasped, her breathing suddenly becoming erratic with the stress of the moment.
“There’s nuthin’ to tell is there,” he said quietly, taking her hand, “because nuthin’ happened, did it?”
“So, you promise,” she begged, “it will be our secret?”
He nodded, “Yes, our secret...”

Now back in the barn all those years later Slim still looked devastated as he remembered those traumatic events of yesteryear.
“I just couldn’t believe it,” he said turning to Jess. I couldn’t believe how she would do that back then and I still don’t understand it to this day. How could she lead that double life? She was a respectable Laramie resident and charity supporter ...and also a notorious outlaw?”
Jess shook his head sadly, “I guess it takes all sorts to ride the owl hoot trail. From what she told Mort it was meeting that guy Arnold ...her husband that set her off on the road to Hell.

Chapter 14

Slim took Mary’s death and the roll he had played in it badly... very badly. In fact, he was inconsolable. Andy, Jonesy and especially Jess tried to tell him it wasn’t his fault. He had no way of knowing...but it all fell on deaf ears.
The town was rife with gossip, that Slim Sherman’s girl had actually been the other half of the Lofty and Skinny duo responsible for so many crimes up and down the country.
Jonesy made sure Slim stayed out of town, making all sorts of excuses as to why he shouldn’t ride in. Even feigning a bad back and saying Slim really needed to help him out with the domestic chores.
Slim in his deep grief didn’t see through all the subterfuge and simply did as Jonesy asked...living as he currently was in a deep pit of depression it was easier just to comply with the old-timer’s wishes.
So, it fell to Jess to ride into town once the provisions were dangerously low.
“Hell Jonesy, of course I’ve gotta go to town,” he said indignantly one morning, “we’re nearly out of coffee!”
For once Jonesy realized the seriousness of the situation, particularly where Jess was concerned and capitulated.
“But you be sure to come straight back,” he said gruffly, “we don’t want any more trouble like we had the other week do we Jess!”
Slim and Jess had got into an altercation with the town council as they were refusing to allow Mary to be buried in consecrated ground. Eventually a compromise was reached with her being laid to rest in a quiet peaceful spot just outside the churchyard wall. The service itself had been a terrible ordeal for Slim. At least the townsfolk had mostly made allowances for his feelings and the service had passed off hassle free.
Jess rode into town for the first time since the funeral and tethering Traveller outside the mercantile he entered and moseyed on over to the counter. As he stood waiting in line, he was suddenly aware that the busy housewives had all paused in their idle gossip to gaze at him with morbid curiosity.
Once his transactions were complete, he ignored the covert glances and muttered snatches of conversation as he left and made his way down to the saloon.
He was greeted by a wary looking Tom, who poured him a beer and asked after Slim.
“Not too good,” Jess admitted, “he’s real upset by all that’s happened.”
After a moment he was aware of a burly man down the bar a ways. He heard him chuckle and then roll his eyes...
Jess was immediately riled...
“Something strike you as funny mister?” he asked glaring at one Jake Dunn a local troublemaker.
“Pay him no heed Jess,” Tom said quickly, “he’s been tipping the jug.”
Now Dunn and a few of his cohorts ambled across to where Jess was standing and he said, “I’m surprised you dare show yer face in here Harper, after what you’ve been up to.”
Jess turned to give him his full attention, “And what would that be huh?”
“Well, its common knowledge ain’t it? You and that snooty blond were in all this together; Sherman too most likely. You sure had the law fooled...but not me buddy,” he said coming close and jabbing a finger into Jess’s chest.
There was a swift intake of breath from the other drinkers and then a scraping of chairs as many got up and out of the way.
“What did you say?” Jess asked frighteningly quietly.
“You heard me! You and Sherman were in league with the woman. Hell, they were goin’ together...he must have known what she was up to! She got shot by mistake. She was supposed to get away. That’s why you and Sherman offered to help the Sheriff, to make sure she did... But... it all went horribly wrong didn’t it Harper? Like I say, Sherman shot his girl by mistake. Wouldn’t surprise me if yer friend the Sheriff wasn’t in on it all too,” he added. “It sure was a shame your buddy Sherman made a mistake though; she was quite a looker, weren’t she?” he said with a cruel smile.
Jess’s jaw tightened, “The only one that’s just made a mistake around here is you mister...you just tangled with the wrong guy.”
He never saw the punch coming...and the haymaker sent Dunn flying across the saloon to land in an untidy heap against the far wall. Then all Dunn’s buddies joined in the affray. By then Jess was mad though...real mad and ready to take on all comers.
Tom ran for the law and by the time Mort arrived five men lay out cold or cringing in fear on the floor. The saloon was wrecked and bystanders stood and watched in admiration as Jess stood there bloody and shaking...but mightily victorious.
Mort took in the situation at once...the broken glasses and chairs and the whole place in disarray.
“How much Tom?” he asked.
The barkeep muttered a figure to replace the broken items.
Then Mort looked at Jess and Dunn and said, “I guess you’d both better pay up huh?”
Jess groaned and threw some coins on the bar and moments later Dunn did the same.
“So, what was all this about?” Mort asked, looking harassed.
“I was just tellin’ yer friend there that we don’t take kindly to outlaws walking free. Ones that rob stages and get away with it that is... I guess it depends on who yer friends are huh Cory,” he added with an evil glance.
Mort was immediately infuriated.
“If you’re saying what I think you are I’d be very careful Dunn, very careful indeed. So you’re saying that Sherman and Harper were in league with the stage robber and I condoned their actions?”
Dunn at once looked wrong footed...and looking down said, “I heard tell as much...some other folks are suggesting that yes.”
“Well, I’ll tell you...and you can pass it on to these...uh ‘other folk’... that these allegations are slanderous. If I hear any more of it I will be putting the offenders in my jail and they can have their day in court and explain themselves, providing their evidence of course. As to Mr Sherman and Mr Harper I will be suggesting they contact the family solicitor to act on their behalf if there are any more malicious rumors of this nature. Do I make myself clear?”
Dunn hung his head and apologized.
“And I need an apology to Mister Harper?” Mort said throwing Dunn a withering look.
“I’m...sorry...alright Harper,” he said aggressively.
Jess just nodded and turned back to the bar to finish his beer.
Once Dunn and his friends had left Mort bought a beer and another one for Jess and after a few moments said, “How is he now?”
Jess wiped a hand across his blood smeared face and said, “Not good Mort...still blaming himself... hell iffen he hadn’t shot her I guess he’d be dead now too. See she shot me because... well never mind why, she just didn’t like me too much,” he said quickly, remembering the promise he’d made to her. “But Slim, well she told me she didn’t even recognize him everything happened so dang fast... so she would have killed him...if he hadn’t got their first.”
Mort nodded, “I’m guessing that doesn’t make him feel any better about things?”
Jess shook his head, “Nope...and a lot of it is he just can’t understand why. This all came out of the blue ya know...OK we knew she was a tad light fingered...but this?”
Mort nodded, “Yes, I knew about her, kleptomania as she described it. Like you guys I never in a million years expected her to be half of that notorious set up though... But once she ‘d finished her confession, well then it all made sense.”
Jess snapped his fingers, “You know you never told us what she said, maybe it would help Slim to know the truth?”


