Stay Safe

March 21, 2020

Dear Readers,

Due to all the crazy things that are going on in the world right now I thought it might be a good idea to send a little ‘Happy Card’ to you all.

Just to say I hope you are keeping well and safe and that you are in good spirits. I guess none of us have ever lived through times like these and it is certainly challenging for us all!

However we are a resourceful people and usually rise to the occasion, so I’m sure all will be well...just a case of sitting tight and riding out the storm!

I do hope that you are surviving well and things are not too difficult. As my dear old Ma always said, ‘All things pass in time!’

Take care and look after your-self, keep calm and carry on reading!

A new story will be out soon. In the mean time stay safe and well,

All good wishes from Jess and I,

Patty xxx

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