“So that’s pretty much it,” Mort said later that day as he sat around the table at the ranch with Slim and Jess.
“She met this Arnold pretty soon after the family moved from Laramie. He was a good ten years older than her and already a card sharp and petty thief...But she said she was absolutely besotted with the guy. They ran away together and got wed...and their life of crime just sorta grew over the years.”
“So, he never was a Lieutenant in the Army then?” Jess asked.
“Nope that was all make believe. Oh sure, they toured around the country alright, but robbing banks and more recently Stagecoaches.”
“So pretty much everything she told me was a lie,” Slim said despairingly.
Mort nodded, “I’m afraid so yeah...she was a hopeless case. She was so addicted to the buzz of robbing she just had to carry on so she told me, even though she really didn’t need the money.”
Slim shook his head, “That still doesn’t make me feel any better about killing her though Mort.”
“Well maybe this will,” the Sheriff said looking serious. “You know how darned upset I was about her shooting young Wes, the guard, that way?”
Jess and Slim nodded, “She just wounded him though he’s OK now ain’t he?” Jess asked.
Mort shook his head, “No he isn’t Jess. See I interviewed him after the attack and he said he wasn’t going to get any better. He was on borrowed time, so the doc said. However young Wes didn’t want his wife to know how bad he was and so he swore me to secrecy.”
Jess nodded. That made perfect sense as to why Mort had been so keen to apprehend the Stage robber...and also for Jess to take no chances throwing the money down.
“Anyways I have to tell you now, the guy died from his injuries yesterday. So, you see Slim, iffen you hadn’t shot Mary, well now she’d be looking at a murder charge. She’d have been hung...so maybe you did her a favor huh? At least she was saved all the humiliation of a trial and then the terrible ordeal of a public hanging.”
Slim’ s face was a study of shocked disbelief and then he sank his head into his hands and whispered, “Oh God.”


 Now all those years later as they sat in the darkening barn, he threw Jess a tragic glance. “I guess that was the lowest point...and yes it did help eventually... the fact that she’d been spared all that...”
Jess nodded, “And that secret Mort kept, about Wes, I guess that was the turning point for you.”
“I reckon that was the last secret too,” Slim said reflectively.
There sure were a lot about at that time Jess agreed. “There was Andy and his secret crush on his teacher...then old Jonesy and his mystery illness...that he kept secret.”
“Uh yeah not to mention you and your... uh...relationship with the same teacher... and the secret of her past, that’s another couple of dark secrets,” he said smirking.
“Then there was the biggest secret of all…Mary’s other life,” Jess added.
Slim agreed, “I guess that old Judge was right, there were at least six secrets in our lives back then, if you add the one Mort kept about Wes being so sick.”
Then he said, “That puts me in mind of that old rhyme my grandmother used to recite.”
“Go on,” Jess said grinning.
“It’s about Magpies: One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy, five for silver six for gold...seven for a secret never to be told... Ha, except we had six secrets, not seven... and I guess they all came out in the end,” he said with a sad smile.
Jess just nodded, then realized that yes there had been seven secrets. The very last one the one he and Mary shared when he promised he would never, ever tell Slim about what had transpired between them. Well, that was the seventh secret that would never be told he vowed to himself.
Then he glanced through the barn door and smiled.
“Hey guess what Slim, it’s stopped raining and I think I just heard Daisy callin’ us in for supper,” he said with a huge grin on his face.
Slim leapt up and threw the bridle he was mending down, “Well what are we waiting for,” he asked and the two ran off splashing through the puddles and into the warm haven of the ranch kitchen.

The End
